Bella #24 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 7 Years Old ID#3403
Meet Bella! She is a beautiful 7 year old breeder Mama who got her ride off the farm. Please read her blog from the bottom up to learn more about her time in foster care.
November 7, 2024
Hi everyone it’s Bella here. I am still a happy go lucky girl who is foster mom’s shadow throughout the day. Although I am such a joyful girl, I am still on my medical journey but thankfully my vet has found my issue. l have two very large (40.50 mm and 39.50 mm) stones in my bladder causing the intense UTI-like symptoms. My surgery was scheduled for 11/6 and I did so well! Fingers crossed my recovery is speedy and comfortable.
Meanwhile before my surgery, my foster family is taking great care of me and I’ve been going to college every day during the week with foster mimi. I definitely need someone who can be with me all day long. Right now I am enjoying the sunny weather and I’m always look for the sunny spots in the house
– what can I say, like the sun, I’m a ray of sunshine once I warm up to you.
I’ll be back soon with another update!
October 14, 2024
It’s Bella with an update. I am still the sweetest girl ever! I wake up so happy for each and every day and just love FM. I am a people person and enjoy my foster fur siblings too and everyone I meet. I walk nicely on a leash although when I’m walking with my foster sibs I like to lead sometimes and pull a little.
Some information FM’s vet shared with her – I had several c-sections so when I was there to be spayed there was a lot of scar tissue he had to get through. My spay went well. I had my sutures removed and started two new medicines on Saturday because my uti is not getting better. They are hoping I don’t have bladder/kidney stones. FM found a small lump along my side and brought it to the vet’s attention. He thinks it’s a lipoma- nothing serious – it’s under the skin and not near my mammary glands.
Meanwhile I am still a happy go lucky girl. On Friday night FM and her family went out to dinner and left down a pee pad while they were gone since I’m having sporadic accidents due to my uti. They were out almost 1.5 hours and I was so glad the pad was there by the door because I had to use it. They praised me so much when they got home and I got treats. Yay me!
FM had her nephew and nieces visit this weekend – ages 3, 5, and 6 and they showed me so much love and I loved them right back. I really liked following them around the house and outside and even had a sleepover with them.
FM is watching me very closely to make sure I get better. I take all my medicine like a champ – it’s mixed with shredded chicken. FM is tricky and puts the white pills on a white plastic plate covered with the white shredded chicken and I eat everything right up.
I’ll be on the new meds for the next 10 days and could really use all the Brookline mojo to help me get better and hope this is just a stubborn UTI and not stones.
Bella is on Clavamox 2 tabs twice a day and DL Methionine 2 tabs twice a day. She is on a tight routine of going out every 30 minutes and still has blood in her urine. We are hoping the meds will kick in but if not an xray of her bladder will be our next step.
October 2, 2024
Bella here! It’s been a bit since my blog has been updated but I have been loving foster life! I have met a lot of new people throughout my daily walks with FM. I am very happy to meet just about everyone! I am a bit wary of men at times especially in my foster home but usually some food will win me over.
I am usually attached to FM’s hip and love to follow her around the house. I have also mastered going up and down my ramp to get into the car. I swear the ramp has gotten steeper somehow..but with some love from FM I can get in and out of the car no problem! I am not a huge fan of having my head out of the window so I usually just curl up with my favorite stuffed animal and take a nap in the car.
I have also been getting a lot of exercise and I think I am a bit slimmer now
(still lots of me to love)
I have been learning how to be a dog and love playing fetch (usually about 3 rounds) with my FM and my favorite toy which ironically looks like a mini me! I am still a bit picky about my dry food but with my new slow feeder I have been finishing all my meals now!
I got spayed yesterday and the vet said I did great! I am a fan favorite at my vet’s office and am receiving lots of love during my recovery.
FM will be picking me up later from the vet and I will be able to relax and recover with my fur foster siblings Hollie and Jack.
My recovery should be about 2 weeks so I will be back soon with more updates!
September 6, 2024
Bella here! I have been such a good girl over the past few weeks. FM goes to college and lives in a nice townhouse and I am getting lots of walks around campus and in the neighborhood when I visit. Everyone who meets me says I am so beautiful and sweet.I am now a pro using the ramp in and out of the car and don’t need treats to coax me – although I sometimes need a gentle push for the final step into the car 😊 I don’t pull much and when FM drops my leash I usually hang by her side. I think I would be very good off leash – I just look up at FM for reassurance and I’m ready to go. I went home to see my foster siblings and we were so happy to see one another. We ran around the back yard, played, did our business and were ready for a nap.
I went to the vet yesterday and everyone loved me. They asked what rescue I was from and thought BLRR was great for getting me off the farm and helping me find a forever home. The vet found an ear infection and start of one in the other ear. . The vet found some tartar on my canines and perhaps the start of gingivitis – nothing serious. The vet said hopefully when I come back to be spayed, they can get a more in-depth idea of my teeth situation and scrape them at the same time so I don’t have to go under anesthesia twice. My spay appointment is going to be set for September 30th so wish me luck! I’ll have to spend the night after my surgery to make sure everything is okay. Until my spay I will enjoy relaxing with FM and meeting new people!
August 21, 2024
Bella here. It’s been an exciting few days since leaving the farm. My Foster Mom and family are very nice and I am happy to be with Hollie and Jack, my resident sister and brother, who are teaching me the ropes. Although they don’t look like me, I reallllly like them and everyone says we are all so pretty and good. I go up and down steps (indoor and outdoor) with no problem and have been doing my business outside too – no accidents. Today FM went to work and I got to go to work with my foster “mimi”. I needed a few treats to encourage me up the ramp to get into the car and handled exiting like a pro – walked down with no problem.
I was so happy to see so many new people who stopped what they were doing just to say hi and pet me. I am being very polite and not jumping on anyone and sit while I get lots of pets and ear rubs – ear rubs are my favorite. I settle down nicely wherever I’m at and in the office, no one knows I’m here.
Work is at a college and I have my cooling mat, toys, bones, water and treats – it’s like home but with lots more people. Usually, my tail wagging against the desk or trash can gives me away. I even woke up once from a nap at “work” and headed towards the outside door to signal I had to go potty. I got a tasty treat when I came back into the office for being such a good girl.
I am walking well on a leash but can sometimes pull and am easily corrected. Sometimes when my FM and family are in the kitchen and I smell something really good, I like to see what it is so I jump/counter-surf to take closer look. My family gently corrects me and I hop down. That’s really the only jumping I do – ever. FM coaxed me (with treats) to jump up on the loveseat to sit with the humans like my resident siblings.
August 17, 2024
Bella is the sweetest girl. All she wants to do is be loved and sleep! She has settled quickly thanks to our resident dog Hollie and they are quick friends. Bella absolutely adores Hollie and gets the happiest wiggle butt anytime she sees her.
Lila (Bella) is great in the car but has a hard time getting in and out. I think just due to her weight it is a bit hard for her to jump in and out. We got a ramp that attaches to the car and she has been able to get in and out of the car much easier with the ramp. It takes some patience but with the help of treats she is getting better at it each time! Hollie showed her how easy and safe it is to use the ramp and that definitely helped build her confidence. She’s a fan favorite in our house☺️
August 14, 2024
This sweet girl is a dream! She has quickly warmed up and settled into foster life. She loves exploring the yard along side her foster fur sibling Hollie & they even pee side by side.
She slept through the night without a peep and woke up with a happy wiggle butt.
She’s a bit iffy of dry dog food right now but absolutely loves chicken. She got a much needed bath today and was a champ the whole time!
August 13, 2024

Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190