Daisy #23 Black Labrador Retriever Mix Female 1 Year Old ID#2627
Daisy is black lab mix that arrived into Brookline’s care with her litter mate Duke from Mississippi. Please read her blog from the bottom up.
Daisy is now available: https://www.petfinder.com/dog/daisy-59401146/pa/warrington/brookline-labrador-rescue-pa06/
May 16, 2023
Daisy continues to do well in foster care. She is taking her doxycycline every morning after breakfast like a champ! She will be done with her meds on May 23, and then will have a 30 day wait period until it is time for her first injection in the HW treatment protocol. She does not show any symptoms of HW infection, so Daisy should recuperate well after the full treatment.Though she loves being here and playing with Sammy, we really need to get her moved to a new foster home or a forever home as soon as possible. Strict exercise restrictions are needed after the injection, and with her favorite playmate/wrestle buddy Sammy in the house, our situation will be very difficult and unsafe for her. Sammy and Daisy are always together, so the longer Daisy stays here with him, the harder it will be on both of them.
Daisy is very dog savvy, and has no problem interacting with other dogs, and is great at reading other dogs cues. She would be able to move to a home that has an older, friendly, chill resident dog. She does really well just relaxing in the house with my resident 12 year old lab when Sammy is at his training class. When Sammy is out of the house, and not instigating play, Daisy entertains herself with toys and chews, and relaxes and naps, and does what Max does, which is mostly just sleep, eat, and go out for potty breaks. Daisy would be very calm in the house on free roam during treatment without an active playmate in the house to get her going. A calm, loving dog companion and role model in the house would make Daisy happy while she is recuperating. Daisy is house trained and reliable when left alone for 3 hours with another dog.
Daisy is super sweet and loving, and loves to snuggle in bed and on the couch when invited. She is usually not far from where I’m working and chooses to sleep on the floor next to me or in one of the many dog beds we have throughout the house. Though she does prefer women to men at an initial encounter, she has grown to love my husband, and wakes him up in the morning with lots of kisses. She became fast friends with my youngest daughter when she came home for a week last week.
Once she is done with her HW treatment, her favorite activities are playing chase, and playing fetch both in and out of the water. Last weekend, we found out that she loves to dip her toes in the lake, and retrieve duck decoys! Her favorite chews are deer antlers and beef marrow bones. She also really enjoys squeaky toys but they usually don’t last very long! She’s an expert at destuffing and finding every squeaker in a toy.
I know the right home is out there for my little Miss Daisy! She is a sweet heart and deserves to find a family of her own that will love on her and spoil her while she is going through the rest of her treatments!
May 3, 2023
Hello!! This is Daisy checking in. FM says I’m great at taking my new medicine for those heartworm things. It’s really tasty because FM covers them in this peanut butter wrap. I take it once a day right after breakfast.FM says I can’t run around with Sammy anymore which is a bummer because that is my favorite thing to do. FM says I can only walk around the yard on the long leash with her. I really want to go with Sammy though! It’s totally not fair that he gets to chase the deer and squirrels still.
FM says that I’ll be done with this medicine on May 23rd, and that she hopes she can find me a nice quiet home to go through the “next phase of treatment,” whatever that means! She said it’s not quiet enough here with Sammy always running around and getting all excited about the deer and squirrels, and always trying to get me to play with him. FM says I’m going to need some beauty rest while I’m getting better.
FM says it’s better if I just do a lot of lazing around now. I don’t mind, and Sammy likes to keep me company. He still wants me to play with him inside and FM lets us play steal the toy while we are laying down so we don’t get too excited.
My foster sister Meaghan came home from college yesterday, and she couldn’t believe that I totally remembered her from the last time she was here. She was really nice to me and gave me lots of treats so I think she’s great. I gave her lots of kisses this morning after Sammy was done licking her too. She said she didn’t need to wash her face today because we already licked it clean. I love being helpful like that!
April 17, 2023
Daisy had a vet appointment last Thursday. She was due for a heartworm test as it is recommended that dogs not previously on HW medication prior to rescue be tested 6-7 months after their first negative HW test.Unfortunately, Daisy’s test came back positive so she will be starting on Doxycycline shortly as the first step in her heartworm treatment process.
Daisy is now looking for an adopter or foster to adopt that can provide a quiet and calm environment to recover safely during her HW treatment. The cost of treatment will be covered by Brookline. As Daisy is young and hasn’t been positive for adult worms very long, she is expected to make a full recovery with no long term health issues related to the infection.
Though a companion dog would make the transition to a new home easier, it is no longer a requirement as her confidence has grown around people while in foster care. As far as undergoing HW treatment, being an only dog would make it easier to keep Daisy quiet. Daisy is great at entertaining herself quietly with toys and chews when her people are busy, and her fur friends in her foster home are taking a nap.
As she love to play chase and wrestle with resident foster dog, Sammy, it will be difficult for her to undergo treatments safely in our foster home as Sammy likes to instigate play with his best friend, Daisy.
If there is another dog in her potential adoptive home, it would need to be an older laid back companion who is not really interested in engaging in play as she goes through treatments but will keep her company when her people are out. Daisy is great respecting my 12 yo lab’s space, and leaves him alone to laze about and sleep. She is gentle with him when he is in the mood to play.
Prior to her diagnosis, Daisy was enjoying the warm weather. Sammy was teaching her the joys of the purple puddle, but she wasn’t quiet ready to hop in with him. But enjoyed chasing the water when I sprayed it in the grass.
Daisy has also been getting really comfortable with my husband, and makes sure she gets a belly rub from him every morning. She was really happy to see him when he came back from a business trip, and me an opportunity to capture her cute little wiggle butt!
All 3 dogs enjoyed exploring a tree that fell down with the high winds that swept through recently, and Daisy helped FD by breaking all the little branches off the trunk so he could chainsaw it up.
Daisy is a sweet, petite (48lbs) lab mix who is full of love for her people once she gets to know you! She is potty trained and sleeps on a dog bed in our room at night. She loves to snuggle on the couch, and watch the world go by the window.
She would be a wonderful addition to the family!
March 28, 2023
Hello! This is Daisy checking in for FM. It’s pretty routine around this place. FM and FD are pretty boring and really don’t change things up much. I really like that because I know what’s happening day to day.First thing in the morning, this crazy noise wakes us all up. I jump out of my dog bed next to FM and leap right into bed to dish out my morning kisses. First I make sure FD heard that alarm because he likes to sleep in. I usually lay across his neck and start licking and rolling around on my back so he gives me my belly rubs. Once I know he’s awake, it’s FM’s turn. Me and Sammy take turns giving her lots of kisses.
We go right outside and me and Sammy check for deer. Once it’s all clear we go in for breakfast. FM says it’s quite a difference from when I first came. At first, I used to be scared when I was eating and anytime I heard a noise, I would stop and dash all around to make sure nothing was going to get me. Now, I eat up all my food without stopping, even when FM and FD are banging all around the kitchen.
After breakfast, we all get some playtime out in the yard. Sammy and I like to play chase. Sammy likes to chase me around mostly but sometimes he lets me chase him. When we are all tired out, FM heads out for a couple of hours. When FM gets back, I am so excited and wiggle all around her. I always make sure I’m real good when foster mom goes out.
When FM is ready, we go for our walk. I’m getting used to all the cars now and FM gives me a yummy treat when we go past them so I don’t really mind when I see them coming. After the walk, some days FM has errands and goes back out, other days she stays home. We like to help FM when she folds her laundry.Sammy and I mostly just hang out together. Sammy really likes to play so we really stay busy with each other. Usually, where Sammy goes, I go, but sometimes he follows me around especially when I’m chewing on a bone. After playing or chewing on bones or antlers, we usually take a nice nap close to where FM is working.
Now that it’s getting warm, we like to hang outside in the afternoon in the sunshine, and chew on some good sticks!
After dinner, we all like to hang out in the family room together. FM lets me and Sammy snuggle up on the couch. She’s a great snuggler!
March 14, 2023
Daisy has been with us for a month now and I can say she has settled in very nicely. Sammy and Daisy have become best buddies. Usually, you can’t find one without the other. I can always find them playing together or just hanging out with me in the office or in any cozy spot.
Daisy has quickly picked up on the household routine with our comings and goings. She is reliable in the house with the other dogs when I leave for a couple of hours in the morning and when I go out on the occasional errands in the afternoon. She is always super excited to see me when I get home, and is best butt wiggler around.
This past weekend, we took Daisy to meet another Brookline foster family and their dog, Cooper. She did great meeting Cooper and his human family, and had a fun time playing in their backyard with him.
Daisy had fun in the snow again today licking the snowflakes off the grass and playing chase with Sammy.
FM, on the other hand, can’t wait for spring and would rather be wrapped up in a blanket in front of the fire right now!
March 1, 2023
Daisy reporting in again! We’ve been busy here playing, going for walks, going to Sammy’s socialization class in the car, and just chilling. Oh and guess what, the other day these white things came falling from the sky! They were cold and wet but it was real fun to run around in the stuff on the ground. I licked it all up after Sammy and I were running around. It reminded me of ice cubes, which I find delicious!
Foster Mom says I’m getting real good at my walk now. Those car and truck things still make me nervous but Sammy and Max say just keep walking and they won’t bother you. I still prefer to watch them go by off to the side but I’m getting braver. I see how brave Sammy and Max are and I want to be just like them. I really don’t like the car but FM has been sitting in the back with me when we drive an hour to class, and I’m getting more used to it. I feel safer when someone sits with me like FM or Sammy.
Speaking of being just like my furry foster brothers, my favorite person to hang out with is Sammy. He loves to play early in the morning outside and inside just like me! Outside, we love to play chase and tug, and sniff all the smells of the critters that were trespassing at night. Inside, we like to wrestle mostly on my fluffy bed, and play keep away.
I also met my new foster sister who had been away at college when I first got here, I wasn’t too sure if I liked her at first but after she gave me lots of treats, and played with me outside, I decided she was okay!
FM says sometimes I am too much of a copy cat, but if Sammy likes to do it so do I. Most of the time, I prefer my big fluffy round bed but Sammy says I should try new things.
Every weekend, Sammy and I like to go to this class called socialization. I wasn’t so sure at first but after a few minutes, I thought it was great. There were so many new dogs to meet! I just love meeting new dog friends. New people usually make me nervous, but in this class no one even tries to catch me so I think they are all just fine.
FM says that she thinks I’m going to find my forever home soon! I hope they have a fun guy around like Sammy and a new mom and dad that will let me snuggle with them when it’s chilly on the couch. Stay tuned for more updates!
February 17, 2023
Hello! This is Daisy checking in to let you know what I’ve been doing in my new foster home.First off, yesterday was my birthday so now I am one year old!! I got some special treats to celebrate, some yummy cookies and a big fluffy bed that I love!
When I first arrived, I wasn’t so sure of this place. My awesome first foster mom who I loved, dropped me off and introduced me to my new foster mom. New things are scary for me because I lived in a barn since I was born with my brothers and sisters, and my Mom and there were two nice ladies who gave us kibble and let us out to run around on the farm, no fences and no one to see except my family. I didn’t move into a real house until I was 8 months old. My other FM told my new FM that I was scared of everything. Can you believe I didn’t even want to come out of my crate…. Once I met my new foster brothers here, I knew my new FM was pretty cool. She always has treats in her pocket and calls me a Good Girl all the time in this silly voice. It’s so silly that it almost makes me forget I’m scared of something. She’s been teaching me some new things like “sit”. She says that I am smart and learned that real quick.
The second day I was here, FM said I was going to learn how to go on a walk. My foster brothers seemed pretty excited by that so I figured I’d tag along. I’m already a good walker so I thought this would be a piece of cake! Boy was that first day pretty scary. These big noisy things were going by, and I just wanted to get back to the house. FM said we were going to keep going and my foster brothers didn’t seem to care about those things so I just stuck close to them and kept on checking how far we were getting from the house. When we started to head back home, I just wanted go as fast as we could until we got back. I couldn’t believe it when FM said we were going to do it again the next day and then the next day. I thought once was enough. FM says that I am doing awesome now. I still don’t really like those crazy metal boxes that keep going down the road but I follow my foster brother, Sammy’s lead and move onto the grass and watch them suspiciously as they go by. FM says that one day with lots of practice, I will just keep plodding along like my old senior foster brother, Max. He doesn’t care about anything, except when I jump on his back….
I get along really good with my foster brother, Sammy. He’s two and really loves to play! We play chase, keep away, tug, and wrestle. He told me he was fast but I think I am even faster. Sometimes he can’t keep up with me, and just try to trip me up. He’s such a cheater. I like chasing the toys that FM throws for me. Sammy and I both try to get it, and then chase each other trying to steal it back.
Sammy and I play inside too, and FM says that she likes how we don’t get all crazy inside and stick to wrestling and keep away on the dog bed.
FM lets us go out for our playtime together at least 3 times a day, and let me tell you, I’m ready for a nap when I come back in! In the morning, after we play FM and FD go out for a few hours, and I stay with Sammy and Max while they are gone. I’m so tired from playing that we all just sleep. After she gets back we do that walk thing, I was telling you about. After that, we usually go in her office for a while. She says she’s working and can’t play so I usually chew on a bone or nap. I usually just hang around in her office until its time to go out again in the middle of the day. After we eat our Linner as FM calls it, we go on another walk. Nap time again! Then all the cooking starts, and me, Sammy and Max keep a close eye on FM. They told me that you never know when you might get something yummy. I just sit in my bed and wait.
After my FM and FD eat, we all hang out and watch this bright screen. It’s so boring that i just lay next to FM on the floor and take a nap. Finally, after one last romp outside with Sammy, we get to go to bed. I like to sleep on my big round bed next to FM side. I don’t usually get up until I hear that noise that FD hates in the morning. FM always laughs because I am so wiggly (she call me wiggle butt) because I’m so happy to start my fun day again!
FM keeps telling me that I am such a good girl, and that I’m going to find my perfect forever home soon!
February 12, 2023
Yesterday, Daisy transitioned into our foster home from her first Brookline foster home. Her foster mom was really sad to say good bye but she is embarking on a new semester of her doctoral studies. We were all happy to welcome Daisy while she is patiently waiting on her forever home.
Daisy is cautious of new people but opens up quickly when there is another friendly confident dog around. Daisy first said hello to our 12 year old resident lab, Max. Once she saw that Max liked me, she came over for some treats and explored the yard with him, and we played some ball and with the frisbee. She has the cutest little prance!
After she was comfortable with Max, my son William came outside and started playing with Max. Daisy didn’t hesitate to run right over to see what was going on, and then happily played ball with him.
My husband was next. She was a bit more hesitant with him but once he started handing out treats to Max, she found the courage to sit next to him on the grass and take some treats.Lastly we had foster Sammy come out and say hello. They hit it off immediately and had a great game of chase, and she happily followed him around the yard exploring all the new smells. They were great at wearing each other out!
We spent about two hours outside in the yard getting to know one another. When we were ready to head inside, Daisy wasn’t so sure. She watched Sammy and Max come in and out of the house a few times before she got the courage to come in. We let her take her time, and come in on her own terms. She mostly hung out with the boys, and after all the play time, she was comfortable enough to take a quick nap.
Once inside, we let her do her own thing, and she explored all the different areas while we went about our business. She followed me and Sammy upstairs when I headed up to fold some laundry, and navigated the stairs like a pro. Daisy decided that her favorite hang out spot was the little round bed. She can check out all the goings on from that spot.
Daisy did great sleeping on a dog bed in our bedroom last night, and slept soundly from 10pm to 7am. The dog crew went outside did their business and Daisy ate her breakfast without issue.
Later in the morning, we all took a walk in the neighborhood. Daisy was cautious and stuck right next to Sammy but did the whole 2 mile walk. When we got home, Sammy and Daisy had some chase time in the yard, and then everyone was ready for a nap.
Inside, Daisy keeps me in view and settles in what ever room I am hanging out in. As I write, Daisy is chilling a few steps away.
She has been great at entertaining herself with toys and bones, and hasn’t had any accidents nor taken any none dog items. Daisy is such a good girl!
February 7, 2023
Daisy is a sweet 10 month old black lab mix who has been waiting to find her forever home for almost a month. Her littermate was already adopted through Brookline, and now it’s time for Daisy to find a home of her own. Daisy was extremely shy when she arrived in foster care and her foster has worked really hard with building her confidence. She does still need to build more confidence with new sights and sounds in her new home but she is very treat motivated and quick to learn with patient encouragement.
Daisy is looking for an adoptive home preferably with a confident resident dog and a fenced yard. Daisy would also do well in a home with people who are home most of the time if there is no companion dog in the house, and can work on her walking leash skills and socialize her with other dogs and people to increase her confidence.
Daisy is:
- sweet and cuddly with her family
- food motivated
- housetrained/crate trained – she has run of house when someone is home, but prefers to stay in her room that houses her crate
- used to staying home alone in her crate room for 7 hours during the work week
- very good with 12+ children that live in her foster home.
- active, and playful and loves to be outside playing chase with another dog, and balls.
- easy to settle after playtime
January 8, 2023
Daisy has worked hard over the past month and made great strides! She has started to feel comfortable roaming the house (with supervision, as she is still a puppy and has some puppy tendencies). She overcame her fear of the ice maker and now comes running when she hears it to get an ice cube, just like her big foster brother. Today she finally made it outside of the yard on a leash!This was a HUGE accomplishment since when she came to us, she would freeze and lay on the ground whenever someone put a leash on her. She is incredibly sweet, and we see more and more of that daily! She loves spray cheese and peanut butter, but Himalayan yak sticks are her favorite.
November 27, 2022
Daisy continues to settle into life in our home. She adores our resident dog, and they play so well together. She takes a while to warm up to people, but she is incredibly sweet when she does. She adores children and other dogs.
We continue to encourage her with lots of treats and soothing tones to let her know that she’s safe. She will come up on the couch with me if I ask her to, and she is happy to just relax alongside me while I read.
November 13, 2022
Daisy has had a great week with us so far! She is still really shy and prefers to spend a lot of time in the safety of her crate, but she has started to greet us when we come in the room by coming out and wagging her tail! She is very food motivated, and loves treats of all kinds. Yesterday she got a much needed bath, and although she wasn’t a fan of the water, she did like all of the scrubbing. She continues to do really well potty training and has only had two accidents in the house since she has been here. On Wednesday she went to the vet, which was very scary for her, but she was a trooper! The vet said she looks great, and is incredibly sweet (which we already knew!). She got a clean bill of health and came home to lots of treats and rest from all of the commotion. When she eats, she gobbles her food like she may not get any again for a while, so we have been hand feeding her to get her to slow down, as well as to get her used to us. She’s still warming up to playing ball and we can see how excited she is to chase it, but always gets spooked and decides against it. We’ll consider it a big win when she finally chases after one!
November 8, 2022
It was a big day for Daisy! Up until now she hasn’t wanted to come out of her crate very much. We leave the door open and the crate is in a separate (quiet) room with lots of windows and we try to go about our day normally so she’ll get used to the noises and the routine. Today I walked into the room with a chicken sandwich and that was all she needed to smell! She came right out of her crate, no cowering, no tail between her legs, just a confident pup looking for some of that sandwich! I gave her some treats and tons of praise as she explored the room. She sniffed around, and taste-tested a few things, but with a quiet vocal correction she would move along to the next thing.
She also may have overcome her fear of doors. Up until today we have had to carry her through doors since they just seem to freak her out, but today she very slowly walked inside on her own! Another win! Finally, she has started to show some interest in playing ball. She’s still not quite sure what to do, but when we play with our resident dog, she’s interested and trots a bit behind him to try to engage. In no time she’ll be ready to run without fear. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings!
November 7, 2022
Daisy is such a sweet girl and is slowly coming out of her shell. She still prefers to spend a lot of time in her crate, but has been enjoying a lot of time outside with our resident dog. He’s giving her time to explore and to sniff, but also brining her toys and letting her get to know him. She is very food motivated, so we’re using lots of treats to coax her out and it seems to be working. She wagged her tail for the first time today, and we considered that a huge win! I know with tons of patience, love, and treats we’ll get her feeling comfortable in no time.
November 6, 2022
Daisy has been with us for 24 hours and has met all of the family members. Even though she’s still very scared, she’s starting to warm up to us, mostly to our resident dog, StanLee. She is most at ease with him, and he’s been a great big foster brother helping her feel at home.She takes comfort in her crate and has been spending a lot of time sleeping since she didn’t get much rest on the transport up here from Mississippi. She is incredibly sweet and just wants treats and lots of ear rubs.
She got a nice new collar that suits her quite well, and we are hoping that with more quiet time at home, she’ll begin to open up and let us see more of her sweet nature.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638