Abby #12 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 3 Years Old ID#3201
Meet Abby! She is a sweet, 3 year old who was just moved off of a breeding farm. Abby was never bred as she suffered a leg injury at the age of two after being hit by a car. Abby is now in a Brookline foster home learning the joys of living in a home. Please read her blog from the bottom up to learn more about this friendly farm girl.
May 16, 2024
For those of you who have been following Abby’s story, you know that she was hit by a car a year ago, and was never treated. Her back leg had multiple fractures, and unfortunately, healed incorrectly, resulting in a leg that was not usable. Abby, with her indomitable spirit, learned to get around with that leg dragging behind her. However, it did slow her down, and she could not walk for long with that dead weight behind her.
She saw a specialist who determined that there was too much damage done due to multiple fractures and bone fragments and since it was not addressed right away, it resulted in nerve damage, scar tissue and muscles that had contracted. Also, due to the length of time, the bone had effectively shut down its healing potential at the fracture site. He recommended amputation.The good news is that her other leg, knee and hip are in excellent condition (“orthopedically perfect” according to the doctor). This is the best case scenario for a dog facing an amputation. Also hindlimb amputees do very well and can live virtually the same lifestyle as any other dog with very few, if any, activities they cannot do!
So after much discussion, the decision was made to amputate her leg. Since she is already so nimble on three legs, she should bounce back quickly.
This beautiful and happy girl has had a harder road than many, but you wouldn’t know it to see her happy face and witness her bubbly personality. She is an active and energetic girl, who is looking forward to her new life where she can run and play freely! Brookline is committed to giving her the best life possible!
April 20, 2024
Pretty Abby is seeking a new foster that can help her with visits to a specialist vet. She will be at the event on April 27, 2024 in Conshohocken at Ruh Roh’s pet shop from 11:00 AM -2:00 PM!
She’d love to meet you! Come out for a visit!
March 26, 2024
Silly and beautiful Abby is almost ready to find her forevers! She’s a sweet girl, a little headstrong, but very lovable.
She still has a vet consult ahead of her on April 1, but if you are wanting a bundle of honey, get ready! She’s a perfect dog!
March 18, 2024
Abby had a festive St. Patrick’s Day and enjoyed a snack of roasted potato in celebration. She continues well and happy, will have a quick suture check for her spay on Thursday and an appointment with a specialist on the first of April.
She is enjoying this break of nice weather and being super active in the yard with her foster sibs.As she has been getting more and more at home here she is starting to show some obstinate traits, but still remains sweet and loving.
I have to say at this point she might do better as an only pup in a forever home as she seems to be a little selective with other dogs. She gets along well with most of them, but definitely not all. It may just be that she is finding her place in the pack.
March 10, 2024
Abby underwent her spay yesterday and is doing well. She is tired but comfortable and has had a small meal. As usual, she wants to be the best friend of every dog in the waiting room and all the vet staff. She is a complete 💕
March 3, 2024
Pretty Abby is scheduled for her spay surgery on Thursday! It’s going to be hard to keep her quiet after as she is an active girl even with her bad leg. I have one of those snuggle suits to help protect her sutures and she will be a house dog with no outdoor access except on leash for a week or so.She is still getting along very well with the resident pack and shows love to any person she meets. Hoping to find a very special forever home for this lovely girl.
February 28, 2024
This girl is full of sunshine! Her bad leg doesn’t keep her back. The couple of days we had of warm weather, I had her out in the yard, running around with her foster family. And now that we are under some weather she is chilling inside. A really good girl with great manners but wants a LOT of attention. If you want a happy cuddle bug, she will be adoptable soon. Brookline has her set up for a specialist appointment to see what options are available to help her leg. Hope to be back soon with a positive report.
February 23, 2024
Pretty Abby continues to thrive! A real stand out with this girl is she is a total love bug. If you are ready to apply a steady supply of pets, hugs, and love she is the pup for you. She likes all people and children, so I can imagine her in a family setting giving and getting lots of loving.
Currently waiting for her neutering and for a consultation with a specialist about her old injury and she will be ready to come home with her forever family.
February 18, 2024
Beautiful Abby has had her vet appointment and is in good health, other than her frozen leg. The leg doesn’t seem to bother her at all, though she should find her permanent home in a place with few stairs. She is fostering in a ranch style house and can handle the five steps to the door and jumps on the sofa with ease, but a full flight of stairs would be hard. She is scheduled for her spay on March 7th and will be seeing a specialist soon to evaluate her leg issues.
Happy all day long, loves to play and cuddle, loves people and other dogs. Not sure about cats.
February 10, 2024
Abby is doing beautifully. She started out watching the other pups playing, but now is right in there with them, and not letting her leg slow her down a bit.
She is good at house manners, though hard to convince that she doesn’t belong on the sofa right next to me. She sleeps through the night, but wants to get up early. Eats well.One thing I’ve noticed is that she doesn’t enjoy walks. I think the straight away forward march is more tiring for her leg than stop and go playing.
She’s friendly with children, and all adults we’ve met, though a bit shy at first.
She would be happy to have a playmate, but being SO Velcro, I think would be just as happy being some lucky persons one and only.
February 3, 2024
Such progress this girl is making!
She now uses the dog door and does her business outside reliably. She gets along fine with the other dogs, and would probably like having a dog companion, but I also think she would love to be someone’s only pup so she can get all the attention. And does she love attention!
Not very food focused, but eats her meals happily. Walks ok on leash, but has a way to go with that as she tends to switch sides a lot. Doesn’t pull though, so that’s a plus.
Her leg does not prevent her from coming up a small flight of stairs or jumping up next to me on the couch. A home with more than one story might be a problem, but time will tell how much her leg can improve.
January 31, 2024
Everyday is a great day for pretty Abby! Since we last checked in, she has started to indicate when she needs to go out, though the dog door still baffles her.
And now she can go about the house as she has excellent manners. She is extremely Velcro so will be looking for a forever home with lots of love and cuddles. Seems like she would be good with children and will be tested on that this weekend.She is enjoying a wonderful box of toys and treats from Taylor and Theresa Flanagan, so many thanks to them!
I have noticed that she flexes her toes on her bad leg which would suggest that it isn’t paralyzed and we are hoping with some attention she will get back some use of it. But it doesn’t slow her down!
January 29, 2024
Abby (or Honeybee for her beautiful color) is really the sweetest girl. Early days have shown her to be very Velcro and she is constantly nudging for attention. She sleeps well at night, and is a little picky with food, but eats most of the time.She gets along well with all the pups, but seems happier with the younger, more playful ones. I think she would do well with a dog companion. Her best match in a dog companion would be easy going but playful.
Abby doesn’t seem interested in toys, and so far hasn’t figured out the dog door, but the weather is lousy, so we’ll work on that. She is okay on a leash, but crosses over a lot, so we will also be working on heel.
January 26, 2024
Abby is enjoying outdoor activities on this unusual day. I’m sitting on the porch with the whole pack. They’ve been playing catch around the yard and are now just relaxing.
It’s a happy situation for her.
January 25, 2024
Abby is doing very well with her foster family.Today, she did eat her kibble with a little chicken stew added. It’s wet around here, so not getting much outside time, but she is a calm pup and seems okay just playing with toys.
She is showing no inclination to counter surf, is very loving and Velcro.
January 24, 2024
Abby is a delight. She came in right away and settled in the house.The other dogs were fussing, but calmed down and she has met a few of them already. They are all playing nicely.
Her leg doesn’t seem to bother her, she supports herself with it, but doesn’t bend it, just sort of pegs along.
She had a quiet night and seems to fit right in.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190