Alexis Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 5 Years Old ID # 3394
November 21, 2023
Hi, I’m Alexis. I’m 5 years old and a little less than 60 pounds. I’m a petite yellow labby girl. I was a breeder momma on a farm. I’m currently living with 3 other labs in my foster home. I get along well with them, but I LOVE my people. You know winter is coming and everyone knows labs make the best feet/lap warmers. Just saying!
I am crate trained, house trained, spayed and UTD on my vaccinations. Whew, I’ve had a busy few weeks in foster care! When I got off the farm, I had terrible ear infections, but the nice vet gave me medicine and my ears feel so much better now.
I’m told I can be picky about my food, but I prefer the term “connoisseur.” I like the food I have now, so I’m working on gaining a little weight because I was too skinny when I got here. Oh, and I love cheese. Do you have cheese? I told my foster parents they should make sure my adoptive family has cheese. I will go right into my crate for a small piece of string cheese. Yum!
I am spry, agile, and light on my feet. When I get petted, I look you in the eyes so you know how much I love it and YOU. I like chewing bones and antlers, but I’m still not sure about the toy basket here so my friend and fellow foster dog, Laura, takes them out and puts them on the floor. I pick them up and settle in to chew them. My foster family introduced me to leash walks and I seem to enjoy them. This whole leash thing is new to me and I sometimes zig and zag. Since I’m so petite, it’s pretty easy to redirect me though.
I’m looking for a family who will love me, give me boundaries, and help me continue learning about life off the farm. If you have a couch, like to cuddle and maybe have some cheese…I might just be the girl for you!
November 15, 2023
Just a quick update on Alexis. She was spayed today and all went well. She is currently back in her foster home and resting comfortably. She’s sporting a very cute surgical suit to see if we can avoid the cone of shame. So far so good, but she’s still pretty dopey from the anesthesia.
The staff at the clinic all said she was the best girl today. This did not surprise me! She even helped demonstrate how to use the cone to other clients picking up their pups post spay.
Here is a photo of our sleeping beauty currently. 😴
November 10, 2023
It’s been just over a week that Alexis has been here in foster care. She is eating much better and barely shaking her head.
Both very positive things! I am certain that those ear meds are doing their job. Now that she can chew, she has discovered two wonderful things: antlers and bones!
While she isn’t brave enough to get them out of the toy basket herself just yet, her friend foster Laura, pulls out a bunch and Alexis happily chooses one and settles down for a nice chew. She even got a super nice foster package full of toys and treats for her. She was unsure of what to do with all the toys. She’ll learn. All of this is still so new to her. It’s crazy it’s only been just over a week. She’s made such great progress in a really short time.
Alexis continues her training to respect the personal space of humans and is doing well at sitting next to rather than on her human friends. If you are looking for a cuddly dog, Alexis surely fits that bill! Winter is coming and everyone knows that labs make the best feet/lap warmers. ☺️

She’s still baffled that other dogs don’t want her to lean against them or paw at them, or climb on or over them. She’s still a little overeager for attention, but hopefully that will fade as she grows more confident. She’s still a sweet, cuddly, dog. Alexis has great agility; I watched her jump over Laura the other day who was cluelessly barreling towards her. Too funny!
Alexis is scheduled to be spayed on Wednesday 11/15/23. She’s not sure what that means, but she’s happy it means no more puppies. Once she’s healed up, she’ll be ready for her furever family!
November 5, 2023
Alexis continues to adjust and acclimate to life inside of a home. She is doing very well with her crate training. She still needs a gentle hand on her collar to guide her in, but she is quiet while in there, even when we have to leave. I was able to watch her on the camera. She would likely be trustworthy out of the crate as she’s shown no interest in getting into anything here, but I like to crate train my fosters. It just makes it easier on everyone.
She’s still not the best eater of dry kibble, but she does like the wet food. I actually think since her ears hurt her; it hurts to crunch on the dry kibble. Each day the ear meds are doing their job and there is less head shaking. We’re getting there! My neighbor and fellow Brookline foster brought down some roasted chicken to entice Alexis to eat. That did the trick! She didn’t eat the whole bowl, but more than she has so far. Slowly, but surely. Big thanks to for the chicken!
Alexis continues to do all of her potty business outside. We have also started going on walks. She definitely needs to learn about this leash thing, but she did pretty well for a fresh off the farm girl.
Alexis’s favorite thing to do is to cuddle with her people. She has taken a fondness to foster dad. If he’s busy, or not around, foster mom will do nicely though. She’s an equal opportunity cuddler. She is doing well with learning the boundaries too. She doesn’t try to sit on my head anymore. She’s content snuggling up right next to me. Good girl Alexis!

Oh, we also had a grooming day here. Alexis got brushed, she definitely needed it! I think she may have lost 10lbs in dog fur today! She also allowed me to Dremel her nails. She handled it all very well.
Alexis has her spay scheduled for 11/15/23 and once that is behind her, she’ll be looking for her furever family.
November 2, 2023
Today is day two for Alexis. She did very well sleeping in the crate last night. She was still not very interested in food this morning, which isn’t unusual for a transitioning farm dog. Shortly after not eating her breakfast, she threw up a bunch of corn husks. I’m certain she ate them while on the farm and that was making her feel nauseous. She did poop today and she’s drinking well and her energy is good, but it’s something to keep an eye on. I did manage to get her to eat most of a meal with some wet dog food mixed in by midafternoon. We’re getting there, slowly but surely.
Alexis loves people. She follows whoever is moving around the house. She also LOVES to cuddle! She is happiest if you are sitting on the couch with her. She really wants to crawl into your lap, but we’re working on teaching her some personal space boundaries. She means well, she just loves to be loved.
Alexis has done all her potty business outside. Good girl Alexis! She’s not signaling yet, but for a dog who has never lived in a house, that’s great progress.
Alexis enjoys watching tv and can often be found staring at the tv when it’s on. I’m sure it’s a very unique experience for a farm dog. She was also curious about the leaf blower today. She wanted to be close to foster dad who was using the leaf blower, but not too close. That weird wind machine is not to be trusted!
Alexis got to meet my neighbor at the fence today. She happily greeted him and took pets and affection. She’s a very sweet girl who is figuring out this whole living in a house thing. Stay tuned as Alexis continues to adjust and adapt to her new life.
November 1, 2023
Alexis has made her way to her foster home. She met resident labs (and Brookline alums!) Pepper and Colin and all was well. She was checking out the first floor of the house and quickly jumped up onto the couch. It seems she prefers the softer things in life after years on a farm.
I can understand that. She is curious about the tv, which is adorable to see. She has done all her potty business outside. Good girl Alexis!
Her vet visit went very well today. She weighed in at 60lbs and she’s a good weight. She’s a more petite lab. She was so good about getting her painfully infected ears cleaned and treated with medicine. The medicine will stay in for 30 days and do its job. Hopefully this poor girl can stop shaking her head soon.
She really likes people and affection. We’re working on teaching her boundaries as she thought crawling up on my shoulder/head when I sat down on the couch seemed like a great way to show her affection. Thanks Alexis, but let’s work on sitting next to rather than on me!
Alexis only took a few bites of her dinner tonight, not surprising. She did go into her crate with some coaxing just to relax for a bit. She was the epitome of downtrodden, but quiet. We’ll keep working on it. Love and leaps from Alexis!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638