A’zaki, Chocolate Labrador Retriever Male, 3 Months Old
September 9, 2018
Meet A’zaki (pronounced Ahhh-zah-key). He is a 3 month old purebred male chocolate lab. He currently weighs 20lbs, but is quickly growing! He just had his second round of shots and a physical with the vet. He’s healthy and happy! A’zaki found his way to rescue when his owner’s father got sick and she realized that she couldn’t care for a puppy and her father. She surrendered the puppy to Brookline and he is currently is foster care living with 3 other labs.
A’zaki will need a home with someone that is available to take the little guy out frequently, as he is still working on his house training. His small bladder can’t hold it very long. He still needs to go out once overnight too. He is also working on his crate training. That is going very well, but he will bark and whine for the first 5 minutes or so.
A’zaki will need lots of patience and training. He is a cute and fearless puppy who really likes to be near his people. He enjoys our resident male lab. They have what I call a “Mufasa/Simba” relationship going on. It’s very cute to see! He can be very mouthy and those razor sharp puppy teeth can hurt, but he is learning to chew more appropriate things.
If you are ready, willing and able to devote the time, energy and patience into a young lab, then A’zaki will surely repay you with lots of love!
September 6, 2018
A’zaki wanted to thank Brookline’s foster care package coordinator, Carolyn, for the pile of toys and treats that came in his super awesome foster care package today. His foster parents and siblings also wanted to thank Carolyn as we’re all hoping the little shark will choose these new things to chew on rather us!
A’zaki also went to the vet today. He checked out perfectly healthy, yay! He got his second round of shots. He also weighed in at 20.1lbs. I swear he’s heavier than he was 2 days ago. They really do grow fast! The vet tech absolutely loved him and wanted to take him home with her. The vet said some family is going to be very lucky to get this little guy.
He really is adorable and fearless! I vacuumed today. Most dogs run from the vacuum. Not A’zaki, he ran towards it! He happily followed me around while I vacuumed. He also went up the stairs this evening. He just followed foster Dad right up them. When it was time to go back down, he was less enthusiastic. Don’t worry, he’ll learn, the always do.
A’zaki is quietly napping, I mean “recharging” right now. I’m going to take the opportunity to get some things done around here.
September 5, 2018
A’zaki has been in foster care just over 24 hours now. Time flies when you’re chasing a 3 month old pup around!
A’zaki is learning about routine and self soothing here. He really likes to chew, so we are giving him lots of appropriate things to chew like nylabones and antlers. The three other dogs appreciate that, as he will chew on them if not redirected!
He has the lab appetite and is happily gobbling down his puppy food. He’s doing most of his potty business outside. A few mis-starts in the house with his pee, but he’s easy to scoop up and take outside, which helps.
He loves to be near his people and will happily snuggle away with you. Just watch out for those sharp puppy teeth, they come out of nowhere!!! Part shark, part lab perhaps?!
A’zaki got a bath, his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed by his foster mom today. He was a very good sport about all of this. The resident dogs tried to convince him to run when they saw the “spa tools” coming out. Ahhh, the innocence of the puppy. He happily followed me for his grooming session!

A’zaki did not have the best night’s sleep his first night here, and neither did the rest of the house. He was not thrilled about the crate, but each day will get a little better. Slowly, but surely. We’re all hoping for a quiet and restful night tonight.
He walks pretty well on leash. No pulling forward, some minor stoppage, but a few perky calls of his name to have him catch up and he happily trots along again. While out for a walk tonight a man stopped mid conversation and had to come over and pet him. A’zaki happily accepted the affection. A puppy does have a way of pulling you towards them!
A’zaki will be visiting Brookline’s booth at the Malvern Octoberfest on Sunday, Sept. 9 between 12 PM and 2 PM. The address is Burke Park, Malvern, PA
S. Warren Avenue & Roberts Lane Malvern, PA, PA 19355. If you can use some puppy love, please come out to meet A’zaki and to check out some of the fun, handmade merchandise for you and your pets we’ll have available for sale. We hope to see you there!!!
Quick A’zaki update as I’m on puppy duty! His name is pronounced Ahhh-zah-key. He was born on 6/10/18, so he is 12 weeks old per my math. 
A’zaki is doing well. Mouthy, but sweet. We stopped to get puppy food for him and he was at hit at Concord Pet! He loves everyone and the feeling was mutual!
I introduced him to the pack here one by one. He did great.

Pepper happily greeted him and then moved on to more important things like looking for squirrels and bunnies. He seems to like Colin a lot. Colin’s ears are getting some chewing, but he’s being such a good sport about it. Dawn gave him her “don’t give me any puppy nonsense” noise and he just rolled over to apologize. Such a puppy!

He’s already working hard at showing me what things I forgot to put up. My training has begun!

A’zaki says…you want me to pee out here and NOT on those really soft dog bed in the house?! I’m gonna have to think about that one
I had the a/c repair person here and crated him while I was dealing with that. He let his displeasure with that situation be known vocally. We’ll have to work on that one. Slowly, but surely!
A’zaki has been in foster care just over 24 hours now. Time flies when you’re chasing a 3 month old pup around!
A’zaki is learning about routine and self soothing here. He really likes to chew, so we are giving him lots of appropriate things to chew like nylabones and antlers. The three other dogs appreciate that, as he will chew on them if not redirected!
He has the lab appetite and is happily gobbling down his puppy food. He’s doing most of his potty business outside. A few mis-starts in the house with his pee, but he’s easy to scoop up and take outside, which helps.
He loves to be near his people and will happily snuggle away with you. Just watch out for those sharp puppy teeth, they come out of nowhere!!! Part shark, part lab perhaps?!
A’zaki got a bath, his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed by his foster mom today. He was a very good sport about all of this. The resident dogs tried to convince him to run when they saw the “spa tools” coming out. Ahhh, the innocence of the puppy. He happily followed me for his grooming session!
A’zaki did not have the best night’s sleep his first night here, and neither did the rest of the house. He was not thrilled about the crate, but each day will get a little better. Slowly, but surely. We’re all hoping for a quiet and restful night tonight.
He walks pretty well on leash. No pulling forward, some minor stoppage, but a few perky calls of his name to have him catch up and he happily trots along again. While out for a walk tonight a man stopped mid conversation and had to come over and pet him. A’zaki happily accepted the affection. A puppy does have a way of pulling you towards them!
A’zaki will be visiting Brookline’s booth at the Malvern Octoberfest on Sunday, Sept. 9 between 12 PM and 2 PM. The address is Burke Park, Malvern, PA
S. Warren Avenue & Roberts Lane Malvern, PA, PA 19355. If you can use some puppy love, please come out to meet A’zaki and to check out some of the fun, handmade merchandise for you and your pets we’ll have available for sale. We hope to see you there!!!
September 4, 2018
Meet 3 month old A’zaki! He is on his way to our home for foster care now. He’s so sweet! His ears and paws are huge compared to his body, but I’m sure he’ll grow into them.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638