Bear #29 Black Labrador Retriever Mix Male 3 Years Old ID #2908
Bear is a three year old black lab mix that was in the shelter in NJ after his owners no longer wanted him. He has now made his way into Brookline’s care. Please read Bear’s blog from the bottom up.
Bear #29 is available:
December 1, 2021
Well, I’m still here at Canine Kamp waiting for my perfect family!I’m looking for a family that is pretty chill and quiet and are home more than not so we can play in the yard, go for walks and snuggle on the couch together!
I don’t like sharing my snuggles so I’d want to be the only dog but I do like to have some playtime with friends every once in a while if they are not too pushy.
I love getting scratches and pets, and chewing squeaky toys on my dog bed.
Sometimes, people think I’m older than I am! I’m only 3 years old but they say my white chin fools them. I have lots of energy and I love to play, and go for walks. I’ve been told that I’m a super sweet guy!
I’m hoping my special someone comes along soon to take me to my new home!
November 10, 2021
I met a new friend in Kamp today. Her name is Penney, and I thinks she’s really pretty. She’s a lot of fun to play with too!
October 22, 2021
Hello Friends!
I’m checking in to let you know all the fun things I have been doing the last few days. I went for a great walk with my trainer friend and she took me to this pond. I was thirsty so I decided that I’d walk in up to my chest to cool off and get a little lick. I didn’t hang out long in there, but I really enjoyed it!
Since it’s getting close to Halloween, I’ve been trying out some costumes! What do you think, Sailor or Lion?
October 18, 2021
I got to play with another one of my friends today. I really like playing with young dogs. We have so much fun together out in the yard.
Of course, Caesar visited again and I wanted to show him how much I love rolling around in the grass. There’s just something about it that makes me so happy!
October 11, 2021
Hello Everyone!
This is Bear checking in. I’d like to let you all know that Kamp is going great. There’s this little guy here named Caesar. I guess you could call him my best buddy. He’s spunky but that’s what I like about him. Some times we “wrestle” but it sort seems more like dancing to me.
Other times we race and play chase. That little guy tries hard but he just can’t catch me! I’ve got lots of moves to trick him too. I think when I hide in the bush, he forgets we were playing tag…
I’d like to let everyone out there know that I love treats! The other day, I got to go in the storeroom at Kamp. Let me tell you, they are hiding a lot of good things in there.
I sniffed out where they keep all the toys and yummy snacks. Also sometimes, I get to help out at the front desk. I really like it there because I get lots of love and cuddles, and I absolutely love a good cuddle!
They tell me that I’m great in the car and my leash skills are great! I guess that’s a good thing because they take me to new places and I go on lots of walks. I love to explore!
October 6, 2021
Bear is really enjoying this cool Fall weather. He has so much more energy and can’t wait to play with his little buddy, Caesar.
October 1, 2021
Bear is settling in at camp! Everyday Bear is getting more comfortable and loves exploring and going for walks and hanging out in the front office for part of his day.
Bear is very affectionate with people and has a fondness for the little dogs! He prefers time with the littles instead of the bigger dogs. Bear seems to like the water. He hopped right in to the pond on a walk.
September 23, 2021
Bear has been spending some time at camp. Bear was anxious for the first few days, but with walks, cuddles and new friends, has now been enjoying himself. He loves exploring the yard and going for walks.
He gets along with other dogs that are low key or young. He is playful and very sweet. He loves people and is happy just to hang out quietly with them when relaxing inside.
Bear has had no accidents in his run and has not been chewing his bedding. What a good boy!
Bear is very sweet and affectionate with people and some dogs. If dogs bark at him he will bark back. He’s very easy to walk with some other dogs and loves exploring.
He will play fetch but isn’t obsessed. He loves having his back scratched and getting cuddles.I introduced him to a cat today and he was very curious and wagging his tail. He was excited and barked. The cat was very unhappy about it though, so we kept it short.
September 5, 2021
Bear is such a sweet boy.
He has not had any accidents since his arrival and goes to our door to go outside. He is completely house trained. He is a gentle boy who is aware of his size and strength, he doesn’t jump or pull hard when playing with toys. He takes treats gingerly from your hand. He does get anxious when Jeffrey is not around, he likes the strong male presence and listens to every word he says. He does listen to me but not on the first command like he does with Jeffery.
Bear loves his foster sisters but likes to challenge his foster brother and would do best with a house where he is the only male dog.
He is not a huge fan of the vacuum (but who is) and needs to leave the room where it is being used.
September 1, 2021
Bear had an easy-going day. He decided he didn’t want to sleep on his dog bed last night and we found him asleep with us in bed this morning! He was a ninja! It was rainy and he went outside to do his business and came right back in. He loves his foster sisters but seems to compete with his foster brother for toys and attention. He wants to play a lot more than his siblings do. He missed his playtime outside today because of the rain! He was begging to play by the end of the night!
August 31, 2021
Bear seems to be less anxious when Jeffrey is around. He seems to like the strong male presence and obeys his commands. He loves playing outside and can outrun all of his foster siblings.
He does not seem as anxious today and is getting more comfortable. Still unsure about steps but takes them one at a time to get to the yard and back in the house.
He is a cuddle bug. Loves belly runs and back scratches and would sit there alllll day if you let him!
August 30, 2021
Bear had an uneventful first night. He slept in a bed in our room and didn’t have trouble settling. He followed the resident dogs downstairs in the morning to the back door and waiting to go outside. He wants to play with our resident dogs more then they want to play with him but he is able to entertain himself.
He is frightful of the vacuum and dog gate but just removes himself from the area when those items are out. We again tested him with food and he has no issues with food being removed from him.
Here he is hanging out with his foster fur siblings waiting for a treat!
August 29, 2021
Bear got here this afternoon. He is 3-years-old and 60 pounds. He is settling in with his foster brother and sisters. He has been in the shelter since May so he seems a little nervous but is exploring and wants to play with all his fur siblings! He was surrendered by his family due to “accidents” in the home but since being here he has gone to the door to go outside for the bathroom twice.
He was a good boy during dinner time. He waited his turn and allowed us to take the food from him without any issues. We gave him treats and he took them gently!
Can’t wait to get to know this little man a little better!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638