Bella #19 Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 3.5 Years Old

July 19, 2019
Hi Everyone!
Well, Bella’s foot healed up and her spay stitches dissolved so she was cleared for her water therapy sessions to strengthen the muscles in her legs from her old torn ligament injuries. In her time with us and as she has been able to put weight on her cut paw, she has gained muscle mass. We think she probably didn’t get to run too much and really use her legs but now that she gets regular exercise and is able to walk comfortably, she has gained muscle. Water therapy will improve that even more so we are very pleased.

Here are some pictures of this sweet little baby seal (she really is little at only 65 lbs) doing her exercise. She seemed nervous at first but she got the hang of it and walked beautifully! She loves and lives for praise so she is a very cooperative and compliant patient! And as you can see below, following therapy, she is stretched out back at home as comfortable as can be- she certainly has flexibility!

And as you can see below, following therapy, she is stretched out back at home as comfortable as can be- she certainly has flexibility!Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Bella will do water therapy for 3 weeks and will have her final evaluation with Doc on August 5th!
July 9, 2019
It’s been a slow couple of weeks for sweet Bella. After her spay and paw repair surgeries, she was supposed to stay calm and quiet so we didn’t have much to report. Short walks outside and lounging on the flowers were allowed. chocolate Labrador Retriever
Though she nearly exploded because she wasn’t allowed to wiggle and romp freely, we made it over the hump. Tomorrow we are going to pop in to see Doc to see if Bella can be cleared for water therapy. We have to be extra careful that she is all healed so that water doesn’t aggravate any healing wounds. Assuming she is ok to go, she should be available for adoption once she completes her therapy sessions in the next couple of weeks.
Attached are some photos of Bella in the garden and hanging with her buddies, Ruby and Bruiser.chocolate Labrador Retriever in the grass She loves loves loves the car and even though we weren’t going anywhere, she had to hop in and hang out while I emptied our bags. Please excuse the messy floor- we had just come home with more plants from the garden center- Bella loves helping every way she can. chocolate Labrador Retriever in the car
June 10, 2019
Hi Everyone!
Well Bella sure has had a busy couple of weeks! Sports wrapped up and as we were washing and packing away sports equipment, Bella wasn’t sure she was ready to see the season end! She likes to make sure she’s in the center of all the action whether it’s doing laundry, packing/unpacking, whatever it is, she’s a part of it. Chocolate Labrador Retriever in duffel bag
Bella enjoyed her first frosty paw! Sarah helped to make sure she got the hang of it but as Bella is a smart little lady, she caught on right away and lapped up every bit!girl and Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Bella has enjoyed rides in the quad and milking all the attention given to her and foot. She is healing  and she is making progress one day at a time. three people and Chocolate Labrador Retriever in ATV
Bella’s big heart has come in quite handy as of late though as we had to say so long for now to our 15 year old labbie, Cleo, who lost her battle with cancer. Bella has been making sure that if we seem too sad for too long, she readies herself for us with a nudge or kiss or some silly antics and soon we are laughing again. She has no shortage of love and hugs for our broken hearts and for that we are so grateful.two kids and Chocolate Labrador Retriever
More updates soon!
May 20, 2019
Hi everyone-

We’ve been busy these last couple of weeks and Bella has been nothing short of fantastic about dealing with all the chaos! Family visits, spring plantings and endless sports have not lessened her enthusiasm about being in the mix of it all. This sweet girl continues to learn about love and life in a family.

Her hurt paw is healing though the cut is deep and will take time. She loves taking her bandage off, I’m convinced, so that she can play “spa” and get belly rubs while we re-dress her foot. She is an excellent patient while in the spa but has become not so compliant with keeping her boot on. I like to remind my 2 legged kids that this is how they were when they were 3! Gentle reminders and Kongs to distract her, help her to forget her bright green boot!
After Bella’s foot heals, she will require water therapy to heal her torn ligaments and help to stabilize an old fracture from having been run over by a scooter. As it is essential that her foot heals first to avoid infection and so that she can use it properly by putting weight on it, her availability for adoption is not known at this time.
Bella continues to learn about family life with the help of our 2 resident labs and beagle and has become an expert at telling time alerting us to breakfast and dinner times. A typical labbie with an eager to please attitude and healthy appetite, she is learning all about balls and toys and manners. She is a joy and will certainly continue to blossom as she heals!

April 30, 2019

Hi everyone-

Just wanted to introduce/update you on how Bella is doing since busting out of the farm and bouncing into a home with a busy family just over a week ago! This 3.5 year old little chocolate love of a lab is the sweetest pup ever! For a girl who may have spent quite a lot of time outside, she’s had no problem learning the ropes of indoor life. She’s managed to navigate sofas and beds with ease.

She loves nothing more than snuggling up as close as she can to anyone willing to rub her belly. She loves her people and follows us everywhere, her favorite spot being anywhere the kids are. She is an excellent helper with homework, a perfect cuddler to chase away any tears and of course in rare down time, she loves snuggling up and watching movies.

Oh and any time she can ride along in the car, she happily does. Morning trips to school for drop off are her favorite!
This little lady is due to start water therapy to help with her knees and joints but first we have to heal a deep cut on her paw pad. She is an excellent patient and trusts us to care for her foot despite it being sore. She happily lays on her back while we bandage her up!

Bella lives with 2 labs and a beagle and gets along with them all. She was an instant addition to the pack and happily follows their direction though she seems to have taken the liberty of helping herself to the sofa and bed despite the resident pups telling her that these spots are off limits. Though she could snuggle up on a comfy, cushy puppy bed, she finds a way to make herself into the smallest little ball and seemingly “hides” in the blankets or cushions to avoid being asked to move. We’re giving her some leeway since she is so stinking convincing!

Here are some of Bella’s favorite activities!

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638