Betz Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 7 Years Old ID #3067

October 30, 2022

Betz is ready to find her forever home. Betz’s stitches will be out on Friday and is available for adoption. Her tumor biopsy came back and it was negative, in fact it was just a cyst, nothing to worry about yay! The veterinarian did say she was such a sweet chill girl and they enjoyed having her in the clinic.

Betz has come such a long way since she first arrived. She no longer grabs at treats, she waits patiently until I say okay, she knows basic commands. She still gets a little nervous in new situations and needs a family that can help her become more confident.chocolate labrador retrieverShe would enjoy living with a family that is around most of the time that would give her gentle face scratches and belly rubs. She would do better in a home that has carpets or throw rugs and minimal stairs. Betz can go up stairs but she does not like to go down unless it is a few. In fact, she will not attempt to go down a steep flight. Ideally single floor living would be best or master bedroom on the main floor. Betz enjoys life as a couch potato, she is incredibly chill. She gets along with dogs and all people. Since she is big, there is a knock down factor with kids under 5 unless they are used to being around big dogs. Because of her height she has potential to be a counter surfer, she has not done that but we don’t leave food out. We were trained by our last lab. Betz walks beautifully on leash although we have not had a lot of practice together. Betz would enjoy the company of another dog, she does take cues from my resident lab, but that is not a deal breaker. She can gain confidence with a family willing to work with her. A fenced in yard would be nice but again not necessary. She likes to hang outside if you are out there but she really just wants to be with her people, which include joining you in the bathroom. She does drool a little at dinner time and when there are treats available, she also gets doggie eye snots so a family would have to be okay with that, nobody’s  perfect. We all have are own flaws. Her’s are minimal.chocolate labrador retrieverShe is loyal and extremely loving, She is now doing the lab lean against me, and she does this cute little wiggle dance when we go back inside from the yard. She makes me smile. She loves to rest her head on you leg or arm. The more you love her the more she will love you back.

October 21, 2022chocolate labrador retriever

Betz had her spay today so she is pretty beat. chocolate labrador retrieverShe is sacked out in her bed. The vet techs said she looks like she has blood hound in her, I think so too. She is very drooly from the meds and her eyes are more droopy than usual. chocolate labrador retrieverThe vet techs all said what a sweet girl she is. Very true I agree 100%.

She still was happy to see me and gave me a half-drugged tail wag. Spaying aside she is fantastic. I can hold out a treat and tell her to leave it. She won’t touch it until I say okay. She has come a long way. She is so gentle taking treats. She and I snuggle last night on her bed she put her head on my chest and dozed. She doesn’t want me to put my face close to her which I respect. She turns her head.

She is a very mellow dog. Betz wants to be with her people. I would prefer her to be with someone who is home more often than not. She has trouble with bare floors so throw rugs are essential. She goes up stairs okay but is afraid to go down. We live on the first floor so it’s not an issue. Someone will have to be patient and help her if they have stairs but they must be carpeted or single floor living. She walks beautifully on lead no pulling at all. She doesn’t get on furniture. I think she would counter surf, when she wants to get too close to the food, I say leave it and she walks away.

She is a gem. She even shares her bed with the beagle. Pretty generous.

October 13, 2022chocolate labrador retriever

Betz is feeling very comfortable now. She loves her dog bed. When I sit on it she runs over and we both lie together. When I feel asleep next to her she was resting her head on my arm. She wags her tail when I am giving her attention. She runs to greet us when we come home. She and the beagle share the dog bed sometimes especially at bed time. Sorry no pictures but it is pretty adorable.

I took her on a couple of errands and she was a wonderful passenger. She lies quietly in the back with her head between the seats to get head scratches. We went to the pet store, she wanted to say hello to everyone. The young man behind the counter came around and gave her lots of attention. She is well behaved and never pulls on lead. The second stop we had to wait she laid on the floor next to me demanding belly rubs. I happily complied.

She is really easy to live with. She is a little nervous going down stairs, up is fine. She is becoming less grabby when I give everyone treats. She gets hers last I am trying to teach her patience. She is doing better. She no longer tries to get into Scout’s bowl at mealtime. She waits until it is her turn. Her fur is returning to her elbows and the callouses are smaller and softer.

She has her spay appointment next Friday then she goes up for adoption shorty after. She is a sweetie. She would be a great addition for someone looking for a companion to hang out with. She is very low energy. She would enjoy short walks and lots of attention. Her head is so big it’s easy to scratch, I almost think she may have some bloodhound in her.

She is a big girl who wants love and will give love back.

October 5, 2022

Well Betz is a pretty amazing girl. She is beginning to show her personality. She is seeking attention. If I am giving Scout attention, she come running over wagging her tail pushing Scout out of the way. She is enjoying her life off the farm for sure.

Betz is not a big fan of the rainy weather we have been having. I have to coax her outside. She comes out does her business and goes right back in. She is learning manners. She no longer pushes to get at Scout’s food she waits her turn. She is still grabby with treats but I wait until she stops. She stops immediately and waits until I say okay. Really smart girl.

She is not fearful of anything so far. I can clean her ears, trim her nails, rub cream on her callouses, vacuum and mop. No issues at all.  The callouses are softening up and now tufts of fur are growing. It’s not even been 2 weeks. Her fur is beautiful so shiny and thick now. Salmon oil is helping her. I didn’t mention it prior; she has a white blaze on her chest. She is really pretty.

She is blossoming and it’s wonderful to see. She is good with other dogs. Scout has asked her to play but she was not interested. She takes treats gently. Has not shown interest on toys yet. She does like Himalayan chews and elk antlers. She loves to be close or near her people. She loves gentle face scratches and belly rubs. She is great at snoring, definitely could win a contest.chocolate labrador retriever

She does have a stiff left hip; she should have limited exercise at least now. She also has prey drive so no cats. Betz is scheduled to be spayed on Oct. 21st. Then she will be up for adoption after that. She is a big girl but she is not overweight. My lab weighs 84lb, Betz is 87lb but she is a couple inches taller. And yes, she would counter surf. Her head is almost as high as my counter. However, if I say leave it, she does. So, if you have room for this big girl she will not disappoint. She is a love.

October 2, 2022

Betz is doing great.chocolate labrador retriever

Today I laid on her heated bed (which felt great on my back) I coaxed her to come over. Not only did she but used my chest as her pillow for her big head. That was a big step for her. Normally when I pet her, she stops wagging her tail. She is unsure about attention. She is starting to trust me; she even gave Scout a quick kiss today. She always runs to greet us when we come home.

I have been rubbing cream on her callouses every day and now I see hair beginning to grow. She looks like a Chia pet. We have been working on manners. She is improving but has a way to go. She gets very grabby with treats and food. I am teaching her patience she only gets it when she is calm and not jumping and trying to take them.  I definitely could see her stealing food from little kids. She is a counter and trash surfer. No issues putting those big paws on my counter.

The vet visit results indicated that she was positive for tick borne disease so she started a course of antibiotics. She is a little stiff especially in her left hip. Hopefully this will help. She is getting fish oil, L-glucosamine, Cosequin. I am hoping this will also help.

She is very sweet and gentle. She takes treats nicely. It’s only been a little over a week and she has learned so much. She also walks nicely on lead, no pulling. She had no issue going up and down stairs. She is an A plus student.

September 28, 2022

Betz is one amazing girl. She hasn’t even been with me for a week but has settled into our routine. She has had no accidents. I taught her sit, leave it, and no. She comes racing over when I call her name. She definitely has a  prey drive. She chases after the birds and squirrels in the yard.  Probably no cats in the home with her. She does great with both my lab and beagle, they peacefully coexist.

We went to the vet today. She weighs 87lbs.  She is not overweight but since she is such a big girl the vet thinks being slightly under weight is better for her. I give her fish oil for her coat and joints and started her on Cosequin to help keep her joints healthy. She has big callouses on her elbows. I have been rubbing cream on them. They are softening up. No more laying on a hard barn floor for her. Soft beds only for this girl.

Betz is extremely affectionate. All the staff at the vet office were loving on her. She was exposing her belly for addition love. She was a big hit. She is scheduled for her spay Oct 21st. She has a funky nipple that they will biopsy at the time of the spay. It could be a cyst or just how that nipple is.

Betz comes over to me and puts her big old head in my lap and gives me her sad eye look wanting ear rubs forever. She is hard to resist. chocolate labrador retriever She likes hanging out on our heated dog bed. She really is a sweetie. I think she would do well in a home that she could be a couch potato. Based on her size too much exercise could be hard for her. She definitely likes to be near her people. She is a great girl.

September 25, 2022

Meet Betz a soon to be 7 yrs. old chocolate breeding mom who is incredibly sweet and happy.chocolate labrador retriever

She came into foster care late Friday night and is doing great. She has had no accidents so far. She does well with the resident dogs and actually gravitates to my 10 yr. old lab.chocolate labrador retriever The farmer says she loves kids.  She has had no obedience training so our first task is learning the sit command. She is a willing student and extremely food motivated. She is a big girl but not overweight. Her paws and head are huge though.

She doesn’t understand the concept of toys or playing but she does love our heated dog bed. She is peacefully snoring as I type.chocolate labrador retriever She is enjoying the comforts of living in a house. Stay tuned for more on this big loving girl. Her first vet appointment is Wednesday I am curious to see how much she weighs.

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638