Bo #6 Chocolate Labrador Retriever Male 5 Years Old ID #3331

September 21, 2023

Hi Everybody,Chocolate Labrador Retriever

I’m back from my stay at the B&B.  I think that stands for Bed & Biscuits. There were plenty of both there!  I had a great time with Lorraine and Gary last week.  I went to two parks every day!  FM says I was spoiled.  I sure did love it.  Nothing beats a good “Sniffari”!

My big news for this week is….. DRUMROLL PLEASE …. I found my FOREVER HOME!  I’m so excited to meet my new family!  FM promises that they will take great care of me.  Thanks to all of you for following my blog and cheering for me along the way.  Love and sloppy kisses to all of you!

Your Buddy, Bo

September 8, 2023

Hi Everybody!

It’s been a week since my surgery – and what a week it’s been!  I don’t know what the doc gave me, but I sure was feeling out of it.  Even the next morning, I could barely hold my head up.  I used FM’s foot for support.  She didn’t mind.Black Labrador Retriever

I’m still on restricted activity which means no running in the yard and no swimming.  Can you believe that?!  I have been taking lots of walks, though.  I really like going for walks.  FM says I am really good on my walks.  I don’t pull like crazy.  I enjoy sniffing to learn what’s going on in the neighborhood.  When we pass other dogs, I’m interested, but most of the time I just look and keep walking – even when the other dogs are barking at me.  Impressive, huh?  My FMs were impressed!

Today my FMs were getting ready to go out.  I got excited and ran to the door.  When FM told me to go to my crate, I did this:Black Labrador Retriever

PUH-LEEEEZE can I go with you??

It didn’t work.  But it was worth a try! Maybe it will work next time.

September 2, 2023

Bo was neutered today.  We have a very sleepy pup tonight!  Poor Bo looks so out of it.Chocolate Labrador Retriever

I’m sure he’ll be back to his normal, bouncy self tomorrow!  Then we have the challenge of restricting his activity – and not letting him swim.  Ugh! ☹  The vet wants him on restricted activity for 2 weeks.  I’m afraid it’s going to feel like 2 months!Chocolate Labrador Retriever

Sleep tight, Bo! ❤

September 1, 2023

Chocolate Labrador Retriever


FM said I should ask everyone to send me some of that famous Brookline mojo because I’m tomorrow I’m going to the vet to get snipped.  Huh?  Snipped?  I don’t know what that means.  But FM says it’s a good thing, so I’ll trust her.  FM says after this, it will be time to find my forever home.  That’s exciting!  I love it here at my foster home.  But it will be so awesome to have my very own forever family!

Here are a few things my new family should know about me.

I love toys.  I used to be all about the balls, but I realized I love other toys, too.  Stuffies and bones and balls.  They’re all fun!  I like to play fetch and I like to play tug.  And sometimes I just like to show off my toy.  When I come out of my crate in the morning, I do zoomies around the room to find a toy to carry outside with me.  I like having a toy in my mouth.

I love food!  When I first came to my foster home, I wasn’t really interested in eating.  I would knock over my bowl and not each much.  Now I don’t spill my bowl and I eat all my food.  I get very excited when it’s time to eat.  But I try to have good manners when I’m waiting for FM to dish out our meals.  Here I am with Floyd waiting for breakfast.

Chocolate Labrador RetrieverI know what to do with carrots!  It took a while to figure it out.  But now I like carrots!

I love to be with my people.  I like hanging out with my FM’s.  I have run of the house now.  No more baby gates.  But I’m usually hanging out wherever my FMs are.  I go out in the yard with the other kids.  But I don’t like to stay out there too long if my FMs are inside.


  Can we come in now?  Please??

And last, but not least….

I have puppy-dog-eyes that will melt your heart!  They also help me get whatever I want!Chocolate Labrador Retriever

That’s all for now.  Wish me luck with this snipping thing, okay?

Love, Bo

August 25, 2023

Thanks everybody for my awesome foster care package! ❤



August 22, 2023


It’s me, Bo!  I’ve been in my foster home for a few days and, let me tell you, I never knew life could be so good!  There are so many fun things to do here!

There are lots of tennis balls!  I love tennis balls!  I love when FM throws one and I get to run and get it.  The other guys, Floyd, and Rubble, run for them, too.  But I almost always get there first.  I’m fast!  Sometimes I even get TWO tennis balls!chocolate labrador retriever

There are lots of cool toys and stuff here.  There’s a weird looking bone that I like to chew on.  I have to admit, the first time I saw it I sniffed it and then jumped back.  I never saw anything like that on the farm!  But now I think it’s cool and I like to chew on it.chocolate labrador retriever

A few days ago, FM put a weird orange coat on me so I could get in the huge water bowl in the yard.  Rubble and Floyd kept going in.  It looked like fun, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to get in there.  So, FM showed me how… and then threw tennis balls in for me to get.  Oh man, does it get any better than this?

FM’s kept saying I would be tired after all that swimming.  I guess they were right.chocolate labrador retriever

But the next day I was ready for more!  FM said I was swimming so well that I didn’t need to wear that orange thing anymore.chocolate labrador retriever

FM says I swim fast!  I think I could go pro!

There is one thing that I haven’t figured out yet.  Every day, FM gives me, Floyd, and Rubble these orange things called carrots.  Floyd and Rubble get really excited.  So, I got excited, too.  I took my carrot and did zoomies around the room with it.  FM laughed and everyone was happy.  Then I laid down with my carrot.

But I didn’t know what the heck I was supposed to do with it.  So, after a while, I walked away and left it there.  When I came back later, it was gone.  FM said Rubble took care of it for me.  Thanks, Rubble.  Maybe someday I’ll figure out this carrot thing.

I am learning other stuff, though.  I know my name.  I know SIT.  I’m learning WAIT.  I have wait when FM opens my crate door.  I can’t come out until she says okay.  That’s hard – especially first thing in the morning when I am just dying to do zoomies around the room!  But FM says I’m doing really well.

FM said we’re having a pool party this weekend and I’ll get to meet some of my Brookline buddies!  I can’t wait to show off my swimming skills.  If you can’t make it to the party, but want to see me in action, check out my video!

chocolate labrador retriever

Catch you all later!

Love, Bo

August 19, 2023

Yesterday Bo was picked up from the farm and met us for the hand-off.  Bo jumped right into the car and was really good for the ride.  He moved around quite a bit but wasn’t wild and crazy.  We learned that he likes to put his head out the window.

Yikes!  That window was quickly closed.  Not something we want to try out as we’re cruising down the turnpike!

Bo enjoyed looking out the front of the car and would have climbed up front to ride shotgun if we let him.  He also enjoyed looking out the side and back windows and relaxing on the back seat.

Intros to Floyd (10 yo Lab) and Rubble (6 yo Lab) went well.  Sniffs all around with everyone completely relaxed.  Bo tried to hump Rubble once, but he backed off when Mary verbally corrected him.

Bo was great at his vet appointment.  He was a little nervous going in – tail was slightly tucked.  But as soon as he saw people, his tail was up and wagging.  Everyone in the office, as well as several people we passed in the parking lot, commented on how beautiful he is.  He loved the attention.  He got his vaccines and microchip and was the perfect patient for all of it.  He tested positive for Lyme disease and Anaplasmosis.  He’s on Doxycycline for one month to treat those.  He also got meds for an ear infection.

We are working on housebreaking.  He tried to mark in the house once, but stopped as soon as I said no.  He slept in his crate last night and only complained a few times.

He loves to chase tennis balls and is pretty good about bringing them back.  If you throw two balls, he will retrieve both, carrying two balls in his mouth!

He took a dip in the pool yesterday, but it wasn’t intentional!  He was trying to get a ball out of the pool and fell in.  At first, he was in panic mode, splashing a lot with his front legs.  But even while doing that, he managed to get the ball he was after!  Then he calmed down and swam to the side of the pool.  We tried to get him to swim to the steps, but he just went from one side to the other, trying to get out.  So eventually Mary hoisted him out at the side.  He hasn’t gone in the pool since then.  We tried to convince him to go down the steps to get a ball, but he had no interest in that.chocolate labrador retriever

By last night, Bo’s panting and drooling had stopped.  He was relaxed hanging out in the living room with us.

Bo is enjoying exploring his new surroundings and has transitioned well!  He is a lovebug who is going to make some lucky family very happy!chocolate labrador retriever

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638