Buddy #32 yellow Labrador Retriever Male 1-1/2 Years Old
January 20, 2020
So, Buddy is 6 days post-surgery and raring to go. We’re trying to hold it down to a modest roar and he seems to be feeling no pain. He continues to do great on car rides. He will get in front if he’s left in the car alone for a while but will immediately get in back if told. He also will ‘ride shotgun’ in the front passenger seat if allowed. His walks are getting much better with very little pulling unless he sees his 2 loves, other people and other dogs. We are working on walking on the left side of the road and almost have that mastered. Housetraining continues to improve; he hasn’t had an accident since his surgery. Stealing and chewing people items is still a work in progress. He will give me the item if I ask him for it, but we continue to be amazed at what he can get into with a moment’s inattention. He is doing it less and less and only certain times of the day (immediately after breakfast is a fav). Finally, he’s eating like a true Lab, with gusto, at mealtimes. We think he was continuously fed so there was a transition to completely eating a meal twice a day. More to come, words and pictures, so stay tuned.
January 7, 2020
Happy New Year everyone. I’m pretty slow on this Buddy update, my only excuse is that we’ve been having fun with our new pup. We picked up Buddy 12/27 from Barb S who was keeping him while we visited relatives for the holidays. Thanks, Barb! She will also watch him for a couple of days later this week while we do a little more travel. Buddy and his brother Emmett were farm dogs rescued by Brookline. Buddy is a good looking guy and is also smart, happy, and very sweet He was not house trained and getting that done is a work in progress. His accidents are down to every 2 to 3 days and are getting less frequent with time. He will also carry around and sometimes chew almost anything he can find, with favorites being newspapers, magazines, and shoes. We’ve had no serious losses so far (one remote control has bit the dust), but he keeps us on our toes.
With lots of exercise, he settles down pretty well and chills. In the last couple of days, he has discovered playing ball and loves to combine a retrieve with some zoomies, which burns off a lot of excess energy It is pretty exciting to have an 85 pound Lab coming at you full speed.
As with most farm dogs, Buddy has had very little socialization or exposure to the outside world. We’re working on this by meeting neighbors and neighbors dogs during regular walks. Buddy loves both people and other dogs. We walked the Delaware canal on New Years Day and met lots of folks, most of whom wanted to meet him. He loves car rides but wants to drive, so we’re taking a ride every day with Linda sitting in the back seat with Buddy half on her lap. He is getting better with staying in the back seat, for which Linda is thankful.
We’ve been having some fun, too. We discovered when the ball rolled under the fence wire that Buddy could scoot under the fence wire as well. Fence improvements ensued with Buddy helping by running off with a glove, running off with the hammer, and tearing open a box of staples and scattering them around the yard. I don’t think Buddy had ever seen running water, so our creek held a fascination for him. We started going out back on a long lead, which allowed him to walk in the ankle-deep stream. He didn’t know that there was a deeper hole by the bridge and he charged into water over his head. I think he’s still deciding whether he is a water dog or not.
So, all in all, Buddy is a wonderful dog and is making good progress on his social skills. His temperament and personality make him easy to love and enjoy. He is scheduled for neutering on the 14th and after a few days recovery should be ready for adoption. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures.–LH
December 26, 2019
Meet Buddy #32…. a gorgeous one-and-one-half-year-old, 85 pound bundle of fun, affection and mischief. Let’s start at the end…Buddy is truly a delight for a family who is amused by the antics of an overgrown puppy, loves constant hugs and kisses, going for walks and playing with their furbabies, and who actually enjoys training a dog – seeing them learn right before your eyes — and who doesn’t get upset by little mishaps here and there.
Buddy came into foster care one week ago, after living on a Lancaster farm in a bar
n, with his brother Emmett (also currently in foster care). Buddy is new to living in a house, so he does have a bit to learn…mostly what is and is not a toy… but he is an extremely quick learner and responds immediately to a firm no. Although he responds well to correction, he will try to get away with grabbing a non-toy item to chew if you aren’t looking (or even if you are), so at this point he does not have free roaming privilege. He loves fetching and just chewing squeaky toys…and as just mentioned, would love to chew on household items (pillows, tissues, Christmas decorations, etc.) if allowed. He isn’t big on Nyla or real bones just yet.
The first night in foster care, Buddy was very anxious, pacing back and forth and panting like a caged lion. Foster dad (FD) slept on the sofa to keep him company and he was up most of the night, pacing, pacing, pacing (Buddy pacing, FD just up most of the night 😊 )….and middle of the night playing in the yard. A small mudroom was converted into Buddy’s bedroom. All unsafe items were removed; unsafe to Buddy (wires) and unsafe to the items (everything is basically a chew toy). The second night in foster care was his first night sleeping in his bedroom. It was a rough night as you could imagine. Each night got easier…fast forward to last night…not one bark or whimper….now he knows the sun will rise and foster mom and dad will return for him. He spent Christmas Eve with another foster family. There he slept in a crate with the company of two resident dogs uncrated and did quite well. Buddy loves company – human or canine doesn’t matter. Buddy would probably be happiest in a home with another fun loving and affectionate dog. That being said, he was humping the male dog in the other foster home, so some consistent correction might be required. Buddy hasn’t been neutered yet, but will be by the time he goes to his forever family, so that should help.
Buddy has “marked” in both foster homes, but once he got that out of his system (a dog bed and dog toy basket at first foster house, similar items at Christmas Eve foster family’s house), he was done doing his business in the house. Foster parents have had many house-trained males come visit and no matter how well trained they are, the visitors can’ t help but want to mark something in the new house. He has never poo-ed in either house.
Buddy likes cuddling with people and canines equally. He jumps up on people a little, but not horribly at all. A quick NO works well and Pet Corrector spray does wonders for training him not to jump on people. For being a farm dog with no leash training, he behaves amazingly well on a leash.
The ideal family for Buddy would:
have a fenced in yard for him to run and play freely
have another energetic and friendly canine companion
not leave him alone for long periods
not have small young children unless experienced adults teach him to not jump on little ones
be willing to train Buddy to learn “house rules”
Foster mom and dad both love their Buddy hugs and you will too!!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638