Buster continues to do well and his fur is growing back in nicely and he is getting less itchy. He should be able to be neutered soon and then be made available for adoption. He continues to be a perfect dog inside (no barking, no counter surfing or garbage picking, doesn’t get on furniture, good free roam, no accidents). He loves the outdoors and still is very eager to keep moving on walks. He’s got a very keen sense of smell. Note that we mostly do woods walks as we have
hundred of miles of trails outside our back door so there are a LOT of good smells. When I walk him around the block solo he is much easier to manage and heels pretty nicely with some reminders. He is also learning to play more appropriately with his fur siblings. He’s no dummy though. He totally respects the older resident lab, but the younger one he still gets a little too wound up with – but she’s encouraging him. Buster also loves to play fetch and boy can he get up some speed! All in
all, he is going to make the right family very happy!
September 5, 2017
Buster’s foster parents are happy to report that Buster has settled in so well and he is showing no signs of stress at all. He’s a happy boy who loves his food, walks, and companions (two legged and four legged). He’s more interested in the cat than he was at the beginning but one hiss and a swat and boy this dog can duck!
Buster loves to fetch and he is very fast. He’s doing better walking with a harness on, but it’s still a work in progress. I have no doubt that he’ll make an excellent running partner although he only knows fast and faster! He loves to wrestle with his younger fur sibling, and we’re working on his remembering that he can’t play with his people the same way (he’s a little mouthy when he’s excited).
Buster’s coat is continuing to look better and at two weeks he’ll go back to the vet to assess where he’s at and whether he still needs to be on medication. When we feel he has stabilized, he will be neutered and then become available to be adopted by a very lucky family. Buster hardly ever jumps up, has barked maybe four times the entire week, is fine free roam and he doesn’t get on the furniture. Is he a catch or what?! For more information, please contact maggiewp21@gmail.com.
August 30, 2017
Meet Buster, the new kid on the block. Buster came to Brookline because his family did not have the means to deal with some allergies he seems to have developed in the last few months. Well, we’re always up for a challenge and we’ll spend some time getting him on a better diet and some healthy supplements (and some antibiotics to clear up the infections) and see if we can
get him looking better. If he’s not feeling well, he’s doing a great job of hiding it. He is happy as a lark in his foster home that he shares with two other labs, a cat and a teenager in addition to his foster mom and dad. Buster is loving the long walks, and he slept happily on a dog bed next to his foster parents and didn’t make a peep all night long until he heard the humans stirring.
Buster is quite the puller on leash but he didn’t get to walk much in his previous home so his foster parents are thinking (hoping) he’ll settle once he realizes he gets to do these walks twice a day! Thank goodness for harnesses!
Buster is house trained, ignores the cat, loves riding in the car and loves playing with his toys. He is doing great with his fur lab siblings who are always up for a game of tug or chase. Baths, however, are not his favorite thing, but having bi-weeky medicated baths is a small price to pay for all the other amenities he is enjoying in his foster home. Stay tuned for updates about this great guy!