Caleb Black Labrador Retriever Mix Male 2 Years Old ID #3058
Meet Caleb! He is a friendly, playful, energetic and affectionate 2 year old black Labrador mix who was pulled from a shelter in the south, and was temporarily living in a foster home there until he could make the move North. Caleb is housebroken, gets along with other dogs, men, women, and kids. He gets along with cats as well. He is UTD on shots and is negative for Lyme and heartworm. Please read his blog from the bottom up.
March 31, 2023
Caleb has arrived for a short stay at Kamp to work on his leash manners, and to also have the opportunity to play and socialize with other dogs.Caleb has a great “sit” and the trainer is working on “down”. He’s a smart pup and eager to learn! They have also started working with the gentle leader, getting him used to wearing it for short periods while they practice sit and down games. Caleb is an enthusiastic student and very treat motivated.
Caleb loves running and playing chase in the yard with his new friend and fellow Brookline foster, Nala. They have so much fun racing each other around the big yard.
Caleb is a sweetheart! He’s so sweet and affectionate.
February 20, 2023
Sunday was a big day for Caleb! He went for a walk-through Conshohocken to get a treat at the local coffee shop. He was so good with all the new smells and people. He didn’t pull on the leash much and was attentive to me by looking back to ensure we kept the same pace. When Caleb sees other dogs and people he does pull, but we are working on sitting and allowing them to approach us. He is very excited to see people and dogs, so this is hard for him. He is trying and we are making progress!
Caleb walked by a park full of little kids and didn’t seem to mind! He was curious and gentle. This is a major plus in his foster mom’s book and yet another reason to adopt Caleb! He loves people, dogs, and kids! Caleb is getting to know the 6-year-old chocolate lab in the hall and goes straight to her door every time he leaves his apartment. He loves having friends and they get along great.
Caleb has GREAT news! He wants to share that he has figured out stimulation toys! After 5 days of eyeing bones and sticky mats, he is now licking the peanut butter from the inside and chewing on his bones. He is also a big fan of his sticky mat with frozen peanut butter now that he has figured that out! Caleb has been a bit picky when it comes to treats so this is a big win! We have also discovered THE treat to help train Caleb (how do you train a dog who doesn’t want the treat?)-he LOVES freeze dried liver! It is a healthy treat and he is so happy to do all the tricks for a bite of scrumptious liver.
Caleb continues to heal well and is itching to finally run and play his little heart out-until then, these fun toys will have to do. Have a great week!
February 16, 2023
Caleb has been warming up to his new foster home. He adapts quickly and is such a happy loving boy. Caleb has no desire to get on furniture, he just wants to be close to you.For Valentine’s Day Caleb got a treat and went for a hike at Wissahickon Park and enjoyed all the new sights and smells. He stayed by my side and didn’t pull the whole time! Hiking and being outside seems to be Caleb’s favorite thing to do these days.
So far Caleb has been exposed to leaf blowers, construction, sirens, honking horns and blenders. He doesn’t flinch or get scared—he just is curious.Caleb was neutered on 2/15/23 and was such a champ. When he came to the vet office he was shaking and nervous but was a good boy. He likes to wear his inflatable donut because it doubles as a nice pillow.
Please send healing thoughts Caleb’s way! He can’t wait to play again!
Speaking of play, here are some fun photos and videos of our sweet friend Caleb!
February 13, 2023
Caleb went on a long walk today around Conshohocken meeting new friends and dogs.
We went to the community garden and ran through the aisles and explored the new things. He was so attentive to my commands and is learning how to not only walk on the leash, but also not pull on the leash. With a simple verbal command “come on, Caleb!” he returns to my side when he needs to be pulled back. After the walk, he finally discovered the fuzzy memory foam thing on the floor was a bed for him to sleep on! He watched attentively while his foster family made super bowl dinner. Caleb loves to get his energy out playing with toys and running in the hallway. Caleb has energy but will affectionately cuddle even if he hasn’t gotten the ‘zoomies’ out!
Caleb is attentive and seeks affection. He loves it when you are pleased with him which makes it an ideal environment for training. The woman that rescued Caleb from the kill shelter in Mississippi saw Caleb as one with ‘promise’ and boy was she right! With a little love, he will soar (and he is!) Did you know that Caleb already has an Instagram even at 2 years old? Follow along http://@ridgleyfosters !
February 12, 2023
Caleb slept through the night without a peep in his crate. This morning he was fast asleep and gleefully welcomed the morning as soon as he woke up. He pooped twice outside and is very good at being potty trained. Caleb ate his breakfast out of my hand–it is his preferred method and it helps with bonding. He doesn’t know how to do stimulation treats (like sticky mats with peanut butter).
There is no warming up needed for Caleb, he is just here for every adventure that comes across each day. He greeted the neighbor in the hall today with such joy and wagged his tail so much he could barely keep his back feet on the ground. He wants every dog to be his friend. We are working on sitting and looking each other in the eye when a dog goes by because he gets so excited. Caleb is very responsive to training and is learning to walk on the leash beside his foster mom rather than pulling in front of her. Caleb shows interest other dogs, people and he is fine when foster mom when she takes a toy away!
Speaking of toys, Caleb is VERY good at entertaining himself and playing by himself. Check out this fun video of Caleb playing with his toys!
February 11, 2023
Caleb came to Conshohocken on a transport ride Friday February 10th. We immediately headed to get a bath at the local pet shop and he warmed up to it as soon as the water warmed up!
After the bath he playfully explored the bathing area and greeted the store owner, sitting after she showed him a treat. He is just so happy to be with people and around people. Because he lives in Conshohocken he was quickly exposed to trains and cars, both of which he had no problem with. Caleb lives in an apartment complex and bravely acclimated to both elevators and steps like a champ! He is so curious and happy to simply be with you. So far, he is trying to play with the cat who is living with him, but is able to be in the same room with the cat without losing his mind, which is a start. We will slowly introduce them to see if they are a good match. Stay Tuned! Here is a video of him waiting on the train to pass! He did wonderfully.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638