Cash Black Labrador Retriever Mix Male 1 Year Old ID#3089
Cash is a handsome, one year old black lab mix who came to Brookline as an owner surrender. His owner who had two dogs was moving, and was only allowed to bring one along. They asked for help placing Cash so he is in foster care awaiting his new home. Please read his blog from the bottom up to learn more about him.
October 1, 2022
Hey guys I’m back in business!Cash here, and I am all healed up from my surgery! That was such a long and boring ten days with a cone on but FM gave me extra love and snuggles and we worked with this fuzzy thing that had treats inside! FM has been making me work for my food too, she calls it sit and search, I like it cause I get to chase my food down and burn off energy. She said it’s helping me with my manners tremendously as I barely jump anymore! FM says my sits and waits are getting better and now I can tell by the look she gives if I should sit plus she says I’m much better behaved! I like it because I get lots of love pets and treats just for putting my butt on the ground, seems like I hit the jackpot there!
FM did break out this purple thing she calls a spray bottle and filled it with water. I do NOT like the spray bottle. I chased the cat a little too much and FM was afraid the cat would scratch my pretty face up so if I don’t listen I get a squirt from the bottle. Let me tell you, that water gets me every time! I get sprayed and instantly remember my manners! FM gave me a peanut butter and bacon flavored filled bone, that thing is heaven on earth and paws down my favorite toy/treat. FM says I have to be supervised with that because I didn’t like when my foster brother Gunner tried to take it from me. I usually don’t get like that but that bone was so tasty I wanted it for myself. I had this thing called a bath today, FM was really impressed by my behavior. I was a little afraid to get in the tub at first but once I saw water I got right in and just stood there while FM did her thing. I’m not a fan of my paws being touched really so I didn’t enjoy that part but the rest of the bath was really fun! FM seemed to really appreciate my behavior because she got hurt at work and can only use one arm. I made sure to show how much of a good boy I could be and then gave her cuddles to make sure she got just as soaked as I was! After the bath was over I even let FM dry me with a towel and a blow dryer, I wasn’t scared one bit.
I did get a little antsy when she tried to brush me but that was because I wanted to play with the toy I got for being such a good boy! I really like that FM is home with me now, we watch movies together and I curl up and get belly rubs, she says I’m the sweetest boy even if I wake her up at 7am to go potty. Now that I’m all healed FM planned on taking me to a dog park to run and burn off energy but it rained yesterday and today so hopefully we get to go tomorrow or the next day if the rain clears out! I’ll update you all soon with how that goes, I can’t wait!!!!
September 21, 2022
Hey guys Cash’s Foster mom here,
Last week Cash had his neuter surgery so he has mostly spent the past week recuperating and taking it easy (against his wishes of course… he was ready to play full speed ahead). The first few days were a little rough because he didn’t tolerate the medicine well and had some GI issues and was extra sensitive to sights and sounds. He also didn’t particularly enjoy being restricted and still doesn’t, he wants to run and play with the other dogs and doesn’t understand he is still healing. Interestingly enough I found he was much better behaved while separated from the other two resident labs so out of the three of them I’m not sure which one is the bad influence lol!Cash has been super sweet and gentle with me these last few days and allowed me to clean his dirty ears and check his teeth after there was some blood on a bone he chewed up. He chewed a hard “indestructible” kong bone within seconds of getting it so I don’t think he knows his own strength but he is certainly a super chewer when it comes to toy selection.
Since he’s been with me he wasn’t really a Velcro dog much but this past week when he hasn’t left my side and has enjoyed cuddles on his terms. With his training we’re currently working on stay and wait as well as sit and search to help him with better manners, less jumping and more focus. He can sometimes be a bit abrasive in the sense that he doesn’t know his own size and strength so he’ll knock into you or furniture and not realize it but he is taking correction very well and making good progress.
I’m looking forward to his stitches completely healing so he can get a bath and go on more outdoor adventures! I’ll keep you guys posted on what’s to come and how he’s doing!
September 13, 2022
Hey Cash here,
Since my last update FM got some cool things in the mail that make me work for my treats. I really like them as they burn off my excess energy and also give me a job to focus on! FM also got me a smaller harness that fits me much better and she says I’m doing really well on our walks! I pulled a little when I got excited or saw another dog but FM says all good things are worth the wait so I’m still working on it! I’ve gotten really good with the other tasks FM taught me and now I sit most of the time when I want something instead of jumping up, but I do still occasionally get so excited I forget what I learned.
FM took me to this place today where I saw a bunch of dogs, I thought it was daycare and I was gonna play, boy was I wrong! I had a surgery that took away my man parts and two needles poked me, FM said I needed those because one would help me get reunited with my family if I ever got lost and the other keeps me healthy. I didn’t mind those but the sleepy gas they give has me all messed up, I’ve been in and out of it all day. Thank god FM got me a blow up collar so I can see and feel normal, that plastic one from the vet was horrible!
Well I’m down for the count for the next week because I can’t pop my stitches but luckily FM says she has some puzzles for me to work on to still earn my treats. I’m kinda bummed I can’t play with my foster siblings or over exert myself too much, sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty boring week! I’ll update you all soon as I feel better!
September 8, 2022
Hey Cash again,
Today was such a good day! I did so much better in my crate while FM was at work and got praises and a special treat when she came home! She had a blue bag with a pup on the side so I gotta keep my eye out for more of those bags, they have the good stuff!! We spent a few hours out in the yard basking in the nice weather while it lasts while FM did her homework for her classes. I didn’t chase the cat as much tonight and have started showing FM how good I’ve gotten with remembering my leave it and my sit! I still jump up sometimes out of habit but I realized I get rewarded when I sit nicely! Tonight we started working on stay, Remi and Gunner are showing me the ropes but the three of us together is quite a riot! I’m really starting to love my foster siblings! At first I didn’t care what they did but now we play all night and give FM a run for her money. Anyway I’m gonna get going for now and enjoy the rest of my night playing. FM says I maybe going to get something called a neuter surgery next week… not sure how I feel about this… it sounds ruff. I’ll update again soon!
September 7, 2022
Hey Cash here!
Night two with my foster family was a success! I slept soundly through the night in my crate again, FM says eventually I can sleep in bed but only once she knows I won’t chase the cat around. That guy (eye roll). FM says I’m already so much better at the command “leave it” when I see the cat but I’m not all the way there yet… I know I’ll get there! FM keeps telling me I have loads of potential and I’m a super sweet boy! She’s very proud of me for doing all my business in the yard and not having any accidents at all! Sometimes I do get a little too excited and forget my manners but we’ve been working on “sit” and “down”.FM tries to get me to do paw but I don’t get it so I just stare at her til she moves along and gives me something I know! Last night our walk was cancelled because of rain so I had to resort to just going out in the yard but FM took me out today and I loved all the sights and smells! This big scary rectangle thing FM called a bus kind of freaked me out but other than that I had a good time til it started to rain again! FM put this harness thing on me that was a little too big but she said I was such a good boy and did really good on the walk! She said I need some more work on pulling when I want to go sniff something or see something I like but hey I’m just a kid and I get excited ya know! She thinks I’ll be even better once my own harness comes that fits me better! Anyway that’s all for now, I’ll update you all again tomorrow!
September 6, 2022
FM picked me up and gave me loads of treats and said I was a good boy even though I tried to get up front and sit with her on the way home!Once we got home I met my new foster siblings, Remi and Gunner, they’re super chill labs. I didn’t really interact much with them because I was sooo busy stealing all their toys and pulling everything out the bin! There were so many stuffies and balls I had so much fun! I don’t really know how I feel about the resident cat just yet, I try to chase him but FM tells me that’s bad so I just go back to playing with my toys.
I spent my first night with my FM and my two new siblings, resident labs Remi and Gunner (plus the cat). I slept soundly in the crate all night and didn’t have any accidents in the house or crate! FM said I was the best boy for that and seemed impressed that I do well in my crate!
Although, FM did say I need to work on my manners a bit and that I have selective hearing… whatever that is… I just like playing with my toys!
Right now we’re all about to eat dinner and then go for a walk to the park! I’ll update you guys again real soon!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638