Charles #3 Black Labrador Retriever Male 2 Years Old ID#3002

Black Labrador RetreiverMeet Charles!  Charles was abandoned in a dog park along with 5 other dogs in Bucks County.  After he was recovered from the park, he found himself at BCSPCA.  This handsome boy is now safe in a Brookline foster home.  Read his blog from the bottom up to learn more about him.

Charles is now available:

January 29, 2025

Charles continues to be such a sweet and gentle boy. He’s becoming more confident and engaging. Charles has started interacting more with our cats instead of avoiding them. We had some family over for game on Sun and he was a little nervous but he did his best to not go in another room by himself.  He stayed in one spot while my sister in law petted him, his tail was not high and wagging and there was hair all over floor under him so I knew he was nervous but he didn’t walk away and when she stopped he nudged her hand so she would continue.Black Labrador Retriever On our afternoon walk today we met up with an elderly lady and the 3 dogs walked up to her. Charles will follow my dog’s lead so he knew it was safe. But after my dogs stepped away he stayed and did the lab lean for more pets. He really does love pets and snuggles once he feels safe.Black Labrador Retriever Charles has a new funny behavior.  If a fox, squirrel or any other animal cross the trail on our walks,  my boy barks but Charles rears up like a horse and puts his front paws on my arm and looks like he’s begging me to let him go chase whatever it was.Black Labrador Retriever Charles is still waiting for his forever home.  He will need a  fur friend to help with his confidence.

Charles would do best with someone who enjoys daily walks or other activities where he can get outside and play.

January 13, 2025

Charles has had a few busy days, he was so tired this afternoon he fell asleep while chewing a bone. black labrador retrieverHe met 3 new people and 3 new dogs yesterday when I met some friends and their dogs at the lake for a long walk.  He greeted my friends with a wagging tail and let them pet him without shying away. He had his tail up and a bounce in his step the entire labrador retrieverToday we met up with his friend Tesla “nka as Tessa” for a walk he was so excited to see her as much as she was to see him. Charles went right up to Maggie for a pet and he licked her hand.  We met at the Promenades so I could see how he does with being in a situation with more unfamiliar sounds, motions and people and he did great. I think he felt more confident because he had 3 of his friends around him but it was good to see him confident and being willing to let people passing by stop and pet him.

Charles loves to be outdoors and playing in the snow.  My boy and Charles are fun to watch as they just run and romp. He loves tennis balls but need to keep an eye on him because he will start chewing the ball when he’s done playing.

Charles will be looking for a home soon with another dog and a family that will take him for lots of walks and play time.

January 10, 2025

Charles is a very handsome and sweet boy who was originally brought into foster care in September after being abandoned in a dog park and ending up in a shelter.  He was was adopted but was recently returned through no fault of his own.  It was just not the right home for labrador retrieverCharles is about 2 years old. He loves other dogs and is good with cats. He enjoys walks and playing in the yard. He was helping me do yoga this morning and it was very entertaining. He was very interested in what I was doing and then laid down next to me and rolled over on his back with legs in the air like me.

He is shy with new people and is startled by quick movements. He readily jumped in the car with my dogs for a ride to lake for a walk. Charles is crate trained and labrador retrieverCharles loves to run and play in the yard with my boy or by himself.  He was throwing a tennis ball in the air and running around and jumping all over the place this morning,  reminded me of young deer frolicking…so cute and entertaining.

Charles would do best in a home where he will get plenty of exercise and another dog to help his confidence.

October 1, 2024

I can’t believe it’s only been one week since I  sprung Charles from the shelter.  He seems like he has been here longer because he’s made so much progress in a week! Black Labrador RetreiverMy dog loving brother came to visit today and it took about 25min of him sitting on the floor and playing with my guys until Charles went to him for a pet. After several pets he walked away and came back, he did that 3 times and then he was comfortable with my brother even after my guys walked away Charles stayed for pets and licked my brother’s hand. I  was so happy to see he is good with men just needs patience.

Charles has met several neighbor dogs and he instantly goes up to all of them with a wagging tail.  Tonight is the first time he barked. He was trying to get Enzo to play.

Today, he started nibbling my arm sometimes.  That can be a sign of affection. He also wags his tail more when I call him and he comes to me and I make a fuss.

Charles is such a sweet and gentle boy with a  beautiful shiny black coat and handsome face.

September 29, 2024

Charles is housebroken!!! He has not worn a male wrap since Thursday and no accidents. We have established a routine and if does need to go out, he will go to the door.Black Labrador RetreiverBecause of the weather we didn’t meet too many neighbors out walking until last evening.  He was timid but ok with the wife gently petting him but he backed away from the husband. One of our female neighbors walked with us this morning and he let her pet him in the beginning of walk and when we got back and were standing at end of driveway talking he timidly walked to her and sniffed her pants and she petted him some more and he didn’t pull away. He is afraid of my husband but my husband always has his cane with him because he’s legally blind.  My one dog loving brother is going to stop by a few times this coming week so will see how that goes.

I took them for a car ride Friday.  I got my guys in the car first hoping he would jump in but I had to lift him in and then he tucked into Fern.  Will continue to take little rides.

He always wags his tail when interacting with my dogs but this morning was the first time I got a very little wag but I’ll take it. He does come to me more often for pets without my dogs initiating it. Last night my guys went to bed when my husband did but I stayed up in another room and Charles stayed with me. He really enjoys pets, chin and ear scratches and loves to run!Black Labrador Retreiver

September 26, 2024

Charles continues to adapt to living as a pet. He walks great on a leash,  no pulling unless a squirrel runs across the road in front of him. Charles enjoys being outdoors and running around the yard. Charles made a big step forward today when I was sitting on the sofa he came over and put his chin on my leg and stayed there while I petted him and kissed the top of his head and he didn’t pull away! That was the first time he sought out affection.Black Labrador Retreiver He also didn’t have any wet male wraps today so housebreaking is moving in the right direction. The only step backwards was he won’t take treats from hands today but it was great that he made progress in other ways. Charles continues to be less skittish with the help of my dogs showing him there’s nothing to be afraid of. This handsome boy continues to show how brave he is in this new experience.

September 25, 2024

Charles has learned a few things in his first day out of the shelter:

-dog beds are more comfortable than the floorBlack Labrador Retreiver

-benebones are great toys to chew on

– cats are interesting but keep a safe space from them

– I get a treat if I go in the crate

– I LOVE to run!!! I’m happy my foster fur brother loves to run too

-FM is not as scary as I thought

Charles is making progress with trusting.  Last night he walked up with my dogs on our walk, this morning he went between up front with them and back along side me, he stayed beside me the entire time this evening and kept looking up at me. This afternoon I laid down on the dog beds with my guys he stood staring and then got closer and closer and eventually came and laid next to me and let me pet him and he licked my hand. Up until this evening he wouldn’t take treats from my hand,  I  would toss them on the floor in front of him but he just took the first treat from my hand when we got back from our walk.  Since it’s been kind of rainy today I wipe the dogs down on the way in and he would pancake to the floor when I got to him. Tonight he stayed standing and let me wipe him down.

Will continue to work on housebreaking and getting more comfortable and less afraid of new things and people.

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638

PA Kennel License #05190