Chevelle Black Labrador Retriever Mix Male 7 Years Old ID #3490
October 31, 2024
**Chevelle’s Blog: Still Searching for My Furever Home**
Hey there, it’s me, Chevelle (Chevy to my friends)! I’m still hanging out with my amazing Foster Mom (FM) and Foster Dad (FD), enjoying the company of my foster sisters, Freda and Melissa. Life here is pretty great, but I’d love to settle into my very own home soon.
Here’s what you should know about me if you’re looking for a big, laid-back walking buddy. I love a good walk and might pull a bit if I catch an interesting scent—I’m a tall guy with a big nose for sniffing out the good stuff! After my walk, I’m all about the comfy life, curling up on a cozy bed or sofa.
I’m an easygoing dude—the perfect mix of “let’s go for a walk” energy and “let’s be couch potatoes” chill. I enjoy treats but never beg, and I’m a fan of chewing on an antler or yak chew. Super simple, really.
Great news on the health front—all my medical stuff is behind me! FM mentioned I’ll be trying a new beef-based food to help keep everything in top shape (I’m a big food fan, so I say bring it on!).
Meeting new people and dogs? Love it! I’m calm and polite, and I get told all the time what a “good boy” I am. I’m here waiting patiently, ready to settle into my forever home, and can’t wait to meet my forever family soon. Could that be you?
September 30, 2024
**Six Weeks of Foster Fun: Yappy Hour and Healing**
Hey everyone, Chevy here with my 6-week foster update!
This weekend was a blast! FM and FD took me, Freda, and Melissa to a Yappy Hour at a local brewery. We had so much fun—especially when they treated us to bacon ice cream topped with mini milk bones. It was pawsome! We got to meet a bunch of friendly people and other dogs. I even met a Great Dane.
Wow, she was huge! The vet thought I might have some Great Dane in me, but after seeing her, I’m not so sure. I’m big, but not *that* big!
I did really well at Yappy Hour, if I do say so myself. Everyone loved hearing my story and learning about Brookline. They kept telling me how lucky my future family will be to have such a distinguished gentleman. I agree, of course!
On the health front, things are looking up. Over the past two weeks, my ear infection cleared up, and the antibiotics did the trick for my infected nail bed. Today, I’m headed to the vet to make sure everything’s healed and to check my weight. If the vet gives the all-clear, I’ll officially be ready to find my forever home. Paws crossed!
FM and FD have loved fostering me, and I’ve been the perfect house guest. I’m 100% reliable in the home and get along great with adults, kids, and other dogs. I’m happiest when everyone is calm, so I think I’d do best as an only dog or with another chill pup. Don’t let my age fool you, though—if you’re looking for a hiking or walking buddy, I’m your guy! I’ve got plenty of energy for walks, and when we’re done, I’m more than happy to curl up on a dog bed, the floor, or—my favorite spot—the sofa for a good nap.
Oh, and I’m a pro in the car now! FM gives me a couple of calming chews about 30 minutes before a ride, and I’m relaxed and ready for the road.
So, could I be the right dog for you? I sure hope so!
Paws and love,
September 16,2024
**Paw Problems and Progress: Chevy’s Health Journey**
Woof woof, it’s Chevy here with another update! It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been in foster for a whole month now. Life’s been pretty good, but I’ve had a few bumps in the road—literally with my paws!
Almost two weeks ago, my right front paw decided to cause a little drama. One day, my middle nail started bleeding, but it stopped, and FM thought everything was fine. A few nights later, though, I couldn’t resist licking it, and guess what? My nail just fell right off! FM acted fast, soaking my paw in Epsom salt and getting advice from the vet, who put me on pain meds and antibiotics. FM even put a sock on me to keep it protected, and it was healing up nicely.
Then, last Monday, another little issue popped up. One of my foster fur sisters got into her sealed dog food container (she dragged the container nearly 15 feet and got the sealed lid off with her teeth and I must have gotten in her way), and the next day, FM noticed that my dew claw looked swollen and infected. Yikes! The vet recommended switching to an e-collar, so I’ve been rocking the “cone of shame” since Saturday morning. But you know what? I’m not one to complain—I’m a good boy through and through.
Now for some good news! I saw the vet today, and guess what? I’ve gained nearly 3 pounds! I’m now weighing in at 77.5 pounds, and FM is thrilled. She switched my food to the same one my foster sisters eat, and my poop is definitely more solid now (you know how important that is!). My ear infection is still hanging on, though, so I’ve got a new ear med to take for the next 10 days. And for my infected nail bed? The vet gave me a new antibiotic that I’ll be on for two weeks. We’ll also find out soon if my Giardia is gone—fingers crossed!
Through all of this, I’ve stayed my happy, gentle self. I still love my walks, and I’m as sweet as ever with new people. FM says I’m such a good boy, and I think she’s right!
We’re heading back to the vet on September 30th for a recheck, and if everything looks good, I’ll be ready to start looking for my furever home. Could that be with you?
Paws and love,
September 3, 2024
**Vet Visit and Beachside Fun: Chevy’s Latest Adventures**
Woof woof, friends! It’s Chevy here with another update. I’ve had quite a busy week, so let me fill you in on all the latest.
Last Monday, FM took me to the vet for a check-up. I was a little nervous, but it wasn’t too bad. The vet found out I have an ear infection—ouch! But don’t worry, we’re getting that taken care of. The good news is that all my bloodwork and urine tests came back normal. However, they did find out I have a little hitchhiker called Giardia. It’s a parasite that’s pretty contagious, so Freda and Melissa had to take medicine too. I’m on meds for it, and we’re going back for a recheck on September 16th.
FM has been feeding me three times a day and giving me some special supplements to help me regain the 18 pounds I lost while I was in the shelter. She says I still look super skinny, and even though my poo is formed, it’s still a bit soft. Now that my Giardia meds are done, FM is really hoping I’ll start filling out soon.
This weekend was a lot of fun! We had some visitors at the beach house—a man I really liked and two women. They were all super nice, and I got to cuddle with them on the couch. Plus, we went on lots of good walks. Have I mentioned how much I love my walks? I get so excited to be out and about, sniffing all the new smells and feeling the sand under my paws.
And guess what? I got a special delivery from Brookline! It was a box full of yummy treats. I especially loved the Yax chew. When FM put it back in the box, I gave a polite little bark to ask for it back. A gentleman’s got to have his chew, right?
I’m still not into playing with toys. When Freda and Melissa run around, playing and squeaking their toys, I just chill out. I’m more of a laid-back kind of guy. FM says I would make a family very happy. I’m not sure about kids or cats yet, but I do like adults and other dogs. Still, I’m pretty independent, so I’d probably do great as an only dog too.
So, that’s my week! I’m on the mend, making new friends, and enjoying life at the beach. I’ll keep you posted on how things go at my next vet visit. Until then, stay pawsitive!
Big woofs,
August 26, 2024
A Week of New Adventures: Life at the Beach with My New Pack**
Woof woof! Chevy here, checking in after a whole week away from the shelter. Can you believe it? It’s been a whirlwind, but I’m loving every minute of it.
First things first—I’ve discovered something amazing. Sofas! Oh, how I love them. There’s nothing better than curling up on a soft cushion after a long walk or just when the other dogs start playing chase. Let them have their fun—I’ve got my comfy spot.
Speaking of other dogs, I’ve met some new friends. Foster Mom (FM) introduced me to three lovely ladies—Freda, who’s 10.5 years old, Melissa, who’s just 3, and Gemma, who’s 9.5 and was visiting. You’d think with all those girls, I’d feel outnumbered, but nope! We all get along just fine. We even go on walks together, and Freda sleeps on the first floor with me at night. It’s nice having a buddy close by.
Oh, did I mention I’m living at the beach now? Life here is grand! The sand feels great on my paws, and the smell of the ocean is something else. I’m not really into toys yet, but I do love our walks. When it’s time to go, I line up with the others to get my gear on. FM says I pull and pant a lot, but that’s just because I’m so happy to be out and about. I’m a boy, after all, and I mark everything in sight!
FM did say I’m still pretty skinny. We’re going to the vet today, and she’s hopeful we’ll get a good plan to help me put on some healthy weight. I’ve got to get back to my ideal size so I can keep up with my new pack.
We had some visitors at the beach this weekend, and let me tell you, I was on my best behavior. I’m a gentle giant, after all. I greeted everyone nicely and even found a spot on the couch to cuddle with one really nice man. I think he liked me as much as I liked him.
So that’s my update for now. I’m settling in, making friends, and discovering the joys of beach life. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Paws and tail wags,
August 20, 2024
**Chevy’s Day at the Office and a Visit with a Nice Lady**
Woof! Chevy here again. I’m settling into this new life with my Foster Dad (FD), and I’ve got some more to share with you.
Yesterday was my first full day at work with FD. Let me tell you, it was pretty uneventful—just the way I like it. I had a nice, cozy blanket to lie on, and I did a lot of sleeping. FD would come by every so often to check on me and take me out for a bio break. I didn’t mind it being a bit boring because it meant I could rest up and relax. Plus, it’s always nice when FD comes back to see me.
After work, FD took me on an adventure to meet a very nice lady. He said she was FMs mom, and let me tell you, she was super sweet. She looked me up and down and said that my name, Chevelle, was just perfect for me since it means “little horse.” I think she’s right—I am a big boy with long legs, after all!
She told FD that I must have had a good home at some point because I’m so well-behaved and gentle. She noticed that I’ve got some weight to gain, but she wasn’t worried. With the way FD is taking care of me, I’ll be back in top shape soon enough. She also said that I really like FD—and she’s right about that too! He’s a pretty great guy, and I’m feeling more comfortable around him every day.
FD is pretty proud of me because I know some commands. When he calls me, I come right away, and I sit like a good boy. I’ve even got this little trick where I nudge my leash when I want to go out. FD thinks it’s pretty smart of me. I’m just trying to make sure he knows when I need a walk!
So, all in all, it’s been a good couple of days. I’m feeling more settled, and I think I’m going to really like it here. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. I’ll keep you all posted, so stay tuned!
Paws and love,
August 19, 2024
**Chevy’s Big Adventure: From the Kennel to Foster Dad’s House**
Woof! Hello there, friends. My name is Chevelle, but you can call me Chevy. I’m a big, tall, 7-year-old Black Lab mix with a white face, and I’ve got quite the story to tell you.
Just a few months ago, in April, I was all alone, wandering the streets. They called me a stray, but I was really just looking for someone to love me. Then, I found myself in a small kennel. It was a tough place—so many dogs barking all day and night. It made me really nervous. I tried to keep my spirits up by eating all my meals, but even with three meals a day, I still lost almost 20 pounds. I was feeling pretty down, let me tell you.
But then, about two weeks ago, something amazing happened. Four nice humans came to see me. They looked at me and said I was a very good boy (which I am, by the way). They promised they would come back for me. I didn’t know if I should believe them—I’d been let down before—but guess what? They did come back!
One really nice lady took me out of that kennel and into a car. I was a little nervous, but I tried to be brave. After a while, we stopped, and I met another kind human—a man this time. I liked him right away. He had a cool Jeep, and I hopped right in for another long ride. I was such a good boy, and he seemed really happy with me.
When we finally stopped, I found out that this man was my new Foster Dad (I’ll call him FD for short). FD brought me to his home, and I got to explore the first floor. It was so much better than that small kennel. But when FD went up the steep stairs, I just stared at him. Those stairs looked scary, so I decided to stay put.
Later, FD took me for a walk. I did my business like a champ, and good news—my poo was solid! After that, I had a little snack, panted a bit (I was still getting used to all the changes), but then I crashed out. FD and I watched the Phillies together, and I took a nice nap. It felt good to relax.
We went for another walk, and I have to admit, I pulled on the leash a bit. But FD is teaching me to sit at corners, and I’m starting to get the hang of it. After our walk, I had another meal with some special supplements that a nice volunteer from Brookline said would help me get back to my old self. I’m feeling better already!
Last night, I slept like a log, and today, FD took me to work with him. He’s got a quiet office where I can relax, and he comes to check on me. I think I’m going to like it here.
So, that’s my story for now. I’m still getting used to everything, but I’m hopeful that this is the start of something really good. I’ll keep you all posted on my adventures with FD. Until then, stay pawsitive!
Paw-lease follow my journey—there’s more to come!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190