March 20, 2018
I just wanted to give everyone that has been following Colin’s journey with Brookline an update. He continues to heal and recover from his second knee surgery. We recently found a lump on his back. The vet checked and aspirated it, but the results were inconclusive. The lump was removed surgically and biopsied. The news was very good. It turns out this lump was just a reaction from one of the injections from his surgery. Whew! Colin is a healthy and handsome boy!
He has sutures and staples at the incision site. They will be removed in another week. Until then, he is sporting some very stylish shirts to cover the incision. The vet will also be checking on his knee recovery and we’re hoping to get the all clear for this boy. Then he will be posted as available for adoption.
Colin would love to meet you this Sunday, 3/25/18 from 1-3pm at PetValu in Ellis Preserve, 3741 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA. This store is easily accessible from Route 476 and seems to be a convenient location for our PA, NJ and DE families.

January 23, 2018
Colin had his 2 week post surgery check up with the vet today. He got his sutures taken out, so no more cone for Colin. Woo-hoo!I was a little concerned as he doesn’t seem to be healing as quickly as he did last time. The surgeon checked his knee and assured me that everything was where it was supposed to be and that he was healing well. I was thrilled to hear that. I think I’m just being a worrier for Colin. I so badly want this to all be worth it for him. Two good knees are what I have promised him. I have to remind myself that it’s a slow healing process. We’re just 13 days out now. Slowly, but surely.
Pepper is being a fantastic support for Colin. He doesn’t get to do all of the fun dog things, like run around the yard or go on walks currently. However, he’s so happy cuddled up with a person or his Pepper, so we make sure he gets lots of that. 
He is also keeping busy during the day with chewing on his bones and antlers. He is down to his last antler, so we may have to reorder some for his next 10 weeks of recovery. Thank goodness for antlers!
Colin sends his love (which often manifests as leaning on whoever is closest) and a gentle lick to everyone. He stole hearts again at the vet’s office today. He’s a big blockheaded love!!!
January 10, 2018

Colin is back home in foster care after having his second knee surgery today. The surgeon was happy with how well the first surgery and recovery went, and we’re hoping for the same success with this knee.
Colin (and his foster family) now have another 10-12 weeks of recovery from this surgery. He has a follow up in two weeks and will have his sutures removed then. So for two weeks, he will be back in the cone when not directly supervised. He did well with the soft cone last time, so at least he doesn’t have to wear the hard plastic one.
Everyone at the vet’s office kept telling me how good he was today. He never put up a fuss, not when they put the catheter for the iv in or anything. I told them he’s just a big teddy bear.
We’re halfway to two good knees for Colin. I just wish I could explain to him why this is necessary and that it’s for the best in the end. Poor Colin.
November 27, 2017
Colin is just over 6 weeks into his recovery from his first knee surgery now. Yes, that’s right, I said FIRST. It’s official, Colin will need to have surgery on his other knee in January. 🙁
He is currently scheduled for surgery on January 2nd. The vet wants to make sure the first knee is completely healed before proceeding with the second knee. That means that Colin will have another 10 weeks of recovery after his second knee surgery. That’s the not-so-good news.
The good news is that his first knee is healing wonderfully! We are anticipating a very successful surgery and recovery for sweet Colin. We have really seen an improvement with his knee in the past week or so. He is able to bend it and put weight on it and walk well on it. All very positive things! The vet was pleased with his progress too, which was nice to hear. That means all of his restrictions are going to be so worth it in the end. He will have two great knees!
Colin, aka “Mr. Handsome Pants”, will spend his holidays here with his foster mom, foster dad and Pepper, his foster fur-sister. The vet called him a “Christmas card lab” because he’s so gorgeous. I told him that maybe we could get Colin a gig modeling for ll bean so he can help pay for his surgeries! 😉
He recently spent the weekend with another foster home while his foster family went out of town. He was a very good boy for his foster sitters too. He has never had a potty accident in the house and he continued that through with his foster sitters. What a good boy!
Colin continues to be an absolute teddy bear here. He’s so soft and cuddly. He wants nothing more than a family to love him as much as he loves everyone, a few chew toys, a soft place to relax, a daily walk and oh yeah…food. He LOVES his food! He is a lab after all!
Stay tuned for updates on Colin and his next surgery. He is going to make some lucky family very happy once he’s ready for his furever family!
October 24, 2017

Colin is now 2 weeks post his knee surgery. He had a vet visit today to have his sutures/staples removed. That means no more cone for Colin, yay! He was such a good sport about it, but I always felt so bad putting it on him. Colin was the perfect patient at the vet today and allowed them to handle him without any fuss. What a good boy!
The vet was very pleased with his progress so far. Everything is healing well. He is still under restrictions, but he is now allowed to take short leash walks. We celebrated by doing just that. Colin loved being able to walk around the block. He loves his walks!
We have another vet visit in 4 more weeks. That will be 6 weeks into his 10 week recovery. At that point, we will discuss the possibility of surgery on his other knee. I would love for him to not need the second surgery, but of course, we’ll do whatever is best for Colin.
Colin is doing well in foster care here. He continues to do all of his peeing and pooping outside. He still tries to tell us that it’s time to get up a half hour before the alarm goes off. We’re not quite sure why he believes
7am is perfect time to wake up, but after a few minutes of barking, he settles for the last 30 minutes of our sleep.
He is an alert barker and will let us know when the mail is being delivered with some barks or when the kids get out of school and walk by the house. He’s getting better about stopping when I acknowledge his alert. I think he will always be an alert barker. He makes a good watch dog, not a guard dog. If someone actually approaches the wiggly butt, wagging tail and happy licks doesn’t really keep anyone away! Gotta love a lab!
October 9, 2017
Colin has been with us for 3 weeks now and he continues to be an absolute sweetheart! He’s just a big love. His favorite things to do are snuggle with his people, get belly rubs, chew nylabones and antlers, and go for walks. He is so cute when his harness comes out for walks. He dances and wiggles and his excitement is so adorable to see!

Colin sleeps in his crate every night. He runs right in for his treat. He loves his treats! He settles quickly and is snoozing away within a minute or two. He does try to convince us to get up 30 minutes before the alarm is set to go off with a few barks. When it doesn’t work, he goes back to sleep. During the day, sometimes I find him napping in his crate. It does have a very nice memory foam dog bed in there, so can’t say I blame him for that. If he’s not in his crate, he’s often lounging on the couch. He’s not a crazy, high energy lab. He’s more playful when enticed by his foster fur-sister, but he’s quite content lounging about when his foster fur-sister is preoccupied with squirrel watching. He’s got a nice mix of playful, but settles well easily.
Colin hasn’t chewed anything except dog toys in the house. Good boy Colin! One time I found him relaxing in his crate. I went over to give him a few belly rubs. I noticed at that point that Colin had carried my flip flop in the crate with him. He wasn’t chewing it or anything, more snuggling with it. I had been in the other room and I think he just liked the scent. What a love he is!
Colin has not had any potty accidents in the house either. He’s done so well with his house training! We have even left him with free roam for a few hours and came home to happy, wiggly Colin with no accidents. Way to go Colin!!! He does not signal to go out yet, but we take him out on a schedule and he’s doing fantastic with that.
Colin got to see the vet recently to have his back legs checked out. The news was not great as Colin has luxating patellas (dislocated knees). This will be remedied with surgery. He is scheduled to have the surgery on 10/11/17. He then has a 10 week recovery ahead of him. He will need to be restricted, so no more playing with Pepper, his foster fur-sister for a while. Once he’s healed, the vet believes he will be much more comfortable, as his knee will be fixed and he will be a healthy and happy boy!

For questions about Colin, please email
September 25, 2017
Hi everyone, it’s me Colin! My foster mom and foster dad say I’m a gorgeous 2 year old black male lab. I am neutered and up to date on all my vaccinations. I came to live with my foster parents 2 days ago and things are going GREAT!

I have a foster fur-sister here named Pepper. She only has 3 legs, but she’s teaching me how to play. We get along really well. I went to a doggy pool party this weekend. While I did not partake in the actual pool part, I enjoyed hanging out nearby and getting lots of petting from the people. Everyone said that my coat is so soft and shiny. I think I was blushing a little over all the compliments!

I am working on my house training now. You see, I did not have the best start to my life. I was chained outside all day and all night, so living in a home is fairly new to me. I’m making great progress and my foster parents say they are very proud of me.
The other thing that we are working on is my back legs. It seems I have some weakness there. We have an appointment to see the vet later this week. My foster parents are hopeful that perhaps with some muscle building, things will improve. We’ll know more after we see the nice vet.

Thanks for reading about me. Stay tuned for updates!