Connie #2 Black Labrador Retriever Female 6 Months Old ID #3350
May 3, 2023
Curious Connie has emerged! In the past week, she has had even more firsts! She has gone up and down the stairs (albeit with some help) and we continue to work on this. Once there, she explores the new rooms and enjoys all the new smells. She absolutely loves her walks and when I say we are going, she beats the resident dogs to the door. Connie now really takes the time to explore as she walks and seems more confident. A fox ran past us and although she stopped to look at it, she didn’t bark or bolt. When we passed the trucks and workers, she wasn’t fearful. She is even good when other dogs pass.
Connie also now understands “crate” — that doesn’t mean she is a fan but she gets it. Once in, she settles down almost immediately. It’s been an accident-free week, too. Connie will engage me in play. She brings me her tug toys and waits for me to pay attention. Of course, I’m not as good at it as Dolly, but I do enjoy a good work break. Each morning she now greets me with kisses (and doggie breath) to let me know it’s time to get up. While she does have a way to go, the change really is heartwarming. Can’t wait to find out what she learns next.
April 25, 2023
Tomorrow makes one month since Connie came to us, afraid of her own shadow. While she is still shy at times, I have come to see what a fantastic, vibrant pup she is. While she is still a work in progress, she has shown us how quickly she can adapt and how she can just wiggle her way into our lives (and onto the couch – on the far left). She has clearly found her favorite spot in the yard and will sit there as long as I let her. In addition to the new things she has learned, her latest is coming to me when she sees her leash and knows it’s time to walk. While she is new to the leash and not at all a bad walker, she is now realizing that there are lots of things to see and smell when not afraid. You can actually see her amazement when she discovers something new. She is a very smart dog and is also very eager to be part of the fun. Every day is a new and exciting adventure with Connie. It’s time now for her to find her furever home and share those exciting adventures with her new family.
She received her boosters today and got a clean bill of health from the vet.
Connie has officially passed the 3 week mark here and it’s like she is a completely different dog. While she is still somewhat skittish and hasn’t quite mastered the stairs to the second floor, she has really turned a corner. She eats regularly at 7:30AM and 5:30PM and lets me know when it’s time. She runs up for pets and rubs and of course, for whatever treat I might have. She has even learned “sit” but we are working on consistency with that. While I’m working, she patiently curls up until it’s time to take a break. She has been on leash walks and sticks with the pack for the most part. She really isn’t phased by all the different smells. She is interested when another dog passes, but she really doesn’t tug or bark. She was somewhat afraid of the big, loud truck we passed, but quite frankly, it rattled me too. Connie clearly knows the words “treat,” “come,” “eat,” “water,” and “ice” (yes, she LOVES ice). She has made herself quite at home and has claimed the loveseat as her own. In fact, when she stretches out on it, there just isn’t room for anyone else.
The backyard has become her toy box as she is making up for lost time — she has figured out how to get the toys out of the container even when it’s covered. Her favorite things to do are play with Dol & Riggs, sunbathe in the yard and of course, play fetch.

She is an incredible dog and has so much to give. There isn’t a mean bone in her body. She is so soft, cuddly, funny, and in my opinion, beautiful, The pictures don’t do her justice.
April 11, 2023
Tomorrow makes two weeks that Connie has been here. She is really starting to show her personality. She is sweet and gentle makes herself completely comfortable when she wants. At this point, Connie not only knows her name, but comes when she is called. She knows the nightly routine and settles down on the couch to sleep. When she needs to go out, she rings the bells hanging on the door, so we know she learns quickly. Connie has mastered fetch and will bring the ball back to me countless times. I think she would play catch until she literally dropped if I let her. When she runs after the ball, she is so joyful that she forgets that she is timid.
She is that way when she plays with the resident dogs, too. If she wiggles her butt any harder, I am afraid she will break! It’s so nice to see that Connie is actually happy to see me — she will wag her tail and do a little “jump” to show she is happy. Connie shows that she likes being petted as well. She will come for head scratches whenever she can. Easter was a busy day here as my family came for dinner. Although Connie pretty much stayed away from the guests, she did go to two of my nieces to take food and get some love. She is really coming out of her shell and with more time, I am certain that Connie will show us all what a great dog she is.
April 4, 2023
Today Connie went for her first vet visit. Although she was quite scared, she was very well behaved. She never fussed or complained at all. After getting a clean bill of health, we went home where she promptly took a long nap. Since the weather was so nice, every other waking moment was spent outside. Connie especially likes to chase balls as well as her fur buddies.
She is very good at following their lead. Today, we walked around the perimeter of the yard, with her following me at arm’s length. This was a big deal for her. She is becoming more comfortable and doesn’t bolt each time I walk by. In fact, she let me bathe her today without a flinch. Connie’s personality is starting to show. She wags her tail when I call her name and comes readily. She even barked at her reflection in the fireplace glass when she thought no one was looking.
April 3, 2023
Today was another good day for Connie. She spent most of the day outside when it got nicer. Again, she came in when called and although she is still leery, she doesn’t run from me. In fact, she followed me around (especially at dinner time) and even wagged her tail when she saw me. Connie is making up for lost time and becoming VERY comfortable on the couch. When we get up to go into another room, she takes full advantage to hog up the entire couch so that when we return, there is no room for anyone else.
She continues to take food from my hand when offered and allows more pets and head scratches. It gets better every day.
April 2, 2023
Today marked more firsts for Connie, although we are still taking baby steps. First, she ate out of my hand and didn’t run the other way. She not only turned her head when I called her name, but she actually came to where I was, albeit standoffish. Connie followed me around the yard and even fetched some toys when I threw them. She played tug in the yard with one of my friends who came over. While the weather was nice she romped in the yard with the other dogs. After she was tired out, she sat with us on the couch and let me pet her for quite a while. The bad weather didn’t seem to phase her in the least. She ate well and doesn’t need a slow feeder at this point, which is unusual. In fact, when one of the other dogs tries to take her food, she backs off. Quite the good manners. She is also pretty good with her potty manners for a dog who lived on a farm. We will continue to work on this and see if she will follow along on a leash in the yard if the weather is good tomorrow.
April 1, 2023
What a difference a day makes! I am so proud of Connie. She is a brave little girl. Last night, she found her voice and let us know that she didn’t like being left alone, so we all hunkered down in the family room. As long as she could see us, she stayed nicely in her crate. It was great to hear her snore – she was comfortable enough to sleep deeply. Up at about 6:15 AM and ready to roll! She did her business with the others and ate her breakfast nicely. She gets that her bowls are in the dining room and searches them out when it is time to eat. Connie doesn’t go after the others’ food or water. Today was relatively nice out so she went in and out of the door whenever she wanted to play with the others. In fact, she was so good at coming in that the long leash came off. A few times Connie came to sniff my hand and then let me pet her several times! She actually turns her head and looks when I call her name.
What a bright girl! We played semi-fetch; I threw the ball, she ran after it and got it but then left it. LOL. I got my steps in. She has that typical Lab wiggle butt. I love to watch her tail wag. Connie shares toys and just likes to be with others. It was a happy day for Connie and hopefully tomorrow brings more firsts for her.
March 30, 2023
Meet Connie! She is so very unique! She has such a wonderful coat that mixes black/silver/chocolate and has the most haunting eyes. She was very timid when we met and when we got home – and rightfully so. It appears that this was her first time away from her family and actually in a house. But, once Dolly came home, Connie was a waggin’!!! It must be something about those Brookline girls. She took to Riggs pretty soon after and played to her heart’s content. Let’s just say she didn’t want to come in until the sun was long down. But once in, she went into her crate for the night. After some initial fussing, she settled and with only one small bark later, slept until about 7:00 AM. It had been a long day and night! Once up, she explored with the dogs and went in and out of the house at her leisure (but not mine, LOL). She ate well and decided that she likes hanging out in her crate when she is with me doing work. She is still very timid, but she is warmed up to us some and even decided she liked the couch.
I mean if it’s OK for Dolly it must be OK for her too, right? It’s so great to see her start to come out of her shell and into her own. Can’t wait to see her personality when she is ready.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
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Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638