Corby Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 7 Years Old ID#3428

Corby is now available:

June 18, 2024

Corby bounced back from his surgery in a day and is being the perfect patient! His incision is healing nicely and he eats his medications in his food without issue. He was good about the ice packs and just happy I was giving him love and attention. He was not a fan of the plastic collar but I remembered I had soft inflatables and he still isn’t happy with that but at least he’s not running away from me when I have to put it on. Yellow Labrador RetrieverThis boy is so sweet and loveable and just wants to be near me all the time.  We were snuggling the other day and he put his big head on my face and went to sleep,  it wasn’t very comfortable and he snores but I just stayed there enjoying the moment.  I  took him to Lowe’s over the weekend and the employee helping me just couldn’t get over how handsome and gentle Corby is and took some pictures and BLRR information.

Corby enjoys walks, car rides and just hanging out with his 4 legged and us 2 legged friends.  He is calm meeting new people and has great manners.  He’s a good companion outside because he doesn’t wander away from you so he doesn’t need a fence. He has so many wonderful attributes and is going to make someone very happy to become part of their family.

June 13, 2024

Corby continues to be a sweetheart and is showing more of his playful side every day.  We met one of my friends at a nearby lake Sunday for a walk.  She has 2 mini Golden doodles who can be a  little apprehensive of bigger dogs. They were good with Corby right away, he’s just so docile. Got a picture of Corby and my 2 dogs after the walk, they were all still ready to go more.Yellow Labrador RetrieverMr. Corby was neutered today and all went well! He’s feeling a little groggy yet but ate dinner and now relaxing.  I’m sure he’s not going to be happy about his restrictions the next week because he’s really been having fun with “zoomies”  when he gets the chance.  Once healed, he will be ready for his new home.Yellow Labrador Retriever

June 7, 2024


Corby continues to be the sweetest, most cuddly yellow bear you ever want to meet…and the most handsome 😍 This boy shows more and more personality every day. His morning starts with leaving him out of the crate and he runs to the back door to go out. A few trips around the yard with Enzo…I think they are trying to top each other with who can pee on more things, Fern thinks it’s just boy nonsense. He’s eating all his food without me coaxing or hand feeding anymore.

There’s a lot of new smells on our morning walk that need to be sniffed and sometimes peed on. I’m sure after his neuter there will be less marking. He’s so good on the leash, he doesn’t pull unless he finds something that needs investigating.  His tail wags if we encounter another dog but otherwise not much reaction.  Corby is great about meeting new people;  he has the lab lean for sure🙂 Everyone that meets him loves him and are impressed with how gorgeous and well behaved he is.Yellow Labrador Retriever

Corby got his booster vaccines this week and is ready for his neuter next week.  He weighed 96lbs. He should be 95-100lbs based on his size.  He was so happy to be back home with his buddies,  I got a little video of his happy dance.

Corby has become my Velcro dog and if I go outside to do something,  he runs from window to window looking for me. He does have the “little dog” anxious/excited peeing that we are working on and will need someone that will continue that work in his new home. He loves to cuddle and give kisses and sometimes affectionate nibbles.

When the weather is good we spend a lot of time outside,  he helps me pull weeds…well … he lays by me and watches me work 🙂 Enzo has taught him to do his business in the back of the yard which is great,  so no one steps in.

Everyone 2 and 4 legged gets out of the way when Corby gets the zoomies!! He doesn’t realize how big he is and how fast he’s running but it’s so much fun to watch him and see the joy on his face. Corby is going to make some family smile and melt their hearts 💕.

June 3, 2024

Corby is just so sweet and loveable!!! He loves to snuggle, give kisses, and he does that nibble thing to show you he loves you. He does the nibble thing to our one cat and she’s good for a few seconds and then gives his nose a pat to send him on his way.Yellow Labrador RetrieverA few family members stopped the other day and my sister-in-law was smitten with him and he was glued to her side because she just kept petting him and staring at him. They can’t have dogs because of the cat they have now but otherwise I think she was going to try and sneak him out with her.

Corby was a big hit at the pet fair this past Saturday!!! It was like people just saw him and had to come meet him.  He met lots of friends, 2 legged and 4 legged and he was great with all of them!!! He was wearing his “Brookline Adopt Me” vest. There were several people who took a picture of the vest so they could find us online.  He’s absolutely gorgeous, he just attracts people!!!  More than one person said he would make a great therapy dog. He even got his picture taken with Santa.Yellow Labrador Retriever

One of my neighbors is smitten with Corby, but his wife says “no dogs”.  I think the gentleman watches for us to go by and when we turn around at the cul-de-sac and come back, he’s walking down his driveway to see us (really just Corby) He keeps telling me how much he likes him and he just keeps petting him and staring at Corby. I wish his wife would reconsider; it would be great to have Corby nearby!!!! I just love this boy😍

He has not gone back in the pool since the first time he jumped in.  He prefers to lay under the umbrella with Fern but I’m sure with coaxing he may reconsider.  Fern doesn’t like it too much either but I take her in with me for a bit as it’s good exercise and I do water therapy for her arthritis.

Corby is definitely getting better with housebreaking.  He goes to the door when he has to go. He continues to pee several times when he goes out because still marking outside so need to make sure he’s finished before bringing him in. Neutering will help resolve that.

Walking Corby is so easy!!! He doesn’t pull, sometimes I’m pulling him along because he wants to stop and sniff everything and mark it. He is happy to see other dogs on our walks but if we just keep walking, he’s fine, no pulling or barking unlike my 2 embarrassing dogs.

Yellow Labrador RetrieverCorby continues to be a wonderful boy!!!

May 28, 2024

It’s been a little over 2 weeks since Corby came to stay with us and he is definitely coming out of his shell!! He loves to run for through the yard when he first goes out in the morning,  he gets the zoomies like a puppy and you just have to stay out of his way or get run over. He had his second round of bathing last Friday and I brush another dog out of him almost every day. He knows “stay”, “come” and “lay down “…he’s not grasping “sit” but still working on it.  Yellow Labrador RetrieverWe’re still working on housebreaking,  he does go to the door to signal to go out. He’s no longer looking for places to “mark” in the house. He will need a routine that helps. He sometimes gets so excited if I was outside and come back in the house, that’s when he pees, that’s why I am still using male wrap. He never goes in his crate so I don’t put wrap on him then.  I’m sure this will all get better once he’s neutered and given time for hormones decrease in body.Yellow Labrador RetrieverHe is great walking on gentle leader! He does get excited when he sees another dog but not in a bad way, just wants to meet them.

We had friends over Sunday and he was great with all the new people. Enzo showed him it was fine to go up to these people for pets and Corby followed and then they both laid at my one friend’s feet and fell asleep.

May 14, 2024

It’s been 4 days since this big boy joined us and he’s definitely feeling more relaxed and seeing some of his antics😉

– he’s now great about getting in and out of a car and enjoys windows down and nose out, like most labs

-if one of the resident cats moves too fast, a good game of chase starts…the older cat stops  and hisses at him and the game is over…the younger cat hasn’t learned to stop so the game lasts a little longer.  Fern has decided she likes the chase and will join in.Yellow Labrador Retriever-he has now decided that he doesn’t want to go in the crate but will oblige if a piece of chicken gets tossed in first

-he thinks it’s fun to sneak my slippers out of the closet and leave them laying somewhere in the house, he doesn’t chew them which is a plus

-housebreaking is still in the works…I finally found the packed box with the male wraps and had some delivered from Amazon…thankfully one day shippingYellow Labrador Retrieverhe gets so excited and happy that he bounds through the house,  it sounds like a heard of elephants because he’s so big😄

-he’s now relaxing enough to lay and snuggle with😍

Thank you for sending his goodie box, it came today!!!

Yellow Labrador Retriever

His vet appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Can’t wait to see how much he weighs😯

May 12, 2024

Meet Corby, he was sprung from the farm May 10th and his better life has begun!! He is truly a gentle GIANT. He is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Big blockhead and soulful eyes😍Yellow Labrador RetrieverHe takes treats gently and gives gentle,  sweet kisses once he warms up to you. His trip to freedom was eventful, and he just went with the flow, from long car ride, to pit stop at Pet store for a bath (he really stank) and home to meet new dogs and cats.  Introduction with resident dogs was easy, Enzo wanted to romp and Corby was happy to oblige.  Yellow Labrador RetrieverHe did try mounting Fern a few times but she corrected him and he’s been good since. He was nose to nose with one cat without issue,  the other cat gave him the stink eye from 5ft away and he turned and walked away.Yellow Labrador RetrieverSome things we’ve learned about Corby in 2 days:

– will jump in car without an issue,  getting him out takes 2 people,  one pulling and one pushing. If there’s a resident dog leading the way, he’s perfect.

-will counter surf if there’s an opportunity…and because he’s so big he can almost get face to the counter without jumping up🙂

-loves to go for walks but pulls, I have found the gentle leader works great with him. He didn’t like it on the first couple walks but this morning didn’t mind at all.

-loves to romp in the yard with resident dogs and will follow them everywhere

-shy when meeting new people but warms up in no time

-I put him in crate overnight and he goes in without issue.  He does bark a few times but then settles. He gets up twice during the night by barking to  go out.

-one area that needs work is potty training.

-he’s eating most of his meal now,  he doesn’t have the lab “inhale your food” motto yet and hopefully my dogs don’t influence him in that direction.

It was so good to see him romping through the yard yesterday and just looking so happy.  I forgot to take my phone outside and so I didn’t get a video but next time…

Here are some pictures,  I love the one of them all asleep in their beds last night,  a tired lab is a good lab😉

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638

PA Kennel License #05190