Cowyn Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 7 Years Old ID #3228
May 21, 2024
Hi Everyone,
It’s Cowyn I took the blog away from my FM she does an okay job but I want to tell my own story.
My bro Dublin got adopted and I am still waiting for my forever home. I am a fun loving boy just like my big brother. My name Cowyn means twin in Gaelic because me and my bro Dublin look so much alike. I have a list of what I want in my foster home.
I am cool with cats (just like the band Squeeze) sorry FM made me add the Squeeze reference. Not sure what that means but I do like to snuggle.
I do like other dogs, especially girls. I live with 3 other girls but my favorite is Phoebe. She likes to play. When I first got here I did not like her. All she did was steal my toys and run off with them. I didn’t understand what play was, Dublin and I usually hung out together. I also like to snuggle with her.
I also love my FM and follow her everywhere. She took me on a trail hike and I never left her side. There was a big lake that I walked in. Not sure if I want to swim though. FM laughed at me but said it’s okay if I don’t swim. I am a pretty cool guy either way.
I went to a dog party yesterday in Green Lane Park. It was fun and I met a lot of people and other dogs. FM said she was so proud of me. I was such a good boy and made a lot of new doggie friends and I gave kisses to all the ladies.
These are the things I want in a home
- I love to lay out in my yard so if my new peeps have a place where I can hang that would be awesome. Grass or a deck would be great.
- My new family must be able to throw a ball and also buy me balls and squeaky toys. I especially like stuffed animals. It doesn’t mean I am a baby or anything. I love stuffies. They make great pillows; you can chew them and retrieve them.
- I like to be with my peeps so I want someone to be home most of the time. I also am such a good boy in the car so please take me along for adventures. FM and FD take me to pet stores, Home Depot, and Lowes. I am the best boy ever.
- I know all sorts of commands and never have an accident; see I am not a baby.
If you are looking for a cool, dashing, fun boy to spend time with, look no further. I am here and I even have stuffies and balls to bring to your house.
signed Cowyn the cooler brother.
May 15, 2024
Cowyn is still waiting for his home. Cowyn is a 7 yrs. old PB yellow lab. He is well trained and sweet. Cowyn lived with a cat before and young kids.
Cowyn loves to be with his people. He walks well on lead. He lives to go for walks and play ball.
Cowyn is going to be at MGK-9 dog fest on May 18th rain date May 19th.
Green Lane Park, 2144 Snyder Rd, Green Lane, PA.
Come on down and meet this handsome sweet boy.
May 4, 2023
Cowyn continues to wait for his forever home. He had a cyto-point shot 6 weeks ago and he is still not having any itchiness. He may not need it on a regular basis only if he shows signs of chewing or licking his paws. He seems really good now.
I want to remind everyone that Cowyn is still waiting for his home.
He is a great guy. He would be good for many types of families and he has a lot of knowns.
- He is good with other dogs
- He is good with kids. My friends stayed with us with their 1 yr. old. He was amazing with her.
- He lived with a cat and was totally cool.
- He is active but not bouncing off the walls. He and I go for a 1.5 mile walk and he naps all day.
- He is fine with a chill dog like Betty but also loves to play with Phoebe. That took time to establish the relationship with Phoebe.
- He loves to snuggle and be a Velcro dog with his peeps.
- He is trained ; sit , leave it , no, off, down, he knows it all.
- He walks well in leash
- He is great in the car
- If you say what does the cow cow say and give him a hug and head kisses he makes a sound like a cow groaning or mooing.
Cowyn would like a fenced in yard only because he loves to lay in the grass and chew his ball or watch the going on. He is happy with is peeps and wants them to be home but he has been left alone for 6 hrs. and he is fine.
It’s very hard to get a video of me hugging Cowyn and getting him to make his moo sound.
One video is a happy Cowyn and the other is the moo video.
April 30, 2024
Cowyn is still looking for his own home. He loves to hang out in the yard and chew his ball or just enjoy the day. He loves to play with Pheobe but is just as happy to chill on the couch and have a quiet afternoon on the couch.
He walks nicely on lead. He pulls a little in the beginning but walks beautifully next to you after 5 minutes.
He has lived with cats and kids.
He is super sweet and loving, a big snuggler. When you give him a big hug he makes a sound like a cow mooing. My favorite thing to do is say what does the Cowcow say then squeeze him.
April 23, 2024
Well, I am excited and sad to say Cowyn is available.
Cowyn is a 7 yr. old active PB yellow lab. He is extremely affectionate and easy to be with. He is an excellent car passenger and snuggler. He loves to play fetch so make sure your arm is in shape. I have watch Cowyn evolve from a dog that would snap at Phoebe when she would initiate play to a guy who wants to play tug of war with her as much as possible. He lived with a cat and 2 little kids. He did not want to interact with the kids he lived with. I think they may have been too rough with him. He spent 5 days with a 1-year-old and he was sweet and gentle with her. He would walk over and give her a kiss. Cowyn is an easy dog to be with. he has made multiple trips to Lowes or pet food stores, and he waits patiently next to you while you shop. What does Cowyn need in his new home:
- A fenced in yard would be ideal. Cowyn loves to lay in the yard on nice days and chew his ball or play fetch.
- A family that adores him. He will adore them in return.
- Someone that works from home or is home most days. Cowyn is fine on his own but he loves his people and wants to be with them.
- Cowyn is good with kids but they should be respectful.
- Cowyn can live with or without a dog.
Cowyn does need to be on a low-fat high protein food. He also needs cyto-point injections for allergies. He gets them every 5-6 weeks now.
He is such a lovely guy. We will really miss him.
April 3, 2024
Hi Everyone,
Quick update on how my pal Cowyn is doing. Single answer great.
Cowyn now loves Phoebe. All he wants to do is play with her. Prior he would growl at her if she tried to engage in play. Of course, Phoebe is relentless and basically wore him down. Now he runs up to her and shoves the toy in her face, neck, or ear. Whatever works. He has a lot of play for a 7yr old dog.
Phoebe was a little cautious around him when he first arrived. The other night she used his belly as a pillow. She really enjoys being with him too. I have taken him with me when we pick up Phoebe from daycare. They both so happy to see each other.
His presence has been a big help for Betty. Cowyn is a happy guy. He is enthusiastic to do everything. He bounces around on his 2 front paws whether it is going for a ride or going outside in our yard. All that enthusiasm has rubbed off on shy Betty. She is exploring more of our house and she runs outside with him even if the scary wind is blowing. Cowyn loves to hang outside no matter what the weather is and lay down and chew his ball. I have to bribe him sometimes to come in. Cowyn want a cookie and boom he races in and leaves the ball outside 95% of the time.
He is easy to be with. He is great in the car, great on leash, has not tried to counter surf except that initial butter licking episode. He said he didn’t do it but FD says differently. We have brought him to stores where he is a big hit. He waits patiently for you never complaining.
Where he struggles is reactivity on lead when dogs walk by. We were at Peace Valley Park the other day. He got a lot of practice on sitting and not engaging other dogs. We saw 5 dogs. Each time there was a little improvement. I keep him focused on me and give him a treat when he watches me. He needs practice. We look at this as training sessions. That would be the only thing he needs to continue working on.
He is a delightful boy. I am smitten with him. I love how much he helps Betty. At one point I thought he should be the only dog but now I am not so sure. It will be dog dependent. He seems to enjoy being with Betty and Phoebe.
I can say Cowyn is always ready for an adventure. You don’t have to ask him twice if he wants to go for a walk or car ride. Cowyn is a big happy dude. He loves to snuggle. He always wags his tail hard. If you are happy and you know it wag your tail. Pretty much describes Cowyn. His happiness is infectious. He is an absolute joy.
March 14, 2024
Hi Everyone,
Cowyn has been with us for a month and I am beginning to see more of his personality. He is a total love bug. He wants all the attention pushing my dogs out of the way. He is also very energetic for a 7 yrs. old. He loves to play fetch. He will bring over his stuffed animals over for me to throw in the house. He loves it so much.
He is starting to ask Phoebe to play with him which was a total turnaround. He brings a toy to her and wants her to play tug. He is a very vocal guy. He loves to play growl. He enjoys laying in yard and chewing on his tennis ball. He doesn’t want to come in. He is really great boy.
My favorite thing about Cowyn is his tail wags. He wags his tail so hard when he is happy, eventually the side to side wags turn in to propeller tail. He is adorable. He is helping our very shy Golden come out if her shell. He is so enthusiastic about everything she is following him around the yard and house.
It has been a joy to have around the house and I am looking forward to seeing his full personality.
February 28, 2024
Cowyn had his vet appointment yesterday. His ears are all better the infection is gone. He also lost 2 lbs. only 5 to go. He got his first cyto-point injection for his allergies. This boy is doing great.
We have been going for walks. When he is on lead he seems fine passing other dogs. We met 3 dogs at the vet and he was fine. When we go for walks he is perfect unless a dog is reactive to him. Then he will bark and pull. However, when I correct him and get his focus back on me he is fine. We walk away. Something to be aware of when his new family takes him for walks. I carry a squeaker from a toy in my pocket and use that to get his attention. It works well. Cowyn walks nicely on lead, we use a harness. Both front clip and back clip work equally. He is easy to walk and likes to walk next to Phoebe when possible.
Cowyn is beginning to integrate into the pack. He was a little growly at Phoebe when it came to toys. Phoebe is very bossy and loves to steal toys. Cowyn would growl at her. Now he brings the toy to her and shoves it in her face to play. He is understanding how to play with Phoebe. We have a box filled with toys from Brookline. Phoebe would steal all of them so I am saving them for Cowyn’s new home. He loves stuffed animals and bones to chew.
Cowyn loves to go for car rides and is the perfect passenger. He loves to go for walks. He enjoys following me everywhere and patiently waits with me while I use the bathroom. He loves to snuggle and get as much attention as you can give. He also know okay that’s enough. He will go lie down. He is a great guy.
- Cowyn would love a fenced in yard (not a deal breaker) and a person to play fetch with. He loves to get the tennis ball and bring it back. Good throwing arm is a must.
- Cowyn gets along well with dogs but really wants to be the center of attention. If a new adopter had a chill resident dog Cowyn would enjoy their company but he would like all the attention. He is a big snuggly mush.
- Cowyn would like his family home most of the time. He is fine by himself but is very attached to his people. He is a big Velcro boy. He does not need to be crated.
- Cowyn has lived with kids but does not want to be climbed on or have his fur or ears pulled. Older kids or dog savvy kids are fine.
Cowyn is completely trained. He is looking to be your everything. Can you open your home to this sweet loving boy.
February 22, 2024
Cowyn continues do to well with us. We went for a 1.5 mile walk this morning. He was very excited to go. He had a big wiggle butt dance when he saw me get his harness. As always he was my perfect passenger in the car. We have to drive a little ways to go to a neighborhood where we can walk. He saw a few dogs on the walk. The first 2 dogs were on lead. There was a little whining but not a big deal. The second 2 dogs where behind a fence and were barking aggressively at us. Cowyn wanted to engage and kept lurching toward the dogs. I was able to get his attention and we continued on without issue. His mom had said that Cowyn could be reactive on lead. He was a bit but he did respond to leave it and a happily accepted a treat. That would be something potential adopter would need to work on.
He was excellent on lead. He pulled a little in the beginning. Within 5 minutes he was walking nicely without pulling. I give him a B+ on walking.
Cowyn has been sleeping and eating well. He is on steroids for his ears. We have a follow-up appointment on Tuesday to check his ears and start him on apoquel for his allergies. I am hoping to post him after his appointment.
He can be a little vocal when playing and he doesn’t like to share his toys with the other dogs. He will growl at Phoebe and Betty if they try to take his ball. I correct him and take the ball away. He does want to guard the toy a little with dogs. If he is an only child he will be fine. His mom reported that when her kids would come over to Cowyn he would grumble and leave. That may have been because his ears were painful or because he isn’t into little kids. I think older kids would be best for him.
Cowyn loves to hang with his people. He follows me everywhere including the bathroom. He used to cry when I would leave. He seems to be more comfortable when I have to go to work. He would like a home where his people are around most of the time and he is the center of attention.
February 17, 2024
Hi All,
Cowyn has been with us for a week. He is beginning to feel more comfortable with us and settling in to our routine. We went out to dinner and he was a good boy. He didn’t touch a thing. He was a little nervous when we got home. That’s to be expected this is all very new to him. We have not used a crate with him. He has been a perfect gentleman. He also can do stairs without issue. We have bare wood steps and he has no problem. He likes to be near us but not under foot. Even if he is in the kitchen when I am cooking he stays out of high traffic areas.
For a 7 yr. old dog he is extremely playful. He loves his stuffed animals. He keeps bringing them to me so I will throw them. He loves to retrieve inside and out. We got a big box of toys from Brookline but I haven’t opened it yet. Phoebe will take them all. I figured he could play with all the toys we have. Then he can have brand new toys for his new home. Phoebe is a toy hog.
He has been feeling more comfortable playing with Phoebe. They both are vocal players. He likes to talk when playing if you correct him he stops immediately.
We went to the vet yesterday to get his microchip. He was perfect on lead no pulling. He was great in the car. He sat in front going to the vet and on the way home he sat in the back. He is very calm in the car. He waits until I say okay to exit the car. He saw a number of dogs at the vet. A few barked at him but he did not engage. He was great with the staff.
Cowyn was loved by his mom and she taught him manners. It shows. He is very loving with us. He and Phoebe give each other kisses. I forgot to mention that Cowyn also lived with a cat. He was totally cool with it.
He has an appointment to recheck his ears in 10 days. They may need to pack them with antibiotics one last time. He may need to be on apoquel or cytopoint. He is very healthy otherwise. He did have a fatty lipoma on his chest and another near his paw. It was aspirated is nothing to be concerned about.
Cowyn will be available after the vet appointment. He is going to make a wonderful addition for families that want a perfect mix between active and couch potato.
He is very easy to be with. We love him and we know you will also
February 14, 2024
Cowyn has been in foster care for 4 days. It feels like he always has been here. He is one of the easiest dogs I have ever had as a foster or adoptive dog. He is extremely chill. He is so sweet and wants to cuddle or be close. We are mad for him but I truly believe he needs to be the only dog, not because he has any issues with dogs. He wants and deserves to get all the attention.
Cowyn went to the vet’s yesterday. He weighs 90lbs probably needs to be 83-85 lbs. He also had his ears packed with antibiotics. He was a champ albeit a little nervous. He was excellent in the car. Went up and down my basement steps and vet steps without issue. He was fantastic on lead. He stayed right next to me. Never pulled. He was perfect.
Once his ear infections are under control we will go back for a follow-up to make sure there is no more infection. He may need to be on apoquel or get cyto-point injections. After that he will be ready to post.
What does Cowyn need in a home.
- He does not need but would like a fenced in yard. He loves to play ball.
- He should be the only dog. This is something that his mom wanted and I agree. He deserves all the attention.
- He would like to have someone home most of the time to hang out with.
- Although he lived with kids, Cowyn would prefer older kids that wouldn’t pull or climb on him.
He is really great. I can’t say enough nice things about him. He is a counter surfer. He licked the butter on the counter. I am sure he would trash pick. He listens really well to corrections. He just wants to please you.
He got very excited with the snow and even played a little with Phoebe and Betty yesterday. He is starting to engage more with Phoebe.
I will be sad and happy having him go to his forever home. He will be perfect for the right family.
February 13, 2023
Cowyn is settling into his routine and is doing great. He is a couch dog.
He loves hanging out with you and being close. He also loves to go out and play fetch. He is really good at it. He races to the ball, brings it back and drops it upon request. Perfect partner.
He has not had any accidents since he arrived. He is on low fat food and eats it up. I reduced his meals from 2 cups to 1.5 cups. Plus, he gets a spoon of pumpkin and a small spoon of wet just as a topper. He needs to drop some weight. Playing ball daily and less food at dinner time should get him there.
He sleeps all night long on the orthopedic dog bed in our room. He has been easy to live with. He is a happy boy, tail always wagging. He just wants some love. He listens as well. He wanted to jump up on our bed and I said no. He listened and laid back down on the dog bed. He also knows sit, down, leave it, shakes with both paws, wait, and comes when called. He is such an easy boy.
Cowyn is very handsome with beautiful red fur. He has a wrinkle brow which gives him these great expressions. Will there be enough food for me type of look. He is very sweet and gentle.
He does well with Betty our golden. They share a love of couch naps. Betty is very low key.

So Cowyn appreciates that. Phoebe keeps trying to get him to play. He is not interested right now. Maybe with time. He has been setting boundaries with Phoebe telling her to back off. Cowyn wants to peacefully coexist. They will work it out.
Which brings me to Cowyn future needs. He does well with other dogs but I think he would like to be the only dog. He would be fine with a chill dog like Betty. He really just wants all the snuggles and not to have to share his people. I think that would make him happy. He also is good with kids but prefers not to be climbed on or have his ears pulled. Older kids would be better.
He and I are just learning about each other. Cowyn loves attention. He is so happy when you are talking to him. Or giving scratches his tail goes around in circles. Propeller tail.
Cowyn has a vet appointment to get up to date on his shots. He also has allergies and scratches his ears. We will address that as well. He will be available in a couple of weeks. He is really easy to be with. He likes to have his people near. Someone that works from home or is retired would be great for him. He walks pretty well on harness. He pulls at first put settles in. We need to do practice a little.
He is a great big cuddly mush. He will be an excellent addition to a family.
February 11, 2024
Welcome handsome sweet boy Cowyn ( meaning twin in Gaelic). Cowyn and his brother Dublin are owner surrenders who came to Brookline today.
Cowyn is 7 yrs. old. He is a big boy maybe 100 lbs. He definitely needs to drop a few. He loves to play fetch and is very affectionate. He gives big sloppy kisses. He needs a few days to decompress. He has a vet appointment this week so we can get the official weigh in. He will get up to date on shots. He knows basic obedience commands and listens well. I am looking forward to meeting this sweet guy.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190