Daisy #26 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 4 Years Old ID #3311
June 20, 2023
Daisy is still looking for her forever home. She has really settled in as a family dog and the ways of being loved.
Daisy has really come a long way in her journey. Here are things she has learned!
- Cuddling is good. Daisy thinks she is a lap dog. An 80 pounder!
- The world outside the house and yard are not to be explored. She no longer bolts out the door and gates. She waits at the gate or door for you to return!
- Walks are fun! Daisy has improved on her leash. She still likes to be at the front, but the pulling has slowed. She just loves to explore the neighborhood.
- Fetch is life! Daisy loves to play and will now make sure she has a ball when we go out.
She still barks at you to throw the ball, but we are working on that. She just gets so excited to play. She runs at 100% all the time. It takes her quite a while to calm down when we come in.
We feel Daisy would be a great addition to any active family. She has some quirks, but don’t we all. She would love a family with another dog to play with.
May 26, 2023
Daisy #26 is such a sweet girl. She is a former farm dog who made the trip up from Mississippi. Daisy’s last litter was last December and she is now officially retired. The farmer did love her, but she got into their chicken coop and killed a number of their chickens. The farmer thought it best that she be adopted out if they wanted to keep chickens.
What does Daisy need in a forever family?
- A family that is able to give back the love to her that she will definitely give out. She is a very loving dog and loves to be around her humans as much as possible.
- A fenced yard would be great. Daisy is a runner and will leave the yard.
- An active family would also be a plus. Daisy loves walks. A stronger hand would also be a plus since her leash manners need some work.
- A family that will play with her. She is high energy and needs to get it out. She does settle nicely, but boy, she can run forever!
Daisy is a very great dog. Her only fault that we have found is that she is vocal. She barks to have a ball thrown. Every time! Some understanding neighbors may also be a plus, mostly at 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
May 24, 2023

Daisy made a few breakthroughs this week! She is really settled in and just about ready to find her forever home.
- Will actually come in the back door now on her own! Took some time, but she has it figured out. She still runs in like she stole something, but does not have to be coaxed in.
- Now comes upstairs every time I go up. Daisy also spends the night in our bedroom with us on her bed. Our resident does not come up at night anymore, so Daisy has gladly taken her place.
- Better at walking on the leash. She still likes to be at the furthest she can, but does not really pull. Just kind of keeps the leash tight. She does like to try to enter other yards, but a quick reminder and she is back on track. You do have to hold on if she sees a cat, squirrel or rabbit. Then she keeps looking back to make sure it is not following us!
Daisy is really a great girl. Not any bad habits either. Takes treat great, no table surfing, and no begging. Daisy just loves being loved on. Daisy is a cuddler and likes the sofa. She jumps up in our chair if I get up to go somewhere. Then just looks at me like, “finders’ keepers!”
We will miss her when she leaves us!
May 21, 2023
Daisy #26, is full of surprises.
I usually leave my sneakers on our back deck when I go for my bike ride. It was a very nice day, so the girls wanted to stay outside while I was out. When I returned and went to put my sneakers on, one was missing! Daisy looked a little guilty too! No eye contact.
Hey Daisy, where is my shoe? Daisy runs around the yard like she is looking for it. It is blue, so I figured it would stick out. We scan the yard, looking around, but no shoe. Finally, I take a closer look around. Daisy continues to play dumb. She has no idea where it is.
Well, I finally find it. Not chewed up, but not perfect either! See picture below to see where I found it! Daisy looks at me with a look on her face like, how did that get there? Still has not confessed!
I learned my lesson!
May 17, 2023
Daisy continues to become more and more comfortable at our house. She is really fitting in with us and our resident dog.
Daisy is one of the sweetest dogs ever. She is making up for the first four years of not getting much affection. She loves being doted on and is really good at returning all the love back. Daisy loves to cuddle and be in the center of it all.
Daisy is great at being home by herself. Well, she is with our resident dog for a few hours a day and has not been in any trouble at all. She has the run of the house during the day and night without a bit of troublemaking! No separation anxiety for this girl.
Daisy love playing fetch and being outside. We are still having some difficulty getting her to come back in the house. We have to come in and let her follow us in. She then dart past us like she just stole something. Daisy must have never been in the house. Daisy can do stairs great , but will follow us up and stops at the top step, waits, and then runs down. We feel that someday she will finally stay up there for a little bit.
Daisy is getting better and better at leash walking. We go for at least one walk a day and she is learning. She does not pull at all and her only fault is that she likes to go into other yards. She is an explorer.
Overall, Daisy is such a pleasure to be around. All she wants is to be loved on. She will be a great part of any family!
May 15, 2023
Daisy has finally made her way to NJ from Mississippi via PA! Her original trip was delayed two weeks due to trouble after her spay. She is now healed and in retirement.
Daisy is a yellow 4 year-old. She has beautiful light brown almost hazel eyes. I would estimate that she is about 70 to 80 pounds.
Daisy has fit in with our family great. Her intro with our resident dog went awesome. They fit together great. Daisy is really laid back and very mellow.
Daisy is not too keen at coming into the house after being outside. She stands at the back door and waits until you go in and then makes her way in. She is still wondering what has gone on the last few days. Daisy has found that a dog bed is great and the sofa is better.
Daisy will get better though!
No accidents, eats great and no trouble with our resident dog, is learning to walk on leash, and loves to play fetch! Her only fault is that when she brings the ball back to you, she barks until you throw the ball again. It is like she is yelling for you to throw the ball.
Daisy has already been spayed, so she is officially retired. She is curious too. Loves to explore and look out the window.
Daisy is cuddled next to me with her head on me as I write this.
That is all for now. More to come as we get to know her better!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638