Daisy #29 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 9 Years Old ID#3429
Meet Daisy! This 9 year old purebred beauty with big brown eyes and a sweet disposition was transported off her farm, and is now in her Brookline Foster home. Please read her blog from the bottom up to learn more about her.
September 3, 2024
Hello all – Daisy here!
I just wanted to tell everyone about my crazy fun adventures in Sea Isle City this weekend. My foster family took me on a long car ride on Thursday morning.
I got to sit with Boomer in the back seat so I was very happy. Most of the ride I sat ON him but he was nice and just licked me. Before we got to the house, they have this weird tradition of opening all the windows when they get near the Sea Isle bridge. They breathe the air with their noses up just like us dogs!! They are hysterical! They said they love the smell of salt air especially in the back bays.
I was very brave and sniffed all the rooms in the new house thoroughly. I was so happy to see my bed and toys made it to the shore too. We went out on the deck and I got to see seagulls for the first time. My partner in crime, Boomer, was his usual crazy self and was leaping off the deck into the air and barking at the seagulls so I did it with him (without the barking). I got so excited that I pooped right in the garden and made my own garden sculpture. Foster mom tried to lure me down the ramp to the dock. Since Boomer was such a chicken and put the brakes on, I did too. We watched her and my foster brother jump into the bay and swim. She told me we were going to do a big project today and I was going to help and not be scared with the loud booms.
We took cabinets down from the crab room and broke them apart to take to the dump. I was right in the middle and loved being with them while they worked. It was great. We got a nice long walk that night and settled in.The next morning, I was so happy to be at the shore that I woke everyone up squeaking my favorite stuffed animal. We had a great day with so many friends, family, and neighbors dropping in to say hi . I greeted them all and they petted me and told me what a good, special girl I was.
The following morning, foster mom found a baby bunny in the side garden and … I DID NOT eat the bunny. Boomer sure tried but he got banned to the house. We saved the bunny and took it to the marsh where other bunnies live. That’s when I meet the giant frog!! (I told you this was crazy fun!!) ) He scared me when he hopped into the bay and I did not eat him either. Then we met a blue-claw crab that was by the dock. This one I did not even think about eating.
It was the best weekend ever AND I got some homemade ice cream too. I am still looking for my permanent family to find me and love me. I’ve been waiting a long time but I’m a patient girl!
July 30, 2024
Miss Daisy has been with us for 3 months now and continues to be the perfect easy-going companion. She is much more independent as she feels safe and loved in her foster home. We are leaving her for longer periods of time and she is content napping on her comfy dogbed until we return.
Her gentle, loving demeanor makes her a favorite of all visitors to the house.
We will be taking Daisy (and her dog companion Boomer) to Sea Isle City for Labor Day weekend where she can enjoy the fresh salt air and beautiful ocean.
We noticed a few new things with Daisy. She developed a scab on her nose recently. When it fell off, she has a heart on her nose! Please enjoy the pictures of Daisy without and then with the heart-nose.
Daisy is hysterical especially in the morning. She’s become quite talkative especially when coming down the steps and getting ready to put on her harness to go for walks. Of course, we talk back to her and it encourages her to keep on going with the chat!
It’s hard to believe that there is no person/family out there who would want such a wonderful lovely dog.
July 21, 2024
Daisy spent a wonderful week at Barbara’s house while we were on vacation (thanks again so much, Barbara!)
Barbara said Daisy was a perfect guest and well-behaved. She has such a gentle, loving demeanor and was so easy to love and care for.With all the travel time in the car for longer periods of time, we have determined that Daisy does NOT require the Cerenia and does very well with 3-4 ginger snaps given 1 hour before a car ride. Bonus!
Daisy continues to be such a wonderful companion both to our family and resident dog Boomer. Both dogs travelled home in the car together and were VERY happy to see each other again. Daisy can stay longer periods of time without us at home with Boomer as her companion. She has had no accidents even when home for 6-7 hours. She does get lonely without a human or dog companion but is never destructive. We would love to see Daisy find her forever home. She is the perfect easy-going companion and gives so much love.
June 29, 2024
Exciting news about Daisy!!
She did very well on a 1 hr car ride yesterday and was not car sick! I gave her some ginger snaps but also a tablet of Cerenia (from a previous dog) the I didn’t realize I had. She was calm the entire ride and quite happy! I’ll be eliminating the Cerenia and only using the ginger snaps on the next ride to see if she can do without it.
June 26, 2024
Daisy Mae Clampett continues to be as playful, sweet, and loving as ever. She loves to help me with the laundry (each piece must be sniffed thoroughly). She’s the chief greeter for everyone that walks in our door. Every person that meets her adores her and for good reason.
Boomer and Daisy have been having fun with a new interactive toy.
She was afraid of it at first then she’s began carrying it around the house. She’ll look at it from the corner of her eye, then very slyly give it a little nudge with her nose to “wake” it up again. We are very entertained by her!
I’ve been slowly introducing ginger snaps to Daisy to get her used to the taste. Hopefully, they will prevent her nausea for car rides. The big test will be on our 1 hr. car ride on Friday.
Please enjoy the short videos of Daisy meeting the new toy!
June 15, 2024
Good morning, all!
Daisy has fit into our home seamlessly since early May. She is a pleasure to have and is always happy with tail thumping the floor or wagging. The best word I can use to describe her now is “content”. She wakes up happy to greet each member of the family after sleeping peacefully in her dog bed all night . She loves to go into the yard throughout the day and explore to see if there’s been anything new since the day before.
She patrols the fence perimeter, checks out the flower perennial beds, and walks around each raised vegetable bed doing her “inspection”.
We’ve been eating outside for every meal and she loves laying on the deck in the shade.Daisy met my elderly parents a few weeks ago and was so good with them. She didn’t get in their way or trip them. She has never jumped on anyone regardless of her excitement level.
A few days ago, I couldn’t find Daisy. I started calling for her in the house since she likes to lay in all different rooms depending on her mood. I finally went to the back door to call her and she came running up the steps to the deck covered in dirt up to her eyeballs, more on her back and all four paws. She was smiling at me and looked so proud of herself. Apparently, our lab Boomer taught her to open the slider to the back yard. She caught the scent of a rabbit under the deck and was digging to find that darn rabbit. Boomer teaches our fosters some wonderful tricks on how to live in a home but sometimes….
We opened the pool the other day and had some neighboring teenagers over to swim. Daisy was out the door immediately to greet them and followed them onto the deck and even wanted to swim with them! Since this is her first time (we think?) in water, we will be introducing her to the pool this weekend. Maybe she can teach resident lab Boomer to love it too!
On Thursday morning, I took Daisy back to the vet for her spay suture removal. She is a staff favorite and every vet tech came to greet her. They all piled into the exam room to love on her while the vet removed the sutures and checked her over. The vet was laughing because she usually only needs 1 assistant and she had four crowded in the room to love Daisy!
As Daisy gains confidence in her surroundings, she doesn’t try to follow us out the door or the gate now. She waits patiently and knows we will return. She lays quietly in her dog bed or on the hassock and isn’t needy with affection. She is just content to have someone home even if it isn’t in the same room with her. She does well when everyone is gone and sleeps until we return. She loves Boomer and follows him around but she is content to let him roam independently. They have “play fests” where they chase each other, wrestle, and flip toys together but they are also good independently. When it’s time for treats, Daisy is always the first in line. This girl is so full of life and joy!
May 20, 2024
Hello from Daisy!Each day we are learning more and more about Miss Daisy! She is such a pleasure to have around and is incredibly affectionate and sweet. She will make a very loving addition to any person/family. She loved meeting all the new people at WMGK9 on Saturday and has made a new 6 year-old friend! He runs out of his house every morning to hug Daisy before getting on the bus for school. She adores him and it’s obviously mutual.
Daisy’s been with us for over 2 weeks now and loving life in a home with all the comforts it provides. She is so excited to go upstairs for bed at night and hops into her bed and settles in. Resident lab Boomer often lays in the bed with her and she’s willing to share!
Here’s more of what we’ve learned about this precious girl:
– She lights up around children but does not require a home with children
-She is great with all people
-Daisy chases cats (and bunnies and birds) so no cats in her future home
-Daisy gets super excited to walk especially in the morning. She does not require a fenced yard to be happy
-She walks really well on a front-clip harness- weaves a little but very little pulling
-Daisy would be very happy in a home without another dog. If she is to live in a home with a dog, she prefers a large companion. They must be very laid back, calm, and non-reactive to her initial grumbling. She needs a very gradual (not nose to nose) introduction. She loves resident dog Boomer and they play together and sleep together but she is dog-selective.
-Daisy loves frequent interaction and affection but can happily lay in the same room as her humans and would love for them (or at least one of them) to be at home as much as possible
-Daisy still does NOT shed. We are amazed at her beautiful coat and so many people at the event on Saturday commented on it
-No bark from Daisy since she arrived
-She’s had no accidents in the house except for her first night
Daisy will be getting her distemper combo tomorrow night. Her spay date is very early in June. She will be available shortly after her spay!
This girl worms her way into everyone’s heart that meets her. She has the most soulful beautiful, gentle eyes.
May 13, 2024
Daisy received her gift box from Brookline on rainy Friday and there was much rejoicing!!
The treats are a huge hit as well as the squeaky toys. A big thanks to Brookline for getting it just right for Miss Daisy!
May 10, 2024
Good morning from Daisy!It’s been a week since Miss Daisy came off the farm and boy does this girl enjoy living in a house with a family! She is going to make a wonderful addition to whoever adopts her. Here’s what we’ve learned about Daisy this week:
-Daisy DOES NOT SHED- she’s the first yellow lab I think in the history of yellow labs that doesn’t shed. She’s got the most beautiful, healthy coat too!
-Like so many farm girls, Daisy doesn’t bark
-She’s had no accidents in the house except for her first night
– She is wonderful with children of all ages (including special needs)
-She is great with men/women
-Daisy chases cats so she should be placed in a home without cats
-She loves her walks and can be placed in a home with or without a fenced yard
-She is doing very well with a front-clip harness- weaves a little but very little pulling
-She has almost mastered “stay” but Daisy just looks at me like “yeah right not happening” for the sit command
-We found that Daisy is restless at night if she’s not with us so she’s been sleeping in a cushy dog bed in our room
-She would prefer to have her humans near her as much as possible
-Daisy is not a fan of leaf blowers- our neighbor had her property landscaped and those leaf blowers were LOUD and going for @4 hours. Initially Daisy was fine but when they kept going, she had her tail tucked and was agitated. Many hugs and reassurance later, she calmed and returned to her happy labby self
-Daisy let me cut her front nails last night with no issue! Tonight the back nails…
Daisy will be attending the 2024 MGK-9 Dog Walk on May 18th!
May 6, 2024
Good morning, all!
Daisy has been such a pleasure to foster! She is so sweet, gentle, and loving. She has really been enjoying her walks and is interested in everything around her. She wasn’t overly thrilled with the rain over the past few days but went out and did her business with encouragement.
As you can see in the pictures, she preferred to lay around on FM as well as the couch until the weather cleared.
As with most or all of the farm girls, she doesn’t bark. She indicates at the back door when she needs to go and her house-training is going really well.
She’s met several children on our walks and is sooo gentle with them. She is careful not to knock them over. Since she lived with children of all ages on the farm, including very little ones, she loves them and knows to be gentle.
Daisy has almost mastered “stay” but “sit” is proving a challenge. It’s early days yet though! We noticed that Daisy hasn’t shed since she’s been with us.
I’ve done much less laundry than expected.
She continues to play happily with her toys and to go to each of us for pets and hugs. Hopefully, we will be able to spend much more time outdoors if the weather clears.
Stay tuned for more Daisy soon!
May 5, 2024
Good morning from Daisy!!
Hi to all my Brookline friends! I am seeing and learning so many new things off the farm. I follow FM everywhere since I don’t want to miss any excitement. I follow her up the steps and down the steps and into the basement and outside. We did laundry together yesterday and I was very helpful sniffing all the clothes. FM is trying to teach me the “sit” and “stay” commands. I do ok with “stay” but “sit” is confusing to me. Boomer does it every time and he gets a “good boy” so maybe I’ll learn to do it so I can get extra treats.. does it work that way?
I found my way into the asparagus raised bed yesterday and walked on everything then ate some. FM laughed at me and told me I was very silly.
I tried out every dog bed yesterday and finally settled on my favorite- it is sooo comfy I fell asleep right away. FM took a picture of me reclining.I was given a tennis ball but have no idea what to do with it. I flipped over the toy bin and found an amazing toy that squeaks and I was running around the house and flipping it.
I also liked the fox toy to toss around. Treats are also very wonderful. I love the dental treats and all the other ones FM and FD give me. We took a walk last night. FM told me I walked very nicely with the front-clip harness. It’s much more comfortable and I was told I was such a good girl!!I love love love food but am a slower eater. I tried to steal my foster brother’s lunch and he didn’t stop me but FM said “NO” in a very serios way so I guess I better listen or else I may not get as many treats and I love treats! I slept with my brother Boomer last night downstairs and I’ve had no accidents in the house (FM is sooo happy with me learning so quickly) since yesterday morning. I do my business outside or on our walks.
Stay tuned for more Daisy adventures!
May 4, 2024
Good morning from former farm girl Daisy #29! Daisy was treated to a bath by the farmer before a volunteer picked her up yesterday for her freedom ride (thanks sooo much!). She was surrendered because the farmer decided to stop breeding her. Her last litter was 2 years ago and she’s had 6-7 litters.The volunteer got her fully vetted and Daisy rode beautifully for the long car ride. She weighs 83 lbs and the vet found an inflamed mammary duct which went untreated for some time. Daisy will be on antibiotics for 2 weeks which is just fine with her since it means CHEEEEESE!!
Upon arrival, Daisy went right into the yard and did all her business. She met resident 9 year old black lab Boomer and they hit it off right away!Daisy is a very friendly and affectionate with everyone she’s met and her tail never stops wagging! She asked to go into the house (!!) and seemed very comfortable with everything in the home (unlike every other farm girl breeder I’ve had so far). She immediately investigated the first floor then went to the basement and second floor. She has no issues with hardwood flooring and does steps beautifully! She refused dinner last night and was pacing and panting as she became accustomed to her new surroundings.
Daisy took the pictures and sounds on TV in her stride and seemed interested in watching both what her foster brothers were watching then came to join me to check out my program! She took her treats very gently before bedtime and finally settled on the hassock when she saw my Eagles (we have a FAN!!) blanket. She slept through the night but got up once and had a pee accident on the rug by the back door.
Daisy woke up happy and wagging this morning! She was so happy to greet her foster brothers, FM, and FD. She went out with Boomer and did her business then ate her entire breakfast! We went for a long walk in the neighborhood. Daisy did pull hard with the harness so I’ll try a front-clip harness for our walk later. She produced a poop on the walk and enjoyed smelling the spring flowers.
Daisy will be a wonderful, loving addition to any family that adopts her!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190