Daisy #20 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 8 Years Old ID #2664
June 11, 2020
Daisy is back with us, her foster family. Unfortunately, Daisy had an incident where she slipped, and lost her footing, which aggravated an old cruciate injury. Her adoptive family struggled with what was best for her. Their family situation had changed unexpectedly due to the pandemic, and they felt that the best thing for Daisy would be to return her to Brookline’s care, and our foster home. Of course, we were beyond ecstatic to welcome her back home!
Since re-joining her Lab sisters, and Beagle brother, Daisy has settled right back into her routine like she never even left! The first thing we did was make a trip to see Dr. Howe-Smith, and Dr. Knight to determine the best course of action for helping to heal Daisy’s leg. Because the injury was old, and had never been addressed, we started her on some anti-inflammatory medication, and twice weekly water therapy sessions in addition to some home therapy exercises. After the first 6 treatments, the doctors evaluated her, and determined that she did not need surgery. Her muscles became stronger, and her torn ligament is stabilizing. With an additional rounds of water therapy treatments, the goal is to get the muscles in both legs even stronger, and symmetrical. Daisy is making fantastic progress, and is a most compliant patient. In addition to working hard in water therapy, she has been “swimming” at home though she likes to take breaks, and float. Walking in the underwater treadmill is different than swimming, and we think she deserves spa days so we give her plenty of cushiony floats to support a good rest.
Daisy continues to enjoy a busy routine, always at my side helping with gardening, or laundry, or homeschooling. Being in quarantine has made Daisy very happy as she does not like to be left alone. This is an absolute, non-negotiable must. An adoptive family must know that she cannot be left alone. Since a human cannot guarantee that they will be home 24/7, Daisy needs a dog companion. She is not destructive to furniture or things, she simply works herself into such a frenzy that she will have accidents, due to a knotted up tummy full of worry. But keep her with a companion, and she’s as happy as can be. It doesn’t matter the size, shape, color or gender, she does not discriminate!
Daisy has a couple more weeks for water therapy, and after her final evaluation, will be ready to accept applications.
January 29, 2020
Daisy is an 8 year young, spayed female, yellow lab who is always up for a good time and lots of loving. She is a happy go-lucky gal who just wants to be by your side or at your feet doing whatever it is you’re doing. She is happy to go for a walk, have a fetch in the yard, help with chores like laundry and cooking and she makes an excellent homework partner. Daisy does not have a mean bone in her body and is happy to greet anyone including other dogs. She is simply happy to be. And while she loves other dogs and gets along with anyone perfectly, her favorite place to be is with her people. A constant fixture in the hustle and bustle of the family room and kitchen, Daisy makes herself at home in the middle of it all, typical lab style. She likes to lay in the kitchen while we’re cooking and at the kids’ feet under the kitchen table when they’re doing homework. She follows us from room to room and will curl herself into the smallest ball in the tightest spaces just so she can stay by you. She is a Velcro lab for sure.
Daisy is very agile and loves walks and playing fetch. She walks almost under your feet though so step gently. She stays right by your side at all times – it’s as though she’s afraid of losing you. Daisy‘s former life included living in a pen outside so now that she has found the warmth and comfort of carpet and puppy beds, she is making sure she never goes back to an outdoor corral again! Since learning about life indoors, Daisy has mastered potty training, stairs and staying by her bowl until she is finished to avoid having her meal gobbled up by an awaiting pal. She has a hearty appetite and looks forward to breakfast and dinner as much as the rest of her crew. She loves earning treats and is a super fan of Frosty Paws.
Daisy would do best in a family with other dogs and kids. She needs companionship. This little lady is the complete package- kind, gentle, calm, loving, playful, and so adoringly appreciative of warm, fluffy puppy beds, sweet voices and hugs and kisses. She is simply perfect.
January 12, 2020
We’re checking in to let you all know that Daisy has been resting and recovering after her spay and dental surgery. All went well and she ended up not needing to have any teeth pulled. She is a very compliant patient who is leaving her stitches alone and has not needed to wear a cone.
Here is a photo pre-surgery…
And here she is all snuggled and cozy, recovering at home the same evening…
Daisy will have her follow up visit this Thursday and after that she will be ready for her forever home.
While recovering, Daisy has been busy helping the kids with homework. She understands the doctor’s orders are for rest and short walks so she happily finds a soft blanket or lap to cuddle in while she heals.
We love this girl to pieces and have never known a sweeter little lady!
December 29, 2019
Happy Holidays! Daisy is busy recovering from all the holiday hustle and bustle and is happy to be hanging out at home enjoying her toys! After multiple family visits, Christmas morning squeals and oodles of new babies, she is happy to relax and rest.
Daisy continues to enjoy all things warm, cozy and inside. Despite getting a new fluffy puppy bed from Santa, she is just as happy to curl herself up on the smaller bed as long as she is a part of all the chaos around her.
Daisy is the sweetest, easy going lady who never minds fitting on half a lap or half a bed. She is so thankful to live indoors and have companions. She met some extended family members over the holiday and was happy to show them that she doesn’t ask for much, just a little love.
Daisy will be spayed and have her dental cleaning this week and she will then be ready for her forever home. She is happiest with other pups, kids, and would make a great companion for a family looking for a cozy cuddler or an easy going pal willing to fill in for a soccer game.
We will check back in after surgery in a few days but until then, Daisy is going to have fun playing with her friends!
December 12, 2019
We wanted to check in and let everyone know how well Daisy is doing. We continue to make great progress getting familiar with all things indoors. The poor girl must go up and down the stairs 100 times a day with me or the kids as she doesn’t want to miss a thing! Her favorite game has become “wake the kids up for school!” She prances into the room and gently nuzzles an exposed arm, leg or if she’s lucky, a hand that instinctively begins petting her. She smiles sweetly with her eyes half closed, so happy to take in the love. She has become the favorite waker-upper as she does it ever so gently unlike her sister who prefers to bound into the room and leap onto a pile of pillows and covers before settling right on top of a kiddo.We’ve been busy decorating for the holidays and she proudly (maybe more like agreeably) wears the reindeer ears that everyone else tries to eat. She is happy to be a part of whatever is going on around her and happily laid at our feet while we hung decorations.
Daisy is happy to go on long walks and stays right at our side, looking up at us for direction almost the entire time. We’ve convinced her it’s ok to sniff and check out all the smells and sights with the other dogs. She is now house-trained and has free roam with the other pups.We’ve also discovered that she loves tennis and balls and fetching! She is so cute and loves to run for the ball and bring it back. But, she doesn’t want to go too far- she enjoys going just far enough to stretch her legs but not so far that she feels like she might lose us.
Daisy will soon be spayed and ready for her forever family. She is a true love who will need another pup or a family who is home often. She definitely loves and needs companionship. She deserves a family that will soak up all the love she has to give and can continue to offer her the same in return. She plays and has even started to romp after the other two wrestling maniacs though she hasn’t committed to jumping in on the rolling and rumbling!
December 1, 2019
It will be 2 weeks tomorrow that sweet Daisy will have been with us and boy have we been busy! She arrived not knowing lots of things…how to go up and down stairs, how she needed to eat quickly and stay with her bowl to avoid having her meals gobbled up by the other pups, or how she is only supposed to go potty outside! Well, in 2 weeks, we’ve accomplished lots! She eats at her place and stays with her bowl until she’s finished, she follows us up and down stairs and house breaking is going great!
Daisy was not a fan of the crate and was not happy to be kept separated by a baby gate. Since day 1, she has insisted on being with the other pups and they have all taken to her because she is so easy-going. Daisy definitely looks to the others to show her the ropes so with lots of visits outside and long walks, she’s learned to sniff and go potty outside. She now trusts that she will always come back inside with us where she will rest on a fluffy puppy bed or soft rug. She loves praise and pretty voices and treats so we’re making great progress.
Daisy does get nervous if she doesn’t see the other pups or hear her people. A couple of times, she has woken from a nap and found that everyone was spread out or in different rooms and she was nervously looking for me. She has gotten better knowing she’s not alone but she will need a family who is either home often or better yet, is home often and has another pup that would like a companion. She lives with a 9 year old lab, a 4 year old lab and a 5 year old beagle and she gets along with everyone. I know the farmer said she chases cats and that might be true though I can’t test it out with a cat to know for sure but I can honestly say that I have seen zero evidence of any sort of prey drive. We have seen squirrels, chipmunks, deer, etc. and she is far more focused on her people and pups than any small, fast critters. When we’re outside for a walk, she is most focused on me and the other pups. She does not pull on the leash, she stays right at my side and looks up at me almost the whole time. She is a dream!
Next up for Daisy will be getting spayed and a good dental cleaning. We’ve made it a priority to simply get her settled into home life with kids and pups and to simply trust that she is safe. She is an absolute love and is enjoying living inside with lots of attention and hugs. And it’s clear, she is settling nicely as she falls asleep while everyone is watching the Eagles game or getting showered for Thanksgiving dinner! She just wants to be in the mix!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
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