Dakota #11 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 4 Years Old ID#3462
September 13, 2024
It’s been quite a busy week for Dakota! She has had so many firsts, at least while here.
Dakota went with FM to Hobby Lobby to run some quick errands. The sliding door and carts didn’t faze her. Everyone that saw Dakota HAD to stop and pet her. Grown men asked wives to adopt her, little children begged parents to take her home, and lots of people commented on how beautiful she is. She took it like the star she is. Dakota let everyone pet her and was amazingly calm with the little ones. Her tailed wagged the whole time and her eyes shone like she was she knew this was what she was meant to do. It was anything but a quick trip.
The visit to the vet went smoothly as well. Dakota walked through the doors like she owned the place. She tipped the scales at 69lbs, but she’s been working on her figure and FM thinks she sees a waistline! The vet and tech both wished they could take her home since she was so stunning and serene. Dakota waited patiently the whole time and didn’t complain once.
While walking around the neighborhood, one of the toddlers up the street decided he had to pet the doggie. Mind you, FM was walking 4 dogs, but he was undeterred. He chose to pet and hug Dakota. She smiled slyly and basked in the attention. She was perfect with him. Of course, he asked his mom if he could keep her, too. Noticing a trend?
Her gift box came from her friends at Brookline, she gladly shared with the resident dogs. Dakota really isn’t sure what toys are, but she sure knew what the bones were for!
Dakota has been reliable roaming at night as well. She and Dol have become fast friends, whether hanging out or running through the yard. She patiently waits while FM mows the lawn and enjoyed a good bully stick when the repairman had to do work.
When FM is doing work in the kitchen, she just puts herself in Gus’s crate to wait patiently. She’s such a sweet girl!
September 5, 2024
Happy birthday, Dakota!
Today this copper beauty turns 4! Nothing like a pup party to celebrate! So, frozen soup bones all around and no one complained a bit. Dakota promptly took hers out on the lawn and is still gnawing away as FM types. It’ll be dark before they come in.
Every day Dakota shows us something new. She continues to be quite wonderful. Now, she and Dolly play regularly. Dakota and Dol She even engages Riggs and just the fact that he doesn’t shy away from her says something about how calm she is. Dakota loves to run in the yard, but not for long. To date, she has not shown any prey drive but she does run alongside the resident dogs when they chase something.
Spending one-on-one time with Dakota shows how much she seeks out affection. She loves people and getting pets, but she dotes on FM. Just one look at her gets her tail thumping. She is beautiful inside and out.
Little kids are a happy magnet for Dakota. When we pass the bus stop, she has to stop and wiggle her but with joy. Today, we saw one dad loading a toddler into a car and she just had to wait until the door was closed before she moved. No doubt she would be great with any age.
Dakota reacts quickly to correction. When a stern voice is used, she automatically sits until told she is a good girl. She likes to half-jump at meal time, which is cute, but could be an issue if a person were close by. She doesn’t jump on people though. She is learning “wait” and “gentle” for taking her treats. Dakota is getting good with waiting her turn. When its time for a walk, she patiently waits to be harnessed and gives FM a chance to get out the door.
Dakota is just Da Lovely. She absolutely melts my heart.
September 3, 2024
What a great holiday weekend for Dakota (and for the rest of us)! Yesterday, lots of people ended up at FM’s house and Dakota was the belle of the ball! Although there was a lot going on, Dakota took it all in stride. She was patient with the little ones (8 & 10 years old) and took pets so sweetly. She didn’t get underfoot and she didn’t bother anyone. Although she is very food motivated, never once did Dakota ask for food. What a good girl!
This girl always has a happy surprise in store for us. Apparently, Dakota is totally fine with the crate. Who knew? In fact, all FM does at night is say “crate” and she goes right in and settles down. She sleeps all night and waits patiently for FM to get up before she makes a peep. Quite the thoughtful houseguest. When FM needed to do errands, Dakota politely put herself in Gus’s crate without being asked. Unfortunately, Gus was already in it.
Speaking of Gus, Dakota has taken a real shine to him. She really likes to hang with Dolly, but only has eyes for Gus. He has, in turn, taught her his bad manners. Dakota didn’t jump on the furniture – until he did, thanks to Gus. It seems she wanted to beat him to the spot. FM didn’t have the heart to shoosh her off right away because she looked so pleased with herself.
This pretty girl has been a hit with the neighborhood. She walks well with the pack and does not pull when someone stops to say hello. Dakota is nice to everyone she meets. Everyone loves her gorgeous color and her expressive eyes.
Since Dakota went into heat when she arrived, she will be placed with a spay contract. She goes to the vet next week and FM is sure the vet will confirm how awesome Dakota is!
August 30, 2024
Dazzling Dakota made it from the farm and into foster care here today, thanks to Deb H and her relentless love of driving!After some introductions to the resident dogs and some good sniffs in the yard, this chill girl wanted to play fetch – really?! She gave Riggs a run for his money – literally. Dakota fetch When she did beat him to the ball, she brought it right back to FM and handed it over. She knows her name and basic commands as well. Dakota is putting the resident dogs to shame!
After several minutes of racing for the ball, this beauty decided it was time to go inside and chill. It’s rather obvious she has been in a house before and she made herself right at home. In fact, she was so comfortable, she decided to take a snooze right then and there. When it was time for dinner, she waited her turn and didn’t try to take any food from the resident dogs. When FM and FS sat down to eat, she laid down a good bit away, not begging at the table at all.
After dinner, Dakota accompanied the resident dogs for a quick walk to check out the neighborhood. She’s a pretty fine walker, too. After that, she demonstrated her Phillies’ fever as she wagged her tail when Brandon Marsh hit a double (they went downhill after that). Dakota watches the Phillies
So far, Dakota is Da-lightful and a great gal. Keep an eye on this femme fatale!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190