Dori Black Labrador Retriever Mix Female 7 Months Old Id #3213
July 7, 2024
Another busy week with FM and FD! I went for walks every day except Saturday. I’m now sleeping a bit later, until 6:00 AM or so. I like to snuggle a bit once I get up and get lots of love and petting. Then FD says we have to go on our morning walk before it gets too hot.
I had 2 more play dates. One with Lacey who’s my neighbor and I get to see her quite a bit. The other was with Lenny. He was quite shy at first but I worked and worked and finally got him to play! We ran and wrestled and ran! I was so tired that I had to lay down just to drink my water and then took a very long nap afterwards.
I also met some more friendly neighbors and I was so good! Even though I was very happy to meet them, I didn’t jump to say hello; just wagged my tail and then laid on the ground while they talked.
FM and FD keep saying something about finding a nice family for me. I don’t know what they mean but I hope they love me as much as they do.
July 1, 2024
Hello friends,
Dori here, checking in. I’ve had a great week!
I’ve convinced FM and FD that I’m fully potty trained! They take me out every 3 hours to go potty or whenever I let them know I need to go. I now get to have all the space in the big kennel and have a very comfy bed I love so much I go in by myself just to chill.
I had 2 play dates this week. My absolute favorite play date was with Buzzy. He has such a nice yard! It’s very big and with a fence… I was able to walk and run without a leash! Then his mom filled a doggie pool with cool water. FD put me in and I loved it! Buzzy and I both fit in and it was so nice.
I went to my second Basic Manners class. I was a star. I know SIT and DOWN.
I still drool when I go on car rides. But I’m making progress; I haven’t gotten sick even on rides 20-30 minutes long.
Well, that’s all for now. Time to go to sleep. I’m a cuddle bug. I love to snuggle with FM, FD and FB, but let me tell you a secret🤫 …FM is my favorite😍!
June 24, 2024
Hi friends,
Dori here, checking in.
My big news for this week is that I started a Basic Manners training! FM and FD wanted a refresher on puppy training and I get to go with them, so I can learn a few more commands and manners. I take treats so nicely and I’m learning quickly; I’m very smart. I really enjoyed meeting other pups but we didn’t get to play together because class is serious business!
I continue to make excellent progress with potty training. I bark if I need to go! I think I’m all trained, but they don’t yet trust me 100%.
I started a pre biotic supplement, and my poopies are not soft anymore and I don’t chew on my front paws.
I’m really great when I need to go in the crate if they are running errands. I settle right down and just chill, since it’s just a couple of hours.
It turns out I’m quite the talker, quite a vocal girl. I bark, but I also just talk, make noises, grunt and sigh. My foster parents think it’s so cute.
I sleep great on a comfy couch from about 7pm until 5:30am without a peep.
FM and FD let me go upstairs at night but I preferred the people bed over the dog bed. It was so easy to jump up, and oh so cozy, but they said I need to get used to the dog bed, so back down we came to sleep in the family room.
I’m taking short car rides to the park almost every day. I’m getting more used to it, but am still a little nervous and drool some.
I love playing with my toys, especially squeaky balls. I also like looking out the back door or back window to spot birds or deer. Yesterday I saw a momma deer feeding her babies. See my picture!
I hope the weather gets better soon because I just love being outside. It’s been hot this week, so FM and FD are cutting my walks off in the evening, but I get more short walks throughout the day. I’ve got a few play dates waiting until this weather breaks.
Once I’m all potty trained it will be time to search for my forever home. I will make a wonderful pup to an active family that wants company for exercising, hiking, trips to the beach and snuggling too!
June 16, 2024
Hi friends,
This is Dori, reporting from FM and FD’s. What an exciting week at their house, or what they also call “training camp”. Let me tell you all the things they have learned about me.
Potty training is going very well. I haven’t had an accident in 4 full days. They are using a funny thing called a bell each time they take me out, and I walk to it, but don’t yet touch it. I understand that when they take me out it’s time to get busy with #1. Also, I’m using my bark to let them know I need to do #2!
I have mastered “sit” and “wait” for my food and treats. I take treats very gently.
I’m full of energy and can run very, very fast. I know “come Dori” and working on “leave”. I love to play fetch inside and outside I get the zoomies in the yard, and in the family room. FD thinks I’m so fast and can jump so high I may be able to learn to catch a frisbee!
I can spend a lot of time playing with my toys, especially balls and anything with a squeeker. All those TUFF toys get a workout with my teeth and don’t last very long 🦷
I’m a TOTAL love bug. I love to snuggle on the couch with FM and FD any time of the day. I follow them around the ground floor, and they tell me that as soon as they are confident I’m potty trained, I can have the run of the house.
I like ALL people, men, women and kids, especially if they pet me and tell me I’m a good, pretty girl.
I met another FB this week. How exciting! I can get very excited and will sometimes jump when I greet people, but this guy would just turn and ignore me if I got to excited greeting him 😞. I’m learning I can still get pets if I keep four on the floor.
I absolutely love it outside and I love my walks. There are so many smells and nice people! I think I would really enjoy a fenced in yard where I can go out on a lot more sniffaris and bug hunting. I’m fast and can catch a few bugs and butterflies!
I’m still not sure about other dogs and get a bit unsure when I see them. FD and FM are going to get me more exposure to them so I can work on it. I’ve lived with another dog so I think this should come easily.
I love stairs and practice going up and down the deck or basement steps to let FM and FD know I’m ready for them😉
Gotta go now, time for one of my daily walks.
June 9, 2024
Hi Brookline friends,
This is Dori reporting from my FM and FD’s home. I’ve been here now for 4 full days after being in a very nice lady’s place when I got rescued. I’m a very sweet girl, but they think I have to work on a few things so I become my best me.
First is potty training. FM and FD are doing what they call “crate training” which I’m not too fond of but they think it’s working. I’ve only had one accident after the first day, although I still don’t let them know when I need to go out. But they are still happy to be “building habits”, they say. My FM does what she calls a happy dance and sings when I “get busy” outside…I just call it human zoomies.
Every day they do what they call training – Sit, stay, come. I’m starting to get the hang of it; I’m a smart girl and I like the treats and love I get.
I just LOVE all my toys, especially if they have squeaky things in them. I’m crazy about balls and love to fetch. I’m very good at not touching anything in the house, only my toys! They think I’m excellent with that.
I went on my first car ride today. They sprayed this stuff before I got in the car and I didn’t get the droolies until the end. I didn’t get sick though!!! They said I had to thank another volunteer for this!
FM and FD say I’m light as a feather, sleep all night like a champ, can REALLY jump, and I seem to be quite scared of all new things and sounds. I don’t bark much, but just pancake down or won’t move.
Talk to you in a few days! I think it’s dinner time.
June 2, 2024
We’ve spent a week together and she is such a sweet, funny girl. Loves her squeaky toys and tossing them about.
She has met my three grandchildren and their resident lab for a second time. Swimming not her thing, but running and chasing the children is and they were laughing and having so much fun. She is fast!
Today she seems more low key, ha-ha. Think she needs a day to recover from the fun.
Car rides do not agree with her. She sits perfectly with great manners, but ends up drooling and then will vomit if anything in her tummy🙁 poor thing. I’ve tried getting her to hang her head out window as we drive slowly in neighborhood, but doesn’t seem to matter.
She does bark at the wild life around her, especially the fox who seems to taunt her. And squirrels. Oh, my they are supposed to not come down from tree:-)
Potty training is a work in progress. I need to use the crate more when I’m not paying attention. It’s going to take a while to unlearn her previous experience.
She is filled with love and playfulness. A sweet, sweet girl.
May 28, 2024

Dori, #3432 has entered Brookline! At 7 months old she unfortunately was in a situation without routine or opportunity to go outside very much. However, she still is a happy, go lucky, tail wagging lab:-). After only 48 hours of 3 puppy meals a day, many walks and play time, she seems relaxed and content. Strange noises give her pause and she barks at thunder but not overly anxious or scared. Just new stuff!!
I do crate her at night, and after a full day she will “complain” for a few minutes, but all the while getting comfortable. Then she’s out for the count from 10:00 PM -6:00 AM. I do sleep in the same room:-)
She will need work on walking on a leash, but right now I’m focused on routine and getting her housebroken. She’s a puppy and so much is new. From an apartment in Norristown to the country. So much to see and sniff!!!
She is a sweetheart and a smiling delight. She will make some family very happy.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190