Dublin Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 9 Years Old ID #2501
April 28, 2024
Hi Everybody! Dublin here!
I had a GREAT day! Me and my FMs went to an event at a cool store called Ruh Ro’s Pet Shoppe. It was a Meet and Greet event. I got to see a bunch of old friends and make a bunch of new friends!
Lots of people came out. Some people came to meet ME! Some people came out to meet other dogs, but they met me, too! And get this… one lady came out to meet some other dogs. But after she met me, she said “I think I’m falling in love with Dublin!”

It was a great day – so many people… so many pets… so many treats… Wow. I could barely keep my eyes open on the drive home. I will be having sweet dreams tonight!
My other BIG news is that my FMs said I am ready to find my FOREVER HOME! Here’s my wish list for my forever home.
How cool would it be to get everything on my wish list?! I’m keeping my paws crossed.
Smell ya later!
April 14, 2024
Hi Everybody! Dublin here!
Just checkin’ in to let you know what I’ve been up to. I’ve been busy doing my normal things – you know, snoozing on the couch, eating treats, being cute, making my FMs smile… This is what they see when they come home.
Let me tell you, that gets a big smile every time!
So, last week all anybody could talk about was the eclipse. I thought it must be something pretty special. Maybe like a giant éclair, but even better – an eclipse! So that day rolled around, and I went into the yard with my FM’s. Here’s what we did.
B-O-R-I-N-G! We didn’t even get a special snack. Not even an éclair! They say the eclipse won’t happen again for a long time. That’s fine with me!
On the other paw, today was a completely different story! I went to a Brookline event with my FMs. It was at Kendra Scott’s store. I didn’t meet Kendra, but I met a bunch of other people and made two new pup-pals!
Here I am with my new buddies, Lily, and Katrina. Lily is yellow like me. Katrina is silver.
Here’s me and Katrina hanging outside.
Katrina liked checking out the dog in the window. Funny thing is, she looked a lot like Katrina!
Me and Lily preferred getting pets from people!
And we all loved getting TREATS!
All that smiling and tail-wagging can really wear a pup out!
It didn’t take me long to start making ZZZ’s on the ride home!
Hope you all had a great day like me!
Smell ya later!
March 31, 2024
Hi EveryBunny!
Happy Easter! 🐰FM said I look like the Easter Bunny in this picture. I’m not seeing it. Are you? I think FM has had a few too many chocolate eggs.
I made two new friends this week! Their names are Clover and Fern. They came over to play a few times. We had so much fun running around the yard!
FM thought I wasn’t interested in playing with other dogs since I haven’t played much with my foster brothers. But these youngsters got me excited! I did a great job keeping up with them…if I do say so myself!
I’ll admit I was a bit tired after my play dates. I really enjoyed snuggling in bed with FM that night. ❤
I’m using FM as a pillow! 😉
My other big news is that I got my stitches out. You know what that means….NO MORE CONE!! YAY!
My eye looks great – no more lump! Check it out.
Looking good…if I do say so myself! But I don’t have to say so myself because FM told me I look GOOD!
I’ve gained a few pounds, too. My ribs don’t show anymore.
New friends, no cone, snuggles with FM, looking (and feeling) awesome… I’m a HAPPY DOG!
Hope you guys are happy, too!
March 16, 2024
Dublin asked me to thank everyone for the mojo and good wishes. His surgery went well and he’s back home recovering.
He would have thanked you himself, but he’s feeling a bit out of it tonight. 😉

I’m sure he’ll be back to his normal, bouncy self tomorrow!
March 15, 2024
Hey! Dublin checking in.
I’m still chillin’ at my foster home. Here I am sharing the couch with my foster brother, Rubble. He’s a cool dude. He doesn’t even mind if I take up 2/3 of the couch and leave just 1/3 for him. I can’t say the same about my foster mom. She calls me a bed hog and complains when I get in “her spot.” The way I see it, if I get there first, it is my spot, right?! Could someone please explain that to my foster mom?

FM says I should ask you guys to send me some mojo because I am having surgery tomorrow. I have a lump on my eyelid that needs to come off. I have other lumps on my body, but Doc says those are nothing to worry about. Sometimes old Labs get lumpy! Anyway, FM says Brookline mojo is the best so send me some for my surgery, okay? Thanks!
Lumpy Love,
March 2, 2024
Hey! Dublin here!
Just wanted to catch you up on what I’ve been up to.
I went to see the doctor about a few things. I had a nasty hot spot on my neck. Doc gave me meds to clear that up. Remember that goofy black cone thing?! Well, that thing is gone and so is the hot spot!
I was a good boy at the vet’s office. I loved meeting all the people and didn’t even complain when they stuck me with needles to draw blood. FM was so proud of me.

I got my vaccinations and Doc checked my blood to make sure I’m healthy. Everything looked good! Doc said one thing is elevated, but that it’s “age related” and nothing to worry about.

I do have to go back again for a few things. I need a dental cleaning and I have a lump on my eyelid that needs to be removed. No biggie. Like I said, I loved meeting everyone at the Doc’s office so I don’t mind going back again!
Me and FM went out to the car while other FM paid. Since I got there first, I got dibs on riding shotgun!

FM shot down that idea. (See what I did there? Shot down riding shotgun!) She made me get in the back.

Since she kicked me out of the front seat, I decided to steal her chair when we got home!

FM kicked me out of her chair, too. Can you believe that?! But no worries.
Other than battling with FM for the best seat, things are going swell in my foster home. I like to spend my days snoozing on the couch and looking out the window. Sometimes I run around the yard, but as soon as FM goes inside, I want to go inside, too.
I guess you could say I’m a people-dog. I love being with my peeps. When both my FMs go out, I howl and complain. Doesn’t matter if I’m in my crate or not. I just miss my peeps. I can be left alone – I’m not a BABY. And I’m good… well, most of the time. But can you blame a dog for chewing open a new bag of dog food that was left on the floor in the office?! I don’t think so. That’s been my only digression from being an upstanding canine citizen! Anyway, I can handle being alone, but I’d really prefer that my forever home has someone home with me most of the time.
I get very excited when my peeps come home. FM says I turn into a kangaroo bouncing in front of her. I bounce and follow her around, very closely, for about 5 minutes. Then I head back to the couch to snooze.
I don’t want you to think I have no manners, though. Check out this polite pup.
That’s about it for now. Hope my little bro, Cowyn, is having fun!
Smell ya later,
February 16, 2024
Hey! Dublin here! I learned something new. I love the mailman!
The mailman gave FM this box. I got a whiff of it and I was very interested!

Then FM said the box was for me! Yeah! She opened the box and let me dig in.

The box was filled with a blanket, toys, treats and, best of all, a bully stick!
Check out all my loot!
Thanks, Brookline, for the awesome care package! And thanks to all the Brookline supporters who donate so much cool stuff for us foster dogs!
February 13, 2024
Hi! Dublin here! I’m settling in well at my foster home. I spend lots of time lounging on the couch. That’s one of my favorite things to do so it’s cool! I’ve been showing off the commands I know, like “sit,” “paw,” and “wait.” I like to push out the front door when someone goes out, but if FM remembers to tell me to “wait,” I’m pretty good about doing that.
I made a few new friends today when another Brookline volunteer and her husband came over. I was very excited to meet them and bounced around them. When I get excited, I jump around – but not on – people. So, I’m an excitable, but well-mannered boy.
My FMs are cleaning out the house next door so today I went with them to help. It was a lot of work, but I was happy to help.
My neck is really itchy. FM says I have hot spots. I was scratching so much that my neck started to bleed. So, FM put this cone thing on me.

This thing makes it hard to see what’s going on around me. Personally, I would prefer to wear it this way.
But FM says that won’t work. Too bad. I thought it was a nice compromise.
Night night!
February 11, 2024
Hi there!
My name is Dublin. Me and my kid brother, Cowyn, had our Rescue Ride today and became Brookline foster dogs. Our mom was really sad to let us go. She is going through a tough time and couldn’t afford take care of us anymore. We are gonna miss her, but we know she loves us because she made sure we went somewhere that we would receive great care and lots of attention.
So, this cool lady named Deb picked us up today. Deb is Cowyn’s foster mom. We took a long drive to her house. Deb said I “cried” the whole way. Um, no – I wasn’t crying. I was complaining because my kid brother kept touching me – or looking at me! You know how kid brothers can be, right?! Anyway, once I got in the car with my foster moms, I didn’t “cry.” Just wanted to clear that up before people got the idea that I’m a baby or something. I’m not! I’m 9 years old! If anyone is a baby, it’s my kid brother, Cowyn. But he’s pretty cool. Except when he keeps touching me!
When we got to my foster home, I got to check out the yard. So many smells. I was having a great sniffari! Then I got to meet my foster brothers, Floyd, and Rubble. Floyd’s an old guy – older than me. Rubble is a few years younger than me. I sure hope I don’t develop middle child syndrome. Marcia! Marcia! Marcia! (Only you old-timers will get that!) Floyd and Rubble are cool. Rubble and I played some chase games. That was cool.
Then we came inside and I walked around to check out every room. A few rooms have some comfy looking beds in them. I haven’t decided yet which one I’ll sleep in. But I did check out the couch and I must say, I approve.
FM said she’s not sure Rubble is happy about this arrangement. (That’s Rubble on the floor!)
Sorry, bro! But I’ve had a big day and I need to catch up on my Z’s.
FM says I have to go see a doctor. My mom said I’ve lost about 20 pounds in the past year. I have an easy answer to that. Feed me more! But FM says we have to see the doctor to make sure there’s nothing bad going on. I sure hope the doc writes a prescription for MORE FOOD!
Time to hit the couch for another nap. Hey Deb – tell my kid brother I said good night!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190