Dunken Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix Male 2.5 Years Old ID#3153
Meet Dunken! He is a handsome, 2.5 yo Red Fox lab mix who was brought up North from a shelter in Mississippi with his good buddy, Duke, who is also a Brookline foster. Please read his blog from the bottom up to learn more about him while in foster care.
August 30, 2023
Dunken here! I finally got Foster Dad (FD) to let me take over the blog. He said I needed to wait until I was ready, he is like that about a lot of things, geeze! FD said it was time for me to find my fur-ever home and I’m confused because I thought I had! FD tells me he loves me every day and would keep me in a heart beat but that the resident dogs take priority and I’m like, “Well I am a resident dog too, aren’t I?”. FD explained that when I get to be an old dog, I will want consideration and kindness even though I’m fading like resident dog Bear is fading now, and I will understand it then. I have to believe in that because I believe in FD.
FD said I should tell you all how I’m doing but keep it real, so here goes… I still pull hard at times on my leash, but that is mostly because Doogan gets to run off leash a lot and I just want to do that too. When I walk alone or with Doogan on the leash too, I do better, not great, but better. FD has me in a Barkbay 2 point dog harness that helps me remember to quit pulling so much and I don’t mind that.
I know several commands but I refuse to learn “shake”… what good is that anyway, I probably will never meet the President and therefore don’t need it!
FD calls me Velcro sometimes, I answer to Dunken, not Velcro, but I’ll “stick” with him anyways!
I’ve met lots of other animals and people since I’ve been staying with FD and I want to say “Hi” to them all but I never bark at them, and all who have met me say what a sweet boy I am!
I sleep in bed with FD at night but I also love my crate and would sleep in there if FD didn’t encourage me to sleep with him so much!I am up to date on all shots and just finished my second de-worming (Yuck!)… I know it was needed but it doesn’t make that medicine taste any better!
I like soft treats better than biscuits but I try not to be too choosy. I play with Doogan and my toys sometimes but I’m not overly active… hey, I love a good snooze and laying by FD’s feet.
FD says to remind you all to contact your Brookline volunteer, they will have a detailed report all about me and answer any questions you have.
I am looking forward to meeting my fur-ever Mom & Dad (and maybe even a brother or sister, with fur or without, it’s all good), long walks, lots of lovin’ and major snuggle time with my new family! So I’m going to sleep with that on my mind.
August 22, 2023
Dunken continues doing very well. He stuck his head out the window on our drive to the trails for the first time 5 days ago :-). He is still reluctant to get into and out of the car, but seems to realize lately that a car ride means a walk on the trails.We received his doggy welcome package about a week ago and he has a favorite toy. He needs encouragement to play with toys most of the time.
Him and resident Yellow Lab Doogan will get into a “Let’s get crazy and wrestle” match and he does quite well considering Doogan out weighs him by 20 pounds!
Dunken had a Vet visit today, he weighed in at 76.2 pounds, got his nails cut and tested negative for Lyme disease and heartworm… Yay!Dunken will become available for adoption in a week and I will post another blog update then.
August 15, 2023
It’s been a very busy past 4 days. Dunken continues to adjust well. He still needs leash work, especially when being walked with resident dog Doogan as Doogan is whistle trained and goes off leash and Dunken wants to keep up with him. I have transitioned him to a harness for walks for now. He has gone in the car to the Antietam Lake trails several times now with Doogan. He resists getting in the car but will exit well when we arrive for our walk. He then resists getting in to go home and getting out once at home??
He continues to sleep with me, he has to be helped in bed, not due to physical limitations but rather due to still being submissive to my other dogs. Sometimes one of our cats and my other 2 dogs will join us. He is the snuggle king!He went to Petco on Saturday and he wanted to investigate the other dogs there. I kept him tight on leash around the other dogs but Dunken was not aggressive. He found a treat on the floor and carried it all the way to the check out counter. He investigated other treat bins and the toy isle but did not “take” anything off the shelves.
Sunday, we went to the McGee’s for the Duck Pluck. Dunken interacted very well with the other dogs there, Floyd, Rubble and Tug. I introduced him during the live feed of the event on FB.
He has come across various critters including other dogs, four riders on horseback coming down our road (not on the same horse – LOL), several deer, squirrels, sniffing a ground hog’s den entrance and a toad! He was curious and wanted to check out all of these but was very well behaved for them (sometimes a tight leash was required). I wish I had pictures for those.
He is a master at “sit” now and responding to his name more. He knows “No!” and is learning shake, stay and leave it.Stay tuned for the further adventures and developments of Dunken!
August 11, 2023
Dunken and resident dog Doogan are now playing together like puppies!Dunken also is now playing with toys, he has really come out of his shell!
He is eating well, I have been feeding him in his crate in order to keep all 3 dogs separate during meal time. He is starting to respond to his name! He was my snuggle buddy in bed last night and he has a light snore :-).
I will be taking Dunken to the Duck Pluck this Sunday, can’t wait (for us) to meet everyone!
August 10, 2023
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Dunken has moved to a new foster home. Poor guy has been through a lot this week, yet he is settling in very well to his new surroundings. He now has two fur brothers, an old and cantankerous 11 year old male Chocolate Lab who is a BLRR rescue and a 2.25 year old male Yellow Lab… who is energetic and rambunctious. Despite this new challenge, Dunken has been gentle, patient and loving throughout.He loves his crate which is kept open to him to come and go as he pleases. He has started to play a little with our younger Lab and is less timid around the old guy! All after only 2 days readjusting (again!).
After an understandably slow start, he is eating well and has had NO accidents in the house! He is good on the leash most of the time, he will tug sometimes but he responds to leash corrections well.
He is CAT tested now… we also have two cats, they are indoor/outdoor cats and Dunken has encountered them in both environments, he checks them out but has no aggression or attempt to chase them.He does not seem interested in toys at this point but there are always two other dogs around and I think that is intimidatingly him. Also, I realize it is pretty early in his relocation for those things to come out. I’m planning to spend more one-on-one time with him to see how he reacts away from my other dogs.
It does not appear he “knows” his name. I have been using it with every command and accolades for good behavior… again maybe too early, it also doesn’t help that I have to interact with my younger dog “Doogan” whose name is awfully close to “Dunken”.He is taking treats well but I have to be careful of my food aggressive older dog Bear. I tested him on “sit” which he did after a slight push down on his rump. I don’t want to throw a lot of commands on him at this time but once we work one-on-one I will work them in.
August 6, 2023
Dunken arrived to our home, and seems to be adjusting well. He is great with our pup.
He is doing well with crate and walking on a leash.Dunken has been accident free in the house breaking department.
If you are a family ready for a dog that is will instantly fit in then Dunken is your boy! EVERYONE RUNS ON “DUNKEN”…..
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638