Elsa #2 Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 4 Years Old ID#3186

Yellow Labrador RetrieverMeet Elsa!  Elsa is a sweet and petite four year old, white purebred Labrador Retriever.  Elsa’s owner had to surrender her after moving in with her son’s family.  Unfortunately, her grand daughter developed a progressively worsening allergic reaction to Elsa and despite the family’s best attempt to make it work, they sadly had to say goodbye.  Elsa is good with children of all ages, and previously attended doggie daycare.

July 3, 2023

Woof Woof!! I am back to give you an update! Well as you know by now I am available looking to be matched with my forever home.  Last Call for me is Wednesday at 5:00 PM. Yellow Labrador retrieverThe last few days, I have just been enjoying the dog days of summer! Hanging out with my foster pack, playing in the grass, going on walks, visiting stores and neighbors.Yellow Labrador retrieverWe also had a pup slumber party last night.  If you have never been to one you need have one.  I had so much fun rolling and playing with the resident dogs. Yellow Labrador retrieverYellow Labrador retriever Yellow Labrador retrieverMy FM played fetch with me this morning and she commented that I was  pretty good at fetching the ball, bringing it back and releasing it for her.  I think she was really surprised as this was not the case when we played with my frisbee.  I love love my frisbee and do not like giving it up.  She has been working with me to help me understand that I need to learn to release the frisbee like I do the ball.  She says I am super smart so I am sure I will master it soon.

I am going to head out soon as my FM wants to buy a pool for us as it has been so so hot!! She needs my help in picking the right one!  I am so excited for Wednesday, paws crossed in hopes to find and be matched with my forever family!!

June 28, 2023

Elsa here back for another quick update. So it has been a little over a week since I arrived at my foster home.  My FM has been working real hard to get me ready for my big day.  She said I am going to find my furever home really soon.  I am told I am so beautiful, sweet and very calm for a four year old and that I should have no problem finding my furever family.  You must know,  I do get very excited when I play with my toys and I am very big talker.  Believe me, my hearing issues have nothing to do with me communicating what my needs are and when they need to be met.

The next couple of days should be eventful. My FM keeps taking me out to visit friends and neighbors showing me off. You would not believe how much attention Lola – resident dog and I get as we walk around the stores and the neighborhood.  Given that my FM is home during the day, I have been spending very little time in my crate.  So the crate that I loved when I got here and used for security has gone by the way side.  I am still using it to sleep in and do retreat to it at times but I am not using it as nearly as much as I did.  My FM said it’s because I am more comfortable and confident. I think the resident dogs have helped with my transition as none of them use crates and roam the house freely. I am sure I mentioned it, but with  a total of 4 fur babies in the house there is never a dull moment.

On another note, I want to mention that I was pleasantly surprised and excited the other day when my FM told me I got mail. There was a huge US Postal box sitting for me on the front steps.  You would not believe all the toys, treats and accessories along with a beautiful/comfortable purple harness that I received.  Thank you Brookline and Donors/supporters for sending me this Welcome Box. I am having a blast playing with my new toys. Yellow Labrador retriever

I have to go now time for morning walk. I will keep you posted.Yellow Labrador retrieverPlease don’t forget to keep a look out because FM says I’m going to be available to adopt real soon!!!


June 26, 2023

Elsa here reporting from my Foster Home.  I am just loving all the attention that I am getting.  I have a huge fenced in backyard that I run and play around in. In addition my Foster Mom takes me a couple of walks a day and we even went to Petco on Saturday. That is where I was microchipped and got heart worm tested.  The test was negative thank goodness.Yellow Labrador retrieverOn Saturday, I was also introduced to two cats, to be honest with you, I really did not want anything to do with either of them. My Foster Mom was happy as she explained there are many families that are looking for fur pups that are cat friendly.  Saturday was a big day for me. Lola, one of the resident dogs (my twin I call her) and I spent a good portion of the day with my Foster Mom running errands, visiting friends and getting my medical needs addressed.  When we got back I took a long nap.  When I sleep my Foster Mom says I snore and sleep like a baby, what ever that means. Yellow Labrador retrieverI really do  think I have my mom perplexed about my hearing.  Although the doctor said I can hear, Foster Mom is trying to figure out how much I can actually hear.  She has figured out that I read body language really well, and keep my eyes on her a great deal of the time so I don’t miss anything.  I whine and bark when I need something like water, attention or just need to go outside.  I really do not present like I have any impairment at all.  I am awesome at responding to hand signals.  My Foster Mom is forever saying that I listen better than the resident dogs and they can hear 100%.  She also tells me that regardless of the level of hearing loss it does not prevent me from living a normal long life.  That is so exciting!!! Yellow Labrador retrieverBefore I need to run, as I  see my Foster Mom has a leash in her hand which means time for a afternoon  walk.  I wanted to tell you I love to swim, snuggle and sleep on my Foster Mom’s bed as if it were my own. From her bed, I enjoy looking at the window and watching people and traffic go by.  Ok I really need to go now but will keep you posted.

June 23, 2023

Hi Everyone as promised I wanted to give you an update after I had my visit with the doctor.

So, I have good news and bad news. I’ll give you the bad news first. The bad news is I have a double ear infection but the good news is the doctor does not think I am deaf or at least not 100% deaf.  She said I might have some hearing loss due to the ear infections, but I can hear definitely hear things.

My foster mom was so happy for me. I even got my nails clipped. Look how happy I look after my visit.

Yellow Labrador RetrieverTomorrow, I am getting microchipped that should be exciting.  My Foster Mom says I have mastered the steps in such a short period of time, I am so smart.

Now we are working on loosing some weight.  I was 63 pounds yesterday at the vet. It doesn’t sound like a lot of weight but I am short and I don’t want my back legs to give out on me someday.   Plus I want to get my girlish figure back.

I am getting along great with the resident dogs and may even try to visit a cat tomorrow.  I had a bath this morning and even let my foster mom use the blowdryer on me.  I was very cooperative throughout the entire process.  I am really getting along great with the resident dogs.  I really like to run around the yard and play.Yellow Labrador RetrieverMy Foster Mom discovered that I like to steal socks and play with them. She actually caught me in the act.  It takes me a little time to get to know you but when I do it is love ,love, love. That all for now but I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

June 22, 2023

Hello Everyone – I wanted to give you an update from my new  home.  I arrived at my FF’s home Tuesday afternoon.  I was so happy to see three other four legged fur babies in my new home.  Did you know there are more four legged animals than two legged humans. Yay for me. I have a huge backyard to run around with the three other resident dogs. Thunder, Marcy and Lola are so much fun to hang out with. Did you know one looks like me?  Don’t tell anyone but she is my favorite. We both  follow my FM around the house. My FM calls us Velcro Twins. From what I understand she is a Brookline Girl too.  Yellow Labrador RetrieverToday I enjoyed a game of frisbee with my FB. I chased him  around. It was fun to get exercise. I get so excited playing with toy, frisbee and tug toys are the best.   I just love to play! Yellow Labrador RetrieverMy FM says I am doing much better going up and down the stairs.  Not bad for a 4 year old. My FM managed to get me an appointment with a doctor to check out my ears. I know she wants to clean them but I won’t let her. I haven’t had any accidents in the house. Hooray for me!Yellow Labrador RetrieverMy FM says I am so cute and white like a polar bear. I am a good sleeper and settle pretty quickly.

I like to walk withoout pulling on the leash. I have to go for now but will defintely keep you posted on my new foster home.

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638