Finn #5 Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 4 Years Old ID#3232

Yellow Labrador RetrieverMeet Finn, the sweetest 4 year old yellow lab male you will ever meet!  Finn came to the rescue as an owner surrender so that the Brookline team can help him with some health challenges.  His family clearly loved him deeply and taught him how to be a perfect gentleman, so we know he will make a wonderful companion and loving family member to a lucky adopter someday soon.  Please read his blog from the bottom up to learn all about his journey in foster care.

March 22, 2025

Finn has now been a foster dog for one month!  He has been such a joy and time has flown while we’ve been having fun fostering him.

This week a special box arrived in the mail from the very kind team at Brookline.  Finn was so excited to find out what mysteries it held and was not shy about nosing his way into the box of surprises.Yellow Labrador RetrieverHe loves every single item and spent time playing with everything.  The stuffed bear, the braided tug toy, the flat raccoon and the Nylabone were very big hits (not to mention the bag of dog treats which he gets one at a time as a reward for being the very best boy).Yellow Labrador RetrieverFinn Fact: He loves to play with toys and especially enjoys time gnawing on a nylabone!

Finn Fact: Finn looks very debonair in his new nautical themed kerchief.Yellow Labrador RetrieverHuge thanks to the kind BLR volunteers who put these care packages together and mail them to the foster dogs.  It’s such a fun and thoughtful gesture!

One day FM was getting ready to do her yoga workout and Finn decided he also wanted to try this interesting activity.  He was probably not the best yoga assistant since he’s not really a very zen fellow when he’s excited, but FM had a good laugh as he tried to help show her where she should put her mat.Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador RetrieverFinn Fact: He doesn’t know his Warrior Pose from his Downward Facing Dog… but he likes the idea of yoga and will be happy to assist you with your gear!

Another thing we have discovered about Finn is that he does quite well when left alone in the house with only his foster sister Ruby.  We set up our webcam and watched him while we ran a few errands and Finn relaxed on the couch without any stressful behavior.  When one of us leave or take Ruby out to do something without him, he does get a little bit vocal and disappointed to not be invited along too, but that’s just because he wants to have all the fun he can.

Twice this week he was trusted to relax inside while FM and FD were out doing some yard work and he took the opportunity to sneakily try out more comfortable chairs.  There’s definitely a bit of Goldilocks in there trying to find just the right fit.  He has shown us that he’s very careful getting up and down so we are confident that he won’t injure himself which means we can let him indulge his comfy seat hobby.Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador RetrieverFinn Fact: Some chairs might be too hard and some too soft, but for Finn most every piece of furniture it just right.

This week we will have two sessions on the underwater treadmill and FD is going to try to get him in at the vet for a weigh in.  We hope to see that he has dropped some pounds!

March 13, 2025

Finn continues to be a wonderful house guest and has fit right into our routines smoothly.  He and Ruby are easy friends and every day is a little bit happier here with Finn’s energy brightening the mood.

With a bit of sunny weather lately we got Finn some nice fresh air which he really enjoys.  He even posed for a little photo shoot in the sunshine so that all his blog readers can see what a beautiful boy he is!

Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

FD caught him mid yawn which resulted in a photo showing what a big smile he has LOL.

Yellow Labrador RetrieverFinn Fact: His mouth is big and long but that just makes his smile that much more impressive!

We have been getting him out into the neighborhood for walks several times a day to help him build up his strength and speed his weight loss.  Foster sibling Ruby usually wants a longer walk than Finn is ready for so we set up our dog stroller to see if Finn would appreciate a ride when he needed a break on his walk and he hopped right in and let us push him down the street while Ruby stretched her legs.  Once again he showed us how open he is to trying new things and made it very easy for us to get him in and out.  With the help of his cart we can now take him further and further into the neighborhood and even tackle some uphill routes that would be too tough for him right now (with the caveat that FM and FD have to do the hard part by pushing him up the steep slopes around here… what a work out!!).

Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

Finn Fact: He is happy to go for a stroll and also happy to ride in a stroller if you want to keep going once he gets tired!

He also finished his 2 week antibiotics course to treat the anaplasmosis infection we discovered with his bloodwork.  As mentioned previously, that infection can cause joint pain and inflammation.  Now that he has had his 2 weeks of meds, Finn seems to have more energy and less discomfort when moving, so perhaps getting that issue treated has been another nice change for him.

Our last big update for this post is to share the exciting news that the amazing team at Brookline approved Finn for underwater treadmill therapy sessions which will help him shed pounds more quickly and hopefully aid in strengthening his hind legs.  We had our first session at a terrific facility in Allentown NJ called 4 Paws Adrift.  The owner and therapy staff are so amazing and Finn was an excellent patient.

Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

Today was his first evaluation so he got some e-stim therapy on his injured knees and then hopped right into the treadmill tub for a low-impact stroll.  He had a blast and seemed to really enjoy the cool new adventure he was on.  We did a short session at a low speed to get him started and now we’ll be going back for biweekly sessions over the next weeks to help his weight.

Finn Fact: Finn clearly loves water and should be a champion swimmer for his forever family!

Finn Fact: Finn is sweet and friendly with his therapist and happy to try new things without worry!

Now he’s back home for a well-deserved nap.

Yellow Labrador Retriever

Finn Fact: Sometimes one bed is not enough for this big guy.

March 3, 2025

Finn has been here with us at his foster home for 10 days now.  He continues to show us that he’s a very happy, loving and friendly fellow who has fit into our home seamlessly.

Finn Fact: Happy and Friendly are Finn’s default factory settings.Yellow Labrador Retriever

The only rule that he has broken is one that we only set for him recently: getting up on the furniture.  We have been leading him to his dog bed on the floor to be as safe as possible with his rear ligament injuries, but a few times we left the room and then returned to find him wagging at us from the couch and very proud of himself for getting there.  Our vet did tell us that she doesn’t think he’s in much danger of exacerbating those back leg issues, so we’re going to give in to this big guy’s requests and let him have some couch surfing time when we can supervise it and make sure he’s being careful.  He is surprisingly agile for his weight and injury history and does a good job of smoothly navigating up and down.

Finn Fact:  He displays the skills of a gymnast when it comes to dismounting the couch apparatus.Yellow Labrador Retriever

On the topic of the vet, Finn got the good news that his bloodwork and parasite screening showed that he is free from heart worms, intestinal parasites and Lyme disease.  The test did show that he is positive for anaplasmosis, a tick born infection that can cause joint pain and lameness if untreated.  He’s now on an antibiotic to knock that down and we’re hoping that clearing that issue might help him feel less painful in those injured back legs.

We’ve begun getting him out for short walks in the neighborhood and he absolutely loves exploring the new sights and smells.  When you ask him if he wants to go for a walk and put the leash on he wags so hard that it moves his entire body.  He also has the cutest habit of grabbing his leash in his mouth as if he’s going to walk himself for you!  We’ll be starting with short distances but hope that he will build endurance quickly and that should help jump start his weight loss in earnest.

Finn Fact: He loves to go for walks and will take the leash himself to make it easier on you!Yellow Labrador Retriever

We also had some nice weather this week which gave us a chance to let him hang out in the fresh air.  He really enjoys sitting on our deck and also said a friendly hello to our neighbors through the fence.  He is super happy to meet new people and shows no signs of shyness or nerves.

Finn Fact: He’s a fresh air kid at heart!Yellow Labrador Retriever

The other fun thing we’ve learned is that Finn is a natural when it comes to sticks.  He helped FM and FD clear some downed branches in the yard and we have given him the job of Branch Manager as a reward.  I expect he’ll be climbing the corporate ladder here quickly and looking for a promotion to VP of Branch Management by the time spring arrives.

Finn Fact: He has yet to find a stick he cannot handle!

February 25, 2025

Finn has now been here with us for 3 days and continues to adjust well and fit right in with a lot of tail wags and happy friendliness.  Instead of letting him climb up on the furniture (which is tough for him at his current size), we introduced him to a big cushy dog bed and he seems to like that just fine.  He’s a fan of nice soft fleece blankets (including the one his former family sent with him) so we have draped his bed in luxurious softness and he is power-lounging in the bed as I type.Yellow Labrador Retriever

Finn Fact:  He loves cushy places to rest and is a very good sleeper!

He has been great with his house training and we have had no accidents whatsoever.  He’s also an enthusiastic eater so we haven’t had to worry about making sure he has his meals in time for his meds.  Like many labs, he can polish off his kibble in a blink of the eye, so we’re using the slow feeder bowl from his former home with nice success.  That keeps him engaged and eating at a safe pace.

Speaking of Finn’s diet, we’re going to be very focused on calories to reach his weight loss goals.  His FM and FD are checking out what healthy things he might enjoy (so far we know that small bits of apple and banana are on his YES PLEASE list while carrots are on his NO I DON’T THINK SO list much to our consternation).  To help inspire good dietary habits we dug some appropriately themed plush veggies out of the toy bin to see what he thinks.Yellow Labrador Retriever

Finn Fact: He may not love the healthiest treats, but he is up for “healthier” treats!

The main big news comes from our first visit to the vet to get Finn tested for parasites, updated on his vaccines, microchipped and examined to see if we can learn more about his injured hind legs.  He was a perfect gentleman with the staff and doctor, although at the end of his visit when it was time to trim his nails, he did not enjoy that one bit whatsoever.  The vet techs clipped away without any nicks or bleeding and they did their best to calm him (spray cheese on a stick to lick!) but he still got scared.  We might need to explore a nail grinder for this big guy to see if that’s easier for him.

Finn Fact:  He is afraid of getting his nails trimmed, but everyone’s afraid of something, right? (FD does not like snakes)

Finn will need to lose a lot of weight to be at his healthiest.  Today he tipped the scales at 126 pounds which is 4 pounds lighter than his November weigh-in. (GOOD JOB FINNIE!).  All of that extra weight has unfortunately contributed to the injuries to Finn’s hind legs.  Dr. Chabot diagnosed him with ruptured cruciate ligaments on both his hind legs, although his body has developed scar tissue around his knees to compensate and create some stability.  It’s possible that Finn could benefit from surgery in the future when he is thin and light enough, but he may not gain a significant improvement so that’s a puzzle to put together in the future after he weighs less.  In the meantime he’ll have pain meds to help and we have been given the OK to get him exercising with walks since his doctor felt confident that regular movement won’t make his issue any worse.  Getting him thinned down will bring the most relief and going on walks (and some swimming when the weather warms!) is the best way to help him lose weight.  FM and FD will start with short walks and let him show us when he’s ready for more.  He loves the leash, so this will be a lot of fun for him.

Finn Fact: He has injured hind legs and pounds to lose, but there is a good plan in place to help him feel much better!

Finn Fact: He loves to go for a walk and will be an enthusiastic participant in his recovery!

Through all of this adversity he remains the sweetest boy overflowing with love and happiness.  We’re really looking forward to our time preparing him for his forever home!Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

February 23, 2025

Finn has been here at his new foster home for one day where he immediately showed us that he is an absolute sweetheart.  His foster mom (FM) and foster dad (FD) met him at his home where his family said goodbye to him with hugs and pets.  Finn hopped right into our car, waved goodbye to his family and enjoyed the drive to his new foster home across the river in NJ.

Finn Fact #1: He is great in the car!Yellow Labrador Retriever

When we arrived home Finn was excited to sniff the new smells around our yard and then noticed his new foster sister Ruby was looking at him through the sliding door with a wagging tail waiting to meet him.  We let Ruby out and they got a chance to say hello, do a little sniffing, and introduce themselves.  Finn was a good boy and next we went inside to let him explore the house where he did some more sniffing and checked out his new digs.  FM and FD were on high alert in case Finn wanted to mark his territory on the carpet, but he once again showed us what a good boy he and that he knows that potty breaks are only for outside.

Finn Fact #2: He is good with other dogs!

Finn Fact #3: He is house trained!

Yellow Labrador RetrieverNow a little bit about Finn’s current health situation.  Labrador Retrievers come in many shapes and sizes.  Finn is from the Big & Tall section and is a really big boy.  Several months ago he began to limp on his right hind leg and has been on anti-inflammatory meds to combat the pain.  His mobility is most impacted when it’s time to stand up and he clearly struggles with stability in his back legs.  Once he gets up and moving he loosens up and walks nicely on the leash, but we will be getting him to the vet this week to explore the underlying issue and begin a health journey which will include a weight loss goal to help him move more easily and heal.

Finn Fact #4: He is good on the leash and loves getting outside!

Yellow Labrador Retriever

Finn is also a natural cuddle bug and his owners told us that he is a big fan of a nice soft couch.  We helped boost him up and he settled right in next to his FM for a nap and an attempt at the record for World’s Biggest Lap Dog.  After a refreshing nap, Finn ate his dinner and had his evening meds and then we played a little tug of war, which seems to be a favorite game of his.  He also showed us that he’s a “talker”.  He vocalizes freely to tell you what he’s thinking, making very cute sounds and really showing his sweet, friendly, goofy personality freely.

Finn Fact #5: He is a lap dog at heart and a couch connoisseur!

Finn Fact #6: He loves tug games and rope toys!

Finn Fact #7: He is a talker!Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

FM volunteered to spend the first night sleeping on the couch to keep this big sweet boy company (FD’s turn is tonight) and he slept soundly on the love seat all night with only one hop down to stretch and then hop back up.  When the sun came up he went outside for a walk around the yard where he took care of his bathroom needs like the very good boy he is and then we had breakfast and another short walk before the morning naps began.

Yellow Labrador Retriever Yellow Labrador Retriever

We will be visiting Finn’s new vet in a couple of days and will keep all the Brookline community updated on his adventures here on this blog.Finn Fact #8: He is the sweetest good boy and he will make a lucky family so very happy when he finds his forever home!

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.


Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638

PA Kennel License #05190