Hansel Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 7 Years Old ID #3466

February 9, 2025

Yellow Labrador RetrieverI’ve had a busy week.  I went to the vet for a routine check-up, I was so well-behaved at the office that the staff asked if I was a guide dog! I am not, I just have great manners.  The vet found out I have a previously torn ACL which has since healed and I also have hip dysplasia. Next week when I get neutered, I will be getting X-rays to have a better look at the hip dysplasia. I loved the car ride to and from the vet, especially sticking my head out the window.

Foster dad was traveling on business all last week and I seem to have forgotten who he was. Before he left I was a happy boy around him, now I’m a little scared around him. I just walk away from him and foster dad is giving me my space until I feel comfortable again.

My new favorite thing is to do yoga with my foster mom. Every time she rolls out the yoga mat, I think it’s for me!Yellow Labrador Retriever

I now let foster mom know when I have to go poop outside by jamming my head into her and whining a little bit. I continue to have no accidents at night in the bedroom but am still working on letting my foster mom know when I have to pee during the day.  She takes me out several times a day and rewards me with hot dogs or cheese which I could take or leave. I have no interest in dog treats. Let’s just say I’m not making potty training easy on my foster family!  I’m glad they are still giving me lots of love and not getting upset with me as I try and figure it out.

February 3, 2025

I had such a great weekend. I got to play with some of my friends.

I also had a lot of little people in my house and didn’t mind all the noise.Yellow Labrador Retriever

Foster mom walked me on a busy road and I was fine with the road noise. Yellow Labrador RetrieverI don’t show any reaction if a squirrel scurries past or a bird flies by either. I do like to dig and get muddy. My Foster family keeps a pack of dog wipes at the door so they can wipe me down every time I come back inside. I absolutely love being outside and pretty stubborn when it’s time to go in.Yellow Labrador Retriever

My foster family left me for 4 hours and I was such a good boy. They say I’m very trustworthy when it comes to items on the floor, table, or trash; I just leave them alone. However, if the opportunity presents itself, I will stick my head in the toilet.  I still have to wear the belly band when my foster family leaves me by myself but I no longer have to wear the belly band at night time and during the day when someone is home. They do have to watch me, just in case I decide to mark my territory.

January 31, 2025

Quick update on what’s been going on in my foster home! I am currently eating wet food mixed with dry food which I enjoy. I’m surprisingly a slow eater.  I don’t beg for human food, and I never put my paws on the counter (or furniture).

I have only barked once.  I don’t mind when people are walking past the house or when people ring the doorbell.  Yellow Labrador RetrieverWe’ve had a few visitors in the house and I don’t mind.  I sniff them, ask for some pets, and then once I determine they are safe, I go back and assume my favorite position which is laying down at the front door.

Foster mom loves that I sleep through the night.  I sleep soundly from 10pm – 7am. I sleep in the master bedroom on the floor with no accidents. Yellow Labrador Retriever Potty training during the day is going okay.  I’m not trusted without my belly band just yet but I’m getting better.  I got caught lifting my leg on the wall yesterday but abruptly put my leg down after a firm “no”.  Then I left the room and went to sulk.  I am a very sensitive boy.Yellow Labrador Retriever

I love my foster family and just spending time with them and getting lots of snuggles and pets!

January 28, 2025

Hi Friends!

I’m happy to report that I have fully mastered stairs! It took me a few days but I got it.  I’m no longer scared to go down them.  It helps that I’m attached like Velcro to foster mom so I will pretty much do anything to follow her.

My foster family said I was still stinky so I got my second bath.  I liked this one much better, I let my foster family scrub and scrub.  Now I try to hop into the bathtub on my own, even when there’s no water in it.  I guess I am going to be a water dog!Yellow Labrador Retriever

I love car rides, although I’m still a bit hesitant jumping in and out of the car, but once I’m in, I love it, especially when the window is rolled down.  I love to stick my big block head out the window!Yellow Labrador Retriever I had my first vet visit and was very well-behaved.  Turns out I have a UTI so I’m on some medicine for that.  I happily take the medicine if it’s folded into a piece of cheese.  I’m still a little shark-like while taking the cheese but my foster mom is working with me to take treats a little more gently.

I’ve met a few dogs on my daily walks and I was a perfect gentleman during our intros.  I’m very well-behaved on the leash and get SO excited when it’s time for a walk.  My wiggle butt goes absolutely crazy when I see the leash.  I definitely love being outdoors and laying in the sunshine whenever possible!

January 26, 2025

Hi everyone, I’m Hansel!  I’m a handsome 7-year-old, 90-pound, English yellow Labrador Retriever that was brought to Brookline after my stud days were over at the farm.  My foster family was so happy to see me but they took one whiff of me and said I needed to go to the wash station before I went to my foster home.  I was very nervous and tried to jump out of the tub a few times, and on my way out, I marked a few display cases…Yellow Labrador Retriever

Once inside my foster home, my foster mom put a belly band on me to help with potty training, and good thing she did.  I tried to mark anything and everything.

I had never done stairs before so my foster family tried to teach them to me.  I got going up the stairs pretty fast but boy going down is scary.  Foster dad had to carry me down the stairs a few times.Yellow Labrador Retriever

I did not eat anything on my first day which is understandable as this house thing is all new to me.  I didn’t take to any treats or bones either.  Foster mom sat on the floor with me and got me to drink some water.

I slept great on my first night in the master bedroom on the floor.  Not a peep out of me, I was pretty tired from all the excitement. My belly band was wet so I guess I got up to pee at some point but I am incredibly light on my feet.  You can hardly hear me coming or going!  I also walk great on a leash and do not pull.  Not even when I see another human or dog.  I stand at attention and watch them, but I stay put next to my foster family.

I really love my foster siblings, my tail wags so much when I see the kids!  I’ll check back in later this week and let everyone know how I’m doing! Go Birds!Yellow Labrador Retriever and 2 girls

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638


PA Kennel License #05190