Harley, 6 year old black Lab mix
Harley is a 6 year old Lab mix who was pulled from a shelter in Philadelphia on February 10th.

He is a big boy, weighing in at 91 lbs. We don’t know what he’s mixed with, but are thinking maybe Great Dane(??). He’s a beautiful boy with a very sweet personality.

He was excellent in the car – laid down and took a nap. The intro to our dogs was a breeze. They all sniffed and then each went off to do their own thing in the yard. When we came inside, Harley wandered around the house checking out each room. He found the water bowl and got a big drink. He found the toy box and picked out a stuffed bone to carry around. He followed Mary to the basement when she was doing laundry. He had no problems going up or down the stairs. Our basement steps are not carpeted and are steep – many dogs steer clear of them. He loves to carry toys around. Melts my heart! He’s finally starting to figure out that he has to put the toy down (and leave it down!) to take a treat. He’s been quiet and calm all evening. Will be interesting to see if his energy level increases over the next few days or if he is just a mellow guy. He’s about 6 years old, so this may be his norm. He’s a leaner and also rubbed back across my legs and the couch – like a cat! But that may have been because he was soaking wet from the rain and wanted to dry off. 😉
Harley is currently living with 4 other dogs and is great with them. He doesn’t really play with the other dogs, but is very tolerant of them.
Now that I’ve introduced him, I’ll turn things over to Harley!

Hi! It’s me, Harley. I have a question…
Why does foster mom say YUCK every time she looks at me??
Hi there. Harley here, checking in. Today was a lazy kind of day for me.
I slept on the couch last night. I was too beat to get up and go into FM’s room. This morning I got up for breakfast and then took a nice nap in the office while FM worked. Then it was time for dinner and another nap. What a great day.
Oh, I did have some other excitement. I got a package in the mail! FM came in with a pile of boxes and I figured she’d been shopping online again. But then she said the BIG box was for ME! It was my Brookline Care Package. And Brookline must really care about me because the box was filled with treats and toys and a spiffy new collar & leash and lots of stuffies! I love stuffies!
Thanks Brookline for all the awesome stuff!
You might have noticed I have a bandage wrapped around my paw. On Sunday I was in the yard playing with the other pups. Somehow I managed to break my dew claw and it was bleeding a lot. FM put styptic powder on it but it was still bleeding. So she wrapped it up. It’s not bleeding any more, but I’m keeping it wrapped to protect it until it’s healed. FM said I was such a good boy when it happened. I let my FM’s look at it and put stuff on it and wrap it up. Ozzie’s FD was here, too, and he helped. They all talked about how good I was letting all these people handle me. I guess I’m a good boy.
Feelin’ Happy,
This is wrong… just wrong. And on Valentine’s Day. Just wrong.

FM took the bandage off my paw. So what did I do? I did what any dog would do. I licked it. And licked and licked… and then the dreaded cone came out. On Valentine’s Day. Not feeling the love.
Foster Mom says I should be able to get over 100 channels with this thing. What would you like to watch?
Hi! Hope everyone is enjoying this rainy Sunday. Just wanted to check in and let you know what I’ve been up to. It’s been a busy week here at my foster home. Last weekend, my FM’s took me to a Meet & Greet. It was fun. There were lots of people there, and other dogs, and TREATS! Everyone wanted to give me treats. I was happy to oblige. When I see treats – or even THINK about treats – my mouth goes into action. Yep, drool time! So Aunt Dee made me my very own rally towel like the pro football players use… cos it’s cool to drool!

I enjoyed meeting all the people and dogs at the Meet & Greet, but the most exiting was the CAT! He was in a cage inside the store. I wanted to FREE him – after all, who wants to be stuck in a cage? I tried desperately to rescue him from the confines of that cage! Even though it meant dragging FM across the store, it had to be done! But then Uncle Nelson – he’s a big strong Brookline guy – helped FM get me out of the store. Darn. I’m not sure what I would have done with that cat if I’d gotten him out of the cage. But FM says it’s probably better if we don’t know. She also said I probably shouldn’t have a cat in my forever home. Bummer.

They had a kissing booth at the store, but no one wanted wet, sloppy, drooly kisses. What’s with that?
Since last weekend, I’ve been busy eating, sleeping, and playing. My FM’s do this thing called “work”. One of my FM’s works from home, so I help her. I don’t really get it. She sits in the office behind a computer. To me, it doesn’t look much different than when she’s not “working” and she sits in the living room behind a computer. But she says she has to do it so I’m happy to help.

My favorite things to play with are stuffies! I like to chew on them and carry them around. Here I am in action: Playing with my stuffy
My foster brother, Charlie, went to his forever home yesterday. FM’s said Charlie was so happy to meet his forever family – his tail never stopped wagging. I’m happy for Charlie. He’s a good kid. FM’s said now it’s MY turn to find my forever home! FM posted my story on the web site today to let everyone know I’m available for adoption. Be sure to check it out. Who knows, maybe you are my forever family!
Have a great day. It’s rainy and yucky outside. That means it’s the perfect day for a long nap!

Hey Everybody!
Guess what I have? I mean, besides this cool stuffy. Have I mentioned how much I like stuffies? There’s nothing like a good stuffy to carry around with you. Just makes a day better, you know? Anyway, guess what else I have? A family! Yep, Aunt Terry met a cool family that wants to adopt ME! My foster moms are going to take me to meet them tomorrow. As long as we all like each other, I’ll move in with them. I like everybody. And I don’t see how they could not like me. So I’m pretty sure everything is gonna go great! I’ll miss my buddies here at my foster home, but nothing beats having your very own family!

Hi Everybody,
Just one last note to let you know how things went today.
Things went great! I met my new mom and dad first. They kept talking about how gorgeous I am. Then I met my fur-brother and fur-sister. We got along great. I sniffed every inch of my new yard. Then I went inside and found the toy basket. Yes! More stuffies! I ran the yard with one.
Then I settled down on my new deck to chew on a toy.

Yep, things went great! Thanks for everything, Brookline!
Lovin’ life,
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638