Jacob, Black Labrador Retrieve Male, 9 Years Old
April 7, 2019
Jacob is in need of specialty care for his eyes and Brookline has started a go fund me to help with the expenses. Here is the link. https://www.gofundme.com/manage/tbhr6f-surgery-for-jacob
March 23, 2019
Jacob went to see the ophthalmologist this past rainy Thursday. We were hopeful that he would be a candidate for cataract removal and would regain sight after the operation. The ophthalmologist tested his tear production and eye pressure and looked extensively at his cataracts.
Unfortunately, not only is sweet Jacob not a good candidate for cataract surgery, but he has glaucoma and dry eye in both eyes. The cataracts have caused so much damage to his eye structures that the recommendation was enucleation for both eyes. The vet said, “He’ll be losing eyes that he gave up using a long time ago.”
Ideally, he’ll have his eye surgery and lipoma surgery done at the same time to reduce anesthesia time. I’m sure he will be sore for a while but it seems that ultimately this is the best for him.
Right now he is getting eye drops and ointment to decrease eye pressure and reduce any inflammation. He continues to be happy in spite of any discomfort he may be feeling.
This poor guy had a rough time earlier in his life, and the years of medical neglect are showing themselves. I hope these surgeries help make his golden years the best of his life.
March 14, 2019
Hi everyone! Jacob had a consult with a surgeon yesterday to have his lipoma evaluated. He is a good candidate for surgery despite being 9, as he is a healthy boy. The exam was done in another area of the office while I waited in another room, and he happily walked away with the vet tech. He was a good boy for his exam despite my not being present for it. This dog absolutely loves people and responds joyously to kindness.
He has an ophthalmology consult next week to evaluate his cataracts, so until I know more about his eyes no decisions will be made about how to proceed with any surgery (lipoma or eyes).
He has been enjoying the warmer weather but was also content outside in last week’s snow. He is a happy, loving boy in general and when I see his graying face my heart sings. I have grown to love stroking his giant lipoma while he is on the couch next to me. He loves it too; he will paw at my arm if I stop!
February 22, 2019
February 22, 2019
I have appointments scheduled with an ophthalmologist and a surgeon next Thursday so Jacob can get his eyes and his lipoma looked at. He’s a very happy boy already but the more I get to know him the more I think he’ll be even happier if he can walk without that huge lipoma in the way!
He’s still doing very well here, even relaxing enough to let other canine friends use him as a pillow (while he uses me as a pillow, with his head on my lap). He had a good time out in the snow the other day, not hesitating one second to step outside. And at night he enjoys kicking my senior pit, Marley, out of his bed and snuggling until I get up in the morning. He’ll come right up to my bed and wag his tail until I pet him.
I’ll have more to share after his consults next week. Please wish him luck!
February 16, 2019
Jacob went to the vet today to have the large lump under his front leg aspirated. The vet took a sample and believes it’s just a huge lipoma. While not currently an issue, it will grow bigger and will impact his ability to walk, and it may cut off the blood supply to his leg. We will be looking at different options going forward to determine where he’ll get the best treatment to remove the lump. As I write this, he’s on the couch with me with his head on my legs, letting me rub his tummy. He continues to be very well behaved in the house and on his leash. He is a beautiful, gentle soul who just wants love and who gives tons of love in return. This guy is showing me the best side of labs and I’m enjoying it very much. He’s precious.
February 9, 2019
Jacob continues to settle in nicely. He is getting along very well with my other pups but is happiest when he is by my feet or in my lap. Yesterday he discovered how to get on the couch by himself! His housebreaking skills are impeccable. He is eating well and has no tummy issues – his only issue with food is that I have to sit right by him while he eats. Otherwise he forgets about the food and just wants to find me. He is very responsive to his name, to soothing tones in my voice, and to pets and cuddles. He still has to go to the vet to have his large lump looked at and we will have the cataract in his right eye checked out too, which shifts around at times during the day. He continues to be happy and amazing and we are enjoying each other’s company.
February 7, 2019
Today is day two with Jacob. He is doing very well navigating my home and accepts guidance when he is unsure (like going up and down steps). He appears to be completely house-trained and walks very well (though slowly) on a leash when he goes out. Most of his energy is spent following me all over the house and whining when he can’t get to me (I got serenaded all through my shower today because I had the audacity to shut the bathroom door). He does appear to have some separation anxiety but that may subside as he gets more settled. He is growling far less today as my other dogs aren’t as interested in him so he has more space. Right now he’s spread out at my feet. We will be visiting the vet soon to have his large lump under his leg examined. He walks a little funny because it pushes his leg out to the side but it doesn’t seem to cause him any pain. He’s a sweet old soul!
February 5, 2019
Welcome to Brookline Jacob! After a busy day of getting up to date on his shots and microchipped, Jacob finally landed with his new foster mom last night. He did well with her pack, though puppy Barney is a bit intimidated by this new guy and blind/deaf Keller is a bit too enthusiastic for Jacob right now. As with all transitions, it will take some time. Jacob is a very sweet old guy who desperately needs some fattening up and some TLC, which he is getting in large doses from his FM! He also has a lot of lumps and bumps, which will need to be checked out once he settles in. But you couldn’t ask for a sweeter, more affectionate dog! Hopefully once his medical needs are addressed, he will find a wonderful forever home with a family who will dote on him and make him the center of their world! He’s a sweetie! Stay tuned for more updates from Jacob as he settles in with his FM and fur brothers and sisters.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638