Jayda Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 3.5 Years Old ID #3388

August 1, 2023Yellow Labrador retriever

Jayda has recovered from her spay with flying colors! She was so good about leaving her stitches alone.  Now she is back to playing with the neighborhood Brookline dogs and chasing balls in the yard! Jayda enjoys many walks with foster mom and dad throughout the day.  She likes to zig zag back and forth on the sidewalk but she walks nicely at the pace of the person holding her leash.

Foster mom and dad took Jayda on a field trip to two local dog friendly places.  The first one was to a giant pet store.  Foster mom thought Jayda would enjoy looking for a new treat and meeting some other dogs. Jayda got in the car without any coaxing. When we arrived, she enjoyed sniffing around in a grassy field next to the parking lot.  After many sniffs, foster dad led Jayda toward the pet store.  As we approached the sliding  doors at the store entrance, Jayda firmly planted her feet and had zero desire to go inside and explore.  Foster mom went inside to buy dog food and a Churo cat treat (Jayda’s favorite) but even the Churo didn’t make her want to continue with the field trip.  That’s OK!  Foster mom still gave Jayda the Churo because she was such a good girl in the car!  Jayda sits in the wheel well of the car and likes to rest her head on the seat.  She knows this is a safe place for her to ride!Yellow Labrador retriever

The next field trip was a walking field trip to the local bank.  They love dogs and even have dog treats at the counter with the lollipops.  The doors to the bank were not sliding doors, but again, Jayda had no interest in entering the bank.  She did however like standing outside to eat the treats that foster mom packed.

Jayda does enjoy going into the neighbor’s house and willingly goes into the Vet’s office.  She’s a girl who knows what she wants!Yellow Labrador retriever

July 15, 2023Yellow Labrador retriever

Jayda has been busy since our last update. She spent a week with Brookline fosters while we went on vacation.  Jayda had more play time and many sleepovers with Brookline friends Cleo and Lucky as well as resident dog Tucker.  She and Tucker enjoyed playing ball together and Jayda felt comfortable with all the dogs.  She followed the lead of her doggy friends and went to the bathroom out in the yard.  She also goes to the bathroom regularly now while walking on a leash! She doesn’t pull while we walk. When foster mom stops to talk to a neighbor, Jayda instinctively sits patiently (without being told) and waits until it is time to walk again!

We have been enjoying Jayda’s laid back personality.  She is friendly, loves to be where we are, sleeps through the night, is a good eater and rarely barks. When visitors come to our house she does not bark or jump.  Instead, she sniffs to get to know them and waits for visitors to pet her and tell her that she is such a good girl!  She enjoys men, women, and children – She is playful and mild mannered.

Yesterday Jayda went for her spay.  She wasn’t thrilled about getting into the van but once she was inside she laid on her bed with her stuffy.  Everything went well with her spay.  She is resting at home and has been eating and drinking.  She hasn’t been bothered by her incision so she hasn’t had to wear the “cone of shame!”  (…yet).  Jayda is supposed to have limited activity for the next 2 weeks.  When she is healed we will go on some practice car rides (along with treats and frosty paws) so she begins to (hopefully) get comfortable with car rides.  Jayda stepped on the scale before her spay and she has lost 3 pounds!  She now weighs 80 pounds. She is not tempted by human food and never begs while we are eating.  Her favorite treat is squirt cheese!  We put a little bit on her Cosequin tablet and she gobbles it right up!

Do you remember the show “Everyone Loves Raymond?”  Well in our house, Everyone Loves Jayda!  She is a wonderful family dog!

June 28, 2023

Jayda had a busy week!  She had her first vet check up!  She got into the car on her own and was very friendly to the vet and her staff.  She enjoyed eating a chicken flavored cat treat (of all things) during her check up!  She’s now up to date on all her shots, started her heartworm meds and had her first flea and tick treatment.  The vet examined the recent x rays that we got from Jayda’s previous vet.  She does have moderate hip issues and arthritis.  Until then, the vet would like Jayda to lose 5 pounds (she weighs 82 pounds) and stay active.  Jayda also has a spay appointment scheduled in July.  She has a busy social schedule!

None of these hip issues are slowing down sweet Jayda.  She loves to chase balls, go for walks, and was recently introduced to her Brookline friends Lucky and Cleo (and the resident dog) while visiting our neighbors who are also Brookline Fosters.  The introductions went well both in the yard and in the house!  Jayda loves their fenced in yard and has fun ZOOOMing all over the place! Another sunny afternoon Jayda was introduced to a puppy splash mat.

Jayda didn’t like when the water was squirting on top of her, but as soon as the water was turned off she had a blast! She’s the cutest!Labrador retriever

Jayda still doesn’t go to the bathroom often, but she does go when the time is right for her.  She follows us around the house soaking in all the new sights, smells, and belly rubs. Every neighbor who meets Jayda comments on how easygoing and friendly she is. Jayda also enjoyed the big box of treats that she received from her Brookline supporters.  Truth be told, Foster mom had just as much fun going through all the fun stuff in the box!Yellow Labrador retriever  The kindness shown to Jayda made both of us feel so happy!  Thank you!

June 23, 2023

We continue to be amazed by this sweet girl. Jayda has learned her name; she knows how to “sit” and she is now learning how to “shake!” Today Foster Mom vacuumed and Jayda stayed away from the vacuum but she didn’t bark or chase it!  She is so brave, but come to think of it, she didn’t offer to help vacuum!  Jayda is sleeping through the night and waits patiently for Foster Mom to wake up to begin her day!  Jayda enjoys walking and experiencing so many new smells in the neighborhood.  She is VERY curious about other dogs as they walk by and soon we will introduce her to some other Brookline Fosters who live in our neighborhood with their awesome foster mom! Jayden can’t wait! Tomorrow Jayden will go to a new vet for a checkup. I know they will LOVE her!

June 21, 2023

Jayda has met so many milestones in her short two days at our house.  For the first time she felt comfortable enough to lie down on a dog bed to take a nap.Yellow Labrador Retriever We were so pleased that she could relax and feel at home!  Last night she slept through the night on the floor next to our bed!  Jayda is so friendly and curious.  She has discovered that she is a retriever!  She enjoys taking slippers out of foster mom’s closet and giving them to her!  She also chased a ball down the hallway and I was able to capture it on video to share with you!  It doesn’t get any sweeter than this!

June 20, 2023


Yellow Labrador Retriever

Jayda a 70 lb yellow lab moved into our home yesterday and was immediately loved by all family members!  She had a busy day getting a bath, giving kisses, and learning to go outside to potty and walk.  Jayda ate her dinner like a champ and she has discovered that dryer balls can roll and be so much fun! She likes to be right next to foster mom and dad and even followed foster mom up the steps to help her gather the laundry – what a good helper!  Jayda makes the most adorable little “piggy grunting” sound when she sniffs around in the yard! She is a sweetheart and we are so happy to be a part of her story!  Thank you for sharing her with our family!

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638