Jedd Yellow Labrador Retriever Male 1 Year Old ID #2933
Meet Jedd! Jedd is a 1.5 year old a gorgeous blockhead purebred yellow male lab who was surrendered by his owner. His owner was unable to keep him due to the cost of surgical intervention to repair a cleft palate. Brookline facilitated an appointment with a specialist and provided Jedd with the two needed surgeries, one to repair the hard palate and the other to repair the soft palate. Please read Jedd’s blog from the bottom up to learn more about his story!
Jedd is now available.
October 26, 2021
So now that my Halloween costume has been decided, it was time to head out to the yard and check out a new fall set up they have out there! I just love to explore…Also is anyone ready to cuddle?
October 22, 2021
I need some help deciding on my costume for Halloween!
What do you all think?
or Lion?
October 18, 2021
My friend here at BCK has started to take me for walks with this new device called a Gentle Leader. I think I get why it’s called that.
My trainer says that he helps me be more gentle with other dogs that I meet when I’m out on a walk, and that it helps me stay calmer.
It takes some getting used to but I think I won’t mind it at all real soon!
October 11, 2021
I’ve been trying out lots of fun things at kamp. There is so many things to do and see!
They have this obstacle course, there are things to climb up, over and under. They said there are certain ways to go up these things but I kind of like my short cuts.
I think it might be a good place to meet some friends because it smells like someone has been visiting the trees in here.
I also got a chance to go swimming on a walk! Did I tell you before that I love to go swimming…
I met a bunch of new dogs yesterday on a walk, and my trainer said that I was so calm meeting the whole crew and that I was such a good boy!
I get such good treats when I’m a good boy so I’m going to keep trying!
October 6, 2021
Hello Everybody!
It’s me, Jedd! I am back on the blog to tell you about my time at this fun new place I’m visiting called “Kamp.” So far this place is great. There is a big yard that I get to play in with this fun new lady they call my trainer.
She says she thinks I am so funny, and such a goofball. She told me that she loves to cuddle up against my soft fur. I don’t mind because I think cuddling is great too. So far, my favorite thing to do here is explore the big yard and play ball.
I am only playing in the yard with my trainer because she say I need to learn some manners with other dogs. She says that I shouldn’t bark at the other dogs, or get so excited, and says we are going to keep working on it to see if I can share my space and toys with a new furry friend! I guess we’ll just have to see about that! I’m willing to try if she keeps on giving me those tasty treats and play time out in that great yard.
August 23, 2021
Hi Everybody!
Things are going great now that I’m rid of that silly cone and I’m allowed to run and play again. I have a great time playing in the yard with Rubble and Floyd. We don’t hang out together in the house because I got a little grumpy with them a few times in the house. But we haven’t had any problems at all when we’re outside. And we’ve been spending a lot of time outside … and in the pool! Guess what?! I’m a swimmer now! Check this out:
Last week FM felt bad that I didn’t have a dog bed in my “room”. She didn’t know why other FM hadn’t put one in there for me. So, one night she put a nice bed in there. And I reminded her why other FM hadn’t put a bed in with me. Hee hee! Oops! Sorry FM!
Now that I’m almost all healed up from my surgery, it’s time for me to find my forever home. I know my forever family is out there somewhere. If you guys could help me, find them, that would be great! Thanks!
August 13, 2021
Hi Everybody,
Look!!! NO CONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw my buddy, Dr. Lewis, today. He said I’m doing great. My mouth is healing and he’s really happy about how good it looks. I still have to eat soft food for another month and no chewing on sticks or hard toys yet. But I don’t have to wear the cone anymore! And I didn’t even have to give him one of my stuffies! YAY!
And I don’t have to wear a leash in the yard, anymore! Ah, life is good!
Doc took some pictures of my mouth so everybody can see how good it looks. Pretty cool, huh?
Thanks for all the good wishes! They worked!
Love, Jedd
August 11, 2021
Hi Everybody,
It’s been 2 weeks since my surgery. FM says my recovery is going well. I’m not so sure about that cos I’m still stuck in this stupid cone!
I broke the first cone and they taped it up. I broke it again and they pulled out another one. I broke that one when I went to visit Aunt Lorraine and Uncle Gary – and they taped it up! Every time I break a cone, they tape it up or pull out another one. What’s a dog to do?!
Sometimes they let me wear a soft cone when they can keep an eye on me. And sometimes they even take the cone OFF when they are hanging out with me. That’s my favorite time!
I’m not allowed to have anything hard or rough in my mouth. That means only soft toys like stuffies. My FM’s got me some new stuffies as a special treat.
I go back to see the special doctor tomorrow. Don’t tell my FM’s, but I’m going to try to convince him that I don’t need that silly cone anymore. Maybe I can bribe him with one of my new stuffies! Wish me luck!
July 30, 2021
Jedd is doing well and is being a good boy, especially considering how lousy he must feel. His meds seem to be controlling his pain. He is eating his softened kibble with no problem. He’s very happy when we go into his “room” to snuggle with him. He’s still not allowed to run or play or do anything that could increase his blood pressure (and lead to bleeding). But try telling him that! Yesterday I took him out back on leash when the other dogs were in the yard. That was a mistake. He’s a strong boy and I thought I might lose an arm! He couldn’t figure out why I wouldn’t let him run with the other dogs.
Jedd is spending the weekend with another foster home because we have family visiting this weekend and we’re having a party here on Saturday. We’ll have too much going on to be able to keep a close eye on Jedd. And it would be very frustrating for him to not be allowed to run around the yard and join the party! So, another foster home offered to spoil him all weekend. 😊
July 27, 2021
FM filling in for Jedd today since he is still zonked from pain meds – and probably will be for quite some time!
Jedd had surgery yesterday for his cleft palate. Prior to surgery, the doctor did a CT scan of Jedd’s head. Turns out there was more bone missing above the palate than expected. This meant the repair was a bit more involved. But everything went well. Jedd was moved to a local vet hospital late yesterday so he could be monitored overnight and given fluids and IV meds. The ER doctor called this morning to say Jedd had a good night. He also wanted to ask how to apply to adopt Jedd. Seems Jedd continues to steal hearts wherever he goes!
For the next few weeks, Jedd will be on a “soft food” diet and will not be able to have anything hard in his mouth. No bones, sticks, hard toys, etc. He has to wear the “cone of shame” at all times. Not fun for him or us. 😉 He’ll have a follow-up with the doctor in two weeks. In eight weeks, Jedd will be sedated again so the doctor can get a good look at everything and make sure it’s healed well. After that, he’ll be ready to look for his forever home!
Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes, and positive energy sent Jedd’s way. I’m sure, once he’s feeling better, he’d be happy to give each and every one of you big kisses! ❤
If you’re curious about what done during Jedd’s surgery, check out the photos below. If you don’t like to see that sort of thing, stop scrolling now!
The picture on the left show Jedd’s cleft palate. Note the opening in the center of the roof of his mouth. It ran from the front of his mouth all the back to the soft palate. This allowed anything that went into Jedd’s mouth (food, water, etc.) to go up into his nose and possibly down into his lungs. The picture on the right is post-surgery. The surgeon cut the soft tissue on both sides of Jedd’s mouth, flipped it over to cover the opening in the center, and stitched it up. The “donor sites” along the sides of his mouth will heal and the sutures in his mouth will dissolve. After that, Jedd will be good as new!
July 21, 2021
Hi Everybody,
Last week I went to see the doctor so he could do some tests that the special doctor wants done before my surgery. He took some of my blood to test. It didn’t bother me. I got lots of attention and lots of treats so it was a good trip!
The week before that we had a big party with lots of people and lots of dogs. It was so much fun! Some the dogs got in the pool, but not me. I’m more of a Land-Loving-Lab. Besides, that’s where most of the people and all the treats were!
Can you find me?
Hint: I’m right across from the little human that’s in the pool!
I sure was tired after the party.
But it didn’t last long! Pretty soon I was up and playing again. FM says I still have a case of puppy-itis. But it’s not as bad as it was. FM says it helps when I have other dogs to play with. Me and my buddy Rubble have a great time playing tug and wrestling. Rubble is a lot bigger than me. But I still win sometimes!
Last week there were two more buddies for me to play with. Ruby and Clyde stayed with us while their humans were away. Clyde told me he was a foster pup right here with my FM’s last summer. Now he has his very own forever family – and he still gets to visit our foster moms. Pretty cool. Clyde is the same age as me. You can imagine how much fun we had tearing around the house and the yard. Clyde is a Land-Loving-Lab like me. So, we ran laps around the pool while Floyd, Ruby, and Rubble swam.
My surgery is on Monday morning. Wish me luck! FM says I won’t be able to chew on any bones or sticks or hard toys for a long time after surgery so I better get busy doing that now.
Luv, Jed
July 6, 2021
Things are still swell at my foster home! I love to spend time outside with my foster brother, Floyd, and my FM’s. I chase tennis balls and run laps around the pool when Floyd jumps in. I like to lay in the grass or in a puddle when it’s hot. Sometimes when it’s really hot, FM pets me and splashes pool water on me. That feels good. FM says that after I have my surgery, I can try getting IN the pool. I’m not so sure I want to do that. I haven’t even tried to put my toes in yet.
It’s not all fun and games in the yard, though. Sometimes we have to work. I like to help FM with the gardening. But she says I need to learn the difference between a flower and a weed. Sorry FM. At least I’m helping!
Today was a really great day. It’s Floyd’s birthday.
[FM says I should mention that you can really see my underbite in this picture. But I don’t really wanna point that out.]
Anyway, birthdays mean an extra special treat – Birthday Burgers! YUM!

FM said I have a case of puppy-itis. I don’t know what that is, but she says I have it BAD! She usually says it when I’m chewing on a rug or a pillow… or a blanket… or, well, pretty much anything. She said my buddy Rubble is coming back soon and that might help with my puppy-itis. Is Rubble a doctor or something? I didn’t know that. We were too busy playing bitey-face and tug to really talk about our lives. I’ll have to try to remember to ask him about that!
July 2, 2021
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are enjoying summer so far. I sure am! We spend a lot of time out in the yard. Floyd jumps in the pool after tennis balls and I run circles around the pool while Floyd is swimming. I haven’t tried to get in the pool. FM says that’s good because I’m not allowed to swim before my surgery. If I get a bunch of water in my mouth, it will go up into my nose and then it could go into my lungs. That sounds icky. So, I’ll stick with running circles around the pool for now!
My surgery is scheduled for July 26th. FM was hoping it could be done sooner, but the doctor is really busy and that was the first available appointment. I’m not in any hurry. I’m busy having fun in the yard with Floyd and my FM’s. I love summer!
Luv, Jedd
June 25, 2021
Hi Everybody!
Yesterday I went to see the special doctor. I figured since I was going to the doctor, maybe I should act sick. So, I threw up half my breakfast before we left. I know it was half my breakfast because I threw up the other half later…right as we arrived at the doctor’s office…in the car… in FM’s purse. I thought it was a good idea to do it in her purse – you know, so it wouldn’t get all over the car. FM didn’t seem to think so. Oops. Sorry FM.
I went inside to meet the doctor while my foster moms cleaned up the mess. The doctor checked me out and took a picture of the inside of my mouth. He said the opening in the roof of my mouth (my cleft palate) goes from the front all the way to the back. He said I’m a good candidate for surgery, though, and he thinks he can fix me up. He also said I’m a really great dog and that I’m really lucky to be a Brookline dog! Before my surgery, he wants to have a cat look at my head. Kind of weird, huh? FM said it’s called a CT scan. The doctor said it’s to make sure there’s nothing stuck in that opening. He said he did this surgery on a Yorkie who had a piece of glass wedged up there. Luckily, the cat saw it so they could remove it before they closed the opening. That cat must have good eyesight!
The doctor sent an estimate for my surgery. It’s going to be a lot of money, but FM says I’m worth it. I guess I am lucky to be a Brookline dog! FM has to call next week to schedule my surgery. The doctor said it will take 4-5 weeks for me to recover from it. I’ll have to be really careful during that time – no chewing bones or sticks or anything hard. Wow – that is going to be really rough. But I’m gonna try to be good!
I’ll let everyone know when my surgery is scheduled. The doctor said they are really busy so it might not happen for a few weeks. Until then, I’m gonna chew as many bones as I can!
Good night everybody!
Luv, Jedd
June 22, 2021
Hi Everybody,
It’s me, Jedd! FM says I’m way overdue for sending you guys an update. Sorry ‘bout that. But I’ve been really busy. I made a new friend. His name is Rubble and he came to stay with us while his humans were away. We had so much fun and really kept each other busy! Here’s me and Rubble “at work” with FM. We were really good boys when FM was on conference calls.
Sometimes we played – and made ‘GRR GRR’ noises and banged the desk and moved furniture and tossed hard bones on the wood floor…
But look at how good I was sharing my toys!
And anybody who knows how to play tug knows that you have to make “GRR GRR” noises while you are tugging!
So, I think we were really good boys. FM kept saying “thank God for the mute button”. I don’t know what that means, but it seemed to make her happy so I’m glad she has a mute button!
FM said to tell you I’m going to see the special doctor this week. He’s the dentist doctor who is going to operate on my cleft palate. I saw the regular doctor last week to get the rest of my vaccines and my microchip. The vet tech told the doctor I was “kind of crazy” cos I was very excited, but the doctor looked at me and said he thinks I’m “just perfect”. Smart doctor! I hope the dentist doctor thinks I’m just perfect, too. FM keeps talking about how hard it’s going to be after my operation when I’m not allowed to have anything in my mouth. What?! That’s crazy. I always have something in my mouth! A bone, a toy, a stuffie, a pillow, a blanket, the corner of the rug, FM’s arm…. Who’s going to chew on all of that stuff if I can’t? Floyd hardly chews on anything. He needs my help! I’m gonna have to talk to FM about this!
My buddy Rubble went home today. I miss him already. FM said he’s a foster dog just like me. I heard his FM say today that he’s going to see his special doctor this week and then he’ll be available for adoption. So, I had a great idea. Maybe I can adopt Rubble! Can someone tell me how to do that? I’ll take real good care of him. Promise! I heard his foster mom talking about matching Rubble with his new family. I think we match great, don’t you?
On Sunday some of FM’s family came over to visit. One of them was a little person and one was a tiny person. FM said one is 6 years old and the other is 9 months old. He’s younger than me! I was really good with them. I sniffed the tiny one, but he didn’t do much. The 6-year-old moved a lot and I liked to follow him around. He was always on the move, just like me!
I’ll let you guys know how things go when I see the dentist doctor. I bet he will think I’m perfect, too!
June 17, 2021
Jedd playing with visiting foster dog Rubble.
June 7, 2021
Hi Everybody!
Today was another good day! It started off kind of blah. Me and FM got up early like normal, but then FM went out the front door…. And she didn’t come back. I don’t know what happened to her. I was starting to worry, but then other FM said it was time for breakfast so I kinda forgot about worrying about FM. After breakfast, we went out back to take care of business. I didn’t really have to cos I’d already taken care of business in the dining room. Oops. FM said it was okay. She said she probably missed me asking to go out and she should have had the gates closed. Anyway, we didn’t stay outside long cos FM said she had to do something called “work”. So, me and FM went into a room she called the office. She sat down at the desk and flopped down on the floor beside her. And that was it. We didn’t do anything else. Can you say BORING??!!!
A few hours later I went into the kitchen and barked. This time FM was paying attention and she took me outside. I peed and pooped right away. FM said she was very proud of me. I was pretty proud of FM, too. After all, she is the one who messed up this morning and missed me asking to go out!
I thought the day was going to be a total bust, but FINALLY we were done with this work thing. Then other FM came back in the front door. And you know what? She acted like everything was perfectly normal! No explanation about what she was doing out there all day. Just walked in like nothing had happened and she hadn’t just disappeared this morning. Weird.
After “work”, we all headed out to the yard to chase tennis balls and have zoomies. Later, FM said there was a surprise for me – I got a package in the mail. She said it was my foster care package from Brookline. It had all kinds of cool stuff in it – toys and treats and a cool bandana!
This really turned out to be another great day! Thanks, Brookline!
June 6, 2021
Today was a busy day! This morning I got to meet my next-door neighbor, Buster, face-to-face. We did zoomies around the yard and wrestled. It was a blast! Buster is a little dog, but he had no trouble keeping up with me. This afternoon, the nice lady I met yesterday came back again to get in the giant water bowl with my foster moms. This time she brought her dog. I was very excited to meet another dog. Ellie is a little dog like Buster, but she’s older … and didn’t want to play with me like Buster did. I kept trying…and trying… until FM put me on a leash and said I was being too crazy with Ellie. I settled down for a bit and me and Ellie just hung out together. Then I’d have another case of puppy brain and go crazy again pestering Ellie. I just wanted her to play. FM said I was scaring Ellie, but I didn’t mean to. Honest! I used to bark at the cats in my last home. I guess I’m just not used to little critters. FM says we will have to work on that.
We also started working on something called crate training today. FM set up a crate and threw some treats in. I looked in, but wouldn’t even put one paw inside. Murphy ended up getting the treats. So, then FM crawled in and sat in there. Since FM was in there – with treats – I figured it was safe. So, I went in far enough to get some treats and pets from FM.
Tonight, after dinner, I went in all by myself to chew a bone. My FM’s were so proud of me!
It sure was a busy day. Now I’m really sleepy. Good night everybody!
Luv, Jedd
June 5, 2021
Hi Everybody!
Foster Mom said I should introduce myself. I’m Jedd! I grew up on a farm in Ohio – well, I started growing up on a farm. I’m only a year old and FM says I still have some growing up to do! Anyway, I was living on the farm and life was okay. But I lived outside and wasn’t really part of the family. One day a really nice lady came to the farm and said she wanted to take me home to be part of her family. The farmer told her I have something called a cleft palate, but said it was no big deal and the nice lady didn’t need to do anything about it. So off I went with the nice lady. We went home – and I mean “home”, for real. I got to live in the house and sleep in bed with the nice lady. It was great. Then the nice lady took me to the doctor to get me “fixed” (we’ll talk about that some other time…) and vaccinated. The doctor looked in my mouth and said the farmer was wrong. He said the nice lady needed to take me to a special doctor and that I would probably need surgery for my cleft palate. So off we went to the special doctor who said yep, I need surgery. I don’t know what that means, but the nice lady was sad because it will cost a lot of money and I’ll need extra special care while I recover. She knew this was more than she could handle, so she contacted Brookline. A nice lady from Brookline called my nice lady and they agreed to meet at a park so the other nice lady could meet me. They called this an evaluation. I must have made a good impression on the nice lady from Brookline because she said I could be a Brookline foster dog. I spent a few nights with that nice lady. Yesterday she said it was time to go to my foster home. Me and the nice lady got in the car and drove and drove… until we met another nice lady. Then I got in her car and we drove to meet two more nice ladies. I got in their car and we drove some more to meet two more nice ladies. It seems I’m becoming quite the Ladies’ Man! I found out the last two nice ladies are my foster moms. They brought me home with them and said I’ll be staying here while I have my surgery and they will help me through my recovery. Don’t know what that means, but I like it here so it’s cool.
There are two other dogs here, Floyd and Murphy. I think they like me, but sometimes they bark at me when I get a little to excited. When Murphy barks at me, I flop down and roll over onto my back. That’s dog language for “I don’t want any trouble, bro!” Today Murphy seemed a little less grumpy. I think I’m winning him over. FM said that maybe he’ll even play with me some day.
I met the next-door neighbors through the fence. Guess what? Another nice lady! She gives me treats over the fence. I met her little dog through the fence. He barked at me so I barked back. FM walked me away from the fence until I stopped barking and then let me go back. When I barked at Buster again, FM did the same thing. I think maybe FM doesn’t want me to bark at Buster through the fence. I’m gonna try really hard. But he started it!
There’s this huge water bowl in the middle of the yard. Yesterday I was walking across the yard and didn’t even see it. I know – it’s really big and hard to miss, but I was looking at something else. Next thing I know, I was all wet and swimming in this big water bowl. FM showed be where to get out. FM said I’m not allowed to swim until after my surgery because water that goes in my mouth could end up in my lungs. It has something to do with this cleft palate thing they keep talking about. I don’t know what that is, but sometimes when I sneeze, little pieces of food fly out of my nose. I don’t think that’s normal so maybe that’s what I need to have fixed. (But if that’s the case, I need someone to explain what they did when I got “fixed”! Nothing was happening down there when I sneezed!)
FM says I’m small for a 1-year-old Lab. I weigh 58 pounds and I’m a little shorter than Murphy who is a yellow Lab like me. FM thinks I’m small because I wasn’t able to get proper nutrition because of my cleft palate. FM said I may have that eternal puppy look. That’s okay with me. No one can resist a puppy and I sure do love getting attention.
Last night I slept in FM’s bed. It was so comfy! Around 5AM I woke her up and we went out in the yard. I took care of my business and then we went back inside. FM got back in bed, but I wasn’t tired. We got up early on the farm! So, I was checking out FM’s room. That meant FM couldn’t sleep, either. So, she got up and we went outside again. We played ball and I explored the yard. It was great 1:1 time with FM.
I’m sure she enjoyed it just as much as I did! After an hour, we came back inside and FM went back to bed. I was more settled this time so I let her sleep for a bit.
But boy was I excited when other FM and Floyd and Murphy came to let me outside again!
Today FM’s friend came over to meet me. Another nice lady and Brookline volunteer. She said she couldn’t believe how happy I was. She expected me to be stressed or nervous after moving from the farm to the first nice lady’s house to FM’s house. But I’ve spent the last few days being loved on by so many people. Why wouldn’t I be happy?
I have an appointment with the special mouth doctor (FM says he’s a veterinary dentist) on June 23rd. Until then, I’ll just be chillin’ here at my foster home. I’ll keep you posted on how things are going.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638