Kallie Yellow Labrador Retriever Female 10 Months Old ID#3371
Kallie is a happy go lucky and beautiful 10 month old pure bred yellow Labrador who was pulled from a farm in Lancaster County when the farmer decided he didn’t want to use her for a breeder Mama. Please read her blog from the bottom up to learn more about her.
September 14, 2023
Kallie is the type of Labrador Retriever that everyone dreams about. She possesses all the qualities you’d want in your next family dog. She is loving, happy, playful, gentle, inquisitive, affectionate and loves to give out kisses and snuggles. Kallie is great with other dogs and is cat friendly. She is house trained, is reliable on mostly supervised free roam, and settles easily in the house.
Kallie was found to have hip dysplasia when vetted while in foster care. As a result, she is looking for an adopter that can provide her with the exercise, lean body and medical monitoring that she will need to keep her hips healthy throughout her lifetime. She has no exercise restrictions, and actually the more exercise, the better. She runs, jumps, swims, plays chase and wrestles with other dogs without issue. She would love to join you on hikes, beach trips, and walks in the park or play a game of chase with another dog. Kallie will surely pay you back with lots of love through kisses and snuggles, fun times playing fetch and taking dips with you in the water. She will definitely be that sweet, dedicated and loyal companion who will stay by your side while your working from home, or chilling on the couch! Could Kallie be your special girl?
Kallie and Sammy have been loving these cooler days. Kallie is still perfecting her fetch. It seems like instead of picking up the ball and bringing it back, she likes to pull up some grass and throw it around and then come back to see me. LOL!
She really likes chasing Sammy around the yard when he is looking for squirrels or playing with his jolly ball,
and playing inside with both Max and Sammy. Kallie would be happiest with another dog in the house to play chase, tug and bitey face with her.
Kallie is still accident free. Even though she is allowed to go where she wants now, she typically can be found laying, napping or playing in the same room that I’m in. Kallie usually sleeps on dog beds during the day but does enjoy lounging on the couch in the evening right next to me. She is not shy about making herself comfortable!
September 11, 2023
Kallie has now been here in foster care for almost 3 weeks. On her initial vet appointment (08/24) to bring her UTD on vaccinations, the vet had noted some gluteal muscle loss, so last Monday, she had a second vet appointment to do a sedated x-ray of her hips to check for hip dysplasia. While we were there, Kallie saw some kittens and did great meeting them. When one kitten hissed at her, she immediately backed away.Upon examination of the x-rays, the vet recommended that Kallie get a consult with an orthopedic specialist to further evaluate her hips. Kallie had her consult today with the specialist at Blue Pearl. Again she did awesome in the waiting room, and was very calm with all the dogs coming and going.
The specialist felt that given her x-rays, Kallie’s gait was looking really good, and she said to continue to give her plenty of exercise through running, playing, jumping, walking and swimming. The Dr. said that lots of exercise will keep her muscles supporting her hips strong, and will keep her gait strong. She also recommended that Kallie be kept a very lean weight, and given a daily dose of cosequin chews to help support hip health in the future.
The orthopedic specialist recommends scheduling a recheck with them when Kallie is 1-1.5 years of age for a repeat evaluation and to discuss if surgery is necessary. Recommendations for surgery would be based on how she is doing clinically. Surgery is not always needed right away and the specialist stated that 60% of dogs will not need any surgery. This is positive news for Kallie and any potential adopters!
Currently, Kallie loves playing and running in the yard.
She loves the water, and also did well when she swam for the first time in a friend’s pool.
Kallie has been playing a lot with my 12 yo lab, Max and my 2.5 yo foster lab mix, Sammy.
They have different play styles and Kallie tolerates both boys very well, and vice versa.
Kallie is just a big love bug, and doesn’t mind who she snuggles with, she just likes to be close to a friend!
The meet and greet with a friend’s dog friendly cat, Jumbo went really well. Kallie wasn’t overly interested in him even when he was held at eye level with her. Kallie gave Jumbo a sniff and then walked away to explore else where.
Kallie did great meeting their dogs, Brookline Alum Lily and pit mix, Nugget. Lily and Kallie looked like long lost sisters, and it was Kallie’s turn to get smothered in licks from Lily who was so excited to meet Kallie.With all the rain, we have discovered that Kallie not only loves playing in the pool but also loves digging in mud puddles!
Kallie has been an easy foster and should slip easily into a new adoptive home. Kallie is so ready to find her forever home so look for her becoming available very soon!
August 30, 2023
Kallie has been with us almost a week now and I can confidently say she is a dream girl. She has a calm demeanor, and is loving, playful, inquisitive and friendly with both people and other dogs. She met my Mom’s little terrier mix, and was initially super excited to get to know her. After a few corrections from Jessie, Kallie settled in and did good with her. I plan on cat testing her next week so I will keep you posted on how that goes.
Kallie went from a girl that was on her feet pacing, and checking out every toy and nook and cranny of our house except when she was in her crate to a chill girl who now likes trying out lots of different dog beds, and various sleeping places all over the house.
Kallie finds a spot to hang out where ever her people or other dogs are hanging out, and either plays with a stuffy or chews an antler or chew bone, or takes a nap. She is now completely comfortable with inside living.
Some of her choices of where or how she wants to chill make me chuckle!
Kallie has now discovered the squeaker on lambie. She makes the cutest little grunts when she gets it squeaking!
She is getting along with both Max and Sammy, and everyone interacts without issue. Kallie now understands boundaries with them and respects each dog’s space bubble. Kallie has been completely reliable inside of the house when we are home and has not had any accidents at all. I take her out every 2-3 hours, sometimes she pees and other times, she doesn’t go until I take her out again later. So far the only none dog items she likes is paper. She absolutely loves to shred it up but never eats it.
Outside Kallie likes to chase behind Sammy, and go exploring with him on the trails in our woods. She usually only follows him in there when I am tagging along. If I stay on the lawn, so does Kallie.
Kallie loves the water. After chasing around the yard, she goes right over to the pool for a quick dip and face dunk.
Any adopter is going to fall completely in love with this sweety!
August 27, 2023
Hi Everyone! This is Kallie checking in. FM said it’s finally my turn to let you know how things are going here. First of all I’d like to tell you there is a lot of grass. At the farm, I was mostly in a concrete kennel run but the farmer would occasionally let me out in the cow field. It’s really fun running around in grass all the time instead of just a special treat. There are some woods too but I’ve only gone in there a couple of times with FM.
This place also has something that they call AC! This cool air just blows out of the floor. It’s where I like to take my naps when foster mom is working. FM said I slept so hard yesterday afternoon that I was dreaming and was pretending that I was drinking something. What can I say, I do love my water bowl! FM laughs when I stick my whole face in.
I also have a couple of other spots I like around this place. One is by the door so I can look out and see what’s going on.Another is in the family room. I like to sleep right by this comfy chair whether somebody’s in it or not.
I also discovered a whole other area that I didn’t know existed today. I had to go up this really long hall that went up and up, it wasn’t like the couple of ups in my favorite lounging spot. It was a whole lot of ups. My friend, Max goes up there when his friend, William goes up there with his food so I followed them up. Max didn’t tell me he had a whole other stash of toys up there. I was so excited I ran back and forth up the hallway with every one of them. I gave FM a big surprise when I came right down when she called me.
I really like my new friend, Max. He’s a cool guy and doesn’t mind when I go and sit with him. Sometimes, I hang out with him when I’m not so sure about something. Last night that flashing box that FM calls a TV made some weird rumbling sound and I went and found Max and he didn’t really care so that made me feel better.
The other guy here, Sammy doesn’t really like my kisses but Max has been telling me you can’t get all up in someone’s face when you don’t know them, and FM was making sure I didn’t bother Sammy either. I think he’s finally getting used to me now that I don’t try to run right up to him. He’s starting to come up to me and we even ran around in the yard together today. FM said it was great to see that I was learning about “personal space.”
Oh, I almost forgot. Yesterday, FM said something came for me. I wasn’t sure what it was but it was made out of this hard paper stuff! I love paper so I started pulling at it and when I lifted the corner, I got another surprise…It was full of toys and treats!! FM said it came from some awesome people from Brookline who donate stuff to us fosters. I loved the squeaky dragon the best! The rope was pretty cool too… and those treats, just delicious! I’ll have lots of kisses in return if I ever get to meet these great people!
August 26, 2023
We have had another great 24hrs with Kallie, and she is feeling more comfortable in her new surroundings both inside,
and outside.
The first day Kallie was in constant motion. I think she was burning off some nervous energy after a very busy day with a lot of changes from her routine at the farm. She had another quiet night downstairs in the crate and slept from 8:30pm to 5:30am (Sammy’s usual wake up time) without a complaint. I’ve never experienced such a quiet dog in a crate before so it’s a welcomed phenomenon.
Kallie is now finding spots to settle after she has occupied herself carrying around every toy that she can find for a while. She even settled on the carpet with Max while I was preparing the dogs patties for their meals. Currently, she is definitely not a counter surfer.Kallie and Max are getting along wonderfully, and she is always really happy to see Max and likes to be in his company. Max is being a really good sport about all the kisses she likes to lavish on him.
Sammy has started to warm up to Kallie now especially when they are outside. Kallie picked up pretty quickly to stop drop and roll on her back if Sammy gives her the look that she is too close. Inside, she is being a good sport about being tethered to me so that I can make sure she is not getting up in his space when he doesn’t want to be bothered. I let Sammy approach her when he is feeling comfortable and that is working great for the both of them. She is starting to understand that when she sits near me she will get a yummy treat so that is really helping her to settle inside better.
Kallie continues to be accident free which is awesome!! She loves romping around in the yard and exploring.
We have discovered that Kallie loves the water and enjoys taking a dip in the little purple puddle.
I also did some vacuuming today, and she was watching to see what all the noise was about but she wasn’t really afraid of it. She kept a healthy distance from this crazy machine and behaved great around it.
I think I can also say that Kallie appreciates the AC vent in my office as that seems to be the place she likes to settle when I’m in here doing work.
August 25, 2023
I picked Kallie up yesterday in Lancaster County after she was pulled by a volunteer from her breeding farm. We met up around 12pm, and Kallie was happy to hop out of the car and have a good sniff around the parking area before getting into my SUV for the next leg of her journey. She was not shy at all, and happily took the yummy treats. Kallie rode really well in the car for the hour long trip to the doggie spa which was along our route to the vet. She had an initial quick wipe down at the park to get off the cow “dirt” chunks but she was still stinky and needed a good soap up before our 2:30pm vet appointment. Kallie did great at the spa and was cool, calm and collected when another doggie client barked at her from his bath. She took the bath in stride, and didn’t try to escape.
After the bath, she had a bathroom break on leash and we hopped back in the car for another 45 minute ride to the vet. Kallie wasn’t scared at all entering the vet and was curious with all the activity in the lobby. She even accepted treat from me, and some pets from a man in the waiting area.
Kallie was a wagging machine when we got in the exam room and she discovered the toy box.
She was a superb patient and didn’t even flinch when she got all her vaccinations, blood draw and microchip. The vet tech said she was such a good girl!After the vet appointment, we had another 45 minute drive home (thanks to the rain) but Kallie just laid down in the back and took a nap.
When we got home, we did a wet introduction in the back yard. She doesn’t seem to mind the rain at all and she loved playing fetch with a tennis ball. She was fast friends with resident 12yo lab Max, and was bouncy and full of face licks for him. Max is an expert with foster dogs so he willing takes all the licks for the treat he gets once it’s over. LOL Foster Sammy on the other hand is not a fan of dogs who are initially over exuberant and doesn’t take kindly to those in your face type of dogs, so we’ve been keeping Kallie on leash around him until he trusts that she’s just a big ole friendly gal. Kallie hasn’t had any problems mastering the 3 stairs to the family room or the steps outside but hasn’t attempted to go up a full flight upstairs yet.
After the intros outside, we came in and Kallie took a nap in her crate. She had to be enticed in but once inside settled down without a peep for a nap.
After nap time, Kallie hung out in the living room checking out lots of toys and chews. Kallie was constantly on the move checking everything out. The only time she stopped moving was for some belly scratches and to chew on some bones.
After the scratches she was up exploring again. She did settle right away in her crate for the night at 8:30pm. Again, she was quiet in the crate and slept downstairs soundly all night.
Kallie has not had any accidents inside yesterday or today and has been doing all her business on a long leash in the back yard. Good girl Kallie!! She is not cleaning her bowl yet but I’m sure that will change once she settles in to life inside a home. She still is very busy both inside and outside checking out all the new smells, sights and sound but has not been afraid of anything yet. It’s currently a challenge to keep her focus on one toy and she grabs one and walks to another and so on and so on. She did work on an antler for a while when I held it for her this morning.
The only things that have kept her attention so far are an empty water bottle and the paper in my trash barrel in the office. The water bottle was such a hit that she went around to all the other toys but always kept the water bottle in her mouth.
She did find one toy where she could carry around both the toy and the bottle which she was very happy about.
She had a blast earlier with a magazine that she tore to shreds. As long as she’s happy and occupying herself and not eating the pieces, I don’t mind the clean up if I can get some work done. Kallie was very proud of her work!
When she was done, she settled on the AC vent for a nap.
Hopefully the second half of the day goes as smoothly as the first. She is a sweet, curious, happy and loving girl who will make any adopters very happy and busy-LOL!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638