King #5 Silver Labrador Retriever Mix Male 7 Years Old ID#3491

Silver Labrador MixMeet King!  This sweet guy has had a rough time recently. King was surrendered to ACCT Philadelphia by his owner to be euthanized.  He was limping, had cloudy, oozing eyes, was missing some incisors, had pressure sores on his limbs, hair loss at the tip of his tail and on his ears, and had live fleas.  He was under weight, dehydrated and struggled to walk.  Thankfully, ACCT did not immediately euthanize him, but reached out to rescues, and we were able to get him out just before his time stamp was up.  King is now safe in a Brookline foster home to treat his medical issues and help bring him back up to a normal weight.  Please read King’s blog from the bottom up to learn more about this handsome boy.

March 21, 2025

King just started his water therapy to help strengthen his legs.

Look at this boy go!  He was a superstar!

March 13, 2025

King just had his 3 week check-up, and he’s doing so well!  He has gained another 6 pounds, so he now weighs in at 57 pounds!  The goal is to get him somewhere between 65-70 lbs.  He is still at 3.5 cups per day to help him put some more weight on.

He is also getting more stamina, and is able to take longer walks.  The vet suggested water therapy – just small increments (maybe 15-20 minutes at a time) a few days a week to help build up his muscles and strengthen his legs.  Watch out – soon this boy will be jogging!

Silver Labrador MixFM says he has also found his voice.  He would never bark when the door bell rang or someone came in.  But just a few days ago, he barked at a delivery truck and some people passing on the street.  She loved hearing his voice for the first time!

As you can see, King loves his toys!  And look at that handsome mug.  This is one handsome dude!Silver Labrador Mix

February 20, 2025

King is doing well and loving his new life!  The rescue sent him a beautiful blanket, and he’s loving cuddling in it!  Check out the pics. He is also sporting a new harness too – foster Mom is trying to get pictures of that.Silver Labrador Mix Silver Labrador MixHis bloodwork came back and all was good.  He’s a bit anemic, likely due to malnutrition.  But otherwise, he’s doing well.  He has gained another 2 pounds, and the vet is really pleased with his progress.  She said how much better and healthier he looks than he did just a week ago.  And happier!

He has started taking a bit longer walks, but with the cold they haven’t ventured very far.  However, foster Mom says he jaunts around the fenced back yard like a horse – so he’s definitely improving!  It’s going to take time to build up his muscles, but he is making slow and steady progress.

All he wants to do is be loved!  He spends his day snuggling up to his foster Mom and she says it’s hard to get pictures as he is always right by her side.  He loves sleeping on his soft bed when she’s gone, but he’s her shadow when she’s there.  He must be so happy to be in a warm, loving home with plenty of food

February 14, 2025

King is so happy to be out of the kennel and back in a home again.  This poor boy is about 20 pounds underweight, has a lot of hair loss, is missing some teeth, has goopy eyes and is limping.  The hair he has is brittle and when he was surrendered to the kennel, he also had fleas.  Yet despite all of this, his tail never stops wagging and he just wants to be loved.Silver Labrador MixIn order to not overwhelm his digestive system, FM was feeding him 6 small meals a day.  He was also dehydrated, so has been drinking a lot of water.  He spends most of his days sleeping and eating and being loved (not necessarily in that order!).  He just soaks up the love!  His muscles are wasted, so he needs to start walking to regain his strength.  He is now taking very short walks (4 houses up and 4 houses back), but we will increase them gradually.  Stay tuned for the updates!Silver Labrador Mix Silver Labrador MixKing went to the vet yesterday, and they all fell in love with him.  This boy weighed in at 45 lbs when he was pulled from ACCT, and he is already up to 51!  The vet said FM can cut it back to 4 times a day with a total of 3.5 cups a day.   He has a bad eye infection, so FM has drops to give him but thankfully there is no scarring.  He is on Rimadyl to help with his sore leg and they did trim his nails.  He was such a good boy through all the poking and prodding.

The vet feels his dry, flaky coat and bare spots will improve over time now that he is getting good nutrition.  The vet did detect a heart murmur, but isn’t worried about it right now.  He mostly just needs time to get his strength back and get back to good health.

Check out King with his fun box of goodies sent by our foster supplies volunteer!  He’s laying on his new bed, sporting his new scarf and enjoying his new toys!  He’s finally experiencing how fun life can be!Silver Labrador Mix Silver Labrador Mix

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638

PA Kennel License #05190