Koda Chocolate Labrador Retriever Male 9 Years Old ID #2829
March 13, 2021
2.5 Weeks Post Op of neutering, microchipping, dental cleaning and removal of bombed out teeth, and finally Koda Bear has a new lease on life. His new obsession that we limit exposure to are bully sticks. After years of unhealthy teeth, Koda realizes his clean choppers allow him to chew! Although our big man doesn’t play with toys or show any interest in balls/tugging, he’ll tug to hold on to a bully stick! Koda enjoys the simple things in life like lounging in his nest, snuggling with his humans and his soulful eyes always afford him even more snuggles.
His foster mom is obsessed with his perfect ears, neck rolls, snow-kissed paws and snout that always are sniffing out a treat.
He continues to walk incredibly on a leash, and welcomes playing with other dogs. His idea of playing is really parallel play, and it’s just the idea of the company of canines large and small that makes his day.
After a walk or a meal, he immediately wants to nap, which makes us laugh. His snoring is adorable, and like our last foster pup, he enjoys television. The weather updates seem to perk him up, and we are assumed by him checking the forecast to be sure he’s getting his walks in every day. He is not a fan of heavy winds. Although he’s mastered the steps, he still has no interest in exploring our second story and bedrooms, and is content to lounge in his own “nest”, and as a creature of habit-he does NOT like if we move bed locations.
Look for him to be posted soon, as we know someone is waiting for our big bear. Koda would be the perfect companion for someone who wants a quiet, gentle, low maintenance dog, and the simple pleasures of walking, petting and an occasional television show. He’s the perfect man.
February 28, 2021
It’s been a heck of a week for this guy. Between the neutering and dental work, he’s handled the donut and pain medication maintenance with grace. Due to his extensive dental work, we have given him a mixture of his dry food and wet food, and he’s tolerated it extremely well.
Nothing can stop him from eating and as many walks as possible with the snow disappearing. The sound of someone putting on a coat is all he needs to hop up and gear up for his new mastered steps. Koda is NOT a fan with anyone leaving without him. Our big guy assumes anyone brave enough to don a jacket must be grabbing his leash for a walk.
Koda can’t get enough of walks-long or short. He continues to be the most well-behaved walker and pauses if he feels he’s too many steps ahead. Although he sees us keeping him away from his playmates as rude, we have him wear his doughnut outside to remind other dogs’ owners our man needs to recover before he can join his friends in play time. He’s almost there, and can’t wait to get back to playing.
Clearly his mouth is feeling better. This morning we woke up to him playing with his squeaky toys, and found that he finished a dental bone that’s been in his toy bin since he arrived over 3 weeks ago! He gobbled it, not bothering to hide the evidence of crumbs in his bed. There were random balls also in his bed. We were THRILLED he’s becoming comfortable enough to help himself and look forward to watching his personality and playfulness emerge.
Happy Healing, Koda!
February 20, 2021
Other than the obvious deep freeze and snow, it was a big week for our Koda Bear. Things he’s Learned this week:
- He learned that his shadow will NOT hurt him (he was skeptical, but finally got it).
- He learned Valentine’s Day means presents of plush stuffed animals like his new bestie Rabbit and Bear Claw pillow.
- He learned the Philadelphia Flyers swag may make him fancy, but he does not have the ability to keep him awake for the overtime shoot out and support his team (Which was fine, since they lost…. he would’ve been disappointed).
- He learned if he whines in the early hours with his adorable high-pitched cry, his foster mom will come running…. only to find out he doesn’t need to go out- he doesn’t want to be alone!
- He also learned that the world can be a bigger place than just his bed/nest. He can move freely, without judgement to other parts of the house for a pet or hug. So far it only seems to happen in the morning, but he’s starting to come around especially at breakfast/dinner time.
- He learned any time someone puts on a jacket or boots, there’s a 50% chance someone is taking him for a walk, and he now gets excited for the leash. Even if he doesn’t need to pee/poo, he just likes the leisurely walks and seeing other dogs. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-EASIEST dog to walk, and the most silent house guest we’ve ever had.
- Despite his foster parents’ pleading with him to eating his chewable medicine, he learned if he refuses, eventually the humans will hide it in bread and well…. he’s a carboholic. Trader Joe’s baby Hawaiian rolls are his favorite for the medicine negotiations.
We are preparing for this week’s neutering and oral surgery on Wednesday, and ask for healing thoughts for our big stuffed bear. He’s already tried on the inflatable cone, and thought it was just another pillow. We are hoping his mellow personality and agreeable nature will lend itself to an easy heal, so we can post him as available to some lucky family. Stay tuned for Koda’s update next week!
February 11, 2021
What Sweet Koda Bear has learned on Week #2 of living indoors:
A dog bed is SUPER SOFT and all for him! This gentle giant resisted the urge to sit on his bed until finally one night it was moved to “his spot” by the back door. There’s no turning back for the big man. He’s officially in love with lounging in the bed, and allows us to curl up with him if we feel it’s necessary. Which for his foster mom is ALL the time. How can we pass by this sweet man without a hug? He loves the attention, and is snoring, running and dreaming in no time after hitting this fluffy bed.
He continues to be the perfect house guest and companion, and never voices his opinion on our choices of television shows. Koda loves when there’s a canine involved on the screen. The other night, he literally went over to investigate behind the TV when a puppy suddenly stopped barking. Detective Koda was on the case, and sat and watched for a good 5 minutes in case the puppy returned. Anyone who claims dogs don’t watch television has never met this guy.
His neutering/microchip and dental work is scheduled for the end of the month, so look for Koda to be available mid-March. He’s going to make an incredible companion for almost any home situation. We aren’t sure about cats, but we sure know he loves being with other dogs/kids/people of all ages. His incredible leash manners make him extra special. Sweet Koda is a heart throb, and no doubt will be a hot ticket on Valentine’s Day.
February 5, 2021
Week #1 just ended with Koda, and we are so proud of how far he’s come in just a few days! He has the two adults and two teens in our family wrapped around his finger.
We are amazed at how well he’s learned when the leash comes out and the door opens, it’s time for a walk. He’s the easiest rescue we’ve ever had on a lead, although he still won’t attempt the porch steps, he gets in and out the back door step with ease, as well as jump out of the car when we go for rides. Koda is extremely comfortable in the car, and is thrilled to meet other dogs and people.
We had his vet check up early this week, and he weighed in at a solid 90 lbs. We think with his increased exercise and improved diet, he may lose a few pounds, helping with his arthritis and lower back. The vet was able to prescribe an anti-inflammatory to add to his morning routine, and while he exhibits no outward pain, perhaps he will become even more mobile and active! He received a clean bill of health for blood, urine and fecal tests, and is scheduled for neutering and dental cleaning for the end of February.
Koda Bear has trained us to provide him with cheesy eggs to take his meds in the morning, and we thought perhaps he didn’t like the dog food offered to him. Turns out, he is a closet eater and prefers to wolf it down long after the house is quiet. He now gets up and grabs his water when he wants, and will return to us for pets and snuggles. This sweet gentleman enjoys the human contact, so we give him unlimited pets and hugs. We can find zero bad habits, and while he’s free to roam the house, he picks a spot and stays put.
We took him to the groomer today, and he was a hit. Everyone in the salon fell in love with his soulful eyes and Eeyore personality. Nothing phases this guy, and he will make an incredible addition to a home either with another dog or even as a companion of a low energy home. High energy is fine with him too, but he prefers the low-speed pleasures of life. We could all learn a thing or two from Koda about the important things in life!
February 1, 2021
Day 3 with big Koda. It’s like having a large stuffed animal brown bear in our family room!
Sweet Koda is zero trouble for his new foster family. Without any training, he’s had zero accidents and requires very few bathroom trips. He is curious about TV, noises in and outside, but not enough to explore the house quite yet. He prefers to watch out the window at the falling snow, try new treats from his foster family, and (with a LOT of coaxing) even enjoys a very slow walk around the neighborhood, meeting other dogs. He’s been really easy on the lead, as he’s on the lazier side of life.
We know given time and patience this sweet bear will come out of his shell, and with a better diet and exercise Koda will get stronger and gain confidence his deserves. We hope over time he will also discover his cozy dog bed makes a softer bed than the carpet. But until then. We will continue to cheer on Koda. Stay tuned: more good stuff to come with this bear.
January 30, 2021
Welcome, Koda! This big boy (90 lbs) was rescued from a PA breeder, and although the paperwork says he’s 9 years old, he might be older. Our new foster lab has been with us under 24 hours and is a gentle giant. His big melon head is awesome, and jowls we can’t help but scratch every time we walk by him.
He’s content just laying around and starting to get the hang of steps. Although he’s confused about what’s going on, he is doesn’t seem phased by anything. Noises, lights, family members entering the room, tv…. he just observes with interest.
He met some neighborhood dogs today of all sizes, and really enjoyed just being near them. Although he’s never been on a leash before, he’s slow moving and willing to be learn. He loves the option of indoor living with soft blankets and treats.
We are looking forward to him being seen by the veterinarian on Friday, weighing this sweet man and tending to whatever he may need to live his best life. This quiet guy is already so loved by his foster family, and we can’t wait to spoil him with all the love he needs. We can’t wait to update you soon on his progress living in our family. Welcome to the Brookline Family, Koda. Nothing but love from here on out!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638