Kona FKA Crystal #2 Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 7 Years Old ID #2739
February 24, 2021
Kona is ready to find her forever home.
Kona, AKA Kona Bear, is a 77 lb. Chocolate Lab. She is currently living with her foster family that consists of her Foster Dad, Mom and step fur sister Hope, also a Brookline farm girl rescue. Hope has taught her some great dog habits but she is ready to learn more with the help of her forever home.
Kona is a 7-year-old spayed female. She does have a birthdate of July 5, 2013 listed on her records. She acts like she is a puppy though.
She loves to cuddle, get pet on as much as possible, and play outside. Kona will follow you around the house and likes to stay near. By near I mean right at your side. She can be sleeping and snoring like a champ, but if you get up to go into another room, she is suddenly at your side. She had a tough life as a breeding dog before coming to Brookline, but has really blossomed into a great dog. Kona likes to sleep on the sofa, or if the sofa is taken, her bed. She just likes to be able to see where you are at all times. Kona just wants to please and be loved on. She is not a face-licker, so if you get down to her level, you will never have a wet face, just a dog that wants to be loved.
Kona has learned some basic commands and takes treats gently. She comes when called, even if she is chasing a squirrel or trying to meet the neighbor’s dog. Kona will sit for her food. Kona is food motivated, so she will probably learn quickly with some treats as rewards for her hard work. Kona was not so food oriented when she first came, but has grown into an eating machine. She is not a table and/or counter surfer. She will put her nose up to the level of the counter and smell, but has yet to steal anything. She is tall enough to easily steal food though. She has no trouble with stairs, but has not yet climbed up to our second floor. Our resident dog and my Mom both stay downstairs at night, so Kona has no reason to go up and I guess she just feels the time is not right.
Kona walks on a leash fairly well. She pulls a bit at first but then settles in and enjoys her walk. She does not always walk in a straight line; she zigs and she zags while enjoying the new smells. She loves to be outside with you and should really come around. Do not let her doggy good looks fool you! She will bark if she hears noises outside. The barking never really lasts long unless the kid across the street comes home with his friends and they decide to talk for a while outside.
Kona is still a little hesitant about riding in the car. No trouble getting her in or out, but she is uncomfortable with the ride. She may get up if you stop, but she will lie right back down when you start to go.
Kona has NEVER been home alone, so we have no idea how that would go with her. She may be better with someone that is home more than away, at least as she settles in with a new family.
Kona is not timid around strangers. She loves people and people really seem to love her. She gets the run of the house but has never been home alone. She is “potty trained.” She had accidents in the house, but has not had one in quite a while
February 11, 2021
Kona is continuing her journey from farm momma to family pet. She is growing more and more into her new role every day.
Kona really loves to be loved on. She cuddles up to me every night on the sofa while we watch TV. She follows me around whenever I go into a different room. She still will not go up to our second floor. I am not sure if it is just because she does not want to or bothers her. She goes up and down our stairs outside, so I think it is because out resident dog stays downstairs at night. My mom also sleeps down there, so maybe Kona has no care to go up.
Her new thing is where she stores the tennis ball, she carried around with her constantly at meal time. The just drops it into the bowl, eats around it, and then takes it with her when she is done.
Kona has finally caught up on all, of her shots and will be ready for adoption real soon. Stayed tuned for when!!
January 11, 2021
Kona’s true personality is really coming through now. She has really settled in and continues to thrive in her new environment. She loves being a family dog and doing whatever she can to spread her love around the house. She loves to cuddle and follow you around.
Kona did have a slight setback around Christmas. We came home a couple of days before Christmas and found she would not put any weight on her back left leg. As said before, Kona does have an old cruciate ligament injury. She has pretty much learned to live with it, but we were really concerned for her. We got her into the vet right after the holiday and the vet prescribed some pain meds and anti-inflammatory. She bounces back quickly and now is back to her old self running around the yard and chasing tennis balls.
She has learned to sit and walks really well on a leash. She walks right next to you, but lime to switch sides. She is so much better than when she first came to stay with us.
Kona has also discovered that there are still some goodies on plates that go into the dishwasher! She learned this from our resident dog Hope. Yummmm!
December 13, 2020
Kona’s personality is really starting to show. She is not the same dog that came to stay with us a few short weeks ago.
Kona really, really likes toys. She has recently discovered our dog toy crate that has toys that most of our foster dogs has not had any interest in. Only not so good thing is that she before; is a chewer. Not of anything important, but our supply of dog toys is slowly but surely shrinking! Good thing we have a pretty good supply.
Kona also loves to be close. She will follow me throughout the house, but her favorite thing to do is cuddle up on the sofa in the evening. A few rubs behind the ears and she is sound asleep. Did I say she is a snorer? Kona can saw wood with the best of them.
Cannot wait to see how she enjoys Christmas and family!
November 30, 2020
Kona is still learning how to become family dog after so many years of puppy making! She is a very good girl that has fit in nicely. She is just so laid back and easy going.
Kona did go in for her spay last week. Everything went well during the initial surgery. The vet called and said Kona was ready to be picked up. When she was ready to go to the car, Kona became listless and unable to walk. The vet quickly took her back inside for an ultrasound! They determined that she was leaking some fluids inside. They opened her back up and fixed the problem. The vet stated that there is always danger in spaying an older girl that has had many of pups. She came home and has recovered to her old self!!!
Over the Thanksgiving holiday we were visited by our daughter and her children. They have two toddlers that were running around causing havoc, but Kona was not fazed. She was fine around the young ones. She will be fine with younger children. They have visited a couple of times and no issues!
We did find out today that she is afraid of thunder and lightning! Enough that she had her first accident in the house. Literally scared the you know what right out of her. She was perfect up to then.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more on Kona!
November 15, 2020
Kona continues to fit in nicely with the family. She is slowly but surely becoming a great family pet instead of a breeder mom just putting out puppies. She loves to follow us everywhere we go unless she is asleep, but then she may just jump up. Speaking of sleep, she snores like a champ!
Kona is eating much better now too. We no longer have to shake the bowl to get her interested. She digs right in, even coming back to make sure she licked the bowl clean.
Kona is just a mellow girl that lets it all roll by. She loves to cuddle on the sofa in the evening and fall asleep. One of my favorite things she does in when she lays down, she hooks both of her feet. All of the labs we ever had here always do one, but she does both. I finally did get a picture of her doing it.
Check back soon for more on Kona!
November 6, 2020
Kona finally went to the vet for her checkup coming into the rescue! She weighs 75 lbs. All of her tests came back negative, heartworm and Lyme, which is great! She received all of her shots too. Kona was voted best dog of the day by the vet and her appointment was at 9:30 AM. She was awesome for the doctors.
The only bad thing was that she has an old cruciate ligament injury. She does have a slight limp, but she has really learned to live with it. She does have some arthritis too, but the vet said some Cosequin should really help.
Kona is scheduled for her spay soon too! No more puppies for her.
She continues to adjust well to her new surroundings. She listens well and loves being outside and chasing after tennis balls.
Her eating is getting better too. Food not a big deal for her. It may take a half hour for her to finally get around to eating. Good for her our resident dog does not eat her food before she gets around to it.
Stay tuned for more
October 30, 2020
Kona, a 7-year-old former breeder mom, is a bundle of chocolate love. By the look of her belly, she was prolific at producing pups. Her last litter was in May, so she is still recovering a little.
Kona’s intro with our resident dog went well. Both have the same personality, so no trouble at all.
Kona is very, and by very, I mean very, laid back. She was nervous of her new surrounding the first night, but has really settled in. She discovered her bed pretty quickly. It only took a few more hours to discover that the sofa is much more comfortable then the bed, so she has made it her new home. Kona likes to stretch out so you have to be quick to sit down or there is no room left.
Kona also will fetch a ball, but not really keen on giving in back. She brings it back to you, but you have to take it from her.
Speaking of a tennis ball, she picked one up soon after arriving and has not let it go since. She carries it around 24/7. Sometimes there may even be two balls.
Kona is not very food motivated. The first few feeding we had to really coax her into eating. She did eat, but not a very big deal to her. Today was the first day that she ate her breakfast when it was placed down for her!
Stayed tuned for more!
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638