Kyla Silver Labrador Retriever Female 3 Years Old ID #3155
May 21, 2023
Sweet Kyla is doing great. She really enjoys this spring weather and spending time outside. She loves to sunbathe and keep an eye on the yard!
She was a big help to foster mom in planting summer flowers. She also gave foster mom a fright when she chased a fox out of the yard! Thankfully the fox was much quicker than Kyla. She is such a good girl and will make a family very happy.
May 5, 2023
Kyla joined our house on Wednesday and slid right in. Even with the faster than usual intros due to the pouring rain, to three new to her dogs (Pepper, Colin and Stella), it went fantastic. All the dogs immediately got along. Good labs!
Kyla is doing well here while her foster mom is away. Foster Stella has moved on to her adoptive family so we’re down to just 3 labs in the house currently. As is typical of all the dogs here, Kyla follows me around, but does very well living with the other dogs too. She has no problem sharing space and toys and treats with them. She easily does the stairs and followed me right down the basement stairs to help me do laundry the other day. She’s done all of her potty business outside too. Well done Kyla!
She is doing well with the crate here too. She is trustworthy in her regular foster home with free roam, but I always start new dogs in crates. It just makes everything easier for everyone. She’s happily eating her meals in her crate and goes right in for a small treat. She’s not thrilled about the crate door being closed, but she’s accepting it.
I did see a bit of prey drive in Kyla. A juvenile bunny was in the yard and she definitely really gave chase to it. She was getting pretty close as it was a young bunny who hadn’t figured out its escape routes yet. Running in circles is not ideal bunny! Resident lab Colin actually gave Kyla a light bump and the bunny was able to scoot under the fence, whew! She did then pace the fence line looking for the bunny, but was able to be redirected.
Today Kyla went to the local Pets in the Park event. She sported an adopt me vest and was such a good girl. She accepted pets from men, women and children. She happily took treats from everyone. She met lots of other dogs, big, little and everything in between including goats and was so good!
Every now and again something would startle her, like something dropping on a table above her head. She would scoot away, but was showing her resilient side and coming right back and garnering more affection, oh and a few more treats!
We talked to a bunch of people who asked about Kyla’s left eye as it droops a bit. Kyla came from her breeding farm with a terrible injury to her eyelid. The eyelid and surrounding skin were basically ripped in half and she just lived like that for years producing pups for the breeder. Once she got into rescue, Brookline took her to a vet who did two surgeries to take away the scar tissue and close up the eye so it was functional again. She can see out of the eye; the injury was just to the skin around the eye. It’s not perfect (are any of us?!) but it is functional and so much better than it was before. Rescue dogs often come with scars, some are physical, some are emotional. Kyla just wears her scar on her face and it doesn’t bother her at all. We could all learn a thing or two from the resilience of these amazing creatures!
Kyla sends her love and licks to everyone reading in Brookline blog land. She’s just waiting for her furever family to find her! ❤😜
April 14, 2023
Kyla had a wonderful Easter and met foster mom’s parents for the first time. After a few barks she thoroughly enjoyed the additional attention!
She also had her follow up appointment with the vet for her spay and eye lid surgery. She did very well. Kyla is excited that the cone of shame goes back in storage! She also does great in the car and jumps right in with some treats and is calm.
April 3, 2023
Kyla had her spay and second eyelid surgery last week. She has handled it all very well and the eye lid surgery looks like it was successful! Foster mom wised up and bought a soft cone for this time around. While this has helped painful run ins with the back of foster moms legs it didn’t save the water bowl from tipping over a couple of times. She is healing quickly and gets her last checkup next week.
March 11, 2023
Kyla here! Shhh…I sneaked off with my foster moms cell phone. Just checking in and to let everyone know things are still going great. I love my walks and snuggling on foster mom’s bed. Foster mom is teaching me something called “patience” around meal times by making me sit and not feeding me until I am calm. I’m not a fan. But anyway, I’m off to search the backyard for rabbit droppings!
Oh, I also wanted to welcome my daughter, Ember, to Brookline! She couldn’t be in better hands. You can read her blog by clicking this link
February 22, 2023
Kyla is doing great. Foster mom went on vacation and she got to spend the week with former Brookline rescue, Vince. They got along well and Vince showed her a few things like how to jump right into the back seat of the car. She went on a car ride with him and enjoyed herself. She made herself right at home.
She has completely recovered from her eye lid surgery but unfortunately her lid is still droopy and her eye lids don’t close fully. When she gets spayed, she will get another surgery on her lid. Since she went into heat, she needs to wait a few weeks before she can get spayed. Her surgeries are scheduled for the end of March. Hopefully, if all goes well, she will be available for adoption shortly after.
She continues to adjust and show her personality. She continues to do well being left out of the crate when foster mom heads out. She doesn’t like being left behind but does settle.
She is a love bug!
February 5, 2023
We had a busy couple of weeks since we last checked in. Kyla has finally shown interest in toys and is learning to keep herself busy when she is bored. She loves chewing on benebones and loves tossing around a stuffed duck. She still gets super excited around meal time but now knows to sit before she gets her meal.
She had her eye lid surgery this past Tuesday. She did very well and is quickly on the mend with the help of cuddles from the resident beagle. She willingly puts on the “cone of shame” but she is a little like a bull in a china shop especially when it comes to meal time. We had a few waters bowls tip over!
Kyla is now spending most her time out of the crate and so far, has proven trustworthy. When foster mom goes to work, she is contained to the den with the two resident dogs. At night she was sleeping on a dog bed but last night discovered how comfy and toasty foster moms’ bed is. She curled up at the end of the bed and slept soundly throughout the night.
January 19, 2023
Kyla has been in her foster home for almost two weeks. She is getting into the routine and starting to show her personality. She is a funny girl and makes funny noises and sleeps in what look to be uncomfortable positions.
She is slowly learning her manners. She has learned sit and is walking better on a leash but still needs practice and reinforcement. She is potty trained and will let foster mom know when she needs to go out. She is very curious and loves checking things out. She finally explored the whole back yard this week. She is a little nervous when meeting new people but warms up quickly as she loves getting scratches. She is starting to show interest in toys and likes chewing on a benebone.
She was scheduled for her spay and eye lid surgery on February 14th but she went into heat this week so she will just have her eye lid surgery. Her skin is looking much better and her fur is starting to come in thicker. Foster mom can’t wait to see how she looks in another couple of weeks.
January 9, 2023
Welcome to Brookline Kyla! She had her rescue ride from farm life on Friday and her breeding days are behind her. She is very nervous with all the new things she is experiencing but is quickly learning what it is like to live in a home. She has had no accidents in the house and loves the couch and her dog bed!
She especially loved sleeping on my clean towels. On her first night she didn’t like sleeping in her crate in the den but once a second crate was set up in foster moms’ bedroom she is now sleeping through the night.
On Saturday she went to the vet. Kyla is 70lbs. Foster mom was very proud of how she handled herself. She has a double ear infection and, as is typical with silver labs, she is being treated for some itchy skin. She also has an old eye lid injury that we were told she obtained as a puppy. The vet recommended surgery so she can fully close her eye and should prevent issues down the road. She will have the eye lid surgery and her spay surgery very soon. She was very sweet throughout the visit! She also learned what canned cheese was and loved it! She also met the resident dogs. She is taking some guidance from them but is definitely more interested in people. She hasn’t shown any interest in playing with them or toys yet.
On Sunday we went for a walk around the neighborhood and she seemed to enjoy all of the sights and smells.
She was nervous of some kids on roller skates and bikes but with some reassurance she was just fine. She was then settled the rest of day.
Monday foster mom had to go into the office. She did well in her crate. Foster mom thought it was a great idea to walk Kyla and resident lab, Misty, together. Half of the walk was spent untangling from the leashes. I’m sure we gave the neighbors a laugh. For not walking on a leash before Kyla is doing pretty well. She doesn’t pull at all but she loves to walk in circles. We will work on that as well some other basic commands in the coming days.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638