Lady #7 Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 4 Months Old ID #3069
Meet Lady! This adorable 4 month old chocolate lab arrived into Brookline’s care along with her two sisters, Lotus, and Lucy via a collaboration with Justice Rescue. Please read her blog from the bottom up to learn more about this cutie!
November 14, 2022
Lady had a great day yesterday, and today. She has been doing really well with Sammy and Max, and is comfortable in the house.This morning Sammy and Lady had a play session out in the yard before I left for my workout. They are great at tiring each other out!
We crated Lady while I was gone. My husband said he didn’t hear a peep out of her while he was working. When I got home, she had a helicopter tail going. We went right outside and played some fetch, and then went out on a 3 mile neighborhood walk. We saw landscapers, some big trucks, and barking dogs out on their electric fence. She was a bit nervous but kept right in step with Sammy and Max.
She is doing great inside, and hasn’t had any accidents, and has only been chewing on bones, and dog toys. She is a snuggler and tends to go where I go through out the day. We go out every few hours (or when she wakes from a nap) to play and explore, and do her business. Currently, she is snoozing on the floor beside me while I work. A well exercised puppy is always a good puppy!
November 12, 2022
Lady transferred to a new foster home today due to a family emergency in her previous foster home . She is a great little car rider. She laid down in the back seat for the whole ride.She did great meeting my resident 11 year old lab, Max and our other Brookline foster, Sammy. It didn’t take long for her to start following Sammy, and Max around the yard. They even had a game of chase.
She came inside and explored around the house. She went up the stairs with no problem. She was a little hesitant to come down, but after watching Sammy go up and down a few times, and with a couple of treats to get her going, she came down all on her own. Sammy would go down a couple of stairs, and then wait for her to come down a couple of stairs until they both made it to the bottom. She’s been watching Sammy and Max, and takes cues from them. When they lay down and chill, so does she. She is very easy to have in the house, and entertains herself.
She soon found the toys and bones. She really has been enjoying chewing on them, and lost a baby tooth while she was here!
We went for a quick two mile neighborhood walk. She did great keeping up with the big boys, and was ready for a big drink, and a nap.
She slept great in a crate in our bedroom. We didn’t hear a peep out of her until I opened the crate to get her out. Lady went outside and did her business, and ran around with Sammy and Max. We came in and she cleaned her bowl of breakfast.Lady seems to really like men. She took right to my husband and son and follows them around. She is a sweet girl, and will curl in your lap for pets, and settles easily on her own. She loves being outside, and happily explores, trotting along behind Sammy and Max. This morning, we had a ball session. She is a great little retriever, and brings the tennis ball right back.
This little cutie will be a great catch for a lucky adoptive family!
November 5, 2022
Lady is ready to find her new home. This sweet, playful 4 month old puppy loves her crate and loves cats. Almost completely housetrained, good with dogs.
She is playful with the family but a little unsure around new people when she first meets them. She can do well is a wide variety of homes. The most important thing is that the adopter have the time and dedication to work with her.
November 2, 2022
Lady here again with an update.
I’m feeling much better, and spending more time playing with my toys.
I have this awesome purple tug rope that Brookline sent me. Problem with that toy is you need a person on the other end to make it fun. So while everyone’s busy at work or school I have to find something I can do on my own. My favorite is the cats toy with the laser lights. I can never catch those darn lights, but I keep trying.
Last week I got a new puzzle toy, and Foster Mom tried to hide a bunch of treats in there. I’m getting really good at finding them.
Since I play with the cats toy all the time Tommy figured he could play with my new puzzle. He can’t figure it out at all, even though I keep showing him how it works.
When Foster Dad is done work we go for long walks and play fetch in the yard. I’m doing great on the leash and getting more comfortable going to new places. My foster parents are so proud me. They keep saying what a good puppy I am. I think I’m going up for adoption very, very soon. Can’t wait to meet my new peeps. Hope they know how to play fetch!
October 28, 2022
Lady here to tell my own story. Well so much for those weekend adventures we had planned. I came down with a cold, and I had to go visit the doctor. At first I was scared, but my Foster Dad was right there to make me feel safe. I love him! Foster Mom and sister are great too….but Foster Dad just makes my day.
Anyway that trip to the doctor wasn’t so bad. When they were done poking and prodding me they gave me this cool new toy. And those pills they prescribed sure are making me feel better. So much so I’ve started zooming around the house. Foster sister says I’m very, very fast. When I’m finished zooming around I try to spend some time playing with the cats.
Tommy Bahama thinks I can’t see him in that paper bag….but I can.
And could you believe the other day he thought he could play tug like I do! Silly cat.
After play time I go look for Foster Dad to get my belly rub. Then it’s time to go rest, so I go in my crate by myself to relax. I keep most of my toys in the crate with me so the cats don’t get them. Foster Mom says I’m doing great with the potty outside thing, and that very soon I’ll be ready to find my forever home.
October 22, 2022
This little lady is getting more and more at ease in the house. Outdoors she is your typical playful puppy, but indoors she is more reserved. She sticks very close to Foster Dad at all times, and looks to him for reassurance when Foster Mom or Sister try to take her outside.
She had to go to the pet store to get her 2nd distemper shot last night, and she was very afraid going into the store. So of course, Foster Dad carried her. Buy once she got onto the exam table, she did absolutely great, and didn’t seem to notice the needle at all.
So far, we have not exposed her to people outside the family, but this weekend we hope to get her out for a bit of socialization. Speaking of the family she has met the cats, including a 6-month-old kitten we are currently fostering. His name is Tommy Bahama, and he was very interested in what Lady was having for breakfast this morning. As you can see from the picture, Lady could not have cared less.
Stay tuned for upcoming weekend adventures
October 18, 2022
Well, it was a very good first night for Lady. We thought she would be missing her sisters, Lotus and Lucy, but she didn’t seem to. Or perhaps she was just exhausted from all the riding the car and everything and everyone being new to her. At any rate she slept all night in her crate – no crying and no accidents. First thing in the morning she went outside and understood what she was out there to do. After breakfast and a little playtime, she settled in to assist Foster Dad while he worked from home. This involves sleeping right under his chair so he can’t make a move without her knowing it.
When everyone arrived home from work and school, she decided it might be a good idea to try resting her head on the coffee table. One sharp no and she got the message…. she’s a very quick learner. As you can see from the photo’s she is practicing her retrieving skills. Like any puppy she likes to play,
but she settles easily.
October 16, 2022
Welcome Lady, who joined the rescue this weekend along with her sisters Lucy and Lotus. These 3 cuties came to us via a collaboration with Justice Rescue. Lady was great in the car, but a little scared going into the house. At first, she didn’t show and interest in toys, but the rope did capture her interest.
After a few minutes of playing with the rope she fell asleep on foster Dad’s foot. It was a long day for this green-eyed beauty.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA