Larissa Black Labrador Retriever Mix Female 2 Years Old ID#3001

black labrador retriever mixLarissa is a 2 year old, black Labrador retriever mix who was found as a stray and brought to a shelter in SC.  She is a typical energetic and lovable lab.  She does sit but also jumps up to give kisses.  She loves belly rubs and will just fall over for one.  Larissa is now in a foster home.  Please ready her blog from the bottom up.

Larissa is now available:

October 2, 2021

black labrador retriever mixHi everyone!  I am excited to tell you all about what has been happening with me.  Soon, I think I am going to be ready to start looking for my forever family.  I still have some stuff to work on but don’t we all?

I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I know I can make a family very happy.

I know it is not nice to judge a book by it’s cover, but I need to tell you that my fur is not really black.  My foster mom says I look more like dark chocolate with a little cream mixed in. I also have some silver looking fur on my feet and around my neck.  I think it looks nice. And oh yeah, I have those lab webbed labrador retriever mixI also tend to be a little wiggly.  I just can’t help it! I am SOOOOOO excited to see my people that my tail starts going and then the rest of me gets moving too.  I can’t even sneak into a room because my tail keeps hitting the door and the walls.  I tell it to be quiet but it needs more training.

So, about that training thing – I am working really, really hard.  I know sit, stay, come and down.  I just don’t always do them exactly right. When I sit so you can give me treats, I like to scootch really close so that I can catch it in case you drop it.  I PROMISE that I will keep working on this, if you help me.

I guess if we are talking about things to work on, I need to confess that I tell my people when there is a person or dog near the house. I think that is a really good thing but sometimes I need to be told “no” and I am getting better with that. When we take walks, I never bark at people or dogs or squirrels or even geese.  I just want to make sure no one is bothering my people when we are at home. I also don’t bark as much in the house because now I know what those sounds labrador retriever mixOne of my favorite things to do is to take a morning walk. There are so many amazing smells. I try to stay focused on walking but then I get this whiff of something curious. I wear a harness and I am a good walker.  Those mornings are just extra special because of the great smells.

I have been living with my doggie foster sister and we are about the same age.  She likes to play bitey face and leg and I don’t really like that too much. I don’t mind other dogs but I get a little anxious when they play all crazy.  I don’t really know how to do that so sometimes I just go upstairs or downstairs if she gets all crazy. If I live with another dog, I think I would like one that likes to take walks and chill out on the couch but not play all crazy.

We have a pretty great routine. We usually wake up between 6 and 7.  Then we go outside to do our business. I ALWAYS do my business outside and I am pretty regular about that stuff.  Then we go in and keep waking up while foster mom checks her work emails.  Then it is time for breakfast and a walk. Most days we go around the neighborhood but sometimes we go on something called a field trip where we drive in the car then go walk at a place with all kinds of great sniffs.  When we get back foster mom gets ready for her class and we hang out and wait for it to start because then we get these bones. They are delicious! I would not say that I am lazy, but I do enjoy me a nice afternoon snooze for 3 or 4 or 5 hours.  Then we usually eat dinner around 5 or 6 and go for another walk. I am learning this new game called “find it” where we get to search for treats around the house. It takes a lot of practice but I am getting better. The hardest part is waiting to look for the treats. I sometimes forget to stay. Oops!

I am going to continue to need some help with meeting other dogs.  I went to this Woof Stock thing in downtown Harrisburg and saw lots of other dogs and walked nice and did sniffs and I like every dog I met.  But sometimes there are dogs that growl or bark or act all crazy and get in my face and I don’t like that. It makes me feel labrador retriever mixIf you were to ask me about my favorite things, I would have to say belly rubs, morning sniffs, and being near my people. I also really like my food and treats. I don’t get bothered too much by people and I like meeting them. I also like to watch the dogs in the neighborhood.  I just am not too sure about those crazy ones that run around everywhere. I also love a nice comfy place to nap and sleep, and I like to give kisses. Mostly, I just like things to be calm and cozy and comfy.

That is all for now.  The Penn State game is coming on and I need to find a comfy spot on the couch. I don’t know what a Penn State is but foster dad is happy about it so I will be happy too.

September 27, 2021

Larissa had a fun filled weekend of walks, sniffs, bones, play time, football, and Woof Stock.

Larissa has had the run of the house for the past few days.  There is always someone home.  No accidents.  No chewing anything. Not getting into trash or taking anything she should not have. At night she will either sleep downstairs on her new favorite chair or on the couch.  I guess this is super spoiling her but she is such a GOOD girl and looks so comfy. black labrador retriever mixThe best thing is the morning. Her tail is hitting the wall the whole way up the steps and into the bedroom where she just wiggles and wiggles and licks your face till you get out of bed.

Larissa and her doggie foster sister get along fine.  Larissa does defer to our dog but they have negotiated their space, toys, and attention labrador retriever mixWe have learned that Larissa likes to protect us from anyone who walks past the house.  But, she doesn’t bark at anyone on walks.

She went to her first midget football game on Saturday and did well for a little while. Then she wanted to return to the car and was happy to sit on the floor of the front seat. black labrador retriever mixI was a little worried about how she would be at WoofStock in Harrisburg on Sunday but she did FANTASTIC.  I made sure she got some morning naps so that she would be little rested. We were there for over 3 hours and she enjoyed seeing the people and dogs and getting some extra labrador retriever mixMonday was nail trimming day and after a little extra time with the groomer she sat pretty well and let them do a little trim. We also learned that she can ride well in the car sharing the back seat with her doggie foster sister. Larissa keeps doing all she can to be the best dog!

The vet is Wednesday so there will be more great adventures to report. Will send more updates after the appointment.

September 24, 2021

Hi! It’s Larissa.  I thought I would tell you a little bit more about myself and what I have been doing.

I am living with my foster mom and dad and my doggie foster sister who is also 2!  She is a bit crazy but we are learning to get along pretty good.

My foster mom has a crate for me but I have not really been using it.  I sleep all night on the couch, chair or even the floor sometimes.  To be honest, these people wake up a little too early for me but I guess I can forgive them for that.

I love going on walks with my doggie foster sister.  We sniff all kinds of amazing things.  I like meeting people and dogs in the neighborhood.  I even got to play a little bit with another dog. I am a little uncertain with all that crazy running so my foster mom had me just watch labrador retriever mixI really do love to eat my breakfast and dinner and a good treat keeps me going all day.  I am working so hard at sit, stay and come. Sometimes I just get so wiggly it is hard to remember what I am supposed to do. But, my foster mom always says I am a good girl and trying.

I do like my afternoon naps.  Foster mom tries to take us for a short walk after her class and sometimes she needs to use a treat to get us off the couch.  What can I say; it is comfy.

I get to go see a vet next week to make sure everything is okay.  I feel pretty good so I am not worried.

I guess that is all for now. I will update you again after the weekend.  We are going to a midget football game and to something called WoofStock where I can meet lots of people who like dogs.  That sounds great!!

September 19, 2021

black labrador retriever mixToday was fun as we continued to learn about Larissa and navigate living with two dogs. All we knew about Larissa was that she was a stray, living at a shelter in SC, was friendly and loved belly rubs, and some medical information.  Now I can tell you so much more.

  1.  Pictures do not do justice to the color of her fur.  In the sunlight she looks like dark chocolate with silver mixed through.  Inside she looks more gray or maybe light black.
  2. That thumping tail when anyone walks in the room!! If you are feeling a bit down Larissa will lift your spirits.
  3. She is completely housebroken.  Not one accident and she goes to the door. Being a stray I was not sure what to expect.
  4. She and my 2-year old lab are getting along remarkably well.  A few times of trying to establish dominance but nothing unmanageable.  My dog has never had another dog in the house (lots of doggie friends in the neighborhood and at doggie daycare) so this is a lot for her to learn labrador retriever mixLarissa walks beautifully on a leash but is a bit reactive to cats, deer, and sometimes people if they are walking past the house. She does better walking with a harness than a slip leash and other than distractions for sniffs, mostly stays beside me.
  5. She will sit when I have a treat but won’t do it if I have no treat.  Will work on that as well as stay and come. She likes her treats and likes to please so I am sure she will have this down in no time.
  6. Used the crate at bedtime and a little whining but otherwise slept fine

black labrador retriever mixBack to work (at home) tomorrow so I am curious to see how everyone manages. The dogs are tired but this momma might be more tired!

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638