Lylah Black Labrador Retriever Mix Female 7 Months Old ID#2938
Lylah was found as a stray in Mississippi at about 5 months old. After some time with a temporary foster in MS, she made the long trek north and is settling into her new foster home. Please ready Lylah’s blog from the bottom up.
July 24, 2021
After two weeks, Lylah has this foster thing down pat. She is crated at night and when the hoomans have to leave the house. She doesn’t make a fuss though she’ll try to convince you that she’ll be fine on the couch while you’re gone. Lylah is house trained and has not had any accidents in the house. We say she has a big girl bladder as she follows suit with the older dogs. In the morning, we get up and everyone gobbles up their kibble before heading outside to wake up and explore the front yard. Soon after we start with morning naps and then alternate between lounging on the porch and playing in the yard most of the day. The list of foster pups that have won Sadie (yellow lab) over is very short, but Lylah is now on that list as she convinced Sadie to play with her. Good job Lylah!Today was yard work day and Lylah enjoyed exploring the tractor and woods buggy and watched as foster dad split firewood.
This also turned into many romps through the woods and rolls in the dirt, which resulted in the third bath in two weeks. Lylah does so well at bath time and just stands there loving all the rubs.
Lylah is ready to find her forever home and will be available very soon. She is at the tail end of her first heat and needs a few extra days. She’ll need a home that will be cognizant of this and will keep a very close eye on her for a couple more weeks. Lylah has lots of love to share and is looking forward to new laps to lounge on.
Lylah will do best in a home with a fenced in yard so she can explore and play to her heart’s content. She has not had any experience or contact with cats. She can live with or without another dog; however, she loves to play and enjoys the company. Lylah hasn’t had a lot of interaction with kids, and she’s still learning to not jump when meeting new people. Due to this, Lylah would do best in a home with older children.
Enjoy the video of the rare moment of Sadie playing with Lylah.
July 16, 2021
Lylah has been with us for five full days now, even though it seems like she’s always been here. We’ve learned that she is probably a bit older than we first thought, possibly between 7-8 months. It was also mentioned that she likely will not get much bigger than she is now at 44 lbs. She is such a great size. She wasted no time stealing our hearts. This little nugget is a lover for sure. It’s amazing how fast she settled into our routine and figured out her foster sisters. Lylah especially likes to play with younger (3yr old) resident dog. They will play and run but then she’ll just as easily wrap that up and settle down with a bone or toy (all the toys), share a bed, or curl up under a chair. Lylah also quickly learned that the bigger, yellow fur being is not much fun and can be grumpy, so she gives her a wide berth.
Lylah is house trained and is fast on her way to being crate trained. She knows sit, come, get down and, of course, no. We’re still working on shake and stay. She will not hesitate to grab fun, nasty items from trash cans at her level and will sneakily nab a flip flop to nibble on if you’re not watching closely enough. Just reminding us that she’s still a puppy. But foster mom needed a new pair anyway. She also feels that squeakers are not meant to be in toys and stuffing looks better all over the floor.
Lylah loves all people she meets and is not at all shy. She can sometimes get overly excited and will either paw them or jump up. With a little correction, she promptly drops her cute little bum to the ground and looks up expectedly saying “ok, now pet me.” She has a tendency to put a paw on your lap if you’re sitting, as if to say ‘Hi, please pet me.’ Lylah LOVES to be touched. As long as you’re touching her, she’ll let you do anything. We’ve been able to inspect every inch of her and even clip her toenails.She is so well behaved when getting ready to go for a walk too. As soon as I pick up the harness, she sits down and waits patiently while I stumble through getting it on correctly. And, originally, she would sit there for many minutes while we were adjusting and readjusting it. She’s so calm and just wants to be touched and loved.
Lylah walks on leash very well, especially considering that her foster sisters are off leash and running around like crazy. She hardly pulls and most of the time it’s because she wants to sniff a certain blade of grass. Today Lylah had a visit from a 1yr old neighbor dog. While she was a little too excited at first, she reacted appropriately to correction and within ten minutes they were zoomie friends and played like champs. Of course, foster mom was on point the whole time and forgot to get a picture.
July 12, 2021
Lylah has only been with us for about 24 hours but is already proving to be quite the doll. First things first was a much needed bath, which she tolerated amazingly well.Lylah is learning the ropes from her two foster sisters, and walks on a leash better than expected.
She has not had any accidents in the house and did very well her first night, sleeping seven hours quietly in her crate. Seems she’s already mastered the chilling on the porch and snuggling with fast friend Bella.
Stay tuned as we learn more about little Lylah.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
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Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638