Marcy #2 Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 4 Years Old ID#3460
Meet Marcy! She is a beautiful dark chocolate purebred english style Labrador who came from a breeding farm. Please read Marcy’s blog from the bottom up to learn more about her.
September 10,2024
Marcy continues to be such a sweet and entertaining girl. She had her orthopedic consult this morning and she does not need surgery!!! He said it’s an old injury probably from puppy and her muscles and other joints have built up to compensate for it. She’s not in any pain, no limping and just a bundle of chocolate love. She was a hit at the vet office and great for exam. The only thing he recommends is a joint supplement. Down the road if she starts showing signs of pain then she would need to be re-evaluated.
Miss Marcy is very outgoing and wants to engage with everyone and wrestle with any dog when she can.
Everyone comments on how cute she is and her beautiful eyes. She is ready to find her forever home and is going to make a great addition to a family.
August 17, 2024
It’s been one month since Marcy joined us and she continues to show more puppy like antics and Labrador traits. It’s so much fun to watch her blossom. She’s now becoming mouthy when playing or trying to get your attention and the nightly wrestling matches in the living room with my dogs leave it difficult to hear or watch TV.I took Marcy to our local community days event today and she was a hit!! She happily greeted everyone. There was one little boy who would not leave her and I thought I was going to have to bring him home with Marcy.
A lot of people stopped to pet her and commented on how beautiful she is and “those eyes”. She has those soft amber eyes that just melt your heart
Marcy will be spayed this week and will be ready to find her forever home shortly afterwards. She would fit well in most homes. She loves people more than anything, great with other dogs and cats and gentle with children. She’s a very happy girl!!!
August 6, 2024
Miss Marcy continues to be so very happy about everything! She enjoyed her special package and her favorite toy is a turquoise/yellow squeaky one. She also loves antlers and benebones and any kind of treat she can get.Marcy had a vet appointment today and she’s lost 7 lbs! She is getting into shape and I find that I’m no longer pulling her behind but she’s up next to me as we walk. Her skin has improved tremendously and her ears are infection free! She’s a great passenger in the car and happily greeted everyone at the vet office. She got her first set of vaccines and will get booster in a few weeks.
Now that her ears are clear and skin better, we attempted a swim in the pool today. She swam around a bit but was very happy to get out and I tried to coax her back in but she was not going for it. She was happy running around the edge chasing my dog who was swimming.
Marcy is good in the yard without a fence as she will stay near you unless her favorite wrestling buddy comes walking up the street. She enjoys wrestling with 10mth old golden in the neighborhood and he gets so excited to see her, he drags his dad into our yard.
Marcy really is a delight to have around, so easy to take care of and always happy 😊
July 27, 2024
It’s been a very eventful week here. Took the visiting family to the airport Monday and things went back to a quiet home. Marcy adapted to the quiet and was happy just hanging out. Monday evening I began to notice something was wrong with me and by Tuesday am I was being driven to the ER and had an emergency appendectomy. God bless Sue S. for getting Marcy to her vet appointment Tuesday AM because she really needed to be treated for her skin issues.
Due to my circumstances there have been people in and out all week to take care of my husband and pets and now me and Marcy has greeted them all with a happily wagging tail! She’s such a sweetheart 💕
She’s currently being treated with several different medications for her skin issues and a friend came over last night to give her a medicated bath and she was a great patient ☺️ The steroids and bath are definitely helping as she is scratching less. She will have a 2 week recheck and hopefully get vaccinated then.
Things I’ve learned about Marcy:
-loves kids
-good with cats
-may prefer men over women, she tends to go to my husband for pets a little more than me
-chases ball and brings it back
-good with other dogs, has engaged my 3yr old male into rough housing
-will put feet up on counter and try to pull things off the counter
-will carry slipper or sock to dog bed but hasn’t chewed anything so far
-zigzagger on the leash according to my friend
Stat tuned for future updates on this beautiful chocolate chunk of love ❤️
July 22, 2024
Marcy is a chunk of dark chocolate!!! She’s beautiful but best of all, she’s a big love bug. ❤️ She loves everyone she meets, 2 and 4 legged!
Marcy loves kids, she was following my 2 young nephews around giving kisses and waiting for pets.
She is housebroken. Marcy is eating without issues, she actually smells your hands and is looking for any additional food she can get😉. My family fell in love with her!!! In addition to the house guests other local guests were in and out and she met everyone with a wagging tail.
She was not phased by all the talking, yelling and movement. My brother and sister in law brushed her when we got home and she loved it!! She is very adaptable!
July 20, 2024
Today, Marcy had her ride off of the breeding farm with her BFF, Rose. Marcy was panting but laid in the back of the car for the first leg of her journey. We made a stop at the pet wash to give both girls a much needed bath and then Marcy headed out to her new foster home.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190