Myla Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 8 Years Old ID #3366
November 3, 2024
I love autumn. It’s not too hot, I get plenty of time to sniff and explore outside and it never rains! Autumn is also when I got to know my new sister.
As you may have read in my last blog, I now have a super cool sister named Cleo. I liked her from the beginning, but now I really, really, really like her! Since I lived with FM first, I have been showing her the ropes. Cleo follows my example, except she keeps forgetting that because I was there first, I should get all of FM’s love and attention. I have now decided to be generous and share FM with Cleo, and everything else, except my tennis balls. A girl has to draw the line somewhere, right?
Cleo likes to be close to me and I don’t mind a bit. She cuddles up next to me or rests her head on me when we relax. When Cleo first came home, she stole my bed. I didn’t mind sleeping on the carpet, but FM thought each of us should have our own bed. Silly FM. When the new bed arrived, Cleo and I had a talk and decided to take our relationship to the next level. We now share a bed and sometimes exchange kisses.
When FM goes to work or goes somewhere else, Cleo keeps me company. I still don’t like it when FM leaves, but it’s much better to have Cleo with me. I don’t need to play with her, but it’s nice having someone to keep me company.
FM has taken me on some adventures. We went for a hike in a big park and visited with other Brookline volunteers and their dogs in Bucks County. Except for the car rides, I enjoyed myself. FM knows how much I hate the car and told me she will not make me go in it very often.
I went into heat this weekend. Now I have to wear a silly diaper. What a pain! I will go to the vet in a couple of weeks to have her check my blood. I hope my insides are doing well because on the outside I am a very happy and loving, itty bitty labby.
October 5, 2024
It’s your favorite itty bitty labby again. Did you miss me? A lot has happened that I want to share with you. I will also allow my foster mom (FM) to share some other stuff.
I am happy, happy, happy!!! I thought the farm was okay since that was all I knew. Now I get to live in a house with someone who gives me lots of love and attention, feeds me, gives me as much water as I want, plays with me, introduces me to more people who make a fuss over me…. I had no idea what I was missing!
My FM went on vacation recently and I got to stay with another Brookline volunteer. I missed my FM at first and didn’t want to eat. New things are very scary to me. Soon I realized that I had a whole new universe of people who will dote on me. I got to try out new places, meet all kinds of people and hang out with children. I understand the correct term for my experience is summer camp. It was terrific!
After her vacation, FM took me to the beach. I did not like the car ride one bit. I stayed still and was still in the back seat, but I drooled the whole way since that was the only way I knew to deal with my fear. FM cleaned it up a big puddle that I was laying in, cleaned me up and told me I am a good girl. Before I knew it, I was running on the beach and having a blast.
I LOVE the beach! The sound of the waves doesn’t bother me at all. I had a great time running in the sand and chasing seafoam. I showed FM that I am really a big puppy inside. I was so energized.
A week ago, a great thing happened. FM rescued Cleo, another Brookline farm girl. Now I have a younger sister! I really like her, but am not quite sure I want to share FM with her all the time. I am giving lots of extra attention to FM to make sure she knows I deserve more love and attention than Cleo. I’m not sure it’s working. I have to admit that I like having Cleo around . She is fearless and she helps me when I hear a loud noise or something else scares me. I sometimes I kiss Cleo to show her I like her. I think I might just get used to having her around.
Sending love to all of my adoring fans before I sign off and turn the mike over to FM.
Myla has been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure. Over the summer, I put her on a special kidney diet, medication and other supplements to see how they impacted her body. Sadly, subsequent bloodwork showed that her kidney function continued to decline.
We don’t know Myla’s prognosis. We do know that her kidneys will not improve. The goal of treatment is to make her as comfortable as possible and stop the progression of the disease. The vet advised that going under anesthesia poses a significant risk to Myla’s kidneys. For this reason, there are no plans to spay her.
The good news is that other than drinking excessively, Myla shows no sign of disease. She is loving and expressive, full of life, and very exuberant. Since Cleo joined the household, Myla is also eating better and even more energetic.
Next month Myla will have repeat blood work so we can see how her kidneys are doing. We will foster her as long as she needs. We hope she will have a long life ahead of her and will do what it takes to make every day a great one for her.
August 24, 2024
It’s so good to be loved! I have learned a lot since I left the farm, but the Beatles got it right: all I need is love.
It’s Myla again. I hope you didn’t forget about your favorite itty bitty chocolate chip. I want to fill you in on some of the things I have been doing.
Since I learned how to go up and down stairs, I have been practicing a lot. I am really good at it now. I take my time to make sure I get everyone, but it’s really not so hard. I love being upstairs when my foster mom is there. She gives me lots of cuddle time there and sleeping by her bed is so cozy.
And guess what! There is a magical box upstairs that makes sounds and flashes light and images. One time, I saw little lab puppies on the box that reminded me of the many puppies I had. I don’t know how they got in the box, but I jumped up to see them. FM told me to just watch, which I did. I watched them so carefully, taking it all in. I liked it when animal sounds and images come from the box. FM enjoyed them too, but she said most of all, she loved watching how captivated I was by the bird sounds. She took a video so all of you could see.
FM has visitors sometimes, but last week, she had more visitors all at one time. It was terrific and I had the time of my life! The guests were all big dog lovers who wanted to pay attention to me. I made sure to spend lots of time with each of them. When they stopped paying attention to me, I gently reminded them that their time wasn’t up. They would pet me again until it was time to move on. It’s a lot of work making sure no one feels deprived of the Myla.
FM took me to the farmer’s market for the first time. I wore my Brookline vest that says, “adopt me” and got lots of attention. There were plenty of dogs to greet and sniff, and many humans wanted to say hi and make a fuss over me. I even met someone who will be adopting one of my Brookline sisters this week! I am happy for her, but mostly I enjoyed the lovins’ she gave me.
When FM goes away, I will spend time in different home with another Brookline volunteer. I love new people and since I’m now such a good stair climber, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to show off my skills. FM says I will enjoy staying in her home where I will be spoiled, so I’m all in. I
I am coming along nicely and FM continues to learn a lot about me. Strange sounds are less frightening than they once were. I still don’t like it when the toilet flushes, but I don’t run away. When cars whiz by, I get scared. On the other hand, bring on the thunder. I have no fear!
Sometimes I just am a little unsure of myself and get nervous because I want to do the right thing. FM assures me I am a good girl and know exactly what I need to do. I have a lot more stamina than I had when I came off the farm and love to chase a tennis ball. I sometimes carry toys in my mouth, but they are not as interesting as balls.
I am not a watch dog! Sometimes, strangers let themselves in the house and it takes me a while to notice they are there. Once I figure it out, I am surprised, but very happy to see them. I bark in the yard sometimes when strangers go by, and sometimes in the house when I hear a sound, but I don’t talk much. My language is love and I offer it generously.
August 11, 2024
It’s Maya, your favorite itty bitty chocolate chip. I have been learning a lot since I left the farm. Who knew there was so much fun stuff in the outside world? I like having freedom, companionship and fun!
I had a weekend slumber party with an Airedale Terrier named Marty. He was really nice to me and made me feel welcome in his home. He had great toys. He seemed to like playing with them in his mouth. I think it’s far more fun to take the toys out of the toy box and spread them around the floor. This dog is a younger man, so perhaps he will learn the best way to enjoy toys?
We didn’t play together a lot, but I enjoyed having him around and every once in a while, we played and sniffed each other.
Marty tried to teach me to go up and down stairs, but I wasn’t ready yet. After watching him and much encouragement from my foster mom (FM), I just couldn’t make myself go up. But guess what? Another family member came this weekend and put a lot of effort into encouraging me. She was extra exuberant and patient and I finally went up on my own! I was so proud of myself. I wiggled and jumped in delight. I got tired and enjoyed watching the Olympics and cuddling with FM.
After my time upstairs, the next morning I had to go down. It’s so unfair! It’s hard enough to go up, why should I also have to go down? The laws of physics stink! I searched for a way to be downstairs without going down the stairs. I couldn’t find one. I tried and tried, but going down was far scarier than going up. FM said I had to eat and go outside to do my business, so after a lot of coaxing she put me on the stairs. I did not like this and am not sure how she did it since I put the puppy breaks on hard! It was not so pretty, but with support, I got down. After 2 days of this, I suddenly went down all by myself! I did another happy dance and we celebrated. I am so pleased with myself.
I have been a very good girl. I counter surfed a few times. The first time I got some jerky treats. After that, there was no food, but some other interesting things were on the counter. I especially like paper. Who needs a shredder when I enjoy shredding? Now FM puts cans filled with noisy things on the counter. I surfed again, but not sure whether it’s worth bothering. Mostly, I listen and just want to please FM.
Several commands are now in my repertoire. I sit like a champ. I also lay down and go to bed when instructed to do so. Indoors I am very quick to obey. When I’m outside, it’s harder for me to focus. FM said I also need to learn better leash manners. Sometimes I pull or cross in front of others. I can’t help it if I want to see something or visit with someone! I want every person who walks by to admire me. If they ignore me, it’s my job to remind them I ‘m there, in case they were distracted.
I have been a finicky eater. FM said she is questioning my lab credentials since I haven’t been finishing my food and rejecting some of the options she gives me. I think the medicine I have been taking for my infection is affecting my appetite. Because of the infection, my surgery was delayed. The doctor wants to make sure I am in tip top shape before I am spayed.
The best parts of the day are when FM gets up, comes home and when she pulls out my leash and harness for a walk. I get so excited. I prance, wiggle my butt, and spread my paws into a star shape because I am so excited. FM says I am a sweet, expressive and very good girl. I know I’m fabulous!
July 27, 2024
I hope you didn’t forget about me. It’s Myla and I want you to remember that I love you even if you haven’t met me. Humans are great! I just want to be with them, especially when they are paying attention to me.
I have been settling nicely into living in a home and making sure my foster mom (FM) knows how much I love her and want to spend time with her. I got a big box with toys, treats and other useful items. Thank you, Brookline, for the bounty you gave me. I especially liked the jerky treats. Yum yum!
I went to the doctor this week. I didn’t want to get in the car. As usual, I got car sick in the car both coming and going from the office. The nice doctor gave me medicine to help me when I travel. I hope it will help.
The doctor was really nice to me. She has a fear free practice, which I appreciated because I was hesitant to go in and have the people there touch me all over. When I first went in, I got on a cool scale that was a mat on the floor. I was so happy I didn’t have to be elevated or step onto a slippery metal thing. I walked on and learned I weigh 59 pounds. I know I am a little girl, but don’t be fooled. I have lots of love to give.
The doctor really liked me and I got used to being in the office. I especially enjoyed it when they gave me baby food. I didn’t even notice when they poked me with a needle. I was a good girl.
The doctor is now treating me for a kidney infection. She was surprised I have so much energy and show so much happiness when her tests suggested I don’t feel well. I just can’t help but express my adoration for the people around me! Imagine how much more love I can give when I feel better. I need to have surgery so I can’t have puppies anymore, but first I need to get better.
I have been enjoying walks in the neighborhood. I love to sniff all of the great smells on the ground. I don’t understand how others walk on by when there is so much to discover in every inch of the outdoors. At home, I have finished exploring my crate. I am done with crates and want to be free. I have not yet discovered the stairs at home. I have done some outside, but the stairs at home are way too scary. I wish I could be upstairs with FM and her visitors, but the stairs are way too much!
My favorite times of day are when foster mom greets me in the morning and when we have cuddle time later in the day. I just love having her close to me. I also get excited when she puts down my food bowl. She makes me sit, and I obey, but I get so excited it’s hard to keep still. Sometimes I lay down to make sure FM knows I really want to be a good girl and stay still. I also get really excited when she puts on my harness and leash for a walk. Once I stop wiggling my butt enough for FM to get the harness around my head, I lay down. I am so very cute. I know!
I am a very sweet and loving girl. I just want peace, love, happiness and jerky tre
July 18, 2024
It’s Myla, one of your favorite chocolate girls checking in with my adoring fans. I left the farm 5 days ago and life is so different.
I am a very happy girl. If you say my name, come towards me or look at me, I will get very excited and wiggle my butt like a champ. My foster mom (FM) says I should enter a butt wiggling contest. I wouldn’t mind that if it meant getting to meet lots of new people. I just want to greet them, love them up and fall in love with me.
I am 8-year-old, but FM says it’s hard to believe. I am exuberant and energetic. I make a big fuss over FM in the morning when she gets up and when she comes home. I just want her to know how much I love and appreciate her! I love chasing a ball. I am very quick and agile, and because I am very small, I can easily crawl in tight spots.
I love to go for walks. I want FM to know this so when she pulls out the leash, I give extra butt wiggles and show her how excited I am. On walks there are so many smells to keep me busy. Sometimes we meet people and other dogs. The dogs are very interesting from far away, but once I meet them, I’m more interested in their humans.
I’m adjusting to living in a suburban home. There are new noises that I prefer to avoid. The toilet makes sounds I have never heard before. I don’t go near the bathroom. What’s worse is that the bathroom is near the stairs, which scare me even more. FM gives me my favorite treats to coax me up. I tried the first few stairs, but I didn’t know what to do after that and needed help coming back down. What a relief! Treats are good, but not when I have to do something I don’t want to do. FM says I will get the hang of them at some point. Sometimes when I am on walks, I don’t like the sound of cars going by. On the good side, we have had 3 thunderstorms in the last 5 days and they didn’t bother me at all. I was too busy wiggling my butt and giving love to FM.
We are going to the doctor next week. I am excited because it’s a chance to meet more people! I am not sure I want to get in the car, but I will manage. It’s better than my crate! I don’t like getting in my crate. When I don’t like something, I slam on the puppy breaks to let FM know. FM says I need to use the crate while I am housetraining and for my safety when I am home alone and at bedtime until I go upstairs with her. Even though I make a fuss about getting in the crate, once I’m in there I am calm and quiet. I had an accident on my first full day, but none since, so it’s working.
I really am a good girl. I smelled something good on the counter and tried to surf for food. Mom corrected me. I immediately backed away. I am starting to understand the rules. FM says I am very smart and a good listener. I learned to sit on my first day. FM makes me sit before my meals. I don’t mind, but when I get excited, it’s really hard to sit still. I’ve been excited about my meals since FM started putting yogurt in with my kibble. Yum yum!
I hope to meet you all sometime soon and wiggle my butt for you!
July 14, 2024
Presenting Myla, a gorgeous little chunk of chocolate. Myla is a petite, 8-year-old purebred chocolate lab. She was a breeding Mama on a farm and yesterday was the beginning of her life as a companion. Myla is said to have excelled as a mother and will surely excel as a companion.
Yesterday was Myla’s rescue ride. When she got home, her first order of business was to explore. And boy did she explore! She sniffed every nook and cranny of the yard. Then there was bath time. Maya did not like it until she got a sudsy massage and relented. After she was fresh and clean, she dried off a bit and started her exploration of her foster home.
It took her a while, but Myla eventually settled and slept well through the night in her crate. In the morning, she was very excited to start her day. Myla savors every bit of attention. She wags her tail and wiggles her butt with exuberance when someone talks to her or touches her. She could not be sweeter.
Stay tuned for Myla’s adventures.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638
PA Kennel License #05190