Oliver #3 Black Labrador Retriever Male 3 Years Old ID#3080

black labrador retriever Meet Oliver!  He is a very handsome, breeder boy whose farmer was downsizing his operation, and looking to re-home him.  Please read his blog from the bottom up.

November 12, 2022

Next week will be two months since Ollie joined us as a foster dog. It seems strange to say that, since he feels like part of the family. He’s adapted extremely well to life inside a house with a family. He has fallen into step with our routine and is a joy to have around. Ollie has received a clean bill of health from the vet and is completely healed. That means he is now available for adoption and is waiting for his furever home.black labrador retrieverWhile he’s waiting he’s been practicing his manners. He is doing well with his ability to wait or stay, rather than needing to be first out the door. He’s also become predictable and will come when called. Now that Ollie is free of any stitches, we’ll be working on the stairs. Wish us luck and send Ollie those positive vibes.black labrador retrieverOllie also wants to show everyone how great he does in the car now. This was after visiting two stores and being a perfect gentleman, even if he pulled a bit with all the new smells.

October 26, 2022

A lot has happened since Ollie’s last foster update. As of this Friday, he will be all healed from his neuter and boo boo on his side. He decided it would be fun to fight with a branch and the branch won. So he’s sporting a hairless patch on his side at the moment. It will grow back in, and you’ll never know.black labrador retrieverblack labrador retrieverOllie is also very proud to be called house-trained. He has made great strides with his manners and settles easily. He may need some continued training to completely grasp the stay or off (your lap) commands. But he just wants to be with his people all the time.black labrador retrieverHe has learned that the couch is a great way to get close to you and enjoys lounging in his spot whenever he can, especially when he’s trying to avoid the magic vacuum.black labrador retrieverOllie has mastered getting in and out of the car and enjoys car rides. He’s even earned himself free roam of the backseat since he doesn’t try to climb up front anymore. Ollie has not yet tackled the stairs, and with his stitches these past 10 days, we haven’t been able to work on it much.black labrador retrieverHe doesn’t balk at the short sets of stairs on the porches, but the only full set we have go down to the basement. They’re closed in and, looking down from the top, seem to end at a wall.black labrador retrieverWe have tried treats on the steps and his people waiting at the bottom. He just hasn’t been ready yet, but we know he’ll get there. When I go to the basement to work out and he is left upstairs on his own, he just lays on the living room floor and waits for me to come back.black labrador retrieverDue to the knock down factor, Ollie will do best in a family with children over 5. And while he’s had some exposure therapy and will ‘leave it’ and keep walking, Ollie is still a bit too interested in cats. So, without an “I’m cat friendly badge”, we’re recommending a family without cats.black labrador retrieverOllie can be with other dogs or without. He does not need another dog to thrive.black labrador retriever black labrador retriever

Ollie will be available very soon.

October 7, 2022

I’m very happy to report that Ollie no longer reverts back to his old job tasks and has re-made friends with our female yellow lab that initially was not very happy with him. He has also made great strides with house training. After wearing a belly band all the time for a week, he can now be trusted without the band in the house, to his delight I am sure. He has started to signal to go out once in a while. Yay Ollie!black labrador retrieverThis past Saturday was a full two weeks that Ollie has been with us. Each day, he shows more of his personality. He is a sweetheart and a goofball at the same time. He still needs some work on manners, but he’s getting there. He is a master at sitting and instantly wants to give you paw, then both paws, then slowly crawl onto your lap like you don’t notice. We have been working on ‘down’ and he’s slowly getting it but he’s just so excited and wants to touch you ALL THE TIME. He has not yet tried out any furniture and is content to lay on the floor right at (or on) your feet. More recently we’ve noticed that he does pretty good with the come command, but be ready because he’s coming full on and fast. We’re working on staying; however he’s not yet reliable. He is quick to get out the door in front of you and struggles pay attention long enough to realize you are talking. However, once outside, he only takes two steps then comes right back to you and wonders what is taking you so long. So while he darts out the door, he’s not a runner. If we say ‘stay’ and take a step back, he slides forward to nearly touch us with each step. He just wants to be near his people. Ollie’s listening skills, in young lab fashion, are not quite up to snuff. The best way to get him to listen is to touch him. He will stop and look up into your eyes like he’d do anything for you.black labrador retrieverOllie has had the chance to meet some visitors. While he probably resembles a freight train coming at you, he doesn’t jump up. He will sit nicely for pets and once he’s sure you smell like a good person, he will let you walk away. With the proper encouragement, Oliie will try to jump up in the car. Although he doesn’t often make it and needs a bit of assistance for now. Ollie continues to prefer to ride shotgun. We’ve found that using a doggy seatbelt has been effective. He likes to look out the front and get as close to you as he can.Ollie does very well with resting throughout the day while foster mom works from home. When he gets restless, a short 15 minute walk seems  to do the trick. Ollie also enjoys settling down with a nylabone. He finally tried out the beds on the porch and agrees that they are comfortable. Ollie is a great sleeper. With just a ‘bedtime Ollie’,he will go into his crate in the bedroom and sleep all night long. He is even patient in the morning, waiting quietly until someone lets him out.black labrador retrieverOllie has started to play with the resident dogs. He can get a little too excited and intense and may need a bit of correction. However, he reacts appropriately when the resident dogs let him know they are not happy with the level of play. Then there are times that realizes this and he will lay on the floor to  play with Bella.

While Ollie still has a few things to master, he’s a lovable sweetheart and will make a great addition to the right family.

September 23, 2022

Oliver has been with us almost a week now. He had his vet visit, weighed in at 69 lbs, got a clean bill of health, and loved all the pets and treats. As Oliver is becoming more comfortable with us and his foster sisters, we’re starting to see his personality emerge. And he’s beginning to understand the routine. We learned that he prefers to be near his people at night, so with a quick relocation of his crate, he’s sleeping comfortably all night long. He’s also very patient in the mornings and sits quietly until it’s time to come out and start his day.black labrador retriever Oliver is a typical young lab and has a good amount of energy. A normal day starts with a short fifteen minute walk, breakfast, and then some time to relax. Oliver settles fairly easily, if his people are settled. He also seems to like to sit and watch TV. During the day, we’ll take a few more short walks as he continues to learn the art of walking on leash. His zigzagging has declined and he would tell you that he only pulls when he just has to get to the next sniff. Since foster mom works from home most days, Oliver has adapted well to chill time while foster mom is working. Sometimes he’ll just go nap in his open crate.black labrador retriever He enjoys time outside in the fresh air and will lay on the porch with the resident dogs for as long as you’ll let him. Oliver has started to play a little with the resident dogs, and reacts very appropriately to any correction they give him. You’ll often find him napping near one of them.

black labrador retrieverOliver knows a few commands. He will sit, shake and sometimes lay down. He’s well versed in NO. He will sit and stay while you’re putting his food down and he’ll wait for the ok to eat. We are working to transfer that knowledge to staying at any time. He’s not as eager to do that since he really wants to be with his people and cannot fathom you walking through a door without him.black labrador retriever Oliver’s best trait is his sweetness. He just loves people and will melt to have you rub his belly whenever you’re willing. He has not shown an interest in furniture just yet, but he will lay on the floor right on, I mean, at your feet.black labrador retriever

September 19, 2022

black labrador retrieverOliver arrived from the farm this past weekend. His breeding days are over and he’s learning how to enjoy retired life. Oliver did well on his long car ride to his foster home and was excited to meet his two new foster sisters (Sadie-yellow; Bella-brown). Oliver already enjoys relaxing with his new sisters.black labrador retrieverblack labrador retrieverHe tolerated his first ever, much needed, bath. Under all that was a beautiful shiny, soft coat; that also smells much better now.black labrador retrieverOliver is learning leash walking and is doing very well at not pulling and just enjoys all the new smells. He has also learned quickly to do his business outside and hasn’t had an accident in the house yet. Yay Oliver!He is such a sweetheart and loves to be near you, always eager for pets. Oliver has a lot of new things to experience in the coming days. Stay tuned as we learn more about Oliver as he settles into the good life.black labrador retriever

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, www.brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. https://brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/ Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638