Puddles Chocolate Labrador Retriever Female 4 Years Old ID #3433

June 3, 2024

FM is taking over the blog today to let everyone know Puddles is ready to find her forever home. She has come such a long way from when she first arrived at my house. She looked like a Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig. She had very little hair on her body. She tested positive for a tick-borne disease and also had hook and whipworms.

Six weeks later she is doing better. Her fur looks great. She is fine with the resident dogs and every dog she met at the Arts and Barks festival yesterday.  She loves people and said hello to everyone there sometimes twice.Labrador Retriever

Puddles needs

  1. Most important is someone who is patient and will continue to train Puddles. She still wants to jump and try to kiss you. She has improved but does this when she gets excited or is feeling jealous and wants your attention. I am trying to break her of this habit, but it will take a lot of work. She does it when I try to walk. You have to be careful.
  2. Someone that is home mostly or could take her to work with them
  3. She can be with another dog. She is fine with them but if someone is doting on her then she doesn’t need a resident dog. The resident dog needs to be respectful and not hyper.
  4. No little kids under 5, she will take them down accidentally then lick them on purpose.

Puddles is great in the car; she is super sweet and learning to be a dog. She is definitely a work in progress.

May 27, 2024

Hi Everyone it’s me Puddles.

FM says I am almost ready to find my forever home. We went for a walk today and FM said I was such a good girl. Of course I was. I am always a good girl.

I got to meet lots of people on my walk. I went up to every person and sat politely in front of everyone to get some love. I did not jump once. FM said she was proud of me. I also passed lots of dogs. I was curious but never barked or pulled. I am a perfect lady. And FM said I am easy to walk.

My fur is filling in and have hair on most of body. I am missing a little on areas on my sides. I am looking great if I do say so.

Guess what everyone I am going to an event. I don’t know what that means but I think it might be fun. If there is food and attention I am there. So, if you want to meet me then you should come. It’s the Arts & Bark Community event at the Warminster Community Park in Warminster PA. I will be there 6/2/24 from 11-2.

Hope to see you!!!

Lick you later

Love Puddles

May 23, 2024

Hi Everyone,

It’s me Puddles. Sorry I haven’t written in a while. Last week I had surgery so I can’t have any more puppies. I have been mostly sleeping and resting trying to get my strength back. I don’t really have much to tell it’s been a quiet week.

FM is making me wear outfits again She calls them surgical suit, I call it silly. I look silly. I make it difficult to put the suit on. FM says I am like a rubber chicken I pretend I have no bones in my body and flop around. She has to work hard to get the suit on. Hehe don’t tell her.

FM say next week I can go for walk and get some practice being on a leash. Last time she said I was really good. As long as I don’t have to wear the suit anymore, I will go.

FM says I am almost ready to find my forever home and she said I can start making a list of what I want. I have to think about it.

  1. I want someone what will snuggle with me that is a must.
  2. I want to sleep with them at night and sit on the couch with them,
  3. I love my peeps, but FM says I can be a little to kissy and pushy when it comes to kisses so little ones are not good for me. I will kiss them nonstop.
  4. I am fine living with or without a dog. I am not sure if I play yet, but FM said she will let me know. When I first came here, I growled at all the dogs when they would look at me. I was scared and I may do that in the beginning at my new home.
  5. FM says I need someone to be patient and help me as I get used to life off the farm.

That’s all I can think of right now I need to get some beauty sleep I believe in getting a solid 18 hr. a day. Night, night everyone

Lick you later

May 13, 2024

Hi Everyone

It’s Puddles again. Do you remember me?

FM says my bald patch on my head has fur now. The hair is beginning to come  in on the sides. I am even more beautiful, that’s what FM says.

I am learning to politely sit instead of jumping on people for attention. I forget sometimes because I get so excited especially when FM comes home from work. I am so happy to see her and all the other dogs are competing for attention. Since I am a short girl I need to jump to be seem. FM ignores me and turns her back on me and won’t pet me until I sit like a good girl. Since I am a good girl I sit.

FM says I am having an operation on Friday so I don’t have anymore babies. She made me try on an outfit which I was not happy about. She said how cute I look and how I remind her of piglet. I am not a piglet why would she say that.  I am a doggo. That’s just crazy talk. Do you think I look like a pig?

Lick you later

Puddles (dog not pig)

May 10, 2024

Hi Everyone,

It me again Puddles I wanted to tell you about my week so far.

FM took me for a walk. We didn’t go far because it was my first time. She said I did really well. I didn’t pull at all, I just wanted to sniff everything. I got scared of the cars passing so I would move onto the grass. FM said I was really smart to do that. I was also really brave and went down all the steps out our front door. I was scared to go up though. FM said she knows I can do that we can try again another day.

I have been learning it’s not polite to jump for attention. Now I sit in front of FM wagging my tail waiting to get pets. Sometimes I forget and still jump because I am happy to see my people.

I am beginning to want to play with the resident dog Phoebe. I am still not sure what to do. I did grab the rope toy and she and I ran together for 10 seconds until Cowyn pushed me out of the way. Not fair! I was playing! He is leaving soon so then I can play with Phoebe all the time.

FM says my fur and skin is looking better. No more sores from itching.  My fur is filling in a little. I don’t like the cream on my skin but I let FM do it because she says I have to. I let her because I am a sweet girl.

Kiss you later, time for my beauty rest.Chocolate Labrador Retriever

May 5, 2024

Hi Everyone,

It’s Puddles again. I am doing better. I had a spa day, FM washed me with oatmeal shampoo and conditioner. I have to say I was not a big fan. First of all, she took away my good farm smell. Now I am all stinky but FM says I smell good. Not sure if I agree with that.

FM says I am beginning to be a house dog. I like sleeping on the dog bed or even better snoozing on the couch with my head in FM’s lap.Chocolate Labrador Retriever I also have not had a single accident since I have been here. I am really smart only babies have accidents and I am a big girl.

I live with 3 other dogs. At first I didn’t want them to look at me. If they met my gaze I would  let them know not to mess with me. Now I like them all.  I still get nervous when they play inside. Outside I love to run in the yard with them. It’s so much fun. I am not ready to play tug of war.  I am not even sure how to play. Eventually I may try when I feel more comfortable.

FM says I am sprouting fur all over and the I am like a chia pet.Chocolate Labrador Retriever I am not sure what that is but having fur is good, it keeps me warm.  I don’t like getting the cream rubbed on me but FM says it is helping. Well, it’s my nap time you know a girl needs her solid 18 hrs. of rest.

Lick you later. Yes I still want to kiss non-stop but I am trying to reduce my kissing. It’s hard it’s my favorite thing to do.

May 2, 2024

Hi Everyone,Chocolate Labrador Retriever

Let me introduce myself, my name is Puddles (cool name right) and I am a 4 yrs. old silver/chocolate girl. Foster mom thinks I may be a little older but a girl does like to keep her age a secret.

My FM pulled me off the farm with my mate Tanner. He went to a different foster home and I am here with 3 other dogs. They are okay, I am just trying  to figure everything out. At first I was really nervous. When I am nervous I want to kiss my FM and FD repeatedly. They are trying to show me I am safe here and I don’t need to be submissive, whatever that is. I just kiss because I like to do it.

My FM said my skin and fur look bad but I am not as itchy as I was. My FM rubs cream on my sides everyday to help heal my cuts and scabs. My skin isn’t as red and irritated as it was. She also gives me medicine in cheese to help me get better. I know I will be feeling better soon.Chocolate Labrador Retriever

I am learning how to be a dog. FM got really excited when I was chewing on a toy.

I don’t know what the big deal was but she was happy. I am going to go catch up on my beauty rest. Catch you later new friends.


April 27, 2024

Welcome  Puddles to her new foster home. She had over an hour and a half ride to come to my house. She was very good but wanted to give me kisses the whole ride.Chocolate Labrador Retriever

She went to the vet and got all her shots. She had infected ears that got treated and her skin and fur need some work.  I am hoping good food, antibiotics and salmon oil help clear it up. She weighed in at 72.4 lbs. She is scheduled to have her spay on May 17th.Chocolate Labrador Retriever

She is very sweet; she met the pack and did really well.

She does like to watch TV and seems pretty comfortable in the house. She went up and down the deck stairs. She also walked nicely on lead. She didn’t pull me but that may change once she is comfortable.  I am looking forward to getting to know her.

Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site, brooklinelabrescue.org, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at info@brooklinelabrescue.org.

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click brooklinelabrescue.org/get-involved/donate/. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638


PA Kennel License #05190