November 29, 2017
Yesterday Reba & I drove to Metropolitan for her final surgery Post-Op appointment with Dr Niles. The seroma has dissolved and the “lump” at incision is much better. Dr Niles was very happy how she was healing and has released her from her care. Reba is still on a course of antibiotics for the infection she developed. She also gave permission to “go be a dog” meaning, go run, jump, play ball, without that 6.5 pound tumor under your leg.
I will be posting her for adoption soon which will be very difficult for me, my husband and our 3 labs. We love her very much.
Thank you Brookline for giving Reba a second chance at a wonderful life!
November 10 2017
Yesterday morning Reba was not acting like herself. Fluid had accumulated at incision site (Seroma) and she was very painful in that area. She had no fever and was eating. I called Metropolitan and her surgeon wanted to examine her ASAP. So I drove down to have her examined. The surgeon drained the fluid & sent out for bacterial culture. She put in a new drain to help keep fluid from collecting. She started her on antibiotics and pain meds prophylactically, until culture results are back.
Reba is feeling a bit better today. This complication is not unexpected when such a large tumor (6 1/2 pounds) is removed. Also the location of the tumor (under left leg) where you have constant movement adds to the fluid production.
Hopefully with the new drain and meds she will improve quickly.
November 3, 2017
Reba had follow up appointment this week with the surgeon to remove the
sutures. She is doing well, but not surprising she had developed a bit of a seroma. She aspirated 25 MLS of fluid. She isn’t supposed to run for a bit longer, so as not to stimulate more fluid production in the space where tumor was removed. The tumor under her left leg that was removed weighed 6 1/2 pounds!!!
Reba now weighs 60 lbs. She is a petite girl with a shiny black coat. She is looking so much better than when she first arrived in our rescue.
Surgeon said she would be ready for adoption in ~ 1 month. So get your interested families ready!!!!
October 28, 2017
Today my husband (good to be married to a vet) removed the drain (or battery pack!)
Reba is such a good patient. She is feeling really good now which makes controlling her more difficult.
More good news from surgeon this week that the second tumor was also a Lipoma. Hooray!
I can’t wait till see her (when she is healed ) and able to run free without that huge growth under her leg!
Her surgeon thinks she will be ready to be placed for adoption in about 1 month. It will be really hard for my husband & I to let her go, but think she deserves a home of her own where she can be a princess. I know all you fosters out there are understanding our dilemma right now. We love Reba. She is such an easy dog and fits so well with our 3 labs. Also we would like to foster again and 5 dogs would just be too many
! Lol
October 22, 2017
Post op Day 2. Reba is doing well. She is eating and not fussing with the cone. Reba celebrated “Gotcha Day” for our senior lab, Lincoln. All the dogs had ice cream from Dairy Queen! The dogs are all getting along wonderfully. So proud of my 3 boys!
September 2, 2017

Reba has been with us for 5 weeks now. She has integrated well into our pack of three male Labradors. Reba especially likes to wrestle with our youngest boy. Reba is very playful, loves toys and is a very sweet. She loves people & wants to be your constant companion. Reba is scheduled for surgery in a few weeks to remove a large tumor under her front leg. I’m sure once that is removed, she will be running more freely. Reba will be available for adoption after she recuperates from surgery.
August 6, 2017
Sweet Reba has been with us for 8 days now. She is doing very well here.
My three boys and Reba are getting along well. She is loose on walks in our very large yard, as well as in the house with my boys. Great job Reba.
July 29, 2017
I took Reba to her new foster family this afternoon. Her foster mom and dad and I introduced Reba to their three male Labs. The younger ones were quite exuberant but polite and Reba was a lady. Reba’s foster family has a great fenced yard and very comfy set up inside for the dogs so I know Reba will be happy and comfortable (and spoiled!). They will use gates for a while just to keep the boys from overwhelming her all at once.
July 22, 2017
Reba arrived yesterday from the PA SPCA and met her fur siblings Dee helped with the intro and it went pretty well. She was a little worried about the dogs coming too close at first but it has not lasted. They are getting along fine now in the same room. She seems to be totally housebroken (yahoo) – no accidents so far. Reba slept in our TV room without a crate and with the company of my more laid back pup. All quiet until 4:30 a.m. when Reba wanted to go out for a potty break. Then back to sleep.
She does not have much appetite but I hope that will improve. Does take dog biscuits gently though.
Reba has a very large lipoma on her side. When she goes into regular foster care in a week, that can be checked out for removal.
Reba is very sweet and loving. Does know how to get on a couch and even into my lap though I am trying to discourage that. Also she is pretty good with cats. Looks interested in them but turns away when I say No. Does not pull hard on a leash either though we are not spending much time outside becauset of the heat. She will make a great companion for someone!