Reed Black Labrador Retriever Mix Male 5 Months Old ID#3577

Black Labrador MixMeet Reed!  Reed is an adorable almost 5 month old black Lab mix who was dumped in someone’s backyard in North Carolina along with his brothers Jalon and Saquon.  Reed, along with his brothers were taken to a local shelter, and through the hard work of a Brookline volunteer, this “Super Bowl Litter” was transported North and are now safe in Brookline foster homes.  Please read Reed’s blog from the bottom up to learn more about him while in foster care.

Reed is now available:

March 17, 2025

Hi!  It’ me Reed.  Foster Mom said that now that I have been here 3 weeks, I can have a turn writing an update.

Black Labrador MixSo the big news is that my brother, Jalen went to his adopters house on Saturday so now it’s just me here.

I don’t really mind, since Jalen was always stealing my stuff.  Sammy is more polite and doesn’t take my things until I’m all done with them.  FM says I’m real polite too.  I only play with dog toys and never chew on FM’s shoes or furniture.  I always wait for my turn with a toy and never try to steal them from anyone else.

I also like having all of foster Mom’s lap space, no more sharing!  Foster Mom tells me, I am the sweetest puppy, and loves it when I shower her with kisses and give her big hugs and snuggles.

Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador MixMy Grandma is pretty nice too so I make sure she gets her share!

Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador MixI really like walking around the yard with foster Mom and Sammy. There are so many spots to explore in the woods but I always make sure that I go where FM goes, I’m really good at following along with my peeps.  Last week, I did a lot of sunbathing when it was warm out.  Black Labrador MixOn the weekends, foster Dad can come outside too.  I like to help him with all the sticks he likes to collect.

This weekend, it was fun chasing after the leaves that were blowing all around!

When we are outside, I also like to chase after toys that FM throws for me.

Today, foster Mom and I found a big puddle in the woods!  I was so much fun to splash around in there.  Foster Mom thinks I might like swimming in a big puddle!

When foster Mom has to work in the office, I like playing with toys or chewing on a bone by myself, I take a real big naps too when I’m done playing!

She thinks I am the best work from home office buddy!

Foster Mom has been teaching me lots of things, I know sit and come really good and I’m getting better at down.  I’ve been doing all my business outside now so I only have to go in the crate when FM isn’t home.  She has even been letting me sleep with her now that I don’t have Jalen for company anymore.  She says I’m a great bed partner,  and I don’t take up much room at all or wake her up.  She really likes that I don’t really have a ton of crazy puppy energy, and I settle real good inside after a little playtime or exploring outside.Black Labrador MixYesterday, FM and I went on a car ride to Pet Supply.  FM said I needed my last booster.  I don’t mind the car at all, especially since FM puts a comfy bed in there for me.  Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix

I was a little scared walking to the store, buy Hey can you blame me, I haven’t been allowed out of the back yard in forever but FM said those were the rules until I got this booster thing.  I met some really nice people in the store, who gave me lots of pets and said that I was just the cutest and sweetest puppy around and if they didn’t have dogs at home already, they’d take me home!Black Labrador Mix

After my boosters, we all went to Grandma’s house for dinner.  I did great when I went to visit her house.  No accidents  and FM walked me around on a leash in a new place so I could check out Grandma’s neighborhood. Black Labrador Mix

Foster Mom said I did pretty good on leash.  I walked right next to her and only stopped when I heard a weird noise or saw a car but FM gave me a treat and said I was a good boy, so I didn’t worry too much.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to find my forever family soon!  Is it going to be you?Black Labrador Mix

March 3, 2025

Reed and his brother Jalen have been in foster care with us now for a week and they are doing fabulous!Black Labrador MixReed has quickly learned our day to day routine, and has been doing good with his potty training.  He pees on demand  and has only had a couple of accidents in the house since he arrived, which were always after a big drink and I didn’t bring him out early enough.  We are going out every hour, 30 minutes after a big drink, right after naps Black Labrador Mixand meal times.  He is keeping the crate clean overnight.  Reed goes right into the crate at night with some tossed kibble and settles down without a peep (as long as I am in view at bedtime.)Black Labrador MixOur days consist of eating, playing and napping on a repeated cycle.  We get up at 5am, they go outside to potty, they eat, play inside with toys.  Reed was super interested in the interactive toy I introduced to them and wasn’t bothered by it’s noises or jumping around at all!

Usually an hour later, we go out to potty and walk the yard, and then they are sleepy again by 7am so they get shuttled into the crate for a couple of hours while I go to my workout.Black Labrador Mix

When I get home, it’s outside to potty, and play chase or tug for about 1/2 hr, and then they are on free roam in my room while I get ready for the day.  They usually chew on bones or play with toys with each other and nap.

We go outside again for a quick potty break, then they’ll typically entertain themselves on supervised free roam for an hour until it’s time for their lunch and another potty break.

After lunch we have a long (~1 hour) playtime in the yard.  Exploring the yard is great mental stimulation for these young pups.

Reed really enjoyed they ice they found today in our outside water bowl.Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixAfter lots of fun outside,  they are ready for another long nap from 1-3pm.

After nap time, they have another potty break and then they play inside.  The foster box from Brookline arrived this Friday afternoon.  Reed’s favorites were the chews and he tried all the different types he got in his box.  Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixThey eat dinner around 4pm and then always go outside for a potty break about 1/2 hr to an hour after the meal.  Right before our dinner, we have another 1/2 hour to an hour outdoor or indoor play session, and then they are ready to chill for the rest of the night inside.

Black Labrador Mix

They are really good during our meal time and typically nap on the dog bed in the dining room.  After dinner, and another potty break, we all head to the family room for some snuggle time.  Reed likes to snuggle with me on the couch and doesn’t get down until it’s time for his last potty break at 8:30pm and then into the crate for the night.Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixIt’s been a pleasure fostering Reed, and I know he is going to make his adopters very happy with his sweet, loving, snuggly, inquisitive personality.Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix

February 26, 2025

Well, it’s been another 24 hours with this lovable duo and they are starting to settle in and get used to the schedule. Every day is like the movie Groundhog Day.  Basically we do the same day, everyday, but with some tweeks.Black Labrador MixOne thing about these two is that they can’t get enough snuggles.  If you sit down, they are in your lap for kisses and pets, and roll around to get belly rubs too. If you are looking for a snuggle bug, these guys are it. Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix They do move around quite a bit as they sleep especially if they getting too heated up from snuggling.  Last night Reed, was tucked under my arm for a while, and then decided to go under a big pillow!  Jalen (green collar) thought he looked cozy so went to lay down next to him.Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixI did change up the night time routine as Jalen was barking quite a bit last night and not settling down as easily as the first night.  Instead of sleeping downstairs alone, they are in the same room as me.  When they could see me, they settled right down and slept from 9:45pm to 5am without waking up.

Both are doing great with potty training still!  No accidents since yesterday for either of them.  We do go out often (every hour (max), or 1/2 hr after a big drink and immediately upon waking from a nap.)  Jalen likes chewing on balls, and squeakies and especially marrow bones, collagen chews, whimzee bones, etc.Black Labrador MixThe chews keep them busy especially when they are in the crate, or if I want to keep them occupied in one spot if I’m busy cooking dinner.  When they are in the office, they’ll play independently and together with squeaky toys and then settle into a good nap (1-2hrs) since I’m hanging out in one spot and not moving.

They love to be outside playing with tennis balls, or squeaky toys, or just exploring our woods getting all the sniffs in of the critters that came through or over the fence during the night.Black Labrador Mix

Sticks are a new discovery.  Reed usually picks up a good candidate and then Jalen joins in for the chew.

Black Labrador Mix
Reed standing Jalen laying

Reed tends to go where I go.   Sometimes, Jalen heads to the back door to go in after playtime (especially if there’s dinner cooking.) Reed will follow him but watches to see if I go back in or not.  If I head off in the opposite direction in the yard, Reed will run right after me, but always checks back to see if Jalen is following.  Sometimes, he’ll stop and wait and do some squeaking/whining and Jalen eventually joins us.

Black Labrador MixThis morning they saw some deers and gave a quick chase but then came running right back to me.  Reed was the first to notice and bark, but Jalen was the first to follow after them.



These guys are great pups.  They don’t chew on any non-dog items, just want to be loved (and fed-very food motivated!), and have a manageable amount of energy with a few walks around our 4 acre yard, playtime with toys, and chewing on a yummy bone.  They are smart, curious, but careful, calm, confident but appropriately submissive.  They are a perfect combination of traits and cute too!

Black Labrador Mix
Reed left, Jalen Right

February 25, 2025

Reed is starting to get the potty training, and so far today has not had any accidents in the house.  I’ve been diligently taking him out 1/2 hour after a big drink, right after he wakes up from a nap, and after a meal and then every hour in between and it seems to be working for him.  Both Reed and Jalen, have started to pee on demand which is great!Black Labrador MixReed really enjoys his toys and chews, and readily keeps himself busy with both.  He likes to settle with his toys and chews close to his people and settles nicely after some playtime.Black Labrador MixToday we tried out the squeaky tennis balls, and Reed really liked them once he figured out that I wanted him to go get the ball when I tossed it.

Reed typically likes tagging along behind me or Jalen when we head out on our walks around the yard, but today he did some exploring of a wood pile and the long grass on his own. Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix

He really loved sticking his head under the grass mounds and then rolling around in it.

Reed is always ready for a good nap after spending some time outside playing. Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixHe’s been liking the comfy dog bed in my office and usually jumps right in to rest when we go in the office.Black Labrador MixReed has been an easy puppy to have in the house, and will make a great addition to any family.Black Labrador Mix

February 24, 2025

Reed has been in our foster home for about 24 hours and he has been doing great! Black Labrador MixWe picked up Reed and his brother, Jalen from transport yesterday in KOP after a long ride from NC.  Reed did his business and then we all got in the car for the hour ride back home.  I noticed right away that Reed’s eyes were goopy but he was still in pretty good spirits and did great for the ride home.  He mostly just laid down and chilled.  He only got up at the very end to check out his new neighborhood.Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador Mix

Black Labrador Mix
Jalen left, Reed right

The boys explored the yard first. Reed let Jalen take the lead while exploring and tended to stick by my side.  Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador MixBlack Labrador MixAfter getting used to the new digs, they both let their hair down and had a good game of chase with my son.

Reed learned “sit” very quickly.  It helps that he is super food motivated.

Reed has a nice calm temperament, and prefers to snuggle and chill with his people.  He jumped right in my lap after his bath to dry out in front of the nice warm fire.

Black Labrador Mix
Reed in my lap. Jalen behind.

While his brother explored around while we were relaxing in the family room, Reed was content to snuggle on the couch.He would perk up if it sounded like Jalen was doing something interesting or their was an interesting sound on the tv but he chose to stay snuggled up.Black Labrador Mix

They slept great in a big crate together downstairs last night.  We went to bed at 8:30pm and they barked at 10:30pm to go out again and then slept until my alarm went off at 5am.  They had a fun morning playing with stuffies and exploring outside, and then they were good again in their crate while I went out to my workout.  They stayed busy with some marrow bones while I was gone.

Black Labrador Mix
Reed (left) Jalen (right)

After the workout, we headed to the vet to get Reed’s goopy eyes checked out.  The vet prescribed some eye drops for him so he should be all cleared up in a week.

Black Labrador MixReed is doing pretty good with potty training.  He’s been drinking a ton of water but so far has only had 1 pee accident inside over his first 24hrs.  Yesterday, after I fed him, I didn’t get him outside fast enough and he started to go #2 but I grabbed him and he finished outside so now as soon as he finishes eating we go right out and today all the #2’s have been outside.Today with the nice weather, we have had a lot of playtime outside which they love.  Reed was the first one to be interested in the squeaky stuffies and got his brother to start playing with toys too.  They share the toys really well.

Brookline sent us some fun eagles collars and bandanas so we had a photo shoot.  Reed was not a fan of the bandana and rolled and rolled and rolled around in the grass but finally sat up enough to get some cute shots.Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix Black Labrador Mix

Black Labrador Mix
Reed (left) Jalen (right)

These two are sweet, social, smart and adorable puppies and have been pretty easy so far!  I’m enjoying having them in the house.


Adopt Your New Best Friend!

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”).

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Website,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue.


Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.

P. O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638

PA Kennel License #05190