Ronald Silver Labrador Retriever Male 5.5 Months Old ID #3333

September 6, 2023

Hi everyone! Great news – I’m going to be available for adoption soon! Keep your eyes out for my listing soon, likely by this weekend. I will be I am at Lagers for Labs in Maple Shade, NJ from 12-2 this weekend if you want to meet me in person!event notice

I am so excited to find my forever family! I can’t wait to share all the love I have to give.

I am keeping my foster family entertained with my fun-loving personality. Silver Labrador RetrieverI am such a good boy on my daily walks. I am a smart, fun-loving puppy and really love playing with my toys. I am doing so well with my crate training. My foster parents are still keeping a close eye on me so I don’t get into too much puppy mischief, but I am so sweet and friendly that it’s a pleasure.

September 1, 2023

Can you believe I’ve only been off the farm for a week? I can’t believe it either! Every morning I wake up so happy and excited to get out of my crate. This is my biggest burst of energy for the day and only lasts about 10 minutes. Some of my puppy behaviors will come out like jumping but I respond to a turned back and a firm voice.

One of my favorite games right now is stealing shoes. I quickly drop them when caught and go back to chewing my doggie toys. It’s still fun to try to get a stinky shoe all to myself.

I also discovered Frisbee this week! Silver Labrador RetrieverHere is a video:

I like to play but I run out of energy quickly. After about 15-20 mins I am ready to go inside and lay down.

I go to the door when I’m ready to go back inside. I am a bit of a lazy bones, but I am sure my forever family will appreciate my laid back personality.

A funny trick I have is when I empty my water bowl, I bring it to foster mom or dad to fill up. I am clever! I know sit, and I sit nicely for pets and before getting my food or water. We’re working on down next.

I took a ride in the Jeep this week and enjoyed sitting in the back with foster mom. I was totally unphased as we rode around with the top off. I’m still not ready to get into a vehicle by myself, but once I’m in I enjoy the ride.Silver Labrador Retriever

I am a working hard with my crate and house training. I don’t always want to go in my crate for bed so we wait until I am ready. It usually doesn’t take long and then I sleep through the night.  I have been doing well with crate breaks during the day. My foster parents keep a close eye on me in the house so I don’t sneak off to go potty. If they can’t keep a close eye on me, I take a break in my crate so I’m not tempted.

What a great week! I can’t wait to see what comes next for me.

August 29, 2023

Ronald here with my day 3 report! I slept like a log last night and straight through until the morning. The crate cover and music work like a charm. Foster mom gives me a little cheese to lure me into the crate. I have a special chew toy I only get to use in the crate. Foster mom sat next to the crate so I settled quickly and I was out like a light.Silver Labrador Retriever

I was more confident on my walk today. I didn’t dilly-dally so much and walked with purpose. I respond well to direction on the leash. Foster mom loves taking me for walks and hanging out in the yard with me. My favorite game is looking in a big box of tennis balls for the perfect one.Silver Labrador Retriever

I got a bath because I was still a little “farm fresh.” It was a two person job but not so bad. Now I am nice and clean and my coat looks great.

I helped foster dad at working from home again today. It was pretty boring so I took a nice long nap. He said my snores are very funny.Silver Labrador Retriever

I will bark and paw at the door if I think other people are having fun without me in another room. I want to make sure you didn’t forget about me! We are going to work on some settle time in the crate during the day so I can learn to relax in there and not worry about being left out.

I am learning to sit and it’s going well. I am eager to please and starting to settle in here. I am sure I will have it down in no time since I am such a smart boy!

August 28, 2023

Ronald here with my day two update. Foster mom did ok preparing my crate last night. I was very vocal until she used the crate cover and put on some classical music. Then she sat in the room until I settled down and feel asleep. I slept for about 5 hours before I woke up and wanted out! After that I took a little nap with foster mom in the couch. I went back in the crate with a chew toy and music so she could get a little more shut eye. I think now that she understands my likes she’ll do better making me comfy tonight.

I am a good eater but so far don’t gobble my food. I will even leave some in the bowl for a snack later. I haven’t liked any treats I’ve tried yet but I did try a little cheese but don’t seem very food motivated right now. Human snacks are currently safe from my interest.

I wanted to have another lazy day today. We played a little ball in the yard but I’d really rather be getting my beauty rest or snuggling up for some pets and kisses. Foster mom and her son took me for a walk today. It was more of a meander – I don’t pull on the leash but I do take lots of breaks and sometimes lay down for some rest! The only time I got a move on was when an unleashed dog came out of his yard at us. I was barking and wanted to run away but couldn’t because I had my martingale collar on. That only lasted about 30 seconds though and once the other dog retreated it was like nothing happened.

I really like working at home with my foster dad. I lay at his feet or on the couch and just relax. I did try to chew his office chair but he gave me a toy instead. I just wanted to see what it tasted like!

August 27, 2023

Hello everyone! Ronald here! You’ve heard from my brother, Rex, and now I’m ready to introduce myself. I spent the last couple days visiting with my temporary foster home and fellow Brookline foster, Millie. They took such great care of me! Today we drove to meet my official foster family. I was such a patient boy on the ride. I am easy passenger as long as I have a designated person to snuggle. I got all the cuddles on the way back. My foster mom said I have the softest ears and such a nice coat!Silver Labrador Retriever

Once we got home, I took a spin around the yard and did my business. My foster family has two grown-ups, one little boy, one little dog, and a rabbit! I noticed the rabbit but wasn’t interested. I am a little scared of some of the kiddie toys so foster mom put a few of those away.

Before long I found a shady spot to lounge.Silver Labrador Retriever I saw my 4-legged foster sister bark as some people going by on the bike path, so I joined in! I have a deep, booming voice and think I did a good job protecting the yard. I do use my voice so I hope my forever family understands.

After we rested for a few hours, it was time to see the vet. I didn’t like this car ride as much since my foster mom decided to do it solo. Now she understands I prefer a designated snuggler, but I eventually settled in as her co-pilot. I was such a good boy at the vet. There were a lot of dogs, sounds, and sights, but I just took it all in and laid down on the cool floor to wait my turn. Everyone noticed I was on my best behavior and said how lucky foster mom is to have a pup as calm as me! I cried a little when I got my microchip but I got hugs so it was ok. The vaccines were nothing compared to that! I tipped the scales at 35lbs today.

Once we got home it was time for a bite to eat. We spent some more time in the yard and then I took another rest inside.

I have been doing all my business outside so far but foster mom is taking me out a lot just in case.

Last but not least, there was a care package waiting here for me! I have a new bed that matches my silver coat. And how did they know I love the Eagles? I am still trying to decide on my favorite toy, it is tough because there are so many of them! I decided to doze off with this tug toy so that may be the winner today.Silver Labrador Retriever

We’re getting ready for bed soon and foster mom said I at least have to TRY the crate. I am not too sure but will give it a go. Will let you all know how things go in tomorrow’s update. Sleep tight, friends!

Adopt Your New Best Friend! 

PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)

If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!

Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638