Rosie Black Labrador Retriever 5 Years Old
Meet Ms. Rosie – 5 year old Female Black Lab.
May 16, 2019
What can I say… the past couple of weeks have been lot of fun for me. I’ve been on a couple of car rides to fun places and I even got to ride in the car with BOTH my foster fur siblings. We went to a “puppy party” – I guess that’s the name for something where FM & FD go and hang out and eat lots of food and drink wine and we get to hang out with a bunch of other dogs. FM & FD were a little hesitant to bring me because they weren’t sure if it would be too overwhelming for me but they were so proud of me! They kept telling me “good girl Rosie” (I hear that a lot 🙂 I met five other dogs that night and we had a fun time in a giant fenced yard.

I got to go to a park with my fur sister last week and watch my Dad play something called Pickle Ball (I didn’t see any pickles though 😛). I got to walk all around the park and then chill in the cool grass with Freda my FS. Here are some real pretty pics of me and F that night.
Mom says I look beautiful. I smile now. When I first got her I didn’t smile much. Now I’m real happy and I love my people and my pack. What can I say… Life is good
I also went to some place called the Creamery last week with my humans and some other humans and I got to sit outside and hang with another BLRR foster while the humans ate and drank (are you sensing a theme here 😉 Lots of people and kids came up to meet me and pet me. I was a little shy but I had a great time and again FM & FD kept saying how great I did. They say that a lot. I think they are super proud of me.
May 3, 2019
This is me and my foster-brother. He’s blind.

But he really likes me and I love him. I am really enjoying being part of a friendly loving pack. FM & FD keep saying all week how much I have changed and blossomed and what a “good girl” I am. Sometimes I hear FM saying she would love to keep me. Hmm, I thought I was staying here but I guess that isn’t my destiny. They say I will go to a loving family but will be forever thankful for being rescued off of that farm and learning what it’s like to be a loved family member. They also say that the people who adopt me will be VERY LUCKY because I’m so special. 💓
April 30, 2019
I went to an adoption event yesterday!
It really was a lot of fun, but it’s taken me a little bit of time since to get over it all. FM said something about me getting “over stimulated”? I’m not sure what that really means; I thought I did great meeting new people and other dogs. I even got to go near some cats and I didn’t even make a peep. I guess she means that by the end of it all, I had sort of lost interest in listening and was getting a bit antsy and wasn’t really acting like myself. Something else my FM said: “need to work on keeping her below her threshold.” OK …

Anyway, I got to meet some really nice people who said they have been following my progress here. (Thanks for reading, and … HI!) They said they might even consider letting me live with them! It will be hard to move away from my pack, for sure, but my foster family said they want to be able to help other dogs like me. I would miss my new brother and sister, but I also love being around humans. If I’ve learned anything in my new life, it’s that change is hard, but as long as I get support, patience and time, I can overcome anything.
Speaking of which, I can’t believe it’s been only 3 weeks since I have come off the farm and started my new life. So much has changed and so much has happened — is it any wonder that sometimes it winds me up a bit too much? Then again, here I am already thinking about what sort of family I will fit in with. I’m not 100% sure when I will be ready to find my forever home, but I also know this for sure: I am absolutely positive that there is a family out there for me, who will love me and help keep me calm, and who will continue to give me the space to be a dog.
That’s all for now. Wet doggy kisses and warm nuzzles to you all …
April 22, 2019
I’m a dog! A real dog! Look at me play with a ball and fetch! And yes I’m taking over this blog from FM & FD. They’ve done a great job but let me tell you in my own words how far I’ve come since I got off the farm and into a way cool home.
I am part of a “pack” now! I even get to sleep in the bedroom at night now with my FM, FD and my foster brother & sister. My FS isn’t a big fan of me, but I’m trying to win her over. I am so happy here. I love to go on walks and smell all the smells. I am always being told what a GOOD GIRL I am. I always do my “business” outside and my parents are real impressed. I got to go for a car ride the other day and we went to a PARK. It was super cool. I was real scared when they put me in the car and I shook but once I got out of the car and onto the trails where I saw other dogs, people, cows, fisherman, a creek – I was in heaven. So this is the good life. 
I know how to sit now. My FD works with me on that and I’m learning. I’m still afraid of those weird things called “steps” – but I ran down the ones outside to see what was down there. It was just a boring door to a basement but everyone made a big fuss and of course the camera phone came out. I have a teddy bear that is my baby. Please don’t remove him from my bed. If anyone is going to move him it will be me. My teddy was my first toy and I like to take care of him. I walk well on the leash, especially when my FS & FB aren’t walking with me. I get a little distracted when they’re there.
I hear I am going to something called an “adoption event” this weekend. Sounds fun but I’m not a big fan of new places. I like “my” house and yard. This means another scary car ride but FM & FD say it’s good for me to get out and experience new fun things. Guess I don’t have a choice 😉 I hope to meet you there if you’re a fan of my blog!
April 19, 2019
Wow. What a difference a little time and patience can make. Two weeks in and so much has changed for Rosie — getting better at leash walks, learning a few commands, and settling in to life with the resident dogs. She came here as a total blank slate, but also willing to learn and eager to please, which really is a testament to Rosie’s disposition.
Rosie is still on the mend from her spay surgery, so we have to limit her activity somewhat, and that also means we have not been able to work on too many commands. Just the essentials for now. But the downtime has also afforded time to sit with her and introduce her to receiving affection–and I’m sure if you asked Rosie, she’d much rather learn what it means to live with a family than figure out what “sit” or “off” or “leave it” means …
As much as Rosie is learning from us, we are also learning so much from her. It really is amazing to watch her personality blossom and to understand what it means to be resilient. We are sure that in time she will let us know kind of family she would like to live with. From what she’s showed us so far, though, it seems like with the proper guidance, and with just a little patience, Rosie could make the perfect addition for just about any family.
will make the perfect addition for the right family.
April 11, 2019
Welcome Rosie! Your days of pumping out puppies and living in a horse stall are over. I know in time you will forget all about those five years of pain and living outdoors but for now you are our little work in progress, eager to please, loving the soft bed in your crate and wondering what the noises are in this new thing called a house.

Rosie came home to us on Saturday 4/6. A beautiful sunny warm day where we could spend lots of time outside in the yard exploring, smelling, meeting her new foster fur siblings and darting in and our of the house not quite sure what to make of all of this. Rosie’s first 24 hours were a bit of a roller coaster as to be expected. This poor girl had her life turned upside down and has never felt the kindness of a human. She was quite overwhelmed with it all and took some time to finally settle and go to sleep that night. It helped that her new FD – foster dad – slept on the couch in the same room 😁 The first few days Rosie barked at mirrors because she saw herself in them and thought it was another dog. She cocked her head at the tv and looked at it like why are there people in that box on the wall. She really didn’t want to eat kibble, she was too nervous. Once she got some chicken and cheese on top of it that was another story. Rosie is getting used to eating good meals and drinking water from her own bowl. The amazing thing is this little chunk hasn’t had one accident in the house all week! She seemed to know that she should be doing that outside on the grass. After a few leash walks, and now that Rosie has her own Freedom easy walk harness, she is doing well on her walks. She will circle you, and stop suddenly but in time I think she’ll be a pro.
Rosie was spayed in her first week here so she is currently recovering from her spay surgery. After one day she is up and about and jumping up on gates like nothing happened. She doesn’t seem to mind her naked belly and secretly I think she knows her days of carrying puppies are over! Yay Rosie!
Intros with our resident dogs were going ok the first day but it was too much too soon for this frightened little girl and she did not seem to like our female. We are attesting this to newness, hormones and possibly feeling possessive of her new human caretakers. She is getting used to her foster bro & sis now through baby gates. Once she heals from her spay we will try and work with her and see how she does living with other dogs.
Rosie is a beautiful soul. She is our little petunia and “baby hippo”. I know she will blossom in her foster home and every day will be a new adventure. While we may not know what Rosie’s past really was besides birthing pups and being treated poorly, we know her future is very bright! 💓 and she’s learning what love is and how to be a DOG.
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue.
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638