Ruthie #3 Black Labrador Retriever Female 3 Months Old ID #3247
October 1, 2023
Ruthie says….
I sure had a great time today at the Brookline picnic!
But I’ve never been so tired in my whole puppy life!
September 29, 2023
Hi Everybody,
It’s me, Ruthie! I’m just hanging out here in my foster home and having a great time!
The other day FM put a big box on the floor and said it was for me from my friends at Brookline. How cool is that? I checked out the box and chewed on the flaps. Awesome!

Then FM turned the box sideways so I could see what was INSIDE. Wowza!

I’ve never seen so many toys in my whole puppy life! They squeak! They crackle! And they feel so good in my mouth!
I feel like the luckiest puppy in the whole world!
I’ve been working hard to be a good girl and make my foster moms proud. I really don’t like that crate thingy. Rubble tried to show me crates aren’t so bad.
But it’s different when I have to be in there all by myself. The first two nights I cried and barked all night. Like ALL night. Yesterday, my FMs did some things different. They made sure I got lots more exercise. They added more blankies to my bed to make it more comfy and they sprayed calming spray in my room before I went to bed. Oh, and FM slept right beside my crate. I didn’t make a peep when we went to bed and slept all night – except for when I woke up FM in the middle of the night to tell her I had to pee. FM was so proud of me. I sure hope I can be that good again tonight. Paws crossed!
I’ve been good about going potty out in the yard. I’ve only had two accidents in the house since coming to my foster home. FM says that’s good for a young pup like me who lived outside before coming here.
I like to play tug and I can almost win against FM. She says I’m really strong! I like to chase tennis balls, but FM says I’m missing the part about bringing them back. I don’t get it. Chasing them is the fun part. Why would I want to carry them back?
Today I spent a lot of time out in the yard helping my FM’s clean up and put stuff away. Floyd and Rubble jumped in that big water bowl again. FM asked if I wanted to go in. She picked me up and put me on the top step so I could get my toes wet. It was COLD! I jumped right out. I’m not crazy like those boys!
Tomorrow I’m going to the Brookline picnic where I will get to make lots of new friends! I can’t wait! FM says I better go to sleep now so I’m all rested for my big day tomorrow.
Thanks, everybody, for all my cool toys! I’m having lots of fun with them.
September 28, 2023
Hi Everybody!
My name is Ruthie. Yesterday, some cool Brookline people came to the farm where I lived with my brothers and sisters. They put all of us in their cars and told us they are taking us to our new lives. Our first stop was at the vet’s office where the doctor checked us out. Then I got into another car with my new foster moms. It was kind of scary because it was the first time I wasn’t with my brothers and sisters. But FM held me real tight to help me feel safe.
FM said I should tell you a little about me. I’m 3 months old. I was born on a farm on June 20th. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. They are now Brookline dogs, too. The farmer asked Brookline to take us because he couldn’t sell us. The Brookline people promised to take good care of us and to make sure we all find awesome families.
When we got to my foster home, I met the other kids – Floyd and Rubble. They were super nice to me. They showed me the best sniff spots in the yard. They told me they used to be Brookline foster dogs, too, and now this is their forever home. They promised that I will find an awesome family, too!
There are lots of cool things to check out in the yard. There’s even a giant hole filled with water! I took a drink from it, but Rubble and Floyd jumped in it and swam. Crazy!
Then we went inside the house. I’ve never been inside a house before. Boy is it cool! My most favorite thing about the house is….
…the couch! I’ve never had such a comfy place to snooze! My FM’s laughed when I jumped right up there. Hey, I’m a smart little girl!
When it was time for bed, FM put me in a crate in her room. I didn’t like that. Not one bit. And I let FM know. I barked and cried …. for a long time. FM finally got out of bed and slept on a dog bed beside me. I still wasn’t happy being in that thing, but I didn’t make quite as much noise. I sure hope FM doesn’t try that again tonight. Don’t they see how comfortable I am on the couch?

FM told me my brothers and sisters are doing great in their foster homes, too. I sure do miss you guys! Shout out to Lincoln, Blueberry, Sadie, Meadow, Luna, and Hogart!
Love, Ruthie ❤
Adopt Your New Best Friend!
PLEASE NOTE: While this Lab may not be available for adoption by the time you complete the adoption process, other great Labs are always finding their way into our Rescue. (Note: Sometimes a foster home falls in love and adopts their foster dog so the dog doesn’t make it to “Available Now”)
If you are interested in adopting this Lab or any other Lab from our Rescue, please visit our Web site,, for more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at
Even if you are not ready to adopt, you can still help us help our Labs!
Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization funded entirely by donations. Donations are always needed to help with veterinary costs, transportation, and supplies for our dogs. For information on donating to BLRR please click here. Donations are accepted via PayPal or you can mail a check to: Brookline Labrador Retriever Rescue, P.O. Box 638, Warrington, PA 18976-0638